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Pre-op, BPD/Duodenal Switch vs Gastric Sleeve

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Hello All!

So I am currently in the pre-op stage and I have completed most of the testing. I had originally thought I would choose the GS, but have started looking into the DS. They seem to be fairly similar, but with the DS adding restriction, thus increasing Vitamin maintenance.

I meet with the surgeon in 10 days and have been reading very helpful posts here, as well as reviewing the surgeon's manuals for each surgery.

I have considerable weight to lose (BMI 45). I once was down to 185 lbs by counting calories and maintaining a log, but slowly gained it all back plus extra. So, I am a little worried about making the right choice the first time, as opposed to having to potentially gain weight back and have a revision surgery. This is what led me to the DS, which is the highest "rung" on the surgery ladder per the surgeon.

The vitamin regiments seem fairly similar between the two, with the DS adding ADEK (fat soluble vitamins). I don't think I would have an issue with the vitamin routine. Has anyone been caught between these two surgeries,and if so, which way did you go and why? Any and all comments are welcome! :) Thanks in advance!

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DS is much more invasive and you have more malabsorption issues compared to the sleeve. Essentially it's like combining the sleeve with the bypass. I revised with a bmi of 45, lost 130 with the sleeve and regained 60 before choosing to go to the DS

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DS is much more invasive and you have more malabsorption issues compared to the sleeve. Essentially it's like combining the sleeve with the bypass. I revised with a bmi of 45, lost 130 with the sleeve and regained 60 before choosing to go to the DS

Thanks Brianna! What are your thoughts on the Vitamins?

Sent from my Nexus 6 using the BariatricPal App

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As far as my surgeons recommendations go, with the ds I was taking most things once a day except Calcium and now I'm doing the multi 3 times a day and calcium is still twice plus the extras. You also can't just stop at a store to get the ADEK, you'll have to order it so price wise ds has a much more expensive Vitamin regimen. Plus you'll need more Protein as well(about 20+ grams more a day)

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TMI but You'll also probably be going to the bathroom and having gas more and one of the side effects is that your bowel movements will smell worse

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"...So, I am a little worried about making the right choice the first time, as opposed to having to potentially gain weight back and have a revision surgery...."

You know what they say, "Think twice, cut once." So it's good you're thinking.

As for vits/minerals: I take 40+ each day. Most of us leave ADEK's behind after a year or so and supplement with individual pills/capsules. Many DSers never even start with them. It depends on your surgical and nutritional team.

The DS is many more supplements, blood tests, Protein, etc., than GB. They're constantly tweaked/added/subtracted after your bloods are done. It's something you must commit to for life.

BTW, start keeping your bloods and all other test results now. It's important to have the pre-op test results so you can compare them to your postop ones. Get a big binder. :D

Edited by Postop

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I am having my DS surgery on Monday February 29th, 2016 ( my birthday). I decided to go with the DS because I do not want to regain the weight. Usually when other weight loss surgeries fail, the surgery is revised to a DS. I just can't imagine myself going through the process again if I regain the weight or don't lose enough weight. Thus the DS made the most sense to me. I am on day 4 of my pre-op liquid diet. It does get easier as the days pass but I really would love to eat food right now.

I have so many thoughts running through my head as the day gets closer to my surgery. I look at the hundreds and hundreds of dollars in clothes that I purchased over the years that are hanging in my closet knowing that all of those clothes and shoes I won't be able to wear in the next few months. All while thinking to myself after I lose about 50 pounds I won't have anything to wear. Will I look in the mirror skinny and not recognize myself because I have been fat so long. However I look in the mirror now and wonder where I went and I don't recognize the person I became.

I wonder if my relationships with friends and family will change. Every time I would go on a diet in the past and lose 30 pounds people would start telling me that I am losing to much weight. REALLY??? I am obese, how can I be losing to much weight? I feel like I will be angry inside when people start to pay attention to me because they really never pay attention to me now. It's stupid things like this that I think about.

