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So since I am so close to surgery I am starting to think about what my fitness routine is going to be post-op (once I get the okay from the doctor). I know its not going to be "Fittin'this whole pizza in my mouth" anymore! So my question is, as far as home gym equipment, treadmills, elliptical, bikes, max trainers, free weights, etc. which have you enjoyed the most? Typically at the gym I am an elliptical girl and I don't really enjoy the treadmill too much but I feel like a home elliptical is going to take up so much room! I was thinking about a punching bag, a few kettle bells, a roman chair, resistance bands, and some DVDs would probably be better than a cardio machine but weather isn't the best here so I need to figure out cardio too. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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i have a foldable treadmill and I use a hula hoop at home I was sleeved 11/25 and started 7 weeks post op with hula hoop, the treadmill I used right away 2 days post surgery when I came home. I also started using lbs weights for arm exercises 1 week post op.

I do use the gym 6 times a week for aqua exercise for 1 hour I started that 6.5 weeks post op.

The folding treadmill does not take much room, but it is a big investment.

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I have a recumbent bike / elliptical that I use every day.

I have a 20 pound kettlebell that I can't lift.

I have 1,2,5, and 10 pound weights, plus ankle and wrist weights.

I have a collection of workout DVDs so that I don't get bored, plus I can work out in my jammies and not have to get dressed to go out to a gym, for which I would have to pay to work out in front of lunks and Barbie Dolls.

Here is my list with my personal reviews:




It’s easy for people with mobility issues.


Pilates based exercises suitable for anyone with

limited ability or range of motion issues.


Easy to follow beginning level.


Circuit training with ‘60’s beach music.

Very easy – may be too easy and not much of a

workout for some people, but if you have Chronic

Fatigue Syndrome, this might be perfect for you.

5. CHAIR EXERCISES (David Stamps)

a. Chair Salsa

b. Chair Aerobics

c. Chair Tai Chi

d. Chair Boxing

Trainer David Stamps is easy follow. I use these on “Bad Days” when I

can’t do my workouts standing up or sciatica is bothering me.



Slow and relaxed Pilates and Calisthenics that can be done

standing or in a sitting in a chair.

Helpful for a tight back.

2. CLASSICAL STRETCH (Miranda Esmonde)

As seen on her PBS show. Easy but effective. You really get a

thorough workout, but she’s so pleasant that you don’t care. It wore me out, but I knew I had put my work in for the day.

3. PILATES FOR WIMPS (Natural Journeys)

This is a good basic Pilates workout if you don’t feel like

going to the gym.


Increases Mobility.

Gentle movements with modifications.



Gentle and easy slow paced strength training with light weights.

Suitable for seniors and people with poor mobility

2. FIRMING AFTER 50 (Joel Harper) Full body workout – no equipment

Three levels of effort; He does the advanced level.

A pretty young thing does the medium level.

His own mother does the modified level.

*Easy to follow and works every muscle in your body. One of my

favorites and I use it often.


Twenty-five simple and easy to do resistance band exercises.


1. WALK YOUR BELLY FLAT (Leslie Sansone)

This is a calorie burner. Equivalent of three miles done in “one-mile” units that take about twelve minutes each to complete.

Can be done outside or even in the house or standing in place if you

don’t have much room to workout.

(I have only been able to get to one and a half, but my goal is to make it through all three units.) It is still one of my favorites that I use frequently.

2. WHOLE BODY RESISTANCE (former pro wrestler Diamond Dallas Page)

Intense Yoga that won’t compromise your masculinity. Remember he was a champion pro wrestler and used this method for his own training.

He demonstrates modifications that make it usable for everyone.

No lifting, no crunches, no running, no jumping, no equipment!

Length of videos vary from three minutes to ninety minutes.

a. Body weight resistance – 30 minutes

b. Core – 12 minutes

c. Balance – 30 minutes

d. Strength Builder – 38 minutes

for our body parts that break down first:

Shoulders, hips, knees, lower back

e. Thirteen key moves for body weight resistance – 30 minutes

f. Lats and Biceps – 15 minutes

g. Below the Belt – 30 minutes

h. Breathing – 3 short minutes

i. Diamond Cutter – 50 minutes

Uses the thirteen moves he utilizes in his own training

j. Double Diamond Cutter – 1 hour and 30 minutes – you need stamina


3. HIP HOP ABS (Shaun T)

Fast Pace Cardio with moves that can be used in the club.

Shaun T is easy to follow – makes this fun

4. CIZE (Shaun T)

No rating for this yet. I just ordered it and am waiting for delivery, so I will give you the description on the Beach Body website:

“The End of Exercize is coming! Shaun T’s brand new fitness program is not about doing push-ups or jumping, it’s about moving to the beat, and everyone can do it. You’re about to look forward to working out! Shaun T goes back to his dancing roots and makes losing weight an “experience,” with hot new moves and great music!

And if you think you can’t dance, don’t worry. Shaun breaks down the routines, step-by-step, move-by-move, and builds them into a full dance workout. And at the end, you’ll get to CIZE™ IT UP to songs from Shaun’s playlist. You’ll be so focused on mastering the moves that for 35–40 minutes you’ll forget you’re actually burning fat and calories, and getting in the best shape of your life.”

