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Exercise Challenge! Go for the Gold!

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You are right Julie..................my lowest weight was 167.....I stayed there for about a minute.............realistically I was maintaining around 175 for months...........then I slowly came up when I zonked out to last Sat morning I weighed 192. It was the first time I had been on my scale in weeks..........when I weighed at the Dr.'s office when I got my fill - I told them I did not want to know the weight.....just if I was up since the last time-----------of course I could tell from the nurses face and also when she made an appt for me for a month and told me - "you have to come back in a month - please!" that it was bad. OK - it's in writing for all to see.......and since Sat I feel like I have it again.

Don't want to scare you all.............but, I'm not cured...........and I guess never will be............it's very easy to fall back............not as easy as before, but still - it will always be there for me.

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About the 1/2 marathon - I really don't think I have it in me to do it Julie.............not at the moment anyway. It's cold outside and I'm a wimp..................we do walk a couple of times a week - still to Breakfast and back, but Alan is not a fast walker..................I don't think I have it in me to do the extra training and go to the gym right now. Maybe in a couple of weeks if I get back that momentum I'll change my mind!

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OK, Betty -- I've got to tell you, I was expecting worse. Now that you've got your mojo back and you know your weight, you're going to do great. I hear you on not being "cured." I KNOW I'll never be cured and food will always haunt me. It haunts me less than it did last year and hopefully will less this time next year, but I have no illusions of it ever going away. I think I've come to accept that.

But what I will never do again (and I'm truly talking to myself here and not to you) is not know my weight for more than just a few days (and certainly never more than a week, barring a crazy long vacation on a boat or something like that). I got to 358 by pretending scales and mirrors don't exist. Even when I HATE IT and KNOW I've let food get the best of me, I get on the scale at least twice a week and that's something I've just vowed to do for myself, forever.

I say that because typing it makes me recommit to it.

I took a slew of pictures tonight (mostly to try and get something good for match.com, which I'm going to join again even though the sort-of-boyfriend is sort-of back) and I really do think I need to lose just a few more pounds before I pack it in and call it maintenance. My entire body just looks the slightest bit plump. It's not really a complaint, just that I was wondering if it was a head thing or a reality thing, and I think it's a reality thing. So I'm going to lose 5 more lbs and re-evaluate. I'm going to try to do it before my last surgery, so it's back to calorie counting and exercise for me.

And sleep. So I'm off to it.

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You are so so so right Julie - I weighed in front of Alan and will continue to do so once a week..............I gave him my promise..............for me that did so work. I did the best when he hid the scale and I only weighed once a week............it worked for me and so I'm going back to that! Not getting on the scale is indeed a part of my "sickness" with food and I know it...............if I can conquer that...............the "blackout"..................I'll have hope for the future.

I understand the feeling - not quite there - I had it at my lowest of 167.............not satisfied and so my present goal is to get back to where I was maintaining, but then I expect to keep going myself.................just a bit harder now, but I've made a promise to myself - so far I've been right on track this week...........I hate it, but I'm tracking calories and using the BB (don't hate that part)..............I feel good about the daily exercise and am getting my stamina back.

I miss the others - Boo and Dawn............hope we haven't lost them? Where are you guys? I need you!

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Oh Boy!! I'm so sorry I have been gone from here!!

There has been very difficult family drama going on. Unfortunately, my role is always the "calm" one who can handle anything. So, I suffer inside for what everyone around me is going through. This time it has nearly pulled me down. I'm sure this is part of my problem. I would rather suffer than see anyone I love hurt. When I do that, it doesn't matter what I eat, or if I sleep, or if I run.

Well, friends, your voices were all in my head, telling me to run. So I did. It is the only thing that has kept me alive. I ran my fastest first two miles this week. Though I have not checked in, each one of you has been in my thoughts every day.

Betty, you are such a wonderful woman. You are warm, fun, loving, brilliant, and have created such a beautiful home and life for everyone to enjoy. Seriously, you would be worth moving to Portland to be near. When I saw you, I thought that you should at your weight. It was helpful for me to eat out with you. It was a first time that I had ever eaten with another bandster. At this stage, we might be taking leave of the rules a bit. I need to review what my doctor specifically ordered regarding portion sizes, food choices, and fork breaks. I know you can do this. We are not immune to holiday eating or food vices just because we are banded. Thank you for your honesty. It has really helped me to look at my own wayward actions.

Dawn, you are like the mailman. It does not matter what the weather or hardship, you are determined to be disciplined. Your steady improvements in speed and distance inspire me to play the "Rocky" song and push myself further. YOU really do give me a push out the door when I would rather watch "Project Runway" instead. I think I can feel completely satisfied and proud to brag of my 6 mile runs. But I have not yet arrived at my destination. You and Julie have shown that there are higher heights to which I can reach. Thank you for that inspiration!

