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Here is the truth about the band

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In accordance with all bariatric recommendations and guidelines for weight loss surgery, all potential patients are required to have a psychiatric evaluation prior to surgery. This may be completed by a psychologist or psychiatrist. Generally, the evaluation takes about 1 hour to complete.

The evaluation is used to:

  • Assist in the diagnosis, treatment, or management of a patient's possible mental disorder or behavioral problem.
  • Determine competency in deciding to proceed with LapBand® surgery.
  • Determine if there is a history or dependency on drugs or alcohol.
  • Determine if there is a history of psychiatric illness.
  • Demonstrate the willingness of the psychologist/psychiatrist to follow and treat the patient in the postoperative period if it becomes necessary.
  • Determine the patient's ability to handle stress during the period that follows surgery.
  • Determine the patient's commitment/willingness to follow postoperative protocols.

I was not required to have any kind of psych testing prior to sugery.

Luckily, I haven't gone postal.... yet. :heh:

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I was not required to have any kind of psych testing prior to sugery.

Luckily, I haven't gone postal.... yet. :heh:

Yeah Drews, you have roller derby as an outlet though! lol... :rose:

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I'm just researching lap band surgery. What is PB'ing?? (don't laugh!)



Productive Burp - when you have either eaten too fast, not chewed well you will get what we call a golf ball in the chest - big air bubble feeling for me - your food will come back up - it's not really throwing up but sort of. a burp with food = productive burp.... Not everyone gets it - I have had it a couple of time as i forget about the band and eat too fast and not chew - last night after the gym came home and the kids (grandkids) had mac&cheese - i was starving ate a spoonfull (big serving spoon) and the pain hit my chest - i scarfed it down didn't chew and took a way too big bite- lasted a for about 30 seconds and it was over - I did pnb just the stuck feeling ...

Please read all that you can - have an open mind - not everyone has complications - not everyone understand that this (band) is REALLY JUST A TOOL it is not the magic answer to not having food issues - the band is not going to make you lose weight - you are the only one in control of that and what you put in your mouth and the amount of exercise - your determination to change your eating habits for the rest of your life - the band can and sometimes helps with hunger but I don't find that it does - it helps control the amount that i can eat (I can eat 1 -2 cups of food at any meal and sometimes more) - but in my head i am still hungry alot of the time - my tummy is full - but i want to continue to eat (head hunger). I make good food choices and am exercising - for me the band may do 25% of the job - but the remaining 75% is up to you...

Good luck on your journey .....

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Productive Burp - when you have either eaten too fast, not chewed well you will get what we call a golf ball in the chest - big air bubble feeling for me - your food will come back up - it's not really throwing up but sort of. a burp with food = productive burp.... Not everyone gets it - I have had it a couple of time as i forget about the band and eat too fast and not chew - last night after the gym came home and the kids (grandkids) had mac&cheese - i was starving ate a spoonfull (big serving spoon) and the pain hit my chest - i scarfed it down didn't chew and took a way too big bite- lasted a for about 30 seconds and it was over - I did pnb just the stuck feeling ...

Please read all that you can - have an open mind - not everyone has complications - not everyone understand that this (band) is REALLY JUST A TOOL it is not the magic answer to not having food issues - the band is not going to make you lose weight - you are the only one in control of that and what you put in your mouth and the amount of exercise - your determination to change your eating habits for the rest of your life - the band can and sometimes helps with hunger but I don't find that it does - it helps control the amount that i can eat (I can eat 1 -2 cups of food at any meal and sometimes more) - but in my head i am still hungry alot of the time - my tummy is full - but i want to continue to eat (head hunger). I make good food choices and am exercising - for me the band may do 25% of the job - but the remaining 75% is up to you...

Good luck on your journey .....


Thanks for the quick response. I am learning through reading everyone's experiences that lap banding is not an easy fix, but a tool. I am a little fearful because right now, probably 50% of what I eat is because I want that particular thing, not because of actual hunger. I would hope the band is enough assistance to resist that, at least enough of the time to be able to lose weight.

