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howdy folks...man it's a hot one today here in New England. Just got back from going to the beach and swimming in the pool with Chrispy. What a nice day and lots of exercise! I haven't been to a beach since out trip to Bermuda and prior to that since I was a young kid. My parents never took us to one, they took us mainly to local lakes or we used the sprinkler :) It was nice to be by the ocean and people watching. Hmmmm I have to say....sometimes I wonder why I worry about being in a bathing suit hahaha quite the sites to see sometimes lol. We had a grand time though and I'm looking forward to doing that with her again.

DH is on his motorcycle with his friends riding to Providence Town on Cape Cod. DS is on his way to his friends house for a party (oh man I'm feeling old worrying about his driving somewhere he's not sure where he's going.) Thank God he has a cell phone in case he gets lost UGH. He never was one to pay attention to where we were driving when taking him to his friends, school, stores etc so now that he's driving he's clueless. Hmm maybe his Christmas present will be a GPS for his car ;). Later on tonight I have an appointment to get my tattoo finished. Hopefully totally finished now. Getting tired of looking at an unfinished piece. That's it until probably next year than I hope to get an angel put on my other thigh.

Well...DS left.....pooches are taking a nap....I'm going to hit the shower and shave my legs again so the tattoo artist isn't filing his nails on my skin hahahah

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Sherry, I wish I had an appointment to finish my tattoo today, maybe next week. I hope to have my dragon finished before Disney. There are some great GPS deals during the day after thanksgiving sales. (sam's club also has them pretty cheap right now). Do you guys have the Disney plans all made? Did you and Chrispy still want to meet up?

Cindy, we are waiting for details about the concert. I love the Stray Cats, they do a great show. I promise I am trying to take it easy. The hardest thing has been not wrestling with my doggies. I love to get in the floor and play tug-o-war with both of them. That and not being allowed to do any exercise at all. I really want to go for a nice long couple of mile walk. Maybe the doc will clear me to take long walks next week. You can bet I am going to ask. I am sore in strange places, like my hips. I have the incision across the bikini line, and I hurt several inchs away from each end. I also hurt around my navel. The surgeon also took my appendix, so I am also having some pain there. My incision is burning more than hurting. It's weird. Since I had Abi naturally I've never had this type of incision and it's making me think twice about doing a Tummy Tuck. Maybe the hanging skin isn't so bad. LOL After the pain I had monday right after surgery, I don't think I ever want to do that again.

Kat, how is Kenzie? She all better? It's good that Rick at least got regular news. Regular news is much much better than bad news.


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Good morning everyone,

Last night was fun, we swam in the pool until about 10 PM. Would have been there longer if it wasn't for that nasty skunk that sprayed near our home LOLOL the sky was awesome, the stars were insanely bright and beautiful and the Water was around 88 degrees. I'm tired today lol.

Today I'll be folding lotza laundry and maybe I'll even sneak in a movie. We have the old movie Rat Pack with Frankie, Sammy and others :) nuthin like the old stuff I tell yah.

Well girlies you all have a great day and a wonderful week ahead.

ENJOY... ttyl


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I have to venture out the the store today. I need to get out of the house, I'm going a bit stir crazy and we need some stuff. Dave and Abi are going to go with me so I don't have to lift anything. But I will get some away time. I'll check in later. ~Mandy

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Goooood Moooornin Gals (or Goils as Eileen would say hee hee love it!)

Eileen - Watcha cooking for the week today? Ya know that really is a good idea...ummm ifn I would eat it and stick to it. MY BAD. I really should plan better what I'm going to eat for lunches and stuff during the week. But I never know day to day what my tummy will let me have lol. Seafood salad seems to be the thing for lunch lately. I'm glad you had a good time in your pool. I went to the beach yesterday but, there is something to be said about swimming in your own pool :) I just feel so much cleaner without the seaweed floating around me hahaha but, then the sound of the waves and feel of the breeze at the beach..what a wonderful thing. It was just an awesome day hee hee. The pool was just the right temperature yesterday too. I could of fallen asleep floating around but, I don't have any floats I don't have to hold onto heh heh. That fair you went to sounds great. We have a big one here in September that we usually try to get to. It's about 2.5 hours away but, well worth the day trip. We leave here around 6am and get home around 6pm and like you are tootsies are usually aching. A few years back though I got food poisoning there so I'm REALLY careful what I eat when I'm there hahaha.