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Love My Body,

I haven't gotten my surgery date yet as I'm waiting on insurance approval but like you, I will be getting a DS. My surgeon feels with my comorbidities (Diabetes, NASH) that even with a BMI of 35 that this is the best option for me. Like you, I have fears about the changes in my body,

how others will regard my choice of WLS etc. I dread the question "Did you try diet and exercise?". I am eager to have the surgery esp. as all my pre-op testing and counseling is completed. I pray my love for sweets is abated as that is my weakness.

You expressed your feelings so well and I felt you were inside my head reading my thoughts.

But remember it's important to surround yourself with the ones who lift you up and support you and the others will fade away. Be strong and proud of the choice you've made.

As my Father in Law told me, "you have made a courageous choice that won't be easy but

will change your life for the better"

Good Luck.




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I am having my DS surgery on Monday February 29th, 2016 ( my birthday). I decided to go with the DS because I do not want to regain the weight. Usually when other weight loss surgeries fail, the surgery is revised to a DS. I just can't imagine myself going through the process again if I regain the weight or don't lose enough weight. Thus the DS made the most sense to me. I am on day 4 of my pre-op liquid diet. It does get easier as the days pass but I really would love to eat food right now.

I have so many thoughts running through my head as the day gets closer to my surgery. I look at the hundreds and hundreds of dollars in clothes that I purchased over the years that are hanging in my closet knowing that all of those clothes and shoes I won't be able to wear in the next few months. All while thinking to myself after I lose about 50 pounds I won't have anything to wear. Will I look in the mirror skinny and not recognize myself because I have been fat so long. However I look in the mirror now and wonder where I went and I don't recognize the person I became.

I wonder if my relationships with friends and family will change. Every time I would go on a diet in the past and lose 30 pounds people would start telling me that I am losing to much weight. REALLY??? I am obese, how can I be losing to much weight? I feel like I will be angry inside when people start to pay attention to me because they really never pay attention to me now. It's stupid things like this that I think about.

These are natural thoughts. You might be angry when people look at your differently and/or say you're too thin. I certainly get that. [Esp. since the DS kind of redistributes the fat around your body on many of us.] I never had much of a bust before so that hasn't changed for me. But I have no butt. And very think skin on my arms, etc. (It does make it easy to draw blood which is a good thing. They never have trouble seeing my veins, lol.) My face is also very thin. Little fat there anymore. We're all different, but many often have a different fat distribution on their bodies.

As for clothes, many use thrift shops or heavily discounted outlets during the heavy weight loss phase. It's true you won't be able to wear the clothes you have now (possibly some of the shoes -- I went down a full size and couldn't.)

Regarding recognizing yourself in the mirror: most don't. They still think they look big. I've found it often depends how long you've been big right before you have surgery. For instance, I'd lost a lot of weight in the mid-90s (ah, Fen-Phen ) and kept it off till the early 2000s. Then I got really big again. So it was only about 5 years that I had it back on before I had the DS. Therefore, when I had the DS and the weight came off, I saw it right away and knew what I looked like. Still do. Others I know were big for 10, 20 years. They seem to have a much harder time realizing what they look like now, post DS. Just a theory I've floated around, but often seems to fit. ;)

Friends and family: it's hard to say. I told no one except my immediate family and physicians. Still haven't. It's a personal choice and certainly not one for everyone.

Edited by Postop

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I am having my DS surgery on Monday February 29th, 2016 ( my birthday). I decided to go with the DS because I do not want to regain the weight. Usually when other weight loss surgeries fail, the surgery is revised to a DS. I just can't imagine myself going through the process again if I regain the weight or don't lose enough weight. Thus the DS made the most sense to me. I am on day 4 of my pre-op liquid diet. It does get easier as the days pass but I really would love to eat food right now.

I have so many thoughts running through my head as the day gets closer to my surgery. I look at the hundreds and hundreds of dollars in clothes that I purchased over the years that are hanging in my closet knowing that all of those clothes and shoes I won't be able to wear in the next few months. All while thinking to myself after I lose about 50 pounds I won't have anything to wear. Will I look in the mirror skinny and not recognize myself because I have been fat so long. However I look in the mirror now and wonder where I went and I don't recognize the person I became.