Right now, I have recently started a dr. supervised diet, and hope that after the first of the year to seek approval from medicare for lap banding. One thing that is confusing to me is that I went to a bariatric surgeon forum last month about banding, and the surgeon's office staff wanted me to make an appointment with him at that meeting, after which he would order the tests he wanted, etc. The literature they handed out said medicare requires 12 mos. dr. supervised diet with monthly visits. (I have since had responses from age 60+ banders saying they were not required to do that.) Did most people proceed this way (go through all the surgeon's tests prior to being approved by insurance)? If you get refusals, and takes quite a while to get approved, wouldn't you just have to get the tests done again (such as stress tests, etc.)

My rambling doesn't sound too clear, hope you can get the gist of what I'm asking.

Thanks so much,


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OK folks I must be odd person out here. I am not spending time throwing up and yes I do have the lump like feeling my my throat. I can eat Soups but only creams or broths because I ahve not had a fill as of yet and I am still healing on the inside. I am now into the pureed foods section of my binder and I have pureed, tyson 2 oz chicken in the can, I added just a squirt of Ranch dressing from South Beach and a pinch of sweet relish and blended that all up in my magic bullet, it was tough going but I managed to eat about an ounce or so and then it got to me, I did the same thing with my tuna, it was not too bad and well the dog enjoyed the leftovers lol. I cannot eat scrambled eggs like in the past for it makes me just sick, I have tried oatmeal, grits and my beloved cream of wheat and well forget all of those. I don't have a problem with my hubby eating in front of me because I am the one that makes his meals and well that is the hardest thing to do wanting to nibble but standing tough. I don't know what life will be like for me once I get my fills but maybe just being able to eat something normal might help make me feel human again

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I am not seeing many replies to alysedg23. I am scheduled for my first fill on Tuesday October 2, 2007 and I was wondering if things were going to change. I was also thinking of going back to the basics after my fill for a few days. This meaning liquids for first day then pureed etc. What are your comments of this please? Not too sure what to expect!!

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Thanks for the quick response.

Thanks so much,



This is my experience - I looked in my insurance manuel and asked our health Insurance person if WLS was covered - it states if medically necessary - well i was 244.5 at that time 5'4 52 yrs old. Ck'd my book and the dr here in the desert that does this surgery was approved and so was the hospital in Palm Springs - had to go to a center of excellent - I made the appointment with the surgeon directly and on my own - met with him on 5/31 and he said yes i was a candidate - I had to to a battery of test cuz i don't go to the doctor - lungs (smoker) - heart (had to have a nuclear stress test couldn't pass the treadmill) - colon - pap - mamo - 14 vials of blood - shrink - sleep - I have mild sleep apnea - my breathing gets real shallow when i am in a deep sleep - plus i have high blood pressure - so I have co-mobitidies - once i passed the shrink - my doc's offices sumbitted the paper work to my insurance and i was approved - all the other test are done to make sure you are healthy for surgery - i was still in the mist of getting all the test done when i got the call on 6/21 giving me a 7/17 surgery date - and i think that since it's really just a phyical that your insurance would cover with out approval for the wsl - but I know that medicare does cover this surgery and since I'm not there yet I can't tell you anything about it - maybe it's your secondary policy that wants the supervised doc weight loss diet. I have a gf that is trying to get banded and this is what her insurance requires - every carrier is diff- I have blue cross CA - EXCELLENT...

Since your surgeon office deals with insurance carriers all the time i think they know who and who won't approve surgery and what they (ins co) needs to get approval - they want to get you approved and will do their hardest cuz they what the $$$$$ - imho - i am sort of cynical when it comes to doctors - don't get me wrong I LOVE my doctor - but mine has a large program fee - and imho it's his way of getting more than what insurance pays..

This band is NOT the magic cure to your food issues - it banded your tummy not your brain... Only you control what goes into your mouth not the band. I can't stress this enought - I really feel that some people think that the band alone will make them lose weight.

The band does not take away all your hunger and it doesn't take away you thinking about food (imho) - it is a tool to control portions

The reason we are all FAT right now is cuz we ate alot of food (high fat - high sugar and didn't exercise) That is the plain and simple fact.

