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Hawaii pre & post bansters

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That's good to know that you've moved on to mashed potatoes. I guess that means that I can too.....LOL!!!! I am soooo hungry and the cream Soups aren't really making it. I'm ready to try some ricotta cheese with some Tomato sauce on it warmed.


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Hey Carmen, I tried to reply to you the other day but it said yu didnt take personal messages or whatever...

so what is the dif between the bandings? I remember (i think it was you) telling me about it -- but I forget what the differences are.

I ate alot of miso Soup w/out the tofo the first 2 weeks, I also drained chicken noodle Soup and just ate the broth (reg chicken broth sucks)

once i did 1 week of shakes, yogurts, sf Jello - i think i skipped most mushy foods and just started eating AND i HAVENT STOPPED SINCE!!! ;(

i am not pms'ing anymore and i went down like 3 lbs and i have been eating so much it went right back up.. so whatever!

the other day i ate soooooo much i felt sick -- i felt like i wanted to throw up - but funny thing is -- is i couldnt! i stood over the toilet thinking and feeling like it was coming ut but nothing happened..

the next day i ate just 1 bite of lau lau (the leaf part) and i have a PB -- first one!! it was... exactly how Kathleen explained it at castle 2 wks ago.. LOL

merium - glad to hear you are doing good!

i finally found my flavorsplash raspberry Water - so i am going to start drinking a lot ore Water now days!!!

anyway - with continued sucess everyone..

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Hey Everyone, good to know everyone is doing "OK". Nice to meet you Carmen. I am going to see Dr. Fowler on 10/25/07 for an adjustment for my fill. Any chance anyone else going on that day, let me know. Lisa just make sure you heal. And by the way, have you gone to the gym yet ??????? Keep up the good/great work everyone and we will all be at our goal soon enough. A Hui HO.....bev

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Hey Carmen,

Glad you found us here. Us, im the one that wants to sing again. Maybe down the road I will be able to sing for the group when i get better air and lose some more. I've lost 20lbs noted in my post op visit day. Hey, you are the one he spoke about. I thought I was the one that was the first AP bandster but he said there was one unofficial one done on Monday. That was you. I was done the next day and first on the roster. Ok, sounds like you had some experience but im glad you made it thru. Did i see you today at the office?? I was speaking to a woman, that i saw at the group, but never got her name. Or, were you the one sitting across from me. Anyway, I went to see Mary after Fowler and she told me to say on purees (mushies) for four more days. Then move to soft foods. She said this would maximize the weight loss too and not to push moving to the next stage if i can tolerate it. I did do mash and viennas when i came home. All mushie to me.. But what im going to do if finish this baby food i have in here that my baby refuses to eat. She hates gerber, so mommy will have to love it with Protein powder.. Go figure.. Lisa thanks for calling, hey Bev, i could meet ya... let me know..

What's up with your fill Bev? You want to add or take out?


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Yup Mirium...........I guess I'm the "unoffical" one (whatever that means--LOL.) I wasn't at the office today. I went in on Oct. 5 to see him. Since I was "suppose" to have been banded Sept. 26, my post op was 10/5, so they told me to just keep that appointment instead of re-scheduling all my appointments. I got out of the hospital on Tuesday and had to come back that Friday for my 1st post op. Boy, I sure didn't feel to great about coming back to Castle so soon. I'll be happy when he opens his office in Aiea as I live in Ewa Beach. I can't believe the gas I went through for all the visits so far.

Lisa, here's a link to some information about the band Miriam and I have: Bariatric Times » Article Archive » The LAP-BAND AP™ System: The Platform Advances

I hope you can access it ok. Basically the band I have (APL) holds 14cc. It's suppose to be the "next generation in AGB's." The band is 360 degrees around and the cuff is longer. It's also purported to cause less band erosion and it also has an easier release mechanism if the band needs to be removed or adjusted. I think the biggest drawback is going to be finding the sweet spot, so finding a good level of restriction may require many visits. From what I've read, the first fill is usually 4 cc's. Even though I had a rough time in the beginning, I'm going to know exactly what it'll be like to be overfilled because that's essentially what I was experiencing with my first band, only it was on too tight so it closed off my stomach and nothing could go down.