I wonder if my relationships with friends and family will change. Every time I would go on a diet in the past and lose 30 pounds people would start telling me that I am losing to much weight. REALLY??? I am obese, how can I be losing to much weight? I feel like I will be angry inside when people start to pay attention to me because they really never pay attention to me now. It's stupid things like this that I think about.

These are natural thoughts. You might be angry when people look at your differently and/or say you're too thin. I certainly get that. [Esp. since the DS kind of redistributes the fat around your body on many of us.] I never had much of a bust before so that hasn't changed for me. But I have no butt. And very think skin on my arms, etc. (It does make it easy to draw blood which is a good thing. They never have trouble seeing my veins, lol.) My face is also very thin. Little fat there anymore. We're all different, but many often have a different fat distribution on their bodies.

As for clothes, many use thrift shops or heavily discounted outlets during the heavy weight loss phase. It's true you won't be able to wear the clothes you have now (possibly some of the shoes -- I went down a full size and couldn't.)

Regarding recognizing yourself in the mirror: most don't. They still think they look big. I've found it often depends how long you've been big right before you have surgery. For instance, I'd lost a lot of weight in the mid-90s (ah, Fen-Phen ) and kept it off till the early 2000s. Then I got really big again. So it was only about 5 years that I had it back on before I had the DS. Therefore, when I had the DS and the weight came off, I saw it right away and knew what I looked like. Still do. Others I know were big for 10, 20 years. They seem to have a much harder time realizing what they look like now, post DS. Just a theory I've floated around, but often seems to fit. ;)

Friends and family: it's hard to say. I told no one except my immediate family and physicians. Still haven't. It's a personal choice and certainly not one for everyone.

POSTOP: Thanks for your reply, I sure appreciate you! I have been overweight for a good part of 23 years. I did the FenPhen thing to and dropped down to a size 6. I was running every day and although my weight was 145 I was skinny as a rail due to the exercising. As soon as I dropped the pills the weight started to creep up again. I was always trying this diet or that diet and never got back below 170. About 2004 is when I really started to creep up again and have been over 200 lbs ever since and as of about 5 years ago I creeped up even further to where I am now. I have been overweight so long that in the back of your mind you wonder if having surgery is going to be a quick fix like FenPhen again. You know the fear of losing it all and then so fearful you will regain it that you do everything to the extreme to avoid that happening again. I am so nervous right now and I am only 3 days out before surgery.

I noticed you had surgery in 2005, can you tell me how has life been for you for these past 10 years? Has it gotten easier to maintain the weight and keep it off? And is there anything you can advise to a newbe to this procedure?

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Love My Body,

I haven't gotten my surgery date yet as I'm waiting on insurance approval but like you, I will be getting a DS. My surgeon feels with my comorbidities (Diabetes, NASH) that even with a BMI of 35 that this is the best option for me. Like you, I have fears about the changes in my body,

how others will regard my choice of WLS etc. I dread the question "Did you try diet and exercise?". I am eager to have the surgery esp. as all my pre-op testing and counseling is completed. I pray my love for sweets is abated as that is my weakness.

You expressed your feelings so well and I felt you were inside my head reading my thoughts.

But remember it's important to surround yourself with the ones who lift you up and support you and the others will fade away. Be strong and proud of the choice you've made.

As my Father in Law told me, "you have made a courageous choice that won't be easy but

will change your life for the better"

Good Luck.




