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Here is the truth about the band

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I have read ALL the posting and I have to say this has got to be the funniest posting I have ever read! It is almost 8 pages of people going off on this poor lady. Alright so she didn't have her wording right, so she was having a rough day, but come on did you all have to swarm in and beat her up?

And for the people who haven't been banded yet, "...after reading this I don't know if I am going to be banded." Or my favourite, "...good thing I didn't read this before I got my band or I wouldn't have done it!" Are you serious? Wow, more people need to do more homework, because in every book I have read they have been very clear about the side effects, and you know what? They can all happen to one person. So, if one post can rock your world then maybe you should re-evaluate getting the lap band.

This site is a forum of ideas and feelings, she felt like no one had informed anyone of the side effects that she was feeling. I expect to have side effects and I am smart enough to figure out that not all side effects will apply to me. I am smart enough to figure out that she was venting.

I was disappointed by your rudeness and your tone, when it takes 8 pages to make your point you have gone too far.

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I have read all the post, good and negative. There was the one that scared me but I have been able to see that most all of the experiences have been positive. Everyone here seems to be so honest in their feelings and experiences and I do appreciate that. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on for a while now trying to decide if I felt the lapband was right for me. I have also been to a seminar provided by the M.D. I plan to use for my surgery. I want the opportunity to be thinner and healthier and I plan to go for it. I will be self pay but it will certainly be worth it if I can be healthier and thinner.I have pretty severe arthritis and am not able to exercise at this time, so its harder for me to lose.I really enjoy reading all of your post. I feel as if I know some of you even though we have not met. I don't post often but I read them daily. Keep up the good work. :clap2:

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Wow. Vancouvergirl... sounds like your having a bad day yourself![/quote

I had a great day. I spent the day with my husband and daughter.

I just speak my mind. I am not afraid to go against the grain. I am not meek or timid. I will say it even if it is something that people don't agree with. Here is what I have to say: "Hey that wasn't right." There was not one kind word to the OP, (without a small smack on the hand.) Well about page 6 or 7 you guys started wondering where she had gone. "Did we run her off...gee I hope she's ok."

I just want the poster of this thread to know I am glad you posted your venting, because it should have been recognized as such and you should have been helped you through your tough time not jumped on. Shame on all of you experienced bandsters!

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I said I would not post on this board again, didn't say I wouldn't read it, just that I wouldn't post, after reading your 2nd post I thought I would speak my mind as well.

If you read ALL the posts as you stated that you did, then you would have read where the op did respond again, did apologize for her original post and did follow the advise of this wise and supportive board and had a slight unfill and was feeling much better. I disagree that this thread "beat" up on her as you stated, rather I feel like the outpouring of support was overwhelming in her defense thus the now 9 page thread.

She as well as all of us come to this board for SUPPORT and ADVICE and that is what we get. She even pm'd me when I was one of readers who read her post and literally freaked out. She said "I take my thread back" and also advised me to "grow some balls" and you know what, I took HER advice and I have grown some.

We welcome the supporting advice of those that have been banded for a while now as well as the newly banded. We also welcome the tough 'band love'. The key word being "love". They have been there and done that. We learn from them and will continue to do so. BUT, If I may, offer some advice to you. It's ok to 'speak you mind' here. It's ok to not be 'timid or meek' here, what is not ok here is to jump on this board like a roaring lion with an attitude and immediately start dissing the other posters who have been here for years and months offering their words of wisdom to the rest of us. There was kindness and support as well as criticism for the op. As I stated before, she learned from it and got the help she needed.

If you don't want to contribute to the support of this board and ALL of it's posters, then maybe another more aggressive type forum may be more suited to your personality. Just a thought. I truly am not trying to be rude or condescending, and I could be wrong but your post did seem to have a little "attitude" in it and I apologize in advance if I am misjudging you.

If you have already been banded or are still awaiting to be banded, you will find answers to just about any question you could possible have and lots and lots of support, esp in the monthly support groups of the month you were banded. So much so, that it brought me back from the edge of not getting banded to going full speed ahead. I have a long way to go to reach my goal and I'm sure many obstacles to overcome, but I look at this board as my security blanket and my friend and I will defend it to the end!

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I just scrolled back through to see what kind of horrid comments had been made, and in particular to see how I had responded. I re read my post, and do not see how it was seen as being rude, nor bashing. When I joined this board well over a year ago, there were some people who offered me amazing support, were always there, to kindly answer any question I ask, some are still here, others have moved on, but they left me with the feeling that I would try to pass that on. I do not feel like I have ever been rude to a poster, I have gotten into some lively discussions in the Rants and Raves sections, that taken out of context perhaps could be construed as rude, but I have never set out to be rude to anyone, including this poster. In order to state your opinion, your experience, etc. you do not have to do so in a hateful, I am right and you are wrong way.

