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Surgery Results

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hey have fun.....good luck with everything. You deserve a lot of credit for going thru this twice....I mean its really not that bad, but if i had to choose, i would only choose one time.

Good luck next week with the band. You will do great.

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Well I had my surgery yesterday. All went well. I slept through the night. Yeah. The only tricky part around surgery for me was getting very nauseaus before surgery.. They had already put the patch behind my ear, then they started the IV antibotic I had a sudden flush of intense nausea. Fortunally, I had nothing to throw up. I put myself on Clear liquids 3 days before surgery, cause I know how much easier it makes think etc. I had 2 popsicles before I left the surgery care center. I am having no problems sipping liquid. Probably had 32 oz already today. Hopeing to get by with liquid Tylenol in the day and use the strong stuff at night. God was so good to me. Dr. K said there was a small hietal hernia, which he fixed. So now I can just tell people I had a small hernia fixed. So glad to be 1 day postop.

Best wishes to all coming up. I have about 10 more names to add to the list. Probably after my afternoon nap.

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Hi all I had surgery on Monday, Aug. 13th so it has been a five days that my band and I have been aquaintend. We are getting along well. I have been on Clear Liquids since the day before my surgery and this is my last day of it. Thank God! I give those of you credit that had two weeks of liquids prior to your surgery. I dont think I could have done it. Sat. I start full liquids and I am looking forward to it! I will be on full liquids until Friday, Aug 24 when I go back for my post-op checkup. Then it is onto the mushies.

It is amazing how many food commercials there really are on TV the Taco Bell one that they seemed to play over and over yesterday was painful. I hope all of you Aug bandsters are doing well. I think that this site is great!



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I'm starting a new thread where (hopefully) people will report their post-op issues and any advice for the people coming up. I'm not until Aug. 6 but I'm anxious to hear results. I promise to post mine.

Hi New Girl,

I'm new also. I had my surgery on 6 August and did pretty well. I did have some nausea and some gas pains high in my chest. The residents thought that I was having a heart attack and did an emergency EKG and blood work, but everything was o.k. I have lost about 14 lbs so far. The past couple of days I have had pain in my back around where my kidneys are, so I have a call into the surgeon. How's it going for you.?

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I am BANDED!!!!!!:clap2: I became one with my band on 8/16 and I am doing fine. Really sore, and very painful getting up or lying down.:crutch: I am on clear liquids for 1 week. Then 2 weeks of full liquids. The last 3 weeks are the mushies. Can't wait. lol.

Take care, and I am praying for all of you :hug:

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I AM BANDED YEAH FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!! went in on the 20th got there at 545am was to be there by 6am at 625 my dh went to find out why it was taking so long others that had came in after us had already been taken back and the receptionist snapped at him that there were alot of patients there that day and they would get to me when they could so at about 640 a cna came and got me then proceded to lecture me me about what time I was told to be there. i looked at her and calmly said that I had been there since 545 15 minutes earlier than the time I was told to be there all she could say was "oh, well now we are going to have to rush you" told her to talk to the receptionist

anyway they took me to the surgery room the next thing I knew they were asking how I was and I told them I have a headache and so they covered my eyes with a cool cloth. they had me orgininaly as an inpatient but moved me to outpatient at some point that I liked did not want to stay the night.

I am 2 days out and getting better every day

301 h/258 ds/140 g

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Hi all....I was banded yesterday 8-22-07. I went in at 0530 and was released home at 530pm. My worst pain so far was when they had to do an upper GI...made me drink two ounces quickly to verify no leakage, etc...had the worst pain after that! Had to have some pain meds...went to sleep for a while and then felt much better. Laying down and getting up is tricky but is also getting easier every time. No hunger yet...just trucking along watching the clock and drinking two ounces every hour as instructed. Also had the sharp pain in my left shoulder....surgeon says it is from the gas that is still trapped at the diaphragm...says that as it pushes on the diaphragm it innervates the same nerve as the one for pain in the left shoulder. Took the lortab last night and slept great. Talk to ya soon! Jen

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Take it easy Jensdandy.

Be blessed!

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Hi everyone!