My typical dinner pre banding would be 3 tacos w/beans (made w/lard) then a hour later 2 more tacos & Beans with tons of cheese and then 1 more taco before bed and then during the middle of the night brownies - Cookies - ice cream and all I did was sit on my butt

Now my typical dinner 4 oz fish - 1/2 cup brown rice - 1 - cup veggies - and I am "full" with this amount of food - but i am still hungry (head hunger cuz it taste good) then later in the evening I will have 2 sf pudding or sf fudgecicle - or sf angel food cake w/dannon yogurt - am I still hungry - sometime even though my tummy is full - ya I could eat more but I don't

You have to plan what you are going to eat, you have to shop, you gotta weigh and make individual portions so that you learn what a correct portion size is.

Will you have to do this for the rest of your life - hopefully not once you learn what a true portion size is - we fat people have a whole different definition of portion size - "I use to say - who came up with a pint of ice cream being 4 servings - hell that's only one serving"

You gotta work at this - the band isn't going to do it for you We are going to be hungry for a while (both head hunger and withdrawls from our addiction)- we are use to eating alot of food but we just don't realize that we were/are eating huge amounts...

Got to the thread "At or near Goal" ask those people how they got there - did the band do it or did they do it. I bet most will answer that they made wise food choices and exercised and ya they had some help from the band but that they did most of the work not the band.

I just think that too many people think the band is going to do all the work and that they don't have to do any... You are told only to expect 1 -2 lbs a week - if you want to lose then it's all about food choices and exercise... If I lose only 1 lb a week I am happy - but I am working at this lot harder than the band is.. I make wise food choices 1000 to 1200 calories a day which I log and I walk 10- 13 miles a week. The band is only a piece of plastic it can't make your food choices or do the exercise for you...

My Doc & Nutritionist said that these were my guidelines- #1 Protein 60 grms daily, low fat, low sugar, 3 meals plus 2 healthy Snacks - Vitamins, Calcium. I am allowed to pick and choose what I eat - I am not limited as to what I eat - just that it's healthy and in size with correct portions - 1/4 cup ice cream (sf) instead of the whole pint made with real sugar & cream.

In our lives we allow for a margin of error – which we should also do when trying to eat healthy – if you are eating 1000-1200 calories a day – allow for some of those calories to be used for a little bit of something you really want (chocolate - have a healthy choice fudgecicle - it's s/f & 80 calories)- you need wiggle room in your diet to make it work (I save my morning and afternoon snacks for night time which is my worst time) – the all or nothing practices has to be thrown our of your mind.

You can learn to reprogram your mind to strip away the guilt that comes with dieting. You have to realize that it’s not that the first slice of cake that will doom your diet – it’s the second or third or whole thing that leads to weight gain.

You have to listen to your body & respond smartly to your cravings and emotions but over time you will learn how to eat right and mange your craving and that’s when you’ll train your brain to stop obsessing about eating right and punishing yourself – If you stop over thinking you’ll stop over eating..

Good Luck on your journey..

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I am not seeing many replies to alysedg23. I am scheduled for my first fill on Tuesday October 2, 2007 and I was wondering if things were going to change. I was also thinking of going back to the basics after my fill for a few days. This meaning liquids for first day then pureed etc. What are your comments of this please? Not too sure what to expect!!


Had my 1st fill 9/5 - My doc made me do 1 week full liquid - 1 wk mushie/soft the 3 week reg food (but truely I eat soft food 99%) after the fill

I was tight for the first few days - could eat 1/2 to cup of food.

I pb'd once and that's cuz i ate too fast.

Everyone's experience is diff - some get to tight some don't - as you can tell 1% might have problems - the other 99% don't and if they do it's cuz the ate to fast - didn't chew etc - these are all the new behaivors that we have to learn and it's easy to forget- but then you get that golf ball in the chest and then your brain goes "oh ya I am banded and ate that way too fast -- didnt chew - just swallowed"

Good Luck - once you have your fill you can come back her and post your experience...

