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August NJ Thread......

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Good Morning Ladies and boy is it beautiful here in NJ.

The AC is off and the windows are open ahhhhhh beautiful... lovely day to clean but WTF....screw that. We are off to the Renaissance Fair in NY State today (its the last weekend) Welcome to the Sterling Renaissance Festival Its only a 25 minute drive from our house.

Then its a late day birthday party for a 7 year old and then home to rest my dogs (feet).

Mandy I don't know about you but watching HSM 2 was painful for me last night LOLOLO zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ~ My DD loved it but was so tired that she went to sleep right after and missed the Hanna Montana show...which I'm sure they will repeat all weekend long lolol. That boy in HSM2 is in Hairspray.... If I were 10 years old, I' would have a crush on him too, he is so cute.

Well goils, I gotta get ready, we're leaving in 1 hour and I have to throw in a load of laundry b/4 I go as well as paint my eyes :)

TTYL and have a Blessed Saturday.


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Eileen, I did several crossword puzzles while HSM2 was on. We did watch the HM and she came off as a spoiled little brat. I'm usually ok with her, but last night she was just bratty. I like the Jonas brothers, and they did a good job on the show. Have fun at the Faire. ~Mandy

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Whew, just got home from school shopping with my son. THANK GOD he's not into designer clothing and he's super simple to buy for. 2 stores and we're done yeeehaaaa. Bob's for jeans, socks and a couple tshirts then Hot Topic for his concert type tshirts and get this his sneakers. He loves those high top converse cloth sneakers. On sale $25 oh yea we can do that. hahaha. I looked around and heard some kids complaining because they didn't have their size in Tommy's jeans. Cripe...I'm so so glad I never got my son into designers stuff. I was never into it myself mainly because those clothes wear out just like any other but man they can cost a small fortune. I was able to get my son 3 pairs of jeans for the price of those Tommy's those kids were looking at. Incredible! I guess I never got into it because my parents didn't have the pocketbook for it and then being on my own since I was 18 working two part-time jobs to survive...yea I couldn't do it either. Now I just don't. My son said the same thing...smart kid...why spend that much on one thing when you can get 3 that last just as long if not longer because you have 3 to use instead of one. (Ya think he's thinking? hee hee) We had a good time together too with Breakfast, ran to the post office to mail off my care package to my adopted soldier in Iraq, shopped, had a nice lunch and back home. Son doesn't have to work today so he's spending time with his dad later this afternoon too.

DH is off with his motorcycle friends taking a tour of Newport RI. When he gets home we're heading to our friends house (son's godmother) because she had her gallbladder taken out and just got home yesterday. Going to keep her company and help her around the house a bit. Then....DH and I will probably go for a ride and out to dinner while DS is with his dad. Fun today but, working around here tomorrow.

Sunday isn't my day of rest that's for sure haha. I'll have to do laundry again (cripe just put away what I washed last week, this morning lol), wash the kitchen floor, dust yadda yadda. Then I'll be pooped and have to go back to work. Man the weekends go by fast don't they :).

It's really cool here today too. About 70's right now...A/C off and windows open. I haven't been able to go in my pool for a week now it's just too chilly or been too late by the time I've gotten home Craziness I tell ya :)

I'm struggling with my weight...this 1/2 unfill is a stuggle yet I'm still finding I occassionally have heartburn so I highly doubt he'll let me fill it a little more. I've made up my mind to kick back into gear on Monday. HOLD ME TO IT GIRLS because man it doesn't take much to slack off ;) Where is Darcy with her E challenges? lol.

Bean nice to see you again :) I'm glad things are looking up for you with work and I wish you the best with your new job. Have fun prepping up for it. I love having my toes done :)

Betty - has it been cooler where you are now? Been swimming? Hey how is that foot? Have you ridden your motorcycle yet? Whew lots of questions huh?

Mandy - You feeling better...more energy now? I hear it takes alot out of you having those surgeries. I haven't had anyone really close to me have that yet, but some people from work. I knew a few of the girls got really really tired. I hope it's all going ok for you. Looking forward to Disney girl!

Eileen - Ohhh I don't know if I could sit through a movie or show if I were that bored. I think I'd be working on something crafty or reading a book but, keeping my kiddo company. the guys were watching something stupid the other night called Top Fuzz or something like that. Suppose to be a funny drama cop thing but it was GROSS to me and not the least bit funny. I went to bed and let them keep each other company hahaha. What ya cooking this weekend? I think you'd like that chicken coucous stuff I mentioned earlier. The guys acutally told me yesterday they really liked it. Hmmmm ya think they would of said that sooner hahaha.

Cindy - You certainly do keep yourself pretty busy with the school stuff for a retired woman :) My sister-in-law kinda did the same thing when she retired from working in the school office. They ended up calling her in quite bit to help anyway lol. Her kids hated it when she worked there because all their friends would complain that when they went to get a late note...they knew she knew their parents hahaha.

