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August NJ Thread......

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Mandy, I like them all (the swimsuits, I mean) but I do like the stripey one best!

Eileen, keep that boss busy! I'm glad that's not such a problem like last year!

Patty, stuff like that just says more about those people than it does about you. You are most certainly a bandster! That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You just forget about that silly person, ya hear!

Kat, yeeesssssssss.......I'm volunteering (as pres of the parent association). They did not have the $$ for a paid position this year. I would imagine this offer is still "on the table" and might come up in the future...I wonder if I'll still even want it??? LOL!

Jessica, I'm from Texas, north of Dallas.

See you wonderful girls tomorrow!


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Good Morning Y'all!

Well, I got supper done w/o burning it up because I was on here last night. lol

I made the best Pasta dish, at least I thought it was really good. My boss gave me the recipe and I tried it. It's a lot of chopping up veggies, but it was really tasty. If anyone wants the recipe, let me know. It's a meatless Italian Pasta.< /p>

Patty - I never heard anyone say that about a bandster! That person don't know her facts for sure! Some people never need a fill! Don't let that bother you!

Darcy - Girl we are missing and thinking about you!

Eileen - Will you ever get to leave the old job behind? I guess they can get more out of a person that way!

Beanie - How is the job going? Please fill us in!

Kat - How did all the garden work go yesterday? I hope you aren't totally worn out today, it's hard work!

Cindy - You are as busy as ever! You need to take a vacation!

Sherry/Chrispy - Your day sounds like a lot of fun! I would have loved to have been there too!

Opps, it almost 6 and I haven't gotten in the shower yet. Sorry, got to run and jump in, then fix my lunch/breakfast and get dressed. Catch y'all later!

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Good Morning Girlies!

Jessica, I am in NW New Mexico! our Jersey shores here are just unbelievable----literally!!!!

Patty, I am 16 months out, and have only had 2 fills, my last being over a year ago---do you think I lost my bandster status, I mean maybe I didn't pay my dues???? We'll have to start our own Bandster Club!!! Hang in there---dummies like that tear people down to make themselves feel better---you are doing great!!!!

The gardening is going.....and ongoing! I love the idea of the green Beans Betty. I would say 90% of what I put up for our own use, I freeze. My MIL is old school (she is 80....) and insists on canning everything. It is so hard for me to just let her do it her way, when I see the difference. You know the green Beans for instance, when I take them out of the freezer, and get them ready to cook, they will still be bright green, and pretty, but can them, and they get pale and dull....

I clear a shelf in my freezer just for individually freezing things---like the squash. I cut it mist it with Water, and just a tiny bit of sugar, lay it single layer on a cookie sheet and freeze it. When it is hard, I then put them all together in a zip lock bag. When I want it, I can grab exactly how much I want. I also shred it, and bag it into 2 cup bags, exactly what I will need for a loaf of zuchini bread at Christmas---my brother loves the stuff!!!!

I finally about 3 years ago, got my MIL to freeze the corn, as opposed to canning it. I hate canned corn! But I kid you not, this woman cans EVERYTHING!!!! She has canned her own salmon for years. The problem being, she saves everything, cans everything in sight....but she does not eat the salmon. So our son goes Salmon snagging every year, brings it home, offers some to the Grandparents, and she cans hers. I bet when they pass on, we find canned goods in the pantry that are 30+ years old!

I occasionally run onto something I have froze, and lost! I toss it! If it is not last years---I figure it isn't worth hanging on to! I have a really nice food saver, and use it all the time---I have 2 HUGE freezers, and both are full...but we live out of them! I don't buy groceries, other than basic staples, unless it is a sale item, then I stock up...it saves us huge money!

Beans, are picked and done for the next couple of days, they come on so fast and furious! Black eyed peas, are what is putting the hurt on her. They planted too many!!! They are time consuming to get ready to put up. She sent 2 bushels home with me....mine are going to be spread out and allowed to dry! I can cook them from dry!!!

Corn is ready as well---and 90% of it gets cut off the cob. My inlaws can no longer eat it while on the cob. So it is a messy, job---but she has agreed to freeze it!!! LOL

Next biggie will be green chile. They grow their own, I do not mess with it, I buy it by the 40 pound bag, and have it roasted, then put it in the freezer....we will do 3 bags!

I don't like this time of year---I really don't mind all the work, it is rewarding in and of itself---but it feels like I am causing winter to come---sorry Mandy, I really don't mean to do it!!! Hauling firewood, and putting the garden in the freezer, and football on TV---all says to me winter is coming....dammit!