Mandy - My appt got cancelled and moved to today at noon so hopefully it will get done today. Nothing uglier than a tattoo that isn't finished and it's flaking from the work done before haha. Chrispy and I didn't make meal plans for Disney with the exception of eating lunch at the Castle one day. We really wanna wing it because we just want to relax and food isn't going to be the priority. She's actually going to call Disney to see if we can change the expensive sit down dinners for some counter service ones or snack vouchers because we can't eat much anyway but, we'll see. The worse they can say is no but, there is a chance with knowing about our banding that they could change them for us. Eh we're not worried.

Cindy - I'm glad DD had a great time at her camp. It's always nice to hear our children have fun :D The concert sounds awesome. I went to a Motown concert in NY once and we had great seats because the boyfriend at the time personally knows Johnny from Johnny Maestro and the Brooklyn Bridge. What a concert! I enjoy going to them but, usually don't get a chance to go. I hope you enjoyed your concert :)

I'm hearing the theme of laundry in our thread and mine is calling me too UGH.

Kat - Does your husband have to keep a written log as well while he wears his monitor. I know the company I used to work for had 24 hour monitors and people had to keep a written log so if the scanners who read the monitor tapes saw a spike or something wrong they'd read the time on the log to see what the patient was doing at the time. The things you read sometimes YIPES hahaha but, it was a necessary thing for the patients to do. Is the woodshed done? How did it come out?

Betty - I miss ya...hope you're doing well. Were you able to relax a bit this weekend?

Darcy - It was nice reading your post. I miss ya! send us pics of you new nest now that it's decorated your way :) Hope it's all comfy cozy for you now.

Patty - How was the parade? How do they get the confetti inside the eggs? ARe they real eggshells or plastic?

Well, I better get the laundry started so I can hang the towels outside on the line for free drying time :) I love the smell of laundry that's been hung outside. Then tattoo time in an hour. Pleasure in Pain the place is called...hmmmm think about it hahaha

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Here's a pic of us before going to the concert! DD liked Stray Cats the best of the three bands...I'm a big Pretenders fan myself, but there was a problem with their sound so that was a bummer. Chrissie Hynde's voice was amazing as always. And, of course, Don Henley was fantastic. It wasn't the Eagles, but it was pretty close! A surprise song was a Tears for Fears song, "Everybody want to Rule the World"...I didn't know Henley ever did covers, but he did. His two first encores were Hotel California and Desperado. I had tears, I'll confess. Dd had a great time at her first rock concert, and I don't think I embarrassed her be dancing too much! She was impressed I knew the words to every song.

Sherry, I am envious of your day at the beach, and I'm jealous of the Eileen's swimming pool! Dang it. I'm stuck on the prairie in Texas.

Mandy, go easy, but I sure understand having cabin fever. Those incisions are painful, just the small ones I have had, so a big one like yours has got to be a real pain!

Yes, laundry is the order of the day; I only finished about half of it yesterday...DH has gone to buy a new camera. One of cats got revenge on him last night for tossing him off the bed, but crashing his camera off the counter (where he left it after taking this picture I posted)...and killed the camera. He must have a digital to sell stuff on ebay, so he's on a mission.




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Sherry, you can use all of the meal vouchers at counter service places. No need to change them at all. But the counter service places are limited to mostly fast food type stuff. There are some great ones, but for the most part they are burger and fries type stuff. ~Mandy

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Good Morning Y'all!

Sorry I missed the weekend, just got busy and forgot to post! It was a great weekend though!

Eileen - Glad to see your smiling face again. We stayed in our pool most of the afternoon and evening, probably till about 10 pm, it was so nice I hated to get out.

Cindy - Glad you enjoyed the concert. You have lost so much weight girl, you are skinny! Congrats to you!

Sherry - I am anxious to see the new tatoo! I bet it is pretty!

Patty - Hope you are having a great time on your vacation! I certainly sounds like you are.

Mandy - Glad you are feeling good enough to get out of the house. That always makes me feel better to go get some fresh air and do some shopping. Shopping cures a lot of stuff! lol

Chrispy - Hows the new beau doing? Is he passing our inspections? lol

Gosh, I know I am missing someone, but it is 7:10 and I have to walk out the door. So I'll catch you all later!

Have a great day!