Patty - That's great that your doc listened. I know my doc doesn't push a fill if you tell himyou don't want it. Truly we're the ones working with our band so it's our decision not theirs anyway. I really want a fill now but, I know I can't do that with reflux..it's not healthy. I have to get this under control first. I think the exercise will help me with it. Then I can get back to losing. It's never easy huh?

Anyone heard from Pat or Anne lately? Hope they're doing ok. I get jokes from Pat alot but, I haven't heard from Anne since she went back to work. I still think of her everyday when I use my carosel at work :) She sent me that to thank me for some clothes I sent her so she could have them for work. Sweet gal she is, I miss her.

Sorry if I missed anyone...it's not intentional just the memory going and I didn't do the advance thing and if I click it now I'll lost my entire post lol.

Well I suppose I should go clean up some around here...got some vaccuming to do and take the dogs out for a run.

Hugs to all and have an awesome day!

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Wow! Lots of great news, here!

Yeah! Beanie's back! And employed! I think you're right...you should have plenty of work with all the sub-prime loans going under and all that. I hope this work environment is more suitable for you! Where is your office? You said you had a long commute...I'm just so happy we'll be seeing you more often! Once you get to regular routine again, I bet the weight will start disappearing again, too!

Patty, hi! We're doing the back-to-school dance, too. DD wears a uniform, so the school clothes shopping is pretty easy. We might have to see an orthodontist, but we get wait 6 months before we find out...she just lost her last baby tooth last week!

We missed HSM2...we were at THE PICNIC. I put in capital letters, because it seems like it was such a huge looming event, and it is finally OVER! It went very well, girls! (wiping sweat from my brow...) We sold a little over 300 bucks worth of old ("retro") logo clothing, and saw 195 people at our booth for info about the parent association. That is pretty good! I only slept 4 hours per night for the three nights before the picnic, just getting all the stuff I had to do - well, done. I slept in this morning...but hit the floor running. As of this writing, DD has completed all of the projects that are due Monday morning, and I have done the grocery shopping for 2 weeks.

I hate to mention this...tomorrow is the church Fall Kick-Off Picnic! Double-Dork. (that's for you, Eileen!) At least I'm a worker-bee for that one, and not a planner!

I'm still hoping to drop 10 pounds sometime, and make it under the 200 area. I hover in the 200-205 area. Maybe we'll all "get the bug" for exercise. You never know....

Kat, where are you going for your birthday? That sounds like fun!

Well, Monday is school for DD...and Tuesday is school for DH. I have blocked Tuesday off for ME! Not doing a thing....I swear!

Hugs to each and every one of you,


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Good Morning Y'all!

My computer was down for a while, DB was working on it for me.

I didn't get any work done at all yesterday, and now it is all looking me in the face and I still don't want to do any!

Beanie - Whoooo Hooooo! I am glad you found a job and will be able to come back to visit with us. You are really missed here!

Sherry - No, I haven't rode the motorcycle yet, seems like something is going on every weekend and I just don't get to. I have never went this long without riding! Maybe I forgot how by now! I will definately be nervous when I do go. My one foot is a little better, but the pain is still there and I still can't do a lot of walking on it. My cut foot has finally healed up and I can pretty much wear my shoes again, it is a little tender though. I have been swimming every day and doing my exercising in there except yesterday. We went to Harley, then we had a party at the neighbors house (I went swimming but not exercising) and then to bed! It is still hot here, but it is cooler now, only in the high 90's.

Chrispy - Hello to you! I bet you gals can't wait to leave for Disney.

Patty - Hey any pounds we lose are great ones! Congrats to you on the 3 that's gone!

Cindy - You are so busy all the time! You can't say you are retired! You just retired the job you were at!

Kat - Wow girl, you sure do a lot of work! You made me tired just reading it all!

Mandy - Glad you are starting to feel much better!

Well, got to run and get this house cleaned, the laundry done, and think about dinner food. I need to run back to Walmart, they charged me for my pack of paper towels twice yesterday and it was $5.99 each time.

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BEANIE....... love that your back! Welcome Home :kiss2:;):lol::D:)

It was Soooo hot here Friday we jumped in the car and headed to the Long Beach Aquarium. I sat in the cafe with a starbucks and the kids just ran around -- whew. I cooled down and felt marvelous. I sometimes really don't know if its the 90+ heat or menopause. I just feel sticky all the time..... anyhoo. The twins and I assembled the new bunk bed -- who needs a husband! We were So proud of ourselves. We used our current double mattress(which I want to replace) and need to go to my storage unit for the twin mattress(which I also need to replace) but now that we have the bed I have time to save for those new things. Feeling quite victorious we packed sandwich fixins and headed to a new beach.... well new to us. For years I have heard people around here talk about "Mothers Beach" a cove inlet/harbor where Moms can take their toddlers to play in the sand and there isn't any surf. I was given directions the other day and yep we found it - eureka! What a blissful Saturday afternoon, I couldn't thank God enough. I prayed while the kids swam and thanked him for you guys here and my lapband. I just feel better than I did last summer. I want to keep that motivation. I couldn't do it without drinking that Isopure Protein, what a lifesaver!