“Don’t say you can’t dance, because anyone can dance.” —Shaun T


Fast paced interval training using boxing moves

Including kicks, punches, bob and weave

This is an aggressive workout

Remember, sweat is fat crying!

6. ZUMBA (Beto Perez)

Fun enough, but even more fun with somebody or in a group)

Latin steps and rhythms that you can use in the club


1. DROP IT WITH DANCE (Prevention Magazine)

Brief ten-minute Fat-Blasting workouts

Jazz, Funk, Hip Hop, and 90’s jam for all levels of skill

2. SWEATIN’ TO THE OLDIES (Richard Simmons)

Good if you like 50’s and 60’s music

Incorporates aerobic movement with 50’s and 60’s dance moves


Easy enough, low impact, instructor is easy to follow

Even the “Belly Blast” section is not too harsh.


Sexy practice. Classic exotic dance moves taught step by step

5. PUSSYCAT DOLLS (Robin Antin & Nicole Scherzinger)

Sexy and fun.

Learn moves for “Don’tcha Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me”


Sexy, saucy full-body workout

Shimmy and shake Bhangra style

This one is kind of fun

7. FAT BLASTING DANCE MIX (Jennifer Galardi)

Brief Ten Minute Work-outs Fat burning calorie Meltdown Effective and quick

8. ISLAND GIRL HULA ABS AND Buns (Natural Journeys)

Hula is more of a workout than you would expect.


Hot fitness routines to stretch and tone, integrating Pilates

Sexy – Learn a new skill.

10. AFRICAN BEAT - LATIN HEAT (Natural Journeys)

fusion of Tribal and Latin style dancing

You will learn moves you can take to the club.


Ten uncomplicated dance moves

More fun than work

Fat burning fiesta – then you will want a siesta

Contents of Classical Stretch Season 8 Discs 1-4


801 – Stretch All 600 Muscles

802 – Increase Your Energy

803 – Stress Relieving Workout

804 – Firm and Strengthen Your Butt

805 – Balance and Strength

806 – Lose a Pant Size

807 – Elongating Your Muscles

808 – Slenderizing Your Waist


809 – Improve Posture and Energy

810 – Strengthen Hips and Core

811 – Unlock the Spine and Increase Energy

812 – Improve Your Balance

813 – Strengthen Feet and Fingers

814 – Unlock Your Hips

815 – Increase Your Energy


816 – Tone Your Entire Body

817 – Strengthen and Shape Your Legs

818 – Burn Calories and Lose Weight

819 – Tone Abs and Strengthen Legs

820 – Full Body Posture Workout

821 – Strength and Flexibility to the Core

822 – Full Barre Workout to Loosen Hips

823 – Stretch and Strengthen Lower Body


824 – Spine and Abs

825 – Feet and Ankles

826 – Weight Loss and Toning

827 – Stretch and Strengthen Your Hips

828 – Strengthen Your Bones

829 – Improve Posture and Flatten Abs

830 – Strength and Flexibility of the Hips

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Thank you both. I have talked my fiancee into selling our pool table so that room can become my home gym. I am probably going to have to invest in a few of those workout DVDS and @@appletree you are doing so well so early on! I never thought of the hulahoop but that is a great workout. Are you using a weighted one or just one you can buy from the toy section at wal-mart? You made a good point about the treadmill though, it would be easy to start with that even soon after surgery which is very important!

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I just bought a portable elliptical with resistance bands (This one from Amazon). Very (comparatively) inexpensive, and you can use it standing or while sitting at your desk/couch. Only $140 and small enough to push under the coffee table or behind the couch. Not too shabby.

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I just bought a portable elliptical with resistance bands (This one from Amazon). Very (comparatively) inexpensive, and you can use it standing or while sitting at your desk/couch. Only $140 and small enough to push under the coffee table or behind the couch. Not too shabby.

Okay, just watched the video for it, have you used it standing up?! How do you balance? I feel like I'd just topple over!!!

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Mine isn't here yet, but I tested out my friend's twice this week. I didn't use the bands (will try it later when I'm not scared of going ass over teakettle) and kept a chair in front of me in case I needed to grab something for support. I got mostly used to it within 15 minutes the first time. You get into a rhythm. It is a much smaller "step" than a gym elliptical. Takes a little getting used to, but I didn't find it annoying.

There's also this one that I looked at -- it has handles.

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Thank you Curvy Cooper! I am really pushing myself it is a big decision and it is a serious surgery, so I want to make sure i am doing everything I can, it's hard because I start work at 8am and during the week I go to the pool early before work. I have noticed that it makes me feel a lot better for the rest of the day and I am also sleeping a lot better! Previously bought a 4.4 lbs, but at this time I using another one which I like better. From the heavier one previouslyI got a lot of bruising, maybe in the future I will start using that one again.

The one I am using now is an adult hula hoop 42 inches, total 2 lbs, which the tubing amounts to for that size I got it from Amazon. The first time I used it I did it for a total of 25 min it dropped a lot and I had to restart a million times, but I was so extremely sore and in pain for 7 days after that, I would not recommend that, but to slowly work up the time from 1-2 minutes and slowly adding 1 min every day or every other day. I also have 2 little hula hoops for arm exercises I do not use it much yet, but I am trying to start using it, I am unable to do this at the same time.

It is not advised to get a childs one if you look at some hula hoops sites. They are a lot cheaