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Exercise Challenge! Go for the Gold!

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YAY!! OK guys, I'm starting to feel like my old self again and am ready to kick it into gear for SPRING. Woohoo!

Let's have an exercise challenge from now to MOTHERS' DAY. Here's the challenge: SIX OR MORE HOURS OF CARDIO A WEEK. Add in a weight loss goal, too, if you want to!

I'm not going to have a weight loss goal right now. For me, I need to make daily cardio the focus. I've been amazed that I haven't gained weight (I went to my band doc this morning) with all the CRAP I've been eating (the Skittles monster returned), but I feel a definite difference in my clothes and attitude since I've gotten off the exercise bandwagon.

Let's get back to it. WOOHOO!

Heather and Losingjusme, WELCOME! Soooooo glad to have you both!

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Woohoo! Our Julie's back - just what I needed! I'm in for the 6 hours of cardio and I want to give myself the loss of weight challenge too! I've been back to at least 5 hours the past couple of weeks.........will add the extra hour........and want to loose @ least back to where I was at before I gained the 20 lbs! 170ish here I come (BACK).

Go, Julie, go Betty.............Boo, how's the back? Heather and Losingjusme - welcome and anyone else out there! Dawn, we miss you!

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Well, hello RESTRICTION! Woohoo! I'd forgotten what it was like! LOVE IT!

You know, when I had my PS in December, they replaced my port and I never felt like I got back to good restriction. Then I had that nasty stomach flu about 6 weeks ago and got a complete unfill after throwing up probably 50 times until I couldn't keep fluids down, so at 0 in a 10cc band, the food monster was everywhere! 2 weeks ago I had half the fill put back -- they wouldn't go from 0 to 9.0 (where I like to live) all at once, so they put me at 6.0. Today they put me back to 9.0 and boy do I feel it! Woohoo! It's been 3 months since I had restriction. So awesome!

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Absolutely, losingjusme!!! We had a larger group and many have strayed.

This thread was originally in the main forum which was easier to find. It is actually nice to be tucked away in a more "private" corner of LBT. We have gotten to know each other pretty well. Julie, Guysis, Dawn, and I seem to be the main regulars. You can't find a more motivating AND understanding group.

It is pretty amazing to look at what we have accomplished with our weight-loss and exercise goals! Personally, reporting to my friends here has motivated me to get to the gym or hit the streets when the real urge has been to lay on the couch and eat ice cream :tt2:.

We would love the company.

I'm totally loving running, but am currently on restriction while I complete some physical therapy. It is driving me crazy!!:wink:

mmmmm ... ice cream... :angry:

YAY ... running!

hope the PT doesnt have to last too long!

thanks for the welcome.

BTW, I am in complete awe of anyone having the courage to go through a TT!

awww, being sawed in 1/2 isnt that courageous ... :tt2:

YAY!! OK guys, I'm starting to feel like my old self again and am ready to kick it into gear for SPRING. Woohoo!

Let's have an exercise challenge from now to MOTHERS' DAY. Here's the challenge: SIX OR MORE HOURS OF CARDIO A WEEK. Add in a weight loss goal, too, if you want to!

I'm not going to have a weight loss goal right now. For me, I need to make daily cardio the focus. I've been amazed that I haven't gained weight (I went to my band doc this morning) with all the CRAP I've been eating (the Skittles monster returned), but I feel a definite difference in my clothes and attitude since I've gotten off the exercise bandwagon.

Let's get back to it. WOOHOO!

Heather and Losingjusme, WELCOME! Soooooo glad to have you both!

not sure if i can do the 6 hours of cardio. my PS is still very hesitant to let me on the treadmill. i am, however, going tonight for at least 20 minutes.

Julie, i know you didnt have muscle repair and that makes things really different, but how long til you really starting exercising? there are times i feel like im still going to split in 1/2.

and of course, my restriction is not all there yet since my unfill so the hunger moster is killing me as well. i'm hoping my LB surgeon will waive the normal 4 week waiting period and let me get more. so, for May, i'm going to say 15 pounds. it's not much, but dunno if i can do more. will give it 110% though.