Cindy---well I hope you enjoy your "new" non job!!! (wink wink) It makes me wonder, if you were not willing to voluntarily do it, if the funds would suddenly appear. Of course to do that---the kids suffer, the wrong parties are hurt by proving a point. I would be doing it too!

I wanna hear about your recipe Betty!!! I am well versed right now in chopping veggies!!!

Chris--you and Sherry didn't invite me to a candy lunch! Cracks me up! I had dark chocolate M& M's the other day---and filled up on them, and couldn't eat dinner!!!

Well, I am going to lunch with a friend today---provided she feels up to it, she has a dental appointment this morning! We won't be eating candy! She is dieting--and has lost 29 pounds! I am so happy for her, but it is so hard! I lost 29+ pounds more times than I can count, so has she....keeping it off, always alluded me! It almost makes it feel like I am doing it the easy way by comparison--if that makes any sense. I just feel so lucky, not to feel deprived, and to be able to eat, without the regaining weight.

Ok I am rambling on as usual---I am off to hit the shower! Catch the rest of ya's later!!!


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OK here goes:

A little olive oil (2 tablespoons or so)

1 large onion

4 clove of garlic

1 med eggplant cut into 1/2 in cubes ( about 3 cups or so)

1 med. zucchini chopped

1 (10 oz) package of mushrooms sliced

1 green pepper chopped

4 or 5 large tomatoes, cored, peeled, seeded and chopped

2 teaspoons of Italian seasoning

1 teaspoon sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

fresh ground black pepper

2 Tablespoons minced fresh basil

1 box of multigrain penne

shredded parmesan cheese

Heat olive oil in 4 qt saucepan over med-high heat, add onion and garlic and saute until oinion is translucent. Add eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms and green pepper. Cook stirring frequently for about 10 min. Stir in tomatoes, Italinan seasoning, suga, salt and pepper. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.

Uncover and stire in basil, increase heat to med-high and allow to boil for 3-5 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook Pasta and when done pour mixture over Pasta and toss.

Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and serve.

This tastes alot like pizza!

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Boo !

Hi Girlies, I can only stay a minute.

Patty, who ever said you weren't a bandster is a nin-cow-poop! what a stupid statement to make. You have the band around your stomach correct?? well if that don't make you a bandster I don't know what does. What a jerk (the person that said it that is).

I'm just popping in to say YELLO!!!! and off for another exciting day.

Luv yah's.


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Good morning!

DH and DD just left for school, and this is the first morning in a while that I have planned to stay home! I just have those little jobs that need to be done, and maybe a magazine to read. Tonight we're taking my dad out to dinner for his birthday, and I'm so excited to give him his gift! We booked him a fishing guide for our local lake out here...and he will take our DD with him...so the two of them plus the guide will go out for a 1/2 day of fishing, and the guide guarantees a fish fry! He'll fillet and bag the fish, too! My dad loves to fish and has fished all his life, so I think having someone with them who knows the lake and the where all the fish are will be really fun for him. Also, spending that time sharing one of his hobbies with his grandaughter will be special for both of them. They won't go until early October, when the fishing is better. I can't wait to tell him!

Betty, the Pasta recipe sounds delicious! I'm going to have to make that!

Kat, thanks for your explanation of how to freeze veggies. Do you freeze them, then use the food saver? Can you believe we have a foodsaver that we have never taken out of the box!? I'd like to know more about that...you can PM or email me. What kind of things are worth using the Foodsaver for?

You can bring fall and winter on, for me. I get very, very tired of the heat and all the sun and humidity! How did I get born in Texas? LOL! Of course, for the NJ and Chicago gals, there's a little more winter than I might actually want...but I still wonder about that!

Oh yeah...Kat, I hear you about the volunteer vs. paid job quandry. The position I want is more of a communications director position, so the tasks aren't exactly the same. I'm enjoying what I'm doing for the school right now, but think maybe they maybe able to see what I am able to do, and reconsider for the $$ job. I suppose we will see what is in the cards...whichever way, it will be fine.

I better get off the 'puter, and do some of the things I need to do around here...hope everyone has a great day!