Julie, what can I say? You are so completely honest in this journey, sharing your pics and highs and lows (mainly low BMI!!) You have no idea how many women you have helped to succeed because you have put a face, mind and heart on this procedure and experience. (Oh yeah, and great legs, stomach, arms and b**bs, too!) People can relate to you because of your honesty. When you have slightly fallen, or encountered obstacles, you have stopped to reflect, renew your commitment, but then have moved forward. This has been a great help to so many of us. You also give excellent advice in the kindest way. Thank you!

Now my turn. There are so many ways in which I long to improve. First is in my honesty about my problems. Here I am a ghost, scared to reveal myself to the world on this site. My friends don't even know. I had a close friend ask me if I had any weight loss surgery. I didn't even respond, because I won't lie, but I was actually offended that she asked!??! How is that for honesty? I am the least honest with myself. I have issues with food that have been in my life since I was a little girl. Even though I have passed for very thin my entire life, the food demons finally caught up with me about ten years ago. I tried to think that mirrors didn't matter and that numbers on the scale could easily be reversed. It was just too hard to believe that my worst nightmare had become my life. Even now, after a good weight loss, it is hard to face the reality. I want to think I am at a good weight, immune to temptation. But I will never be immune and need to be on alert every day.

Ohh.... sorry for such a long post. I am just feeling quite thankful for all of you. ANd for the others that have come and gone. Let's see where this next year takes us all!

By the way, I am weighing in at 166. The 7 pound gain came in 2-3 weeks after my unfill in September. I've maintained since then. Even with a slight fill, the weight has only maintained. There are at least 20 pounds to shave off, so that is what I want to do!!

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So happy to see you "back" Boo-be..................hope the "drama" has calmed down and you can get back to taking care of Boo a bit also! Know the feeling............us takeover Mommies seem to always get ourselves into those situations.........in the next life, maybe we'll be one of the "guys" who get taken care of! Go Boo - review and get back to it.

I've had a good week - weigh in tomorrow, but no matter what I feel good. I ate good, healthy food (band portions - I did review) and got in 5 days of exercise.

We're off to Las Vegas on Sunday - going to meet some friends from St. Louis.............the weather is supposed to be in the 60's and sunny - so, we're planning on lots of long walks. Happy that I got myself somewhat together this week so I can face the vacation with a good bandster attitude. We're supposed to get snow on Sat and big winds on Sunday - hope we're able to get to the airport and that the plane takes off.

Julie - how are you feeling? Have you started walking and exercise? Are you back at work? So - that boyfriend that is sort of back.............what's up?

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Thanks Betty for popping in on our 07 group! :confused: We are all haning in working on month 7 of living with and learning our bands...... and yes.. JULIE YOU LOOK AWESOME!

I'm hoping to hit ONEderland by Christmas and hoping that my last little tweaker of a fill will help get me there...

Have a great rest of the weekend!

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sorry about all the typo's I just got back from making 9 double batches of holiday FUDGE.. (today was Christmas candy Making Day with my family) I am pooped and I have several sugar splatter burns on me.. but really I'm just tired :confused:

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Hi everyone! How's it going? Ready for a December exercise challenge? Like I'd said in an earlier post, I'm going for 20 sessions this month. Since I'm down for the count from December 20-31 with the LAST surgery, I'm going to make the first half of the month count big time. I'm going to lose 5 lbs between now and then, then lose the LAST 5 during my PS recovery. I didn't make the most of my recovery last month, in that I didn't track calories and I ate a LOT of junk (read: ice cream). I maintained (and even lost maybe 2 lbs), but didn't lose what I could have.

Well, I started running again yesterday and it's been GLORIOUS. I'm not actually supposed to run until Thursday, but I "triple bagged" my thighs (wore 3 layers of compression) and went for it. I'm certain it's fine, so don't worry. Yesterday I did 4 slow, easy miles just to get back into it (it'd been almost a month since I'd run). The first quarter mile was wonderful -- I felt so glad to be healthy and outside (even in the cold) and my body felt fine. Then the rest of miles 1 and 2 were quite hard, I must confess. It was my lungs mostly. Like I'd lost cardio capacity -- major. My body (legs, core, muscles generally) felt great but my lungs were hurting. I'm not used to running in the cold, so that was probably part of it too. I finished the 4 miles without incident and felt good, mostly that my first run was behind me, and glad to be starting the path of recovering my running skills. So, today I went out for a loop of the park (in the snow -- 6.5 miles -- told myself I could walk as much as I wanted to). Today was GLORIOUS! The snow forced me to slow down and take short strides to prevent slipping. But I felt like my cardio was already practically back up to full speed and it didn't ever even cross my mind to walk.

