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Hello fellow Sleeve-es and Sleeved

I am starting this process to get my WLS VGS at Baptist Medical with Dr. Hodgett. Has anyone used him or his partner? I am done with my six month doctor directed diet and going for my psychological evaluation and then to my nutritional evaluation. Is there anything I should know before going to either of these? I do have high cholesterol and hypothyroidism but I'm taking medication for both. I'm just wondering how long the process takes once I finish these to do list that I got. My insurance requires that I meet with an RN each week or at least have a phone/email conversations with.

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I can't help you with Baptist, but I am having my sleeve done at mayo Clinic :) I live here in Jacksonville. Estimated surgery date is late March.

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@ruth1less how long did it take you to get approved with your insurance company or is that what you are waiting on. I did consider going to mayo Clinic but I met some of the office staff at Baptist and really liked them.

Also are you having to lose any weight before surgery a few people have told me that their surgeons require them to lose at least 10 lbs before they would schedule the surgery.

Also how do you find local support groups? I live in Lake City which is about 45 minutes from Jacksonville and with 4 kids it's hard to get to those meetings.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

Edited by bridget.stegall

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No weight loss requirements, but I've been on a diet working with my nutritionist since middle of January. I've lost about 12 lbs and my personal goal is another 8 before surgery.

My insurance approval doesn't take place until I'm done with all of my pre-req appointments. My last appt is March 9, and from there they say it will take 7-10 days to get approval. Surgery will be booked very quickly after that (there's no backlog of sleeve surgeries, but there is for bypass).

I had to do: two visits with NUT, consult with bariatric doctor, two educational classes (a month apart), the psych eval, ekg, bloodwork, chest xray, and endoscopy.

I haven't found any local support groups, unfortunately.

Edited by Ruth1ess

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Hi- I am from Jacksonville too and I had my surgery done by Dr. Morganthal at Baptist ( he is Dr. Hodgett's partner). I had a great experience, with the office staff, surgeon and hospital.

In my experience the approval was extremely fast. Once my six months was done, psych evaluation, and nutrition appointment the office submitted my paperwork and it took less than three days for approval and then my surgery was schedule for a week later. It went really fast from there.

As for the nutrition appointment I felt it was one of the most unhelpful part of the process. She wanted to focus more on healthy eating pre op than the stages of food post op. I never got Protein, carb, or calorie requirements for post op. I got a packet that listed the stages and food ideas but that was it.

I learned WAY more on this site about food and ideas than I did with the nutritionist.

Baptist does have a great support group but I don't really attend. I have several friends that had the gastric sleeve within two weeks of my surgery and we have been a great support to each other.

I also have gotten a lot of support and information from this website. I have found this place to be so valuable!!

I am one of the hospital administrators at Baptist so if you want to let me know when you get your surgery scheduled I can check on you while you are in the hospital if that is something you would like- if not that's fine too[emoji3]

Hope everything goes fast for you and you can join all of us on the "losers bench"!! This surgery is such a wonderful tool!!

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That's so funny, I work at mayo :)

Thankfully I didn't have the 6-month wait period. I decided about a month ago I wanted to pursue this, and I should have my surgery in about a month. Two months total.

I would be interested in learning more about the support group

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Yes! Glitter Eyes you can find me on Facebook and we can link up there. I'm still figuring out this site. I am having the surgery first then my husband is going to do it. I would love to meet with you and Ruth1less just to get an idea of what I'm getting into. I work for a plastic surgeon so I kinda know what the process is on that end as far documentation because my insurance does a couple of procedures that I'll need after my weight loss is at goal but I have never weighed under 150 even in the 5 grade. I am looking forward to the journey.

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I was also at Baptist, however I had Morgenthal. I was also cash-pay so from the point of the orientation meeting to the point I was in the OR was like 3 weeks. I never met Hodgett, however I was not a fan of Morgenthal. Surgically he was very competent, but as a person, he was a jerk. I also was not at all impressed with the office. The receptionist was insanely rude on my first visit to the point that I was nearly in tears, however the billing people were generally nice. Ultimately, I think you probably get a very different level of care when there is accountability to an insurance company as opposed to when you pay for everything up-front. I had no major complications though and I'm almost 2.5 years post-op and have been at goal for almost a year, so while I wouldn't have minded a doctor who didn't treat me like a fat idiot, he was a good surgeon and in the end, I'd much rather have someone who doesn't kill me than someone who is nice to me.

