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August NJ Thread......

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Hey, today is the 1st!! ~Mandy

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I remembered! Maybe I'm not losing my mind after all. LOL!

I'm impressed, Mandy...and you're on all that medication....

Today I am staying home...yesterday I was at my DD's school all day. It was busy, but kinda fun. We're getting a lot of stuff organized for the first day of school.

I've got my eyes on the news of that bridge collapse in Minneapolis. It is so terrible.

So what's going on with all of you? I'll check back later and find out.



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I am finally home. I spent the night at my mom's last night and was very uncomfortable sleeping in a recliner. I am going to sleep in my own bed tonight. I am sore and very tired, but am now starting to think I will survive. I'll check in later. ~Mandy

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Patty, thank you so much for the care package. It really made my day. I love everything in there. (((hugs))). ~Mandy

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Hey Mandy,

I am in Santa Barbara right now and am using my Sisters computer.... came here for updates and am very happy that surgery is behind you and recovery is at warp speed(they boys and I prayed really hard).

Glad to hear that gift pack arrived, I want pictures of all three of you guys in your new "Golden Mickey" hats!

Here in Santa Barbara we are celebrating FIESTA, an annual event that lasts 5 days. On Saturday we will be going to the childrens parade and then smashing confetti eggs on each others heads -- after that we will gorge on Churros and other mexican delights. We've already been to the beach and I got a tinsy bit sunburned but today I am brown. Today we hiked up a shallow canyon in search of a creek -- but I forgot that we've had the worst drought and there wasn't any Water. I have this overinflated fantasy that boys, streams and rocks go together and this was my effort to bring that to reality. We had fun anyway and the brisk walk felt altogether wonderful. And that leads to why we are at my sisters house. After the hike everybody got sweaty and my sister Sandy has a pool, so thats where all the kids ended up.

Darcy: really really glad to see you. Will living in your special cabin allow you to talk to us still? My heart sings at the thought of owning a cabin -- I am very happy for you.

OK gang, I gotta get the kids back to my Moms house. I'll check back in a few days. Hugs

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TAAADAAAAA man I had a hard time finding the new thread for some reason. Hopefully this one will alert me with new posts. No idea why it didn't work last month.

Patty - Your Fiesta outing sounds like fun. They have Fiestas here pronouced liked (Faash stas) here. Mostly Portuguese churches and clubs through them here. I haven't been to one yet this year but, they are alot of fun. Crowded but always outdoors so it's not so bad. I hope you and the boys have a great time!

Mandy - So glad everything went ok and that you're home. Definately more comfy at home I think, and you can sleep unlike a hospital. I hope you're feeling better soon! Disney isn't far away WAHOO!

Cindy - Hope your day at home was relaxing..unfortunately that bridge tradegy was something else. Really is amazing to me that they thought just a year before that the bridge was ok? For it to have fallen like that and not be terrorist means they didn't look all that good last year huh?

Betty - How are you doing my friend? Able to relax yet from all your company.

Kat - Sorry to hear about Dad and I hope everything goes ok with him and with Ricks appointment. Girlfriend....I do hope you have an opportunity to just relax sometime soon :o You certainly are busy...we're going to have to send you to Cindy's house so you both can slowdown and relax over some nice summer drinks at the beach or pool :)

Hmm lets see..anything new in my part of the world?.....

My tattoo has now had 9 hours of work and I have to go back Sat for about another 1.5 hours and it should be done. Man they look terrible while they're healing and peeling lol. It's quite colorful and errrr my son says "Geesh mom that's a big tattoo" umm YEAP lol, but it's a nice one hahaha. I'll have to take a pic of it when it's healed and post it for you all to see. It's something else :)

My new position at work is going well but, of course I'm working through the two other jobs still as well. My replacement is a go-getter but, man I don't have time for this much getting if ya know what I mean? I'm trying though and I know it will be better once all the training is done and some of this is off my plate. Ohhh I'm looking forward to the day where I'm doing one job! As Chrispy reminded me it's been about a year that I've been doing more than one and ya know...I'm getting tired. I soooo need this DISNEY trip lol.

