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I have a complete aversion to exercise--rant

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I am admitting it--I hate to exercise. I feel like it is a painful daunting chore. I don't like it and I behave like a petulant child when I know I have to actually get up and do it. It freakin' sucks and I feel guilty because I read about so many people loving exercise and running 5k's. I think the real reason I hate exercise is because I struggled with weight for so long that it would literally be one gym membership after another--one resolution after another--and on and on, and it was miserable. Now, I am just hoping to get to a point where I don't HATE exercise. Truly and Really I am so glad for everyone who loves exercise--I just really don't.


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Hi Leile,

Guess what, I hate it too. LOL!!! But as we all know it's necessary for so many health benefits. Before I had surgery, I had diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure and issues with my ankle swelling when I walked. Even when I was dieting and workout regularly I would see little to no results. And I would be in pain at times from the exercise itself. But once I started losing weight I felt better , I could move and I had more energy so I wanted to do more. The key is you have to fine something that you enjoy doing. I hate the treadmill, but I enjoy walking outside. So that's what I do. I go walking on trails in my community. I put my headphones on and just go. When my husbands available we go together and if not I just go. I really enjoy it. It helps me clear my mind and just focus on me during that time. I get to be selfish in that time and that's ok for me to do. Being a wife and mom, we are so focused on taking care of others, we tend to let ourselves go and don't take care of us. That is a big part of how many of us got into the cycle of obesity. Not taking care of us. If we don't make us a priority, who is going to be around to take care of our loved ones. So we must change to way we think and be a little selfish so we can be the best us possible so we can be here as long as possible. Anyway back to the point LOL, I found that I have more energy and I'm not tired anymore so I find myself wanting to try new activities. When I lift weighs I feel more powerful. As your losing weight you discover its so many more things you can do and that drives you to want to do new things. I shoveled snow a few weeks ago. Not that, that's a great thing but it was for me because a year ago I couldn't do to my weight. Now, I was moving like I was a snow plow. LOL, my hubby stopped and looked at me and I asked what's wrong, he said I'm just amazed at you, I'm tired and out of breath and you're moving like a machine. The funny thing is that I had not realized it until he pointed it out to me. The point is find something you like and enjoy and just get moving. Dancing, swimming, whatever, you have so many new things to explore. It doesn't have to be traditional exercise like in gym or at home. As long as your moving and having fun, you'll want to do it again. Oh yeah, and all my health issues, gone. And momma's got her Sexy back. All the motivation I need to keep going.


Edited by nasirah21

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I was this person just over a year ago. I joined gyms and would stop going after a month or two. I'd buy equipment and use it maybe once or twice a month if that. I hated sweating, I hated the trying and seeing absolutely nothing for my efforts.

But after the sleeve and getting used to eating better and dropping weight regularly, I realized I was feeling a bit better and started having a tiny bit more energy. That coincided with my neighborhood pool opening and I remembered how much I loved swimming, so I started going when I could. I'd drive there, go splash and dive and float and end up exercising without even meaning to because it was fun. I started going regularly throughout the summer, and eventually worked up to riding my bike there and back instead of driving (it is just over a mile round trip). Because I also remembered when I was a kid, how much I loved riding a bike. And it was also fun!

And the really amazing part is that I started seeing real progress - I wasn't huffing and puffing riding a half mile or swimming the length of the pool. I noticed muscle definition in my arms and legs. I was measuring each month, and I would see definite inches lost in addition to seeing the scale slowly moving downwards. It was never smooth steady progress, but it was happening pretty often and I was even more encouraged to keep going, push myself a little more and enjoyed it even more knowing I was going to get actual, visual/measurable benefits.

If you hate gym exercises, don't force yourself to do them. There are hundreds of other things you could be doing that you'd actually look forward to.

The point being, you have to give yourself time to adjust to seeing real actual progress for one thing, and you also have to find something that won't seem like exercise because you enjoy doing it just for fun.

Think back to when you were a kid - did you love riding your bike all over the neighborhood? Playing frisbee or catch or some sport in the park? Swimming? Climbing or hiking out in the woods? Or maybe just walking through a pretty park and bird watching (or people watching)? Even stuff like bowling is going to be fun but still gets you up and down, lifting weights, swinging your arms and concentrating on moving correctly and could be a gateway activity that might lead to others that will push you further along (as long as you're not eating the bowling alley food!)