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Hi all--

Cindy, when I do the individual freezing, I usually just use a double zip lock bag, so I can get in and out of it easily. But for things like the green Beans Betty told me how to do etc, I use my food saver all the time! I use it for leftovers---then I can just pop them into Ricks lunch, or into our cooler when we go camping. I buy meat in the big Value Packs, and break it down, into smaller packages. With them, I actually lay them all out, pierce them with a fork, mix up my marinade, and put 2 steaks to a package, (Rick eats one, I eat part of one, and make him a sandwich out of the other part for work the next day!!!) pour in the marinade, and seal...by the time they are thawed they are ready! When the apples on the tree are ready to freeze, I will do the same with them, add the butter, cinnamon, and a bit of flour to the bag, and seal. Ready to thaw, mix a bit,a nd dump in a pie crust. With our green chile we put up. I do half of it whole but cleaned and peeled, and the other half I will clean and dice before freezing, then when I freeze it, I freeze it in the wide bag, and flatten it out, so when I need some, all I have to do is pop it against the edge of the counter, and it breaks off a section, then I just seal it again and put it back in the freezer. Back when I froze it in chunks, you had to thaw the whole thing to use it. Plus using wide bags, and freezing things flattened out, you can store it in less space, and it stays more organized on the shelf. I prefer taking a day to do the work, then when I am in a rush cooking, most of the tedious work is done!

We also used the food saver once to make these ice packs, we used them for a long time too!!! You fill a food saver bag with some Water, and freeze it--we stood it up in a bowl-because the top is still open. When it is froze solid, you pour in half a cup or so of rubbing alcohol. With the frozen ice, it allows you to sit the bag in a way that the liquid does not all run out---and then seal. When the ice thaws, it them mixes with the alcohol, and will never freeze solid again---it remains fairly flexible, and can be ice cold in the freezer for use. We eventually ended up sending them all off with kids, and friends---hadn't thought about making more, until telling you!!!! With my daredevil grandkids, I better make some more!!!

Well girls I went to the Dr. yesterday, my DH was having a conniption fit. I have had a headache for several days. I attribute it to sinus issues. But I do have a tumor in my mastoid, also one in my fibula, they have been there for many years now, but I have a yearly bone scan to keep them monitored, and see if more ever develop. They were discovered when they did my work up following my cancer diagnosis. They are not real serious---more than a simple bone dysplasia, but not malignant at the last biopsy, and there has never been a change in them through the last 5 years. My scan was due several months ago, but with the year we had with Ricks health, and no obvious changes I put it off, as well as my mammogram, and all the other fun checks. Not really intentionally, but time just kept going by....

Then I was whining for several days about the headache, and Rick freaked out when he found out I missed my scan. So I went to the Dr. yesterday. He thinks the tumor in the mastoid feels as though it may have grown. I don't agree. It sounds silly---but I swear it is weight loss!!! Anyway...I now am scheduled for my bone scan on the 6th, mammogram on the 10th, and yearly physical on the 18th! Doesn't that sound like a fun month to everyone!!!

The bone scan is NOT my favorite thing. The body scan is not an issue. When they bring that monster ass machine down onto my head, it IS an issue. I had them so frequently in the begining, and one woman, Julie, did them always, she would tell me when it was coming down, and when it was going to touch me, and would tell me every step of the scan, count it down, etc. Then time before last another lady did it. I ask her if she was going to warn me when it was coming down. I am on my side, and cannot see anything other than the side arm of this beast machine. Overall the scanner part is really not that huge, but when it is pressing on your head---it seems gargantuan! She kinda sighed and said yes she would tell me. The way she said it, I mistakenly assumed that the way Julie did it was standard, and was lying there, she told me "coming down" and it was there immediately, pushing HARD on my head. MY claustrophobia kicked in--I pulled out from under it (scraped the hide off my head doing so!), tried to get up---keep in mind I am on a table about a foot wide, and I am at my heaviest, and my feet are taped together to keep them upright and still. I managed to heave myself into a sitting position---this is all happening in nanoseconds, I am in full panic mode, and hyperventilating---and I puked all over her legs and feet! So.....it took serious effort to get me back last year, as well as a good dose of Verced! This year, it is a new neurosurgeon, my old one left, and she does not prescribe relaxants unless she sees you first, and there is no appointment open with her until October. So....I am going to self medicate...and try to get the scan done so she will have all the results when I see her in October. For the scan, I go it, and they start inject radioactive isotopes interveiniously, and I leave for 2 hours, over which time I have to drink minimally 36 ounces...then the contrasting isotopes, are spread throughout the body, and they can detect if there are new hot spots, and how the already noted hotspots react to them. In the film---I could see the tumors, as well as the injection site, and my bladder---all full of the glowing junk---but you could see my fat blob body in pale outline, I was excited to see it this time, and found out it will all be on the computer only, I will not have films to compare myself...dangit!