Found another motorcycle I may be getting for myself. Its an automatic and great for around town driving which is basically what I'd be doing with it because if we go on a long trip or on highways I'd ride in the back of the bigger, more comfy Venture with my DH. I get to see more that way too hahaha. Anyway, it's called a Qlink or CFMoto bike, 244cc Water cooled automatic. OH yea baby...automatic hahaha. Call me a wimp but, if I feel safer not having to shift so be it :) Anyway....we're kinda throwing that around and doing more research. I'd love a Ridley but, man those things are $15,000 minimum. Much like the prices of Harleys which for the amount of alone riding I'd be doing, it's just not worth it for me. Plus...I really don't want that much power under my hands lol. The smaller bike would be good for what I'm looking for so we'll see.

Oh....since my unfill i've been going up and down about 2-3 pounds but never making it back to where I was in January. I haven't changed my ticker....cause I really don't want to discourage myself even more. Last night I TOTALLY lost my dinner. That was aweful! Yet other times I'm starving...go figure. DH thinks my band is flipping up and down (kinda pivoting) from the stomach flap they use to hold it in place but, since it's loose it has room? Kinda makes sense I think.....but I don't want the reflux back either ya know? Ohhhh the termoil of it all lol. Anyway my confession is my true weight is at 206.5 today.....frustrating considering I was 200 in Jan...but I shot up to 208 when they took me off the meds too so at least 2 pounds were down this morning. EH....I can't think about it anymore, I need a break from the scale.

So I better get going now. I'll catch up with everyone soon. Know that I'm thinking of you and hoping you're all doing well and shrinking :)

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Well Rick's appointment was a little anticlimactic. He didn't get bad news, just no overwhelming "you're cured!" either! He is now wearing an event monitor. Similar to the holter monitor he wore prior to surgery, but this one is less cumbersome. It has 2 EKG type leads, and the little box is like the size of an old protable tape player or transistor radio. When his heart does something abnormal, or he feels something he feels is not right he presses the event button, and it records an EKG type reading, then he calls an 800# and lays the speaker of the phone over the device, and it makes all kinds of noise like a fax machine, and it receives the print out of the event. It will store up to 3 events, then needs called in. If they are Dr. worthy then we hear from the Dr. otherwise, it is on with our day. Now he has to wear this thing all the time except in the shower, for 30 days! He is allergic to the adhesive, so we should have a nice reaction after that many days! But they have to see what he is doing on a day to day basis to see if they can begin weaning him from some medications.However before we even got out of the parking lot, it recorded an event, and has recorded I think a total of 7 in less than 24 hours. While that sounds scary, we have not heard from the Dr, and they did say a loose lead, or a sudden bump or things can send an event. So maybe it isn't bad.

He isn't doing too bad, considering he is outside building a woodshed. Isn't that what YOU want to do on your birthday??? I was helping, then my brother showed up, and since the shed is long and narrow, there really wasn't much room. So I come in the house for a few.

Looks like the weather is going to be problematic for them, looks ready to rain.

Sherry---if you are maintaining while you heal up I wouldn't worry too much. You learned all the right lessons, it is just so much harder to apply them without the help of the band---but at least it is something you caught and are fixing, before you lost it totally!!!

Mandy---I hope you do better at home, I always do. I feel so bad, I have your get well card sitting here on my desk---life has been so crazy----I apologize, I really have been thinking of you!!! Hang in there, the worst is behind you and it is all better from here on out!

Cindy---how is the relaxing day going? I think we should have all descended on Patty's sisters, and swam together!!!

Well I am going out to see if they need my expertise!!! They will love that!!!



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Long time no see!

I have been working now for 4 weeks and every single night we have something going on! It's crazy! I'm still at work although I'm done working for the day. I just know that if I go home I'll never get on here to say hi.

GF is here from NJ. DS is moving into an apartment tomorrow(sad mama) DBIL is moving into our house on Thursday for who knows how long! It's ok he's great and he cooks wonderfully!

So I know that if I go straight home I will have dogs, cats, husband, son, friends to deal with!

All is good here. I love my job! The people are great and talking about my experience with my band is wonderful.

Kat you need to come to NC and take a break!!! WOW I thought I had a lot this year. How is the little one doing?

You know I'll never be able to catch up on July.

Have a good weekend. It's Summertime summertime!!!

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The stay-at-home day wasn wonderful. I even did my nails!

Today I did three hours at my volunteer job up at the school, but it was fun, and part of it was lunch, so not too bad. Then I ran errands around town.

DH and I went out to dinner tonight, then we pick up DD from camp in the morning! Can't wait to hear all about her trip. We'll bring her home to rest for a while, then it's off to see the concert!

Everyone sounds busy and happy, and we can't ask for more than that. Well, maybe plenty of leisure time and happy would be better, but seems like we all prefer "busy" to the alternative.