In my original post, I explained how my SIL and I were banded the same day, by the same Dr. and have had totally different banded experiences. I also gave my opinion that she was likely a bit too tight. I believe my response was like 70 something....several before me had offered the same opinion. Which ended up being the OP's solution, a small unfill.

My question to you Vancouvergirl74, is did you feel YOUR post was rude, or that it come on a little heavy?? Others did....much of what we read we read our own perceptions of the intention behind the post in to.

There are cases where rudeness happens, and arguements happen, and members have been banned for continued arguing and bad behaviour. But without a doubt, this is more often than not a highly supportive group, who will spend their time attempting to help a fellow bandster who is having problems. That is proven by the fact that there were over 100 reponses to this OP. While you may not have approved of how some of the members responded, maybe it was their anger or their fear for the OP, that prompted her to see her Dr. Perhaps if only 2 or 3 members posted sweetly that they are sorry, and hope she feels better soon, she would have went on hoping for better, and thinking what she was experiencing was normal. When those of us banded for more than a few months KNOW for a fact it is NOT normal, and know of no Dr. who would expect a patient to live in that misery! Sometimes extreme issues require extreme responses.

I hope you take time to read through other threads, and realize that by and large this is a very supportive bunch---with very diverse backgrounds and experiences with their bands.

Docsdeb---you have a surgery date!!! wooo hooo!!!! I also see the first 7 pounds are gone....just imagine 7 more...and your goal will be less than 100 pounds away. I look forward to watching your progress!!


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OMG. Have we come to this? I read through the posts AGAIN, just to make sure I wasn't missing something. Nope, I sure wasn't.

Everybody seemed to be honest with THEIR experience, for there wouldn't be a reason to be dishonest.

I think some people have OVER ANALYSIS PARALYSIS.

Just let it be.

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Kat, you are an amazing inspiration and one of the first of the what I call bandster brigade who came flying to my aide when I had a meltdown over this op. You and Indiogirl55 helped me through it and I will be forever grateful. Keep up the great support for all the others out there who truly benefit from your past experiences and future challenges!

I, too re-read all the posts before I posted my response to vancouvergirl74. I honestly can not see where anyone was overly critical or rude, only suportive and helpful, and by golly it worked, she took the advice and is feeling better. Good for her!

I hope that is what I got across in my post.

Yes, 7lbs gone as of today and soley contributing it to the pre-op liquid diet. It hasn't been that bad and I can honestly say I haven't been really hungry at all. I use the Isopure Protein for my shakes, and once that protein kicks in I'm good to go. That stuff just works wonders for me and I actually like it! I am just looking ahead and forward to all this being over and done with. I just want to get back safe and sound and start working the band!!! Send up a prayer for me, surgery is at 10:00 cst Friday morning. Whoopee!!!

As soon as I am home (and feel like it) I will post and let you all know how it went. Barring any complications or delays I should be back home Sunday night and will return to work on Wed.

Yes 7lbs

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Docsdeb, I am glad the preop is not getting you down, it really seems to help when it comes to post op cravings. That is one less thing to worry over then. Be sure to check in and let us know if you have questions.

Will be thinking of you Friday!


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Hey all,

I just wanted to throw in my two cents. I've been banded just over three months now, and I know I went thru some "bi-polar" phases where one day I thought I'd done the most horrible thing in the world to myself and hated my band and then one day I loved my band. Now I don't have the "hate" days anymore and I can honestly say it's the best thing I have ever done for myself in my life. I've been VERY lucky, I haven't experienced a lot of the unpleasant things I've seen people post and my heart goes out to those who do have a lot of bad side effects. I also believe, in my opinion, that there are some people who don't fully consider the good, the bad, and the ugly before doing the procedure. I honestly feel some people think the band is a magic cure all and will do all the work for them and they won't have to change any part of their daily lives after being banded and the weight will just fall off. I feel this is where a lot of the frustrated or negative posts come from. I still have to "fight" with myself not to eat certain things and most of the time I win, but sometimes the monster who lives in my tummy gets his way :)

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I have read ALL the posting and I have to say this has got to be the funniest posting I have ever read! It is almost 8 pages of people going off on this poor lady. Alright so she didn't have her wording right, so she was having a rough day, but come on did you all have to swarm in and beat her up?

And for the people who haven't been banded yet, "...after reading this I don't know if I am going to be banded." Or my favourite, "...good thing I didn't read this before I got my band or I wouldn't have done it!" Are you serious? Wow, more people need to do more homework, because in every book I have read they have been very clear about the side effects, and you know what? They can all happen to one person. So, if one post can rock your world then maybe you should re-evaluate getting the lap band.

This site is a forum of ideas and feelings, she felt like no one had informed anyone of the side effects that she was feeling. I expect to have side effects and I am smart enough to figure out that not all side effects will apply to me. I am smart enough to figure out that she was venting. I was disappointed by your rudeness and your tone, when it takes 8 pages to make your point you have gone too far.