Anyway----I come home, with my head continuing to pound---and said to heck with it, I dug into the medicine cabinet for the only thing that EVER took these sinus headaches away, and come out with a box of Advil Cold & Sinus. Just before dinner, when I knew I would have food in my belly, I took one...it passed without issue, and lo and behold----no headache! No one ever listens to me!!!!

I am NOT worried over this testing. They have biopsied my leg 2 times, never the mastoid, due to the tissue make up of the mastoid, sometimes disturbing it causes over growth of the honeycomb type of bone tissue it is made of. So while it is not changing they have left it alone.

If ever this causes me problems, or if they were to end up keeping me in the hospital with issues over it, I will have DH, or DD or someone come in and let everyone know. Promise.

Cindy, your Dads gift sounds great! I bought my girls birthday gifts Monday. Lord of the Dance is coming, right between their birthdays in October and November....so that is what they are getting. Amanda will love it--without any question. I am hoping Abbey will too.

Well I have a list of things to do today, none of which I am wanting to do----oil changed in the van, to take my Dad to ABQ Friday...banking, laundry, sorting things to pack if we get to go camp at the rally Sat. & Sun. Lotsa fun!!!

Eileenie, I am glad to see you pop in---just like old times!!!

Betty---I printed the recipe--going to try that. I am usually not a big eggplant fan, but DH likes it....so we are going to try it!!!

So I better get busy, or another day will go by with me not getting these things done!!!!



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Ohhh, Kat,

You have been through Soooo much. I am angry that the lab tech didn't listen to you and that you barfed on her.... she deserved it!:girl_hug: If the world would just listen, I'm very happy that your headache is gone. Do you still plan to have a new scan?

Many thanks for my best friends ever! :kiss2: I'm smiling and happy once again and you are all such a great support. The gentlman that made that stupid remark was totally all about himself and I wasn't getting a positive vibe from him anyway. No love lost. I took the kids out for a TacoBell meal before school starts and I didn't finish the item I ordered. I eat less than my kids do these days. That feels good. Anyway, Today is the first day of Westminster High and I got up before the alarm, set on the coffee and woke up the twins. I had baked Cookies last night and our tradition is that I make lunch the first 3 days. I stuffed in extra cookies so that the boys could share. So, we are off and running. My younger ones are still asleep and I get to spend some extra Mommy time with them. We return to school/work Sept 5th.

I have a prayer request. My Mom(73) just had a breast biopsy yesterday. She fully described the whole procedure to me -- gasp! She wasn't in any pain and now we have to wait for results next week. She doesn't have a lump that she can feel, this was discovered on her mammogram and when they called they told her they have been watching this calcified growth and this year it changed and they wanted to biopsy it. I don't have any exprience with this. I don't know any friends, enemies, sisters, cousins no one that have gone thru this(I know that sounds very strange, but its true). I kinda don't know what to feel. I love my Mom, she's my only living parent. I'm a little frightened, unsure. So, I guess you all, get to hold my hand thru this next thing. Hmmm, the little monsters decided to wake, gotta feed them.

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Good Morning Y'all!

We are supposed to get some rain here today, and we actually need some really bad. It sprinkled some here yesterday, but just enought to get the car wet!

Kat - I have a food savor too, and I love it. The food keeps so much longer without gettting freezer burnt. I use mine when I remember to, but I forget a lot too. You can't taste the eggplant at all in this recipe. When it gets done, the Italian seasonings makes it all taste different. I didn't think I would like it but I did. Last night I added some hot rotel tomatoes to the left overs and my DH liked it even better. Sorry for all you are going through, hopefully everything will be just fine. Usually we have a gut feeling about it when something is wrong.

Cindy - I hope you enjoyed your day off!

Eileen - How nice to see you on a work day!

Patty - Some people just don't know how to be nice!

Well, going to get moving, check out a few threads and then throw my clothes on and get dressed for work. Today is my Friday, so I am looking forward to 5:00!

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Hi everyone. I haven't had a chance to even look at the site. I hope everyone is doing well.

I've been working a lot and haven't been able to check in.

Hopefully this weekend I'll have time to check in!

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Hi Lovie Dovies, just popping in to say YELLO!!!

We are heading to a kiddy Water park tomorrow morning so I don't think I'll be in here.

Took DD to see Mr. Bean's Vacation yesterday..... strange but cute movie. I ate so much popcorn with butter my eyeballs were turning yellow... WHY do I do that?

After this week (labor day) all the chit, garbage, junk in my house IS OUT !!!!! I'm feeling tired and old again (partly is due to having my period for 9 stinkin days LOL) but mostly is because of the way I'm eating.

Anyway have a great weekend and be good :)


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