I am so glad that I don't have cravings for sweets, however I am your carbs and salt girl. I love all those comfort foods and snack items. I wished so badly I had the will power to stop at just 1 chip or pretzel. I used to try all sorts of remedies to ward off the temptations of these items and curb the appetite. I would do great in the morning and afternoon but as soon as I got home for work and in the evening all hell would break loose. Weekends were the worst. I am so glad I made this decision due to all the co-morbidities that I go through. The trade off will not be easy and I most definitely have not told anyone I am having this surgery other than my mom and my husband. I tend to put feelers out to people in conversations just to see how they react to certain subjects and the response back I got about weight loss surgery was not a positive one so I chose to keep it to myself. We had a student in my class who was an elderly gentleman who used to lie on the floor from time to time for about 30 minutes. He told us not to worry about him that he goes through stuff that has to work itself out. I had no idea why he kept doing this until I started reading about RNY dumping syndrome. This man used to eat Snacks all day long at his computer while working on his projects. Many of our students snack so I didn't think about it but when I found out he had bariatric surgery years ago to lose a lot of weight it didn't dawn on me because I didn't know about the surgery. In spite of dumping syndrome he chose to eat copious amounts of sugar each day and just live through the side effects. Except one day he wasn't feeling very well, left school and had a stroke at home and its been a long road to recovery. I hope that I have the sense and dedication not to put my body through stuff like that after surgery. That i will use the tools given to me correctly and not live with symptoms just to endulge on things that are not good for me. Its truly been an eye opener to see what people are willing to do to enjoy their vices. Good luck to you and your surgery. I hope that you get your date soon.

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I am having my DS surgery on Monday February 29th, 2016 ( my birthday). I decided to go with the DS because I do not want to regain the weight. Usually when other weight loss surgeries fail, the surgery is revised to a DS. I just can't imagine myself going through the process again if I regain the weight or don't lose enough weight. Thus the DS made the most sense to me. I am on day 4 of my pre-op liquid diet. It does get easier as the days pass but I really would love to eat food right now.

I have so many thoughts running through my head as the day gets closer to my surgery. I look at the hundreds and hundreds of dollars in clothes that I purchased over the years that are hanging in my closet knowing that all of those clothes and shoes I won't be able to wear in the next few months. All while thinking to myself after I lose about 50 pounds I won't have anything to wear. Will I look in the mirror skinny and not recognize myself because I have been fat so long. However I look in the mirror now and wonder where I went and I don't recognize the person I became.

I wonder if my relationships with friends and family will change. Every time I would go on a diet in the past and lose 30 pounds people would start telling me that I am losing to much weight. REALLY??? I am obese, how can I be losing to much weight? I feel like I will be angry inside when people start to pay attention to me because they really never pay attention to me now. It's stupid things like this that I think about.

These are natural thoughts. You might be angry when people look at your differently and/or say you're too thin. I certainly get that. [Esp. since the DS kind of redistributes the fat around your body on many of us.] I never had much of a bust before so that hasn't changed for me. But I have no butt. And very think skin on my arms, etc. (It does make it easy to draw blood which is a good thing. They never have trouble seeing my veins, lol.) My face is also very thin. Little fat there anymore. We're all different, but many often have a different fat distribution on their bodies.

As for clothes, many use thrift shops or heavily discounted outlets during the heavy weight loss phase. It's true you won't be able to wear the clothes you have now (possibly some of the shoes -- I went down a full size and couldn't.)

Regarding recognizing yourself in the mirror: most don't. They still think they look big. I've found it often depends how long you've been big right before you have surgery. For instance, I'd lost a lot of weight in the mid-90s (ah, Fen-Phen ) and kept it off till the early 2000s. Then I got really big again. So it was only about 5 years that I had it back on before I had the DS. Therefore, when I had the DS and the weight came off, I saw it right away and knew what I looked like. Still do. Others I know were big for 10, 20 years. They seem to have a much harder time realizing what they look like now, post DS. Just a theory I've floated around, but often seems to fit. ;)

Friends and family: it's hard to say. I told no one except my immediate family and physicians. Still haven't. It's a personal choice and certainly not one for everyone.

POSTOP: Thanks for your reply, I sure appreciate you! I have been overweight for a good part of 23 years. I did the FenPhen thing to and dropped down to a size 6. I was running every day and although my weight was 145 I was skinny as a rail due to the exercising. As soon as I dropped the pills the weight started to creep up again. I was always trying this diet or that diet and never got back below 170. About 2004 is when I really started to creep up again and have been over 200 lbs ever since and as of about 5 years ago I creeped up even further to where I am now. I have been overweight so long that in the back of your mind you wonder if having surgery is going to be a quick fix like FenPhen again. You know the fear of losing it all and then so fearful you will regain it that you do everything to the extreme to avoid that happening again. I am so nervous right now and I am only 3 days out before surgery.