Geeeez Miriam, I haven't even started purees yet. No one has called me to check up or anything, so I'm basically playing it by ear. The handouts are so conflicting. I keep going back and forth to make sure I'm doing things right. I know that one handout says "Wait 20 to 30 minutes before or after meals before drinking liquids." I'm like, is that an either/or or what??? I'm glad I talked to you though, because I'm going to start purees TOMORROW. I can't wait to eat some tofu and refried Beans. I'll be feasting like it's Turkey Day. So far I've had no problems in consuming my food/liquids. I had 12 oz. of Soup today for lunch and felt I could've had another 12 oz. Since my second banding, I haven't PB'd at all even when I tank Water. Sometimes I feel like I'm not even banded.

Lisa, that's weird about the private message thingy. I'm still trying to learn this site and figure out how to do things. I tried to do a friend request on your myspace, but I didn't have your last or your email. Try add me to yours. My URL is MySpace.com - WRMSMILES - 46 - Female - EWA BEACH, HAWAII - www.myspace.com/wrmsmiles So what kinds of foods are you eating? Please be careful and don't overdo it. Even though I want to eat everything in sight (so missing Tanioka's tomato/tako poke), I'm paranoid that I'm going to stretch my pouch and the thought of having to go back into "that place" for any kind of corrective measures scares the hell out of me. So how's the exercise coming along? I've been walking here and there, but nothing strenuous yet and definately no resistance training with the rubber band thingys. I have a recumbent bike here at my house that I'm going to try to get on tomorrow. I'm afraid Cindy is going to look at my log and give me a lecture which I really don't need right now if you know what I mean.

Bev, nice to meet you too. My next appt. is Oct. 26 (suppose to be my 1 mth checkup), so I'm sorry I can't meet with you. You said your coming for an adjustment--are you overfilled or not filled enough?

Well, time to do the craiglist and myspace sites. Hope everyone has a good weekend.


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I think that I am not filled enough, I feel I can still eat a ton of food, actually it might be more than a cup though, and that is still toooooo much. I lost 5 lbs, the first week after my first fill, but nothing since. I talked to Mary and she said she thinks I am eating too much. Thus, I need an adjustment to the band. Hey Miriam, my appt is in the morning at 10:30 and I will be spending the afternoon with my daughter (hopefully) at Windward Mall if she doesn't have to work, and she can catch the bus, but if you are in the area of Kaneohe, or Kailua at lunchtime, maybe we can hook up. Let me know. Hope everyone is healing OK, are you Lisa????? Keep in touch everyone.

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well I am now an official 24hr fitness member that has actually worked out. Ok well, once is better then none, right? MY first fill apt has been moved to this friday - I cant wait!! I have been trying to cut down how much i do eat - its just so hard - i know i am not doing too greta with this because theer have been a few times when i eat, my tummy hurts so much from overeating!! It sucks because i always do that!!! and then i tell myself well its less then i used to eat -- but thats not right.. i cant think that way -- i have been holding the original 10 lbs i lost and nothing more. its going to come off - i know it will.

well back to work - wish i had more time to write


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Ok, people i am 15 days post op and i totally had a gross feeling this AM. I have learned that there is a reason why you must eat slow. I haven't changed that behavior totally but now i must. My shreded chicken got stuck and nothing i did could make it go down, and 10 mins later it all came up. Sooooo gross!!! It was like barfing but i guess thats what they call sliming. I was on my way out the door for work, and decided to come back in and wait it out. Good thing I did, because that would not have been bad at work or at my desk.

Grossed out ,


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Im doing just OK -

My fill apt got omved up again to tomorrow morning - sooner the better if you ask me.. I want to know how can I get dr fowler to fill me UP rather then just a little and come back for another adjustment. .. how does he calculate how much to fill?