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OK folks I must be odd person out here. I am not spending time throwing up and yes I do have the lump like feeling my my throat. I can eat Soups but only creams or broths because I ahve not had a fill as of yet and I am still healing on the inside. I am now into the pureed foods section of my binder and I have pureed, tyson 2 oz chicken in the can, I added just a squirt of Ranch dressing from South Beach and a pinch of sweet relish and blended that all up in my magic bullet, it was tough going but I managed to eat about an ounce or so and then it got to me, I did the same thing with my tuna, it was not too bad and well the dog enjoyed the leftovers lol. I cannot eat scrambled eggs like in the past for it makes me just sick, I have tried oatmeal, grits and my beloved cream of wheat and well forget all of those. I don't have a problem with my hubby eating in front of me because I am the one that makes his meals and well that is the hardest thing to do wanting to nibble but standing tough. I don't know what life will be like for me once I get my fills but maybe just being able to eat something normal might help make me feel human again

Sharon you arent odd - 99% of us dont throw up or pb - when did you have surgery??? Eat slowly and maybe you need to thin things out a little more - I ate runny mashed potatoes and could eat 1/2 to 3/4 cup during that stage. Those nibbles while cooking helped to contribute to your weight issues so it's good that you are...

Good Luck

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Thanks IndioGirl55. You are giving great advice today. I will keep everyone posted as to what happens to me after my fill on Tuesday.

Also thanks maggiehpp for asking what PBing was because I had not idea either. But have experienced it many times and now I know what it is.

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Thanks IndioGirl55. You are giving great advice today. I will keep everyone posted as to what happens to me after my fill on Tuesday.

Also thanks maggiehpp for asking what PBing was because I had not idea either. But have experienced it many times and now I know what it is.


You were just banded - I never pb'd during that time - are you eating too fast??? I was tight but not that tight after surgery. You are 3 weeks out - and that tight - you just might not have to get a fill- not everyone does - my doc has a pateint who is 4 months out and never had a fill - she has restriction with just the band in place and the way you are talking - you might not need one either... Just a thought - I'm not a doctor w/a real degree - just one from TV & internet :)

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pmmegm----Are you trying to insult my intelligence?? Well, I can insult right back, did you mean diplomacy??? you spelled it wrong and its totally irrelevant to this thread.... And what do you mean unkind???? I have no idea what you are talking about..

And newbie's need no know what can possible happen...I'm sure more of you had experienced what I went through but conveniently forgot about it because you are so happy to have lost weight...whatever

And for the person who said that 99% of bandsters dont PB, BULLSHIT, how the hell did you come up with that statistic???

Vancouvergirl, so far, has been the only one, who is like me, afraid to go against the grain and SPEAK up...I for one, dont care if I "belong" to your group of friends since I have a home, a husband, a business, 2 kids, 2 dogs, a cat and many many friends that I occupy my time with...

As for all of you that think you "helped" me by telling me to get an unfill....sorry people, I have a brain and I use it and I can figure things out for myself, I was mostly venting and not lookingn for support, good thing, because I sure as hell didnt get any.

I remember another thread about someone who was cheating on her preop diet and 99% of you told her to"get back on track", drink your shakes and make sure you eat healthy...>WHAT??? If any of you could do that, you wouldnt have needed the band in the first place...

Instead of telling her that it was okay and its normal to have cheated, you all scolded her for going off her diet and "being Bad"...Noone except for me emphatised with her...instead you all made her feel that she was a failure for cheating on her pre op diet...

Remember, if any of you had self control in the first place, you wouldnt have that little saline-filled silicone band around your stomach...so stop belittling people if they dont follow their pre op diets...whatever planet you guys are on....come back down to earth...REALITY

You probably wont hear from me again....I am so UNLIKE you guys and to be frank, this forum doesnt inform me of anything useful.

The last thing I have to say is YES, VANCOUVER Girl, I feel that I am in good company too since it seems that we are the only ones on this board that LIVE IN REALITY...THANK YOU SO MUCH

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Thanks so much for taking time to share that information. I'm keeping a notebook w/ helpful info so I can refer to it as needed.


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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