I noticed you had surgery in 2005, can you tell me how has life been for you for these past 10 years? Has it gotten easier to maintain the weight and keep it off? And is there anything you can advise to a newbe to this procedure?

You're in for some ride.

Post DS life has been pretty good. I did have to have my gb removed (2008) and hernias done about a month ago. Right now I'm having some issues b/c I had to have an antibiotic shot with the hernia surgery and antibiotics are tough on DSers. I find it easier to keep the weight off post DS because I can eat as much Protein as I want. And I do. I eat every couple of hours; whenever I want.

When I put on a few, I just eat more Protein and drink liquids. The trick is to eat and eat and eat protein. It really helps you lose and keeps you satisfied. I always have nuts, cheeses, cold cuts in my home. Nuts are always in my bag, too. I will often go to McDonald's or some other ff place for a snack. I order a triple w/cheese & catsup. I just eat the insides and throw away the bun (too filling, don't want the carbs [usually], and the carbs give me gas & I don't want that at work, lol).

My advice is be most concerned about hydration for the first few weeks. Sip, sip, sip. That's so important. I got dehydrated at about 6 weeks out. It's not uncommon. food is less important. The week after surgery my Breakfast was 1 tsp. of scrambled eggs. That was it. Couldn't eat another bite. Nowadays, 3 eggs with cream cheese and salami (it takes 2 sittings to eat it, though).

Also, try to walk. I walked around the floor that first night in the hospital. I walked 4x a day in the small garden near my apt. It was tiring, but important.

Best of luck to you!

Edited by Postop

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I am having my DS surgery on Monday February 29th, 2016 ( my birthday). I decided to go with the DS because I do not want to regain the weight. Usually when other weight loss surgeries fail, the surgery is revised to a DS. I just can't imagine myself going through the process again if I regain the weight or don't lose enough weight. Thus the DS made the most sense to me. I am on day 4 of my pre-op liquid diet. It does get easier as the days pass but I really would love to eat food right now.

I have so many thoughts running through my head as the day gets closer to my surgery. I look at the hundreds and hundreds of dollars in clothes that I purchased over the years that are hanging in my closet knowing that all of those clothes and shoes I won't be able to wear in the next few months. All while thinking to myself after I lose about 50 pounds I won't have anything to wear. Will I look in the mirror skinny and not recognize myself because I have been fat so long. However I look in the mirror now and wonder where I went and I don't recognize the person I became.

I wonder if my relationships with friends and family will change. Every time I would go on a diet in the past and lose 30 pounds people would start telling me that I am losing to much weight. REALLY??? I am obese, how can I be losing to much weight? I feel like I will be angry inside when people start to pay attention to me because they really never pay attention to me now. It's stupid things like this that I think about.

These are natural thoughts. You might be angry when people look at your differently and/or say you're too thin. I certainly get that. [Esp. since the DS kind of redistributes the fat around your body on many of us.] I never had much of a bust before so that hasn't changed for me. But I have no butt. And very think skin on my arms, etc. (It does make it easy to draw blood which is a good thing. They never have trouble seeing my veins, lol.) My face is also very thin. Little fat there anymore. We're all different, but many often have a different fat distribution on their bodies.

As for clothes, many use thrift shops or heavily discounted outlets during the heavy weight loss phase. It's true you won't be able to wear the clothes you have now (possibly some of the shoes -- I went down a full size and couldn't.)

Regarding recognizing yourself in the mirror: most don't. They still think they look big. I've found it often depends how long you've been big right before you have surgery. For instance, I'd lost a lot of weight in the mid-90s (ah, Fen-Phen ) and kept it off till the early 2000s. Then I got really big again. So it was only about 5 years that I had it back on before I had the DS. Therefore, when I had the DS and the weight came off, I saw it right away and knew what I looked like. Still do. Others I know were big for 10, 20 years. They seem to have a much harder time realizing what they look like now, post DS. Just a theory I've floated around, but often seems to fit. ;)

Friends and family: it's hard to say. I told no one except my immediate family and physicians. Still haven't. It's a personal choice and certainly not one for everyone.