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Good morning everyone. I hope your week is going ok so far. Mondays are always yucky for me hahaha. I guess because the weekends seem to fly by and that's when I decide what I need to accomplish for the week. Man the list is huge this week..GULP! I should be used to this by now but, it seems to get to me sometimes. Hmmm might have something to do with TOM being on the way I s'pose huh? Heck even my horoscope says I've got tons to do but, if not careful it won't get accomplished but all started. Sheesh! I guess I better get cracking or I'll make the horoscope come true haha.

Have a wonderful day!

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:happybday2::happybday2::happybday2:HAPPY BIRTHDAY EILEENIE!!! HOPE YOUR DAY IS AS WONDERFUL AS YOU ARE!!!!:happybday2::happybday2::happybday2:WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

What time is cake and ice cream??? Man I am craving sweets!!!!

big giant (((hugs))) to you!!!!!


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Good Morning Y'all!

Boy, it's hot here! No more sitting in the car and eating lunch/reading for me! I really enjoyed that too, no noise to bother me, just me and my book. lol

I have been getting in the pool every day and exercising, but getting discouraged because still no weigh loss. I have to go back to the doctor next week and he isn't going to like it that I haven't lost anything again. UGH!

Eileen - "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" sweetie! I hope you have a great one! Are you doing anything special?

Kat - I have been craving sweets too! Just what I don't need right now. But cake and ice cream sounds heavenly!

Where is everyone? I did hear from Beanie, she is still looking for work, I hope she finds something soon because I miss her posts on here. It's tough to find a good job anymore.

Well going to run, hope y'all have a great day!

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Mornin All!

Laundry... Wow... for once in my life I have never been so caught up on the eternal pile! Oh... and you know the socks we all save hoping to find the match one day??? Well... I had a whole basket of the boogers and I *gasp* tossed them in the garbage! I'm tired of painting... cleaning... sorting... packing... unpacking... donating... *deep breath* BUT... I love the feeling of getting rid of crap! I didn't realize how full of crap I was....hehehehe.

Patty... I do have dial-up at the cabin... after having Road Runner... it seems SOOOOOOOOOOOO slow...lol. Anyhoo... I can always run to town and sit at the bowling alley or the library and connect to their wireless for browsing. I know one day your heart will sing as you snuggle into your own cabin. I mean seriously... look at what you went through to get your band... you can make anything happen!

Betty... You are sooooo right... it is a really good feeling to get rid of the junk in our trunk! :) I sure wish we lived closer... I'd coming over to jump in that beautiful pool to Celebrate "letting go"! Please tell Irene I am thinking of her if you talk to her again soon. I sure miss her posts and I will be sending "job finding" vibes her way!

Mandy... My sister had a Tummy Tuck after her gastric bypass... not an easy surgery... not an easy recovery... but she felt it was worth the pain for the gain... or rather loss. :) Take care of yourself... you are the only you you have!

Sherry... Girl... you work too hard! I can hardly wait to see your tattoo!!!!! Can't we have a wittle peek???? We need a double tattoo showing featuring you and Mandy! I'm supposing your son must be all healed from his accident by now...yes????

Eileenie... I will be over to jump in your pool as soon as I am done with Betty's. I swear... if I had a pool I would be as skinny as a rail... I LOVE to swim... but hate being in a swimsuit more than I love being in the Water. *sigh*

Does anyone ever hear from Anne... I miss her posts.

Chris... keep on kissing ... there is a prince waiting for you.

Diane... You are a whirlwind girl! We should all enjoy every minute of summer... soon winter will have us all cooped up and bugging the heck out of each other. :)

Kat... I feel for you and your Hubby and the dealings with the medical issues. I still can't help but think of how sick your hubby was and how wonderful it is that he is here spending more years with you.

Cindy... Love the picture of you and your daughter... WOWZA girl... you are a skinny minny!!!! You look awesome and your daughter is adorable!

Okay... I need to get busy... (((hugs)))

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Good Morning!

It is so good to see you Darcy!!!! I was just thinking a couple of days ago, that I missed Annes posts! I know in her Christmas letter, she had went back to work, and with 2 young kids, life is probably very full for her. Hope all is ok with her!

Betty, I too would love to be able to be a pest at your pool! We have discussed one several times, but we keep thinking if we move, we will think about it when we have so much more space. The move will not be for several years. Especially now, I cannot and will not live that close to my inlaws---with her acting the way she is and allowing the things she is, I have no desire to be around her!

Hope your birthday was celebrated in style Eileen!!!