If i tell him im eatling like 5 cups of food per seating - will he fill me up more? LOL (sad thing is i probably am eating that much!)

Last night for dinner I had rice for the first time.. i had 1 scoop rice, 2 salsbury steak things and corn -- tell me thats not way too much!!!! Plus like an hor before that I had miso Soup, 1 1/2 cups, and an hour after i had a slice of bread with Peanut Butter and jam for the first time I had bread!!

I felt like i was BINGING!!! oh wait, i was!

ARG - well continued success to everyone

Kathleen - call me I go walking everyday at the Hawaiian Memorial and I am now a member of 24 hr --- lets go together.

If you dont have my number - message me and i will give it to you again.

Bev, wish I could see you when you come, but i cant get off of work. How is the hubby?

Mirium, I never had that feeling before.. I had a PB i think.. but no slime... how did you make it come up?

everyone -- ttyl take care,


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Omg, i think i am eating like you Lisa. I havent tried bread or rice cuz im too scared. I'm even more scared of things now that this happened this morning. Im still so grossed out. Ladies, I went by curves this week and have a free week, so im going there two days now. I like it and feel it will help me tone up. Im waiting for the pool at Gunstock Ranch. I plan on taking my daughter there. I have had some many teachers come up to me on campus and ask me if my daughter is pregnant... SOOOO Shame!! She is now a size 14 and i get after her cuz i dont want her to be like me of course, but she has the worst belly. And, hello, sometimes she sneaks and wears clothes that I didnt buy...Ok, i wont go there but you moms know what i mean... Scared as heck about putting anything into my tummy today... but i will soon eat for lunch. I see some of you on, give me a call somebody..


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Well everyone, sounds like we are all on the semi right track. I think that we still have a little way to go before we get "it" right. I haven't ever PB'ed or slimed, but I sure have had things get stuck, and that wasn't pleasant. Lisa, I too have that problem sometimes that I forget how much I shouldn't be eating and then eat like I used to, and thats where the fill and the band is supposed to come into play. Good Luck on your fill, just tell Dr. Fowler that you want him to be aggresive on your fills, but be careful cause it might be too tight. But the good thing is that when you get your fill, you have one month to get it adjusted without having to pay again. Lucky for you, you dont have to fly over. Good thing for me that my insurance pays for my airfare, but still its a day off of work, renting a rent a car etc... But in the end all worth it right????? I think that if I would eat till I am really full it might be all of 2 or 2 1/2 cups, thats way wrong, so I definately need an adjustment to my fill.

Miriam, sorry I didn't call you back, its been a very hectic week for my family. No chance to even check e-mail at home. I have to come to the library on my lunch hour to catch up.

A Hui Ho, keep it going ladies.....bev

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hello everyone - so yesterday i had my first fill and yes i told him to be aggressive -- well i couldnt eat all day and i got scared that it might be too tight but by the time i got home, i ate miso Soup (no tofo) and went to sleep. today i had 1 medifast Protein Shake, a couple bites of oatmeal and i think i will sip on another shake soon. hopefully it works in the sense i start loosing.. i lost .2lbs since 9/25.. LOL not 2 now but point 2 LOLOL - (not funny)

anyway, i guess this is where i can say -- so the real deal has begun!!!

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Aloha folks,

We may have some people joining us soon. I just got into scouting the threads for others from Hawaii. Anyway, i tried to eat eggs, and omg, not good. I thought i could do some food now, but i think i stuck in soft and mushie still yet...


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Aloha no, Island bandsters!! It's so good to meet you all, and read your messages. The support on this forum is just great!

I'm being banded at Queen's Nov 5, all going well. I've been having asthma lately, so I'm a bit anxious about the pre-op check up, and if I'll pass it. Dr Murayama is my surgeon. I live in Mililani. Anyone else from here? Mes, thanks for the tips!



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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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