SO glad you are feeling better.

Go, Julie, go Betty.............Boo, how's the back? Heather and Losingjusme - welcome and anyone else out there! Dawn, we miss you!

thanks! :bored:

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Julie, i know you didnt have muscle repair and that makes things really different, but how long til you really starting exercising? there are times i feel like im still going to split in 1/2.

I had a little bit of the muscle repair and even with just having a little bit, I was forbidden from exercise for 6 full weeks. Take it seriously -- that's what caused my seromas in week 3 with my leg surgery! Even if you get to a point where YOU feel like you could exercise, you skin may not have tacked back down in all the right places and movement causes friction between the skin and muscle, which is how seromas come about. Learn from my mistake! This isn't the time to push it! It was such a setback -- I'm really just now healed, 3 months later.

What's up with the unfill?? Can you get it replaced?

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I had a little bit of the muscle repair and even with just having a little bit, I was forbidden from exercise for 6 full weeks. Take it seriously -- that's what caused my seromas in week 3 with my leg surgery! Even if you get to a point where YOU feel like you could exercise, you skin may not have tacked back down in all the right places and movement causes friction between the skin and muscle, which is how seromas come about. Learn from my mistake! This isn't the time to push it! It was such a setback -- I'm really just now healed, 3 months later.

What's up with the unfill?? Can you get it replaced?

well i walked today (max speed was 1.4) for 1/2 hour. not only am i really tired and swollen (wearing my binder now) but i was STARVING when i got home. absolutely starving. (had 1 1/3 burger, no bun)...

i got unfilled based upon my LB surgeon's STRONG suggestion and was actually pretty glad i did cause i got kinda tight about 2-3 days post PS. i got a fill to 9cc's, but i was at 11 and that was a good fill. so now my LB surgeon is fighting with the fill people to get me back to where i was. such the ordeal.

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Okay, I'm here! I ran 3.5 miles two days ago. It was not too bad. My doctor had me freaked out that terrible irreversible things would happen if I continued to run. I'm pretty reasonable, but if it feels GOOD to do something (like run) then it is worth the risk to me. I believe my back is stronger (and all of the other supporting muscles, tissues and bones) idf I do run. Now as far as grooming for a marathon, I just don't think it will be in my near future. The far future is undetermined.

As for April, I am in! I will have to find a way to exercise while traveling, but I'm sure something will work out. For Mother's Day I would like to regain the muscle tone that I have lost due to ordered rest. And I would like to get back into the (mid)150's permanently. My weight shot up to 164 this week.:tongue_smilie:

Ladies, it is wonderful that we collectively motivate each other and set our goals high. Individually, we are all different, and should feel great success with reaching our goals!! In other words, for our new friends...we are only competing with ourselves!

Julie, please talk to me about NY. Can we run or something? I don't want to miss seeing you. I'm coming Saturday and will be at my daughter's, then a friends until the 8th. Woohoo!

Love to you all!

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Boo and Julie - have fun together! I'm jealous! Boo, you have a great time on your trip.

Jusme......all you "kids" that run marathons are just great! I'm rooting for you to heal fast so you can get back to training...........listen to Julie, tho, she had a rough time - take it slow. Me - a "very young grammy" - I'll do my walks and my NIA classes! Lately I've been hurting a bit more.........I'm sure it's the extra pounds I've put back. They're coming off tho........I need to get back to below 170! I think this time I'll try and be happy with that - I looked pretty good for an old fart at that weight!

Have a great week-end all............Betty

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its so scary ... i HAVE to get more active. my restriction was crap (just filled again today) but i gained a few (less than 5) pounds ... i need to work off the cals or its going to be horrendous.

walking slowly is all i can really do right now, so that's what i'll do. come 6 weeks out, i'll ramp it up a bit more.

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Ooh it is so fun to meet our new friends on this thread and to hear about your successes and struggles!