Well, lookee here...... the little monsters are coming out of their dens.

Gonna try a new church this morning..... bye!

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Hi All, it's been raining here for 2 days. We need the rain. Before surgery we planted some grass to fill in the bare spots in the yard and we have been having to Water them for weeks. Now we are getting a good soaking rain. I feel sorry for DH, he has to work out in it but at least it's not cold and raining. I am feeling a little better each day. I am stull very swollen, but have no weight gain ????? Maybe I will be a few pounds lighter when this is all over. We ate at Cracker Barrel today, I had turkey sausage and a biscuit....yum! With my band empty I can have a bit of bread, that's nice. I have never been a bread junkie, but sometimes I miss it. My mom and dad came over and we played dominoes until almost midnight last night, but it was welcome company, Dave was at work and they left about 20 mins before he came home. I'm still not sleeping very well, and I plan on talking to the doctor about that on tuesday. Maybe hormones will help, if not sleeping pills are going to be needed. I am sooooo tired, I know that is also from the surgery, but I am 20 days out and still need naps like a baby. I can't sleep more then a few hours at a time. It stinks. I listed a bunch of stuff on Ebay this week, spending money for Disney! WooHoo! My mom and I are going to hit the outlets while we are there. I'll check in later. ~Mandy

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Hi Girlies,

I just wanted to pop in and say have a great week everyone. Nothing much is going on for the week, me like Cindy would really like to get below that 200 mark but wth? with the stress of my job lately, family issues and not getting my period for 2 months dieting just seems so overwhelming at the moment. I really need to start exercising..I know that will help but how can you exercise when your so darn tired all the time....vicious cycle I tell yah LOLOL.

So, my pretties....have a blessed week ahead and I hope to sneak in during the week and chat.

Luv yah's ;)

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Hey All,

Somebody bonk me on the head the next time I mention moving. I feel like we are the stars of "Flip this House" and we don't have the film crew or the help!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I am sitting with my hubby in front of the travel lodge so that we can get a connection... he just informed me he has to "GO"... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... I thought I was going to get to catch up! Irene... so glad you found a job...sure have missed your posts! Kat... you look beautiful... WOW!!!!!

Okay... he has to "GO"... I try to catch up soon... hugs to all of you!!!!

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Darcy.....wait.....come back....Darcy. Waaaaaaaa!

I don't want to bonk you on the head, but moving just mess's everything you do. Hang in there babe.

Mandy: Keep taking those cat naps. You will build your strength and it may be over a period of time. I know that you are super charged about WDW but you are still healing and this trip may just be alittle bit different and you need it take it really slow. Rent a wheelchair and use the handicap entrance -- The standing will surely sap your energy. Bring a drs note if you have to. The bottled Water solution was brilliant! I hope ebay brings in those extra$$.

This is the last full week for the twins and so I asked them what they really want to do..... simple stuff. The movies, evening at disneyland and free days to just build legos. Tonight I am going to another lapband support meeting, they say the give away free fills -- who knows, I might win! Ohhhh, I need help. I get to meet another lapband gal here in town. I met Vikki here and she is having a gathering at her home this Saturday. I need some hints for a "band friendly" food to bring. I understand low-fat, low-calorie and low-carb, but that doesn't mean that these are band friendly. Hints please? Thanks guys :car:

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Make a taco dip.

Low fat sour cream, low fat cheese, fat free refried Beans, guac, salsa. Servre with baked tortillas. Yum....now gotta go find lunch. ~Mandy

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I also have the recipe for cracker barrel cheesy hash browns.

1 bag of frozen hash browns thawed

1/2 can cream of chicken Soup

1/2 cup sour cream

1/2 while onion chopped

1 cup shredded chedder cheese

mix all ingredients in a bowl, spread into a 9x9 or 8x8 pan. Bake for 30-45 mins at 375, until crispy and brown.

My mom swears it is better if you give it a stir half way through the cooking time. I never do and it's always good. I have added

1. ham and peas

1. bacon

2. broccoli

3. hot peppers

4. toped with salsa

5. different cheeses

I take this and slice it, and reheat by pan frying the next day. Makes great little potato pancakes. ~Mandy

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Good Morning Y'all!

I have to go have lab work done today so I have to leave extra early. I can't have my coffee, so I am a tired, bitchy lady today! lol

Mandy - You make me hungry! You recipe sounds really good, especially since I can't eat this morning.

Darcy - Hurry up and get moved! We need you back here!

Patty - I hope you win the free fill!

Eileen - I am with you, seems like no matter what I do the scale won't budge!

Catch you all later! Hello to all that hasn't posted!

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Just wanted to say hello to all my fellow NJ folks and send a thank you to everyone who has posted on this board...so much great info!!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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