Glad you are maintaining, Sherry. I think that's great!

I'll check in tomorrow,


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Good Morning Ladies,

Its so good to come in here and see you all. Work has been insane but what else is new eh.

My dogs are barking woof ~ (that means my feet hurt). We walked for 4 hours yesterday at the NJ State Fair in this blistering 100 degree heat. One good thing is, when its that hot, none of that fair food tempts me. The only thing I had was a fruit smoothie. DH on the other hand had 2 funnel cakes, a HUGE philly cheese steak, 3 fruit smoothies, french fries, fudge and an ice cream...... and he doesn't have an ounce of fat on his body to lose, go figure. What amazes me is with the heat, he didn't get sick. Anyway we did have a good time LOL. They also had lots of farm animals there......... I didn't know Ox's were bulls with their hay hay's cut off.

Patty your Fiesta sounds WONDERFUL, thats something I would really enjoy and 5 whoppin days of it...geepers. How are you doing darling with the band?

Mandy I'm so glad you are home and your on your way to feeling better. I also have a huge incision across my ab's (from having my appendix out...no laproscopic for this chick OY). Its like from one side of my hips to the other. The only advice I can give you is be very very careful not to lift or do to much to soon or you will develop scar tissue that could wrap around your intestins (like I have)...it is VERY VERY painful. I was in the hospital for 10 days...then the doc told me no laundry, nothing for 8 weeks.......did I listen... NOOOOOO, so now I'm paying for it. Be careful and baby yourself...really baby yourself.

Darcy......... I MISS YOU !!!! I'm going back to read July's thread but I see your moving into the cabin? Way to cool. How are you?

Kat wish Rick a Happy Belated Birthday for me and I'm glad he is doing better. I can only imagine his frustrations but its nice he got another birthday to Celebrate :) .... how are your new chit kickers ;) and how is the baby girl doing?

Cindy I'm jealous, an entire day to pamper yourself...lucky duck. What concert are you going to see? What are your plans for the coming school year, are you volunteering there?

Dianne, how are you love, how are the legs? any news on the surgery? I know I haven't been here in a while...but..you know how that goes. Glad your loving your new job.

Sherry all I can say is hang in there with your job. I know exactly how you feel... tired !! You know.... and I know this is easy for me to say but if I were you, I would just try to maintain until you see your doctor and not worry so much about weight loss. With that stress and the stress of your job your gonna crack. Try to enjoy whats left of the summer and a new bike and tattoo....you go girl :)

Betty ..... boo !!! watcha up to lately? how's the footsies doing? is your pool back to normal?

Beanie where are you?

Well girlies I'm gonna blow this popcorn stand ;) Have a groovy wonderful day and remember...your ALL BEAUTIFUL so SMILE :biggrin1:

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Here is something fun....if you give him doggie comands he listens, remember to do dance, and kiss, both are cute.

I Do Dog Tricks


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If anyone has lasko brand space heaters, they are being recalled due to fire hazard. I have 3 of them. I called the company, they are sending me boxes and shipping labels. I will recieve replacements for all three heaters. I thought I would pass on the information. Here is the link and pictures of the recalled heaters.

Lasko Products - Product Registration


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How nice to have a really long post from Eileen! The fair sure sounds fun...our state fair is in October, but it is usually not much cooler...it is usually around 90 or so! I love funnel cakes, but now I share them. Before lapband, I would probably bite your hand off if you tried to take any of mine! LOL!

The concert tonite: Don Henley, The Pretenders, and The Stray Cats! I am very excited! I have seen the Pretenders and the Stray Cats before, but have not ever seen the Eagles, either alone or together, so really looking forward to that! This will be DD's first concert like this one. She saw Transiberian Orchestra this past Christmas, and loved it. She's into music and singing, so she loves performances. Dh and I are interested to see her reaction!

She had a great time at camp, and is in her room resting now. She talked non-stop all the way home about everything and everyone. It really is a great camp and if it weren't so hot, I'd consider being a counselor. I think I'm too old to endure the high energy/hot temps for 4 days, though.

Mandy, heed Eileen's advice, girl. I know it's so hard for you to cool your jets, but better to do that now, than have problems later, ya know? How are you feeling now? Is your mom staying with you still?

Also, good job on catching that Lasko heater problem. I don't have any, thankfully.

Hey girls, I have a mountain of laundry, so gotta go for now....



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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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