I would though suggest you have a good rapport with your doctor. I developed a puking problem a few months after surgery where I basically barfed most of what I ate. At almost 2.5 years I have it narrowed down to what I can eat (basically nothing with sugar, oils, or fats, so worked out well, lol) but there were points where I wished I had a surgeon that I could have had some follow-up with. My plastics surgeon was awesome, so that really reinforced for me the importance of having a doctor not just that is good at his job, but also someone that you feel comfortable calling a few months or years down the road for follow-up. I will go to another bariatric office in Jacksonville before I ever go back to Baptist.

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Oh no!!!! I really hope Dr. Hodgett is nice...bedside manners are so important especially dealing with someone who is overweight and completely vulnerable. I have talked to my husband and he said if the place doesn't feel comfortable on my first visit to go somewhere else. If you don't mind me asking where are you going for your plastic surgery? We are planning a trip to Mexico one because of his work and two I want to check out a couple of their plastic surgeons there. Most weight loss reconstructive surgeries are covered by our insurance it's ideal to do it here but I want to make the best choice in this matter. I am so sorry that you were treated so bad. I was a self pay patient when I was younger and they were always so short with what I could expect from a visit. I think people fail to realize that how you treat the actual person is just as important of how you treat their medical needs.

Also how long was your surgery?

How long did you stay in the hospital?

How has your recovery in the hospital?

Could your spouse/caretaker stay with you in your room while you were there?

What would you say was the most important thing to bring with you?

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I had all of my plastics done with Dr. Ankit Desai, also in Jacksonville, FL. Excellent surgeon, with a fantastic bedside manner.

Also how long was your surgery?

My sleeve surgery was about an hour

How long did you stay in the hospital?

3 days- I arrived Monday at 6am, surgery was at 7:30, and I left on Wednesday around 10am.

How has your recovery in the hospital?

I was miserable. I think I had a major nausea issue with the IV narcotics. I knew I was driving myself home, so I discontinued the good drugs on Tuesday morning which is when I slowly started resolving the need-to-puke problem. I pretty much dry heaved for the majority of my first two days in the hospital, despite being maxed out on Phenergan and Zofran, which when you just had your stomach cut open is even less fun than normal dry heaving. I paid extra for the Bliss insurance, so on Wednesday morning I felt so horrible I asked to stay an extra day. Morgenthal basically told me I needed to suck it up, gave me a huge attitude, and then said, sure, fine stay, whatever. By that point I was so mad, I had the energy I needed to pack up my stuff and leave. I suppose if you actually use the extra $1200 you pay for insurance it makes the doctor look bad, so I guess that was the motivation for pushing me out on-time. I was so sick I could barely walk, but fortunately I was also furious, lol. I drove myself home, felt like death for a few days, and then everything started to improve. Basically once I was off of the IV pain killers, within 24-48 hours I started feeling better.

Could your spouse/caretaker stay with you in your room while you were there?

Pretty sure they can- I did not have anyone with me.

What would you say was the most important thing to bring with you?

A warm blanket (I was freezing the entire time) a soft pillow with your own pillow case, comfy, big pajamas with thick, grippy sock and a heating pad. I brought the heating pad because I heard it would help relieve the pain in your shoulder from the excess air in your stomach, but it ended up being wonderful for actually keeping me warm. I was also super glad I brought pajamas because you have to walk a lot and this way I wasn't worried about accidentally mooning anyone with the gown, lol. I brought thick, socks with the grips on the bottom because while they give you some, they are scratchy and not very warm. If you make sure you get the kind with the sticky grips, they don't have a problem with you wearing your own socks. Regular socks make you a fall hazard and to be fair, it is fairly difficult for about 24 hours to not faceplant into the ground everytime you get out of bed. Also, I brought gas-x strips, which I was glad I did because they wouldn't give me any in the hospital. So..I had my own, lol. You are slammed with fluids, so you will need to go to the bathroom A LOT- another nice reason to have pajamas because you can get in and out of bed without giving everyone a show. Also, this might sound weird, but I was glad I had my soft sports bra with me. Make sure you don't bring one that is tight or has an underwire (if they do a hiatal hernia repair you have an incision that is just on your bra strap line around your ribs). I was happy that I felt comfortable walking around the hospital without my girls swinging all over the place, lol...the small things that make you happy when you feel like you want to die. Lastly, bring an extension cord with a power strip. You then don't have to worry about your phone not staying charged...it is plugged in right next to you the entire time.

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So I'm kinda pissed! I called to let the surgeons office know that my insurance didn't cover the person I was going to see for my psychological evaluation and the girl was so rude she was like well I don't know what to tell you I was like well I finally find another doctor that's covered by my insurance and she got rude with me again I'm like is this the same doctors office I was so upset makes me want to just start the whole process over at another doctors office it's ridiculous!! And they never answer the phone after nine in the morning 30 minutes a day how are you supposed to conduct business? mayo clinic is looking better and better

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I'm from Jacksonville FL and am having surgery with Dr Uchal at St Vincents. I have an appt with him tomorrow to finalize everything and to schedule my surgery date. My surgery coordinator has taken care of all my pre-op appointments and everyone I have dealt with had been extremely nice and helpful.