POSTOP: Thanks for your reply, I sure appreciate you! I have been overweight for a good part of 23 years. I did the FenPhen thing to and dropped down to a size 6. I was running every day and although my weight was 145 I was skinny as a rail due to the exercising. As soon as I dropped the pills the weight started to creep up again. I was always trying this diet or that diet and never got back below 170. About 2004 is when I really started to creep up again and have been over 200 lbs ever since and as of about 5 years ago I creeped up even further to where I am now. I have been overweight so long that in the back of your mind you wonder if having surgery is going to be a quick fix like FenPhen again. You know the fear of losing it all and then so fearful you will regain it that you do everything to the extreme to avoid that happening again. I am so nervous right now and I am only 3 days out before surgery.

I noticed you had surgery in 2005, can you tell me how has life been for you for these past 10 years? Has it gotten easier to maintain the weight and keep it off? And is there anything you can advise to a newbe to this procedure?

You're in for some ride.

Post DS life has been pretty good. I did have to have my gb removed (2008) and hernias done about a month ago. Right now I'm having some issues b/c I had to have an antibiotic shot with the hernia surgery and antibiotics are tough on DSers. I find it easier to keep the weight off post DS because I can eat as much Protein as I want. And I do. I eat every couple of hours; whenever I want.

When I put on a few, I just eat more Protein and drink liquids. The trick is to eat and eat and eat protein. It really helps you lose and keeps you satisfied. I always have nuts, cheeses, cold cuts in my home. Nuts are always in my bag, too. I will often go to McDonald's or some other ff place for a snack. I order a triple w/cheese & catsup. I just eat the insides and throw away the bun (too filling, don't want the carbs [usually], and the carbs give me gas & I don't want that at work, lol).

My advice is be most concerned about hydration for the first few weeks. Sip, sip, sip. That's so important. I got dehydrated at about 6 weeks out. It's not uncommon. food is less important. The week after surgery my Breakfast was 1 tsp. of scrambled eggs. That was it. Couldn't eat another bite. Nowadays, 3 eggs with cream cheese and salami (it takes 2 sittings to eat it, though).

Also, try to walk. I walked around the floor that first night in the hospital. I walked 4x a day in the small garden near my apt. It was tiring, but important.

Best of luck to you!

I am having my DS surgery on Monday February 29th, 2016 ( my birthday). I decided to go with the DS because I do not want to regain the weight. Usually when other weight loss surgeries fail, the surgery is revised to a DS. I just can't imagine myself going through the process again if I regain the weight or don't lose enough weight. Thus the DS made the most sense to me. I am on day 4 of my pre-op liquid diet. It does get easier as the days pass but I really would love to eat food right now.

I have so many thoughts running through my head as the day gets closer to my surgery. I look at the hundreds and hundreds of dollars in clothes that I purchased over the years that are hanging in my closet knowing that all of those clothes and shoes I won't be able to wear in the next few months. All while thinking to myself after I lose about 50 pounds I won't have anything to wear. Will I look in the mirror skinny and not recognize myself because I have been fat so long. However I look in the mirror now and wonder where I went and I don't recognize the person I became.

I wonder if my relationships with friends and family will change. Every time I would go on a diet in the past and lose 30 pounds people would start telling me that I am losing to much weight. REALLY??? I am obese, how can I be losing to much weight? I feel like I will be angry inside when people start to pay attention to me because they really never pay attention to me now. It's stupid things like this that I think about.

These are natural thoughts. You might be angry when people look at your differently and/or say you're too thin. I certainly get that. [Esp. since the DS kind of redistributes the fat around your body on many of us.] I never had much of a bust before so that hasn't changed for me. But I have no butt. And very think skin on my arms, etc. (It does make it easy to draw blood which is a good thing. They never have trouble seeing my veins, lol.) My face is also very thin. Little fat there anymore. We're all different, but many often have a different fat distribution on their bodies.