Patty how was your Fiesta? Someone ask about the eggs---they are real eggs. You puncture a small hole in one end and a bit larger in the other end, and we use a wire to pierce the egg yolk, and empty out the shell. Rinse them and allow them to dry---I try to do this a week or so in advance---and just let them sit in the egg carton. Then when they are dry we use the fine confetti and glitter and tape off one end, and fill from the other. We use the paper tape to cover the end, and I let the kids use markers on them and decorate them. Then during the celebration they get cracked over peoples heads---confetti and glitter everywhere!

Rick's SIL started this with the kids. She is Hispanic, and it was a tradition in her family. My kids loved it---so we kept it up---which thrilled my SIL. Time consuming? Yes Messy? Yes.....but worth it for all the giggles!

Cindy---you look great girl! I am glad you enjoyed your concert! We have seen them all, but not together! I love the Eagles music, we have the boxed set with the music broke down into ballads, etc. I enjoy it a lot. BUT....as for concert fun, I'm with your DD Stray Cats was a blast!!! Not sure who we will see in concert for this years fair. But we always catch a concert or 2. We have begun sending our kids to concerts for their birthdays. I figure in 20 years they won't remember a shirt or whatever doodad is the fad of the moment, but they will remember the concert! We buy them tickets, and provide babysitting service for the DS and the oldest DD. DD went to Dave Matthews Band last year...wants to see Daughtry this year, but he is not coming near us....will have to see. DS's music interests are a bit harder, and we just ordered his tickets to Alice In Chains, and someone, I don't remember who---he will LOVE it! He & Rick had planned to go see Megadeath--and Rick ended up in the hospital. He so loved the concert thing, he bought those so he & Rick could go together---not realizing Rick's tastes had tamed some!!! He would have gone anyway! DD and her bf went in their place.

I too got a note from Beannie---hope everything falls in place for her soon. She should be getting ready to take some more classes I would guess.

Dianne--how's the legs---and the new job????

Sherry--Did they finish the tattoo??

Mandy---feeling better yet hon? I am betting you are walking lots already, the other day you were raring to go!

Chris---how's the new feller??

Well---I know I am missing some of you---but my brain does not go any further back this morning that what I can scroll!!!! I am hopeless!!! Oldtimers has set in with a vengeance!!!

Everyone have a great day!!!!


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Happy Birthday to You!

Happy Birthday to You!

Happy Birthday, Dear Eileen - ie!

Happy Birthday to You!

And many more!

Hope you had a fantastic birthday, especially since you are finally 21! hee hee

Hey, Darcy! So great to see a post from you! I bet it's hard to get used to dial up after having high speed internet, but that's one of the trade-offs for the simplicity you love...and it's worth it, I'm sure! Thanks for the compliment, also...I have not lost any weight in the longest time, but I'm okay with that...at least, for now. Who knows how I'll feel about that when fall weather comes, and we're back into a routine?

Kat, the concert tickets as gifts is a great idea! We started giving gifts like that this past Christmas, and everyone really liked it...even my DD. We have way too much stuff anyway, and the experiences and memories were so much more fun than another Barbie or another game.

The street construction and re-building has finally made it to the front of our house, so it's a pile of broken asphalt and dirt out there now...what fun! I feel like I need an off-road vehicle to get out of the neighborhood!

Hope everyone's staying cool...it's getting really hot down here now...it was a long time coming, but we're getting up in the 90s...no 100s yet!

Hugs to all!


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Good Morning Y'all!

I think we just might hit that 100 degree day today, when they tell the weather it is all 100, 102, 103, so sometime between now and Sunday I think it will come. It is hot!

Darcy - How nice to come here and see you posted! I miss your posts alot!

Has your DD came home yet and found out you moved? I would love sitting looking out your window and watching the wild life out there. Hey, the pool is open anytime you want to jump in! That goes for any one of you gals!

Kat - Those eggs sounds likf a fun time. I remember doing some like that for Easter trees and we decorated them up. I love my pool, I can't imagine life without it now. It's the first one I ever had, and I have used it so much. It saves us in the summer time with the heat. If we go riding and get hot, we just come home and jump in and we cool down right away. Same for gardening.

Cindy - You already look great, no need to worry about that scale!

I miss Anne too, I think about her alot. Maybe she'll pop in and say hello soon.

Sherry - How is the tatoo coming along? I can't wait to see it.

Well, got to run and get dressed! Some day maybe I won't have to work for a living but I think that is a long way off right now.

Have a great one!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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