I don't understand how people in the medical field can be so rude. :(. Sorry you're dealing with that

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I am glad to see alot of people from Jacksonville. I am considering to do the sleeve. Just a little scared. I have appointment with St. Vincent,but I heard great things about Baptist and mayo Clinic. Any suggestions.

Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App

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I am glad to see alot of people from Jacksonville. I am considering to do the sleeve. Just a little scared. I have appointment with St. Vincent,but I heard great things about Baptist and mayo Clinic. Any suggestions.

Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App

I went with Dr Uchal at St Vincents because he was recommended to me when I was having problems with my lapband. He actually removed my lapband 2 years ago. And I LOVE him. He performs a lot of revisions and difficult cases. I truly feel very comfortable with him. So it was only natural to chose him for my VSG surgery.

The staff at St vincents Weightloss was very helpful. My surgery coordinator set up all my appointments, and everything ran very smoothly. In fact, my paperwork was submitted to insurance the day after my last nutritional class. They are really in the ball.

I recommend going to a couple of seminars and see who you are comfortable with. I'm confident all the surgeons in these practices are great!

Good Luck!!!

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I had all of my plastics done with Dr. Ankit Desai, also in Jacksonville, FL. Excellent surgeon, with a fantastic bedside manner.

Also how long was your surgery?

My sleeve surgery was about an hour

How long did you stay in the hospital?

3 days- I arrived Monday at 6am, surgery was at 7:30, and I left on Wednesday around 10am.

How has your recovery in the hospital?

I was miserable. I think I had a major nausea issue with the IV narcotics. I knew I was driving myself home, so I discontinued the good drugs on Tuesday morning which is when I slowly started resolving the need-to-puke problem. I pretty much dry heaved for the majority of my first two days in the hospital, despite being maxed out on Phenergan and Zofran, which when you just had your stomach cut open is even less fun than normal dry heaving. I paid extra for the Bliss insurance, so on Wednesday morning I felt so horrible I asked to stay an extra day. Morgenthal basically told me I needed to suck it up, gave me a huge attitude, and then said, sure, fine stay, whatever. By that point I was so mad, I had the energy I needed to pack up my stuff and leave. I suppose if you actually use the extra $1200 you pay for insurance it makes the doctor look bad, so I guess that was the motivation for pushing me out on-time. I was so sick I could barely walk, but fortunately I was also furious, lol. I drove myself home, felt like death for a few days, and then everything started to improve. Basically once I was off of the IV pain killers, within 24-48 hours I started feeling better.

Could your spouse/caretaker stay with you in your room while you were there?

Pretty sure they can- I did not have anyone with me.

What would you say was the most important thing to bring with you?

A warm blanket (I was freezing the entire time) a soft pillow with your own pillow case, comfy, big pajamas with thick, grippy sock and a heating pad. I brought the heating pad because I heard it would help relieve the pain in your shoulder from the excess air in your stomach, but it ended up being wonderful for actually keeping me warm. I was also super glad I brought pajamas because you have to walk a lot and this way I wasn't worried about accidentally mooning anyone with the gown, lol. I brought thick, socks with the grips on the bottom because while they give you some, they are scratchy and not very warm. If you make sure you get the kind with the sticky grips, they don't have a problem with you wearing your own socks. Regular socks make you a fall hazard and to be fair, it is fairly difficult for about 24 hours to not faceplant into the ground everytime you get out of bed. Also, I brought gas-x strips, which I was glad I did because they wouldn't give me any in the hospital. So..I had my own, lol. You are slammed with fluids, so you will need to go to the bathroom A LOT- another nice reason to have pajamas because you can get in and out of bed without giving everyone a show. Also, this might sound weird, but I was glad I had my soft sports bra with me. Make sure you don't bring one that is tight or has an underwire (if they do a hiatal hernia repair you have an incision that is just on your bra strap line around your ribs). I was happy that I felt comfortable walking around the hospital without my girls swinging all over the place, lol...the small things that make you happy when you feel like you want to die. Lastly, bring an extension cord with a power strip. You then don't have to worry about your phone not staying charged...it is plugged in right next to you the entire time.

This was very helpful. I am sorry about how the doctors treated you.But you gave some good insight. I have an appointment with Dr.Uchal on Tuesday. I pray everything would go good.

Sn***If not I will leave

Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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