As for clothes, many use thrift shops or heavily discounted outlets during the heavy weight loss phase. It's true you won't be able to wear the clothes you have now (possibly some of the shoes -- I went down a full size and couldn't.)

Regarding recognizing yourself in the mirror: most don't. They still think they look big. I've found it often depends how long you've been big right before you have surgery. For instance, I'd lost a lot of weight in the mid-90s (ah, Fen-Phen ) and kept it off till the early 2000s. Then I got really big again. So it was only about 5 years that I had it back on before I had the DS. Therefore, when I had the DS and the weight came off, I saw it right away and knew what I looked like. Still do. Others I know were big for 10, 20 years. They seem to have a much harder time realizing what they look like now, post DS. Just a theory I've floated around, but often seems to fit. ;)

Friends and family: it's hard to say. I told no one except my immediate family and physicians. Still haven't. It's a personal choice and certainly not one for everyone.

POSTOP: Thanks for your reply, I sure appreciate you! I have been overweight for a good part of 23 years. I did the FenPhen thing to and dropped down to a size 6. I was running every day and although my weight was 145 I was skinny as a rail due to the exercising. As soon as I dropped the pills the weight started to creep up again. I was always trying this diet or that diet and never got back below 170. About 2004 is when I really started to creep up again and have been over 200 lbs ever since and as of about 5 years ago I creeped up even further to where I am now. I have been overweight so long that in the back of your mind you wonder if having surgery is going to be a quick fix like FenPhen again. You know the fear of losing it all and then so fearful you will regain it that you do everything to the extreme to avoid that happening again. I am so nervous right now and I am only 3 days out before surgery.

I noticed you had surgery in 2005, can you tell me how has life been for you for these past 10 years? Has it gotten easier to maintain the weight and keep it off? And is there anything you can advise to a newbe to this procedure?

You're in for some ride.

Post DS life has been pretty good. I did have to have my gb removed (2008) and hernias done about a month ago. Right now I'm having some issues b/c I had to have an antibiotic shot with the hernia surgery and antibiotics are tough on DSers. I find it easier to keep the weight off post DS because I can eat as much protein as I want. And I do. I eat every couple of hours; whenever I want.

When I put on a few, I just eat more protein and drink liquids. The trick is to eat and eat and eat protein. It really helps you lose and keeps you satisfied. I always have nuts, cheeses, cold cuts in my home. Nuts are always in my bag, too. I will often go to McDonald's or some other ff place for a snack. I order a triple w/cheese & catsup. I just eat the insides and throw away the bun (too filling, don't want the carbs [usually], and the carbs give me gas & I don't want that at work, lol).

My advice is be most concerned about hydration for the first few weeks. Sip, sip, sip. That's so important. I got dehydrated at about 6 weeks out. It's not uncommon. Food is less important. The week after surgery my breakfast was 1 tsp. of scrambled eggs. That was it. Couldn't eat another bite. Nowadays, 3 eggs with cream cheese and salami (it takes 2 sittings to eat it, though).

Also, try to walk. I walked around the floor that first night in the hospital. I walked 4x a day in the small garden near my apt. It was tiring, but important.

Best of luck to you!

Thank you so much for your advice. I really do appreciate it. I am nervous for tomorrow morning but excited as well. Have you found any books that were helpful with the nutrition side of things or general recipes. Amazon has a lot of books but not sure which one is better than the other.

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Good luck with your surgery tomorrow. It sounds like you are well prepared. I look forward to hearing

how surgery goes. I'll be thinking about you!

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Thank you so much for your advice. I really do appreciate it. I am nervous for tomorrow morning but excited as well. Have you found any books that were helpful with the nutrition side of things or general recipes. Amazon has a lot of books but not sure which one is better than the other.

Here you go!


I can also email you the documents my surgeons and DS nutrits. give us. They include sample meal plans, what to eat when, vits/minerals, etc. If you're interested, PM me with your email addy.

Edited by Postop

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