So, I'm going to run a LOT this month. I'm not going to go over the 6.5 mile loop at least until I'm "officially" supposed to be running later this week. I'll probably do a long run (maybe 12 miles or maybe even a half marathon distance) this coming weekend. Can't wait!! I'm so glad to have my health and to be feeling as good as I am this soon after PS.

Betty, you asked about the BF. We went out last night and had a lovely evening. I'm forcing us to take round 2 SUPER SLOW and am dating other people and only seeing him once a week. I like him so much but feel the need to keep things reasonable between us, at least during these final transitions I'm going through (as is he -- he's recovering from ACL surgery and looking for a new job). Meanwhile, I'm seeing someone at work too -- pure fun on that one. Plus, I met someone in San Fran that I think I'll keep on the hook as well (he comes to NYC on business very frequently). Go Julie!

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Hi girls,

Im back,kinda:-)

my weight has been stuck for a while now, partly cause of bad food choices, but when I tried hard for two weeks it didnt move althugh I was excecising and eating well.

So on Wednesday Im going to see a dietetician, cause my surgeon would only tell me not to eat.On the other my trainer thinks that when Im eating well (to my standards) that my cal intake is too low.

Well I will let you know.

Ok I was so depressed that I bought a book by Louise L.Hay-You can heal your life...I read few chapters yesterday night,cried a bit and started today with a positive attitude and thoughts and guess what I had a great day,full of energy.Ok I know it was just a first day:-) And I know that lady is/was probably big in the US but actually what she say sounds right to me.

I have to learn to love myself and then everything turns around.

Oh Julie you are dating! and you actually have a BF, thats so sweet! Im waiting for my big date but it will happen:-)

Sorry for long post.Im glad to be back with better mood!

Luv you all:-)


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Oh Eva, I'm so glad you checked in with us. We miss you!

Are you not eligible for a fill? I know the approach to fills is different where you are, but just wondering if that would help. The book you're reading sounds like a great step as well. Hang in there and let us know if we can help. Maybe set a December exercise goal?

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Eva!!! Yeah! You are baaaaack! So good to hear about your cry and new start. We all need that from time to time.

Tracy, you look amazing in your picture. Are you getting loads of compliments? I hope so. I don't know how you can cook a zillion batches of fudge and still be okay, but you did. Great will power.

Julie, how are you able to run so soon? That is amazing. I love how you go out for a LEISURELY 6.5 MILE run! hahaha! It is a bit intimidating. I ran 8 miles last night for the FIRST time! For the first 4 I was able to keep a 10 min/mile pace, then I slowed way down. At the end I sprinted for two blocks and even felt that I could go further. There is hope! I'm going to concentrate on extending the distance without worrying about time. I do want to really push for a faster mile also.

I'm so bummed about my 6-7 pound gain that I'm not so psyched about watching the food intake. I need a decent fill and maybe it is time for Zoloft again. Things just don't feel right....not bad, just not "right."

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<p>Girls thank you for the warm welcoming!!! I missed you too, but I just didnt have the power to admitt that Im not losing even if I try.</p> <p>Julie about the fill Im not sure it might help but on the other hand I want to take in all my vitamis and everything naturally. I actually want to be on a healthy balanced diet so I will see how the dietetician helps.I have no fill thats true, but I had 1CC put in my 10CC band last year and I got stuck badly and had to go to hospital.Even now from time to time the food gets stuck. If I eat meat or bread or Pasta I cant really eat more than 3/4 to 1 cup. Of course I can eat lots of chocolate or ice cream...but I try not to.</p> <p>Im really not sure about the fill,Im scared.</p> <p>The book sounds tacky and its a bit comercial, but the thoughts sound good and it helps:-)</p> <p>Julie you look so cute in your Avatvar!</p> <p>Boo I actually gained 6 or 7 pounds, but I have no clue if it is muscle or fat or what I hope to find out tomorrow:-) Boo its not that much I know it makes you feel down, but if you worry too much its gonna be worse.</p>

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Tracy, Boo's right, you do look AMAZING. I hope the whole world is noticing. They'd be blind not to!

Boo, 8 miles is FABULOUS. If I were you, I'd concentrate on adding distance and not worrying about speed. Once you find "your" distance (I predict you fall in love with 1/2 marathons), you'll train for speed. Find the distance first. Seriously.

Well, my weight dropped 3 lbs overnight! Go scale go! It's the right time in my cycle and with the recent return to running, the scale gods were kind. I've gotten smaller in the last couple of weeks, so I feel like they're real pounds. I'd like to lose 3 more before Dec 20th, though that might be asking for too much. We'll see....

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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