Open your mind to the possibilities and you'll never feel mad or stressed about exercise again... because it will just be you out having fun and moving your body!

You should be able to find something that you used to love and it can be picked back up and re-purposed into regular exercise. Or at least find something now as an adult that you can grow to enjoy. Good luck!! :)

Edited by FrankiesGirl

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Being able to exercise is what I really enjoy the most.

Some injuries I was dealing with much of last year left me unable to do so and I knew enough was enough.....time to get the weight off by whatever means I could.

Now.....every single trip to the gym....or a hike down the riverwalk....is a blessing. The pains I feel now are self imposed and I'm grateful to be alive to feel them.

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I am admitting it--I hate to exercise. I feel like it is a painful daunting chore. I don't like it and I behave like a petulant child when I know I have to actually get up and do it. It freakin' sucks and I feel guilty because I read about so many people loving exercise and running 5k's. I think the real reason I hate exercise is because I struggled with weight for so long that it would literally be one gym membership after another--one resolution after another--and on and on, and it was miserable. Now, I am just hoping to get to a point where I don't HATE exercise. Truly and Really I am so glad for everyone who loves exercise--I just really don't.


exercise doesn't mean you must join the gym. A gym is not for everyone , Im one of those people. You need to change your way of thinking. What I have found works for me is walking on the beach . The smell of the salty Water and the waves moving is so relaxing. I also walk the bridge which has a incline and gives me a good work out. I have step on my deck that lead up to my pool , I use those for 30 minutes a day. I learn just being outdoors is the key for me. I also enjoy cutting the grass with a push lawnmower. Just be very creative ???? find what works for you and enjoy . You might enjoy jumping rope ,yoga skates or riding a bike. My husband just bought me a bike to ride. You can use things to exercise outdoors and do the same as being in the gym for hours. The key is moving and staying active. Find what makes you happy and you'll love to exercise . Ps you can always add weights with these types of exercise later to make them more of a challenge later on.

Edited by libby43

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I'll echo the idea of finding something you love.

I hate going to the gym and putting myself through a workout, but I love to dance, so Zumba is perfect for me.

I get bored after swimming laps for an hour, but a Water finning class is awesome.

I hate body pump class 60, but I can push myself through the 30 minute option. Same with a 30 minutes ab class. I can do anything for 30 minutes.

Walking on a treadmill sucks, running around the field with my golden doodle is awesome because she loves it so much. I love playing tag, frisbee, doing mud runs, etc. with my kids (15 and 17) because it's something I couldn't do when they were little.

I am now a martial arts instructor because beating the sh!t out of a bag or another student is stress relieving. Plus, in an emergency, I've no doubt I can protect myself.

Find a way to move your body 15 minutes a day. Wear a Fitbit and challenge your pelf to get in 5k steps a day and then 7k steps, building up to 10k. Challenge yourself, make it a game.

Don't make exercise a chore, that's the pits.

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@@LEILE I really and truly hate excercise, too. And guess what? I don't excercise and don't plan on starting. I have a Nordic track and a recumbent bike in my spare room collecting dust. There is an Anytime Fitness and rec center with Water activities just 10 minutes away that I don't belong to. There are Yoga , Zumba and Cross-fit classes I will never take. I work 60+ hours/week at a fairly physical job and come home to yard work and housework. I shovel snow, I stack hay, I Water and feed horses. When I'm done I sit on my couch and binge watch my favorite TV series.

I used to jog back in college....hated every minute. I never got that "high" people talk about. I used to go to Curves and no, I never felt good after working out. It only felt like a waste of time.

i really do hate Excercise. But hey, I am over two years postop and am maintaining 10 pounds below goal. My BP is normal and I feel great. I am fit enough to go on 10-15 mile hikes, ride my horse and paddle my kayak. Tell me again why I need to excercise? Don't feel bad or guilty about hating excercise. You are not alone.