Well, I had my surgery on Tuesday 8/21/07.:clap2: I arrived at St. Vincent's Hospital @ about 10:30 am and checked-in with admission :nervous and then went up to the 3RD floor and checked-in there. I was initially scheduled for 12 PM, but I guess the day wasn't going as planned.

The nurse brought me to my temporary room and gave me my gown, robe, and slippers to change into. I sat on the gernie for a little bit and then a nurse came in to check my vitals and ask all the main questions. Then the other nurse came back and I had to follow her to what else "the scale". She said she'd take 2 lbs off the total because of all I had on. I didn't like that # either. :cry I said that I liked my scale at home better and that I weighed 3 lbs less than what she came up with. So she wrote down my home weight instead. :biggrin1: (My scale was pretty accurate when I did Weight Watchers). I went back to my room and waited with my parents some more. My dos came in to talk for a couple minutes and we discussed where I wanted my port and then told me it would probably be another 45 min- 1 hour before they take me in. My parents went off to get a bite to eat and I continued to wait. Another nurse or 2 came in and then the anesthesiologist.

Finally, just after 1:30 pm my OR nurse came to get me and we "walked" to the OR. I can honestly say that I've never had a surgery before where I was walked to the OR. We get in there and they took my robe and had me get on the table. That's when I asked them where the 'fat people table' was? The nurse laughed and then told me that this was the 'one size doesn't fit anyone table'. OK then.:biggrin1: The OR was a light and fun calming atmosphere. They were all really nice and joking around with me to calm my nerves. With 80's music playing, they continued to prep me and then had me sit up and take 3 puffs of an Albuterol inhaler to help my asthma with the anesthesia. Next thing I know I'm closing my eyes and drifting off to :notagree.

I woke up in the recovery room and I was shivering and the nurse gave me warm blankets. I woke up again on and off for awhile. Finally they brought my mom in, just after 5 pm I think for a little bit. I wondered where my dad was and my mom had told me that the hospital had my dad drive all the way home (a 3 hour total round-trip) to get my stupid CPAP machine. Apparently, this decision was made by ONLY the anesthesiologist, because I have sleep apnea and asthma, and never consulted with my doc. NICE! Needless to say I was furious. :) My dad, back in May, had a heart attack and really didn't need the stress of driving through busy traffic for 3 hours on I-95 just for that dumb machine. Apparently, when my doc found out about this he was outraged as well! They had all my papers and results from all my preop testing before surgery so you would think that when they called to tell me what time my surgery was and what time to be at the hospital that they would have said to bring the CPAP with me. They certainly made sure to call back and remind me of my Co-pay of $250.00.

My mom had to step out again for a little while when they brought another patient in right next to me. It took the nurse awhile to get him to calm down while I was still waiting for some ice chips and for my parents to come back in. At some point I got the ice chips and finally about 7 pm they let my mom back in. About 7:15 pm my dad finally made it back to the hospital and could visit with me. They didn't stay too much longer because neither of them had dinner yet.

I was finally able to keep my oxygen levels up and someone came to roll me up to my room finally just about 9 pm. I'd been in the recovery room since probably 2:30- 3:00 pm.

My gas bubbles were intense and the pain meds were starting to wear off. I felt bad for my roommate Sue who was nauseous and having major back spasms and her meds didn't really seem to be helping her. She had the lap-band before me that day. I started sipping my 1Oz.. every 15 min. and did well with this.

Neither of us got much sleep because of: the pain, the nurses coming in to take our vitals, or having to go to the bathroom repeatedly. I ended up taking a 2 lap walk around the halls just after 1 am. Gas bubbles didn't budge at all!

We maybe got 1-2 hours of sleep Tue. night into Wed. morning. Then the docs and interns started making their rounds after 5 am. ARGHHH! Sleep! All I want is Sleep!!!!:notagree They came, they questioned, and they poked and prodded.

Our doc then came in to see us, tell how our surgeries went, and apologized to me that the hospital made my dad do all that added driving for really no needed reason. We both had to go for an x-ray to check on the band placement. ALL LOOKS WELL!!! :) We could go home today (Weds. 8/22).