Vancovergirl - Smart???? - You = Pot calling the Kettle Black.... No one beat her up - The tone of your post is offensive to me and i think the 8 pages consisted of other conversations too - not just to the op.

Kat, you are an amazing inspiration and one of the first of the what I call bandster brigade who came flying to my aide when I had a meltdown over this op. You and Indiogirl55 helped me through it and I will be forever grateful. Keep up the great support for all the others out there who truly benefit from your past experiences and future challenges!

I, too re-read all the posts before I posted my response to vancouvergirl74. I honestly can not see where anyone was overly critical or rude, only suportive and helpful, and by golly it worked, she took the advice and is feeling better. Good for her!

I hope that is what I got across in my post.

Yes, 7lbs gone as of today and soley contributing it to the pre-op liquid diet. It hasn't been that bad and I can honestly say I haven't been really hungry at all. I use the Isopure Protein for my shakes, and once that protein kicks in I'm good to go. That stuff just works wonders for me and I actually like it! I am just looking ahead and forward to all this being over and done with. I just want to get back safe and sound and start working the band!!! Send up a prayer for me, surgery is at 10:00 cst Friday morning. Whoopee!!!

As soon as I am home (and feel like it) I will post and let you all know how it went. Barring any complications or delays I should be back home Sunday night and will return to work on Wed.

Yes 7lbs


Thanks for the kind words :)

Congrats on the 7lbs :clap2:

Good Luck on your surgery - I will say a prayer -:)

The first few days do hurt (some people say it doesn't but it did for me) your port site will hurt the most & for the longest - about 1 1/2 - 2 week - not bad but you will know it's there (if i remember correctly - just like having a baby - the memory of the pain does fade). I never took any pain meds after 7/18. I was back to work on day 6 (but I do have a desk Job).

Keep up posted...



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Is there a chat room for folks to visit concerening these issues or is this it? I am new to this site, was banded 4 weeks ago, no fill yet. Scared to get fill. I don't have most of Alyse's problems but I do have some, the chest pains are the worse and I assume it is from eating too much or the wrong thing. I am learning as I go. I wanted to find a site to find others that can help me through this that have experience. I do want to hear the good the bad and the ugly. I am certain I made the right decision, I just need advice and support, Help, thanks. Lorraine

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Is there a chat room for folks to visit concerening these issues or is this it? I am new to this site, was banded 4 weeks ago, no fill yet. Scared to get fill. I don't have most of Alyse's problems but I do have some, the chest pains are the worse and I assume it is from eating too much or the wrong thing. I am learning as I go. I wanted to find a site to find others that can help me through this that have experience. I do want to hear the good the bad and the ugly. I am certain I made the right decision, I just need advice and support, Help, thanks. Lorraine

Hi Lorraine!

We all learn from our experience, and we share those experiences here. Chest pain post-banding could be as simple as eating too fast, too much or not chewing well enough.

To rule out anything else, I urge you to ask your doctor about this.

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Thanks Wendell for the quick response, I need to know what I did wrong so I don't do it again. About a week ago I had the pains and did talk to my surgeon we determined that the Peanut Butter I had eaten caused it. I figured peanut butter was high in Protein not realizing it was sticking things shut, won't do that again, it's all a learning process. I too realize like others mention I need to slow down and chew, chew, chew. Some days I am hungry, some days I am not, anyone had that same experience? Good luck Docs Deb, I hope you have the highest success. I was not sorry one day since this experience began. I didn't feel like my ole self until about day 10 post op, but now I am on the other side, the "downward spiral". I want to learn how to add the ticker like others I ahve tried but I must be doing something wrong. Thanks everyone for the support I see! Lorraine

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Thanks Wendell for the quick response, I need to know what I did wrong so I don't do it again. About a week ago I had the pains and did talk to my surgeon we determined that the Peanut Butter I had eaten caused it. I figured peanut butter was high in Protein not realizing it was sticking things shut, won't do that again, it's all a learning process. I too realize like others mention I need to slow down and chew, chew, chew. Some days I am hungry, some days I am not, anyone had that same experience? Good luck Docs Deb, I hope you have the highest success. I was not sorry one day since this experience began. I didn't feel like my ole self until about day 10 post op, but now I am on the other side, the "downward spiral". I want to learn how to add the ticker like others I ahve tried but I must be doing something wrong. Thanks everyone for the support I see! Lorraine

You're very welcome!

You already know that this is a learning process, and one thing that we learn about is "Problem foods", what I call "These foods are the DEVIL!".

The answer that I found works for me with problem foods is identifying them and either avoiding them altogether, or being VERY careful with my chewing. Doing this, I can still eat MOST, but not ALL foods.

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