Betty, what weight were you last summer when I saw you? I thought you looked "just right."

It really matters how we feel...joints, energy levels, appetite and all. It is just the best feeling to not have cravings, to not be in pain and to not feel down in the dumps!


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OK, I'm really doing a lot better. I got a fill last Monday -- to take me back to my normal 9.0 (I lost my weight at 9.5 but my doc wanted to take some out at my annual so we went to 9.0 and I maintained there well until I had my port replaced and had a complete unfill). I was convinced I was too tight, but I've finally gotten the balance back! I was eating too fast and way too big of bites. I'd forgotten how to be a good bandster! Now I'm eating tiny bites and tiny portions and I feel really full (but good full, not "I want to barf" full) on very little. I think I could probably lose some more weight at this fill level if that's what I decide to do.

For example, I just slowly at 5 tortilla chips and am completely full and satisfied. If I ate 2 more, I'd be in "trouble" -- too full.

So, I've got a 1/2 marathon this weekend, which I'm planning to walk not run. I'm doing it with my stepmom and she's a walker, plus, I'm really not trained for that long of a run. The longest I've done in recent history is about 6 miles.

That's my news! Hope yall are all doing equally well. Where in the world is Dawn?!!?

Take care, Julie

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Thanks LJM!

What's everyone up to this week? I went to the movies last night. Saw The Other Boleyn Girl. It's one you can skip, haha. It was OK -- a little long for my tastes. Natalie Portman was great though.

Can't say as I've done much in the way of exercise. I've been walking to and from work, and it's a 3 mile trek each way, so it's not been "nothing" but I haven't really been getting my heart rate up like I should.

Basically, what's going on is I'm changing jobs and using that as an excuse -- like, when April 21st comes (when I start my new job), I'll get my rear into gear. I don't know if yall remember this or not, but a year ago, I left my small law firm to chase a great opportunity at a huge law firm. Well, I've done it for a year and I can now concretely say I miss my boutique practice and the people I work with and love, so I'm going back to it. I tried this and am so glad I did (and it let me pay off my entire mortgage, haha), but it's not where I want to be long-term. So, I'm going back "home."

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Boo - when you were here I was around 170 ish.........I was comfortable, but not happy..............now that I'm up.......I realize it was a good weight for me...........doesn't sound so good on paper, but for me at my age..........I think I'll be happy if (when) I get there again.

Julie.............sounds like you're making a good decision about going "home"...................as we all know............money, being skinny has to be just a part of the whole equation...............happy homecoming to you...................sounds great! Did you get a chance to meet up with Boo?

Jusme.............you'll be back to full speed soon enough......enjoy the relaxing walks...............oh, to be 36 again.............you've got loads of time to go full speed ahead!

Where the heck is Dawn? Are you OK............we miss you!

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Where in the world is Dawn?

Okay I am here. Thanks for the push Guysis. I just got fed up with not losing and sticking at 157... I kept thinking I will wait until I lose a few and then have a good news report. But, my weight is tenacious. I saw my surgeon who is a really smart man. He told me a few things that I needed to hear. First, I am 7.1 lbs from a normal BMI, and that without PS it most likely won't happen. At 5'5", my body doesn't want to give up anymore- because he figures I have 20 lbs of skin kicking around. I know I am eating more than I was, but I am training more so I need to. Also, I have only had the 1 fill (10 weeks post op) so I have very little restriction, but with my current training, I don't want more restriction.

My big news is that this weekend I did the Around the Bay 30 km run. It is the oldest road race in North America (beats Boston by 4 years). It was tough, amazing and exhausting. The last 10 km is all hills, with a climb up a mountain at 27 km, but I did it and I am proud. I am considering doing the Ottawa Marathon in May, just have to decide if I want to keep this level of training up or not. Since I am slow (my 30 km was 3:55), this level of training means- 4 hour runs on the weekend. With two little kids that is tough.

So, that is me... I can't possibly go back and read all the posts... would you all mind a quick update???

Losing me I might be doing disney too!!


Banded April 4, 2006


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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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