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Thank you all for your posts. I still completely hate organized exercise or the mindset of exercise. I work a lot, I have a difficult position--but it is sedentary. I had the sleeve on 1/06/2016--on surgery day I weighed 216--today, I weigh 190. My nutritionist keeps telling me to exercise--and sometimes I do get in my pool and do some aqua jogging, or I will go for a walk--but I feel angry. I think I am going to take it easy. Because, like Kindle said, in sum: I got a ton of stuff to do. The greatest gift for me about the sleeve--and I am really early on, has been that in over a month I haven't been obsessing about food and chasing it--its truly been life changing--and I know that there is no body that can keep excess weight on with the amount of food that I eat--so I think I am going to continue to eat nutrient dense food--and if I feel like walking great, and if not that is alright too.

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If you are too busy to have fun, then you are too busy.

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Pre-op diet tomorrow n surgery on 29th.. I personally look forward to exercise.. But I'm guessing if we call it "being active" would change a lot of people perceptions about it being a chore.. Being a weight lifter in the past I loved it... Now I think it why I'm at this point now.. So walking, hiking, swimming and biking is what my plans are.. I'm just gonna explore what's out there this spring summer n fall.. Good luck everyone!!

Edited by bsanders

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I can only make myself go if I am meeting a friend. We enjoy signing up for personal classes too. Cheaper for both of us ... Shouldn't be ... But paying in advance makes me go....I do more when someone is instructing me at a fast pace.

Otherwise, I can meet a friend for a walk, but often those are more chat while we stroll affairs.

Find something that makes you not hate it and schedule time each week....

That is my take on getting consistent exercise... Keep trying!!

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Oh man I hate it too!!!! I have a gym membership that I use maybe twice a month. But, I always park in the back when I go to work or stores, I use the stairs several times a day, and I'm a nurse so I get my 10,000 steps a day. I found Yoga by Adrienne on YouTube and she has a two 30 day challenges. I love it! I started for the stress relief. Not only are my moods better but now I have muscle tone and flexibility. I love it and it's the perfect end to my hectic days! The key is just finding something you enjoy doing.

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I also loathe exercise. Walking I can do, and is the lesser of all evils, just Boring!!! Then, I went with a friend to planet fitness. I fell in love with the circuit room. 30 min workout where you are switching gears every two min or so. OMG, I found my "thing". It was not exercise that was the problem, it was my ADD. I need change and so far I never get board and by this time I get to the middle my heart is pumping, my face is sweating and I'm feeling great. At only 10$ a month I'm hooked. Running, elliptical's, and weight training by itself is not for me. Also the atmosphere at planet fitness is one of people getting healthy, not showing off. It really is a judgement free zone(says it on the walls) one perk, you can bring a friend for free. Best way to do it! good luck!

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Yep, exercise sucks. I always said, If I'm running, it better be because someone is chasing me! In all the decades I was overweight, I never (or rarely) went to a gym. Always felt people were staring, wondering what I was doing there(I'm sure that in all actuality they could care less). I have everything at home I need to exercise. I have a treadmill, which suits me just fine, however, my daughter would prefer to walk outside. I feel safer in my house. I have Zumba, DDP Yoga, Insanity, couple other DVDs I like, kettle bells, and just ordered Body by Jake Power 200, or Tower 200, it fits on the door and you can do several exercises with it, and Cize, another ShaunT DVD set. SO. If I don't tone up, it's now my own fault!!! Well, it's always been my own fault, but I'm running out of excuses. I have a mini exercise store in my house!!! I've lost weight, I can breathe again, I can move better. So now, I don't have the old excuses not to move. It's time to get up and get busy(for me)!! Even when I see progress, I hate exercise. But I love me(sorta) so I'll do it! :)

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Certain activities, I do enjoy. When we had our pool, I was in it twice, in two weeks, and lost 12 pounds. I also like riding a recumbent bicycle, as I loved bike riding but have bad knees. I did end up joining a gym, three years post-op, but I really need to push myself to go. Before that, I didn't do many other activities. Right now, I'm having a difficult time losing weight, and have even regained between my two year and three year surgiversary. I need to build up leg muscles, though, because I have difficulty walking, without aid. I found the gym has a sit down elliptical, which I like, too. I breezed through weight loss my first two years, with no working out, but I started at a higher weight than most.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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