I washed up, went for my x-ray, and came back up to my room for Breakfast (which the nurse had to re-heat). Breakfast: Decaf tea with splenda, chicken broth (actually tasted better than canned), apple juice, and Jello. I couldn't eat the Jello I felt too full. At least I think that was full. The gas bubbles seemed to be going away this morning, but I was sadly mistaken.

I stayed for lunch because I was feeling a little dizzy. Lunch: Decaf tea with splenda, beef broth (pretty good too), diet cranberry juice (gross), and jello again. I again didn't have room for the jello.

We got home after 2 pm (Weds.) and I sat propped up on the couch after taking another dose of meds. About 4 pm I decided to go lay down for a bit. :faint:At 8:45 pm I woke up. Had some apple juice to drink and was up for a little bit longer. I came on-line and typed all this Weds. night and next thing I know all I typed was gone:faint:. Tired, exhausted, and medicated I nearly burst into tears and decided to go to bed.

I think I slept through the night for the most part and woke up about 8:30 am today in a lot of pain through my abdomen. I had some to drink first and then I took some meds (only 1 of the 2 tsps.) I walked around the house a little. Still had a lot of gas pains. My incisions are really sore. Just below the port incision it has a weird feeling to it like when your foot or hand starts to fall asleep. Almost tingley. I hope that goes away soon.

I'm on my clear liquids until next Tues. I'll keep you posted on how I'm doing. Sorry for the long post, but there was so much that happened. I'm going for another dose of meds before I head to bed. Have a good night everyone! I hope I will.:phanvan

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Yippee! I'm home from surgery and finally have my band!!!

The surgery went smoothly. The only snag I had was a bout of horrible nausea when I woke up in the recover room. The nurse gave me every anti-nausea med they had on hand and it finally passed. The pain was so little at first I wasn't even sure if I had surgery. LOL

I can't even feel four out of my five insisions. I have a bit of pain in my port area and have to be careful getting up and down. Dr. Neal did a great job!!!

I wish I could shout from the roof tops how wonderful everyone was! The nurses, at both the surgery center and Dr. Neal's office, were so sweet. Several of them have been banded by Dr. Neal and had many nice things to say about him. I got calls from the nurses the day of surgery as well as the two days that have passed since. Dr. Neal called the evening of the surgery to make sure I was doing good and wanted us to know that even though we were from out of town we weren't left high and dry-- he then gave us his home phone number! I've met very few doctors that were this caring. Dr. Neal is wonderful!

I'm on liquids for two weeks and will go to mushies for my 3rd and 4th weeks. I am enjoying every unique minute with my new band! I'm so happy to be with the band!!!

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All good news from everyone! This is great! This is my 2 week bandiversary and I'm getting prepared to eat MUSHIE foods tomorrow. Got a few things already prepared. Before I post any recipes, I'll make sure they are "worthy". Feeling good. Have family arriving in town to stay with us tomorrow for a few days.....sooooooo......I guess THIS will be the test!!!

Congrats all!!!

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<p>I was banded 8/24. Being that it is now past midnight I guess that is technically yesterday! Things went GREAT! Dr. Krishnaraj was just the greatest, and I knew he would be! The whole nursing staff was awesome too! My surgery took 1 hour, then about 40 minutes for me to come back to the real world. Then about 10 minutes later I was up and moving about. I have very minimal pain and most of it is gas pain in my back and shoulder area and a tiny bit at the port site. Nausea wasnt a problem for me, and I have to say this is a rarity! I ALWAYS get sick and this time I was just fine! I took Emend (nausea med) the night before the surgery at 8 like the doctor asked. Wow was it pricey! $45 with insurance! They they gave me a shot or two of Zofran during the day and I was fine the whole time! I'm real thankful because I getting sick after surgery but I am know to do it almost every time! Well I am off to get some rest! I hope everyone with surgery in the future feels as great as I feel now! Happy banding everyone! Good night! :notagree

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Surgery on the Thursday August 23--taking the pain meds, resting, walking, sipping Water, crystal light...all is very good. I am amazed how well everything went. My bariatric team ( docs, nurses, etc) were great. It is so exciting to be getting on with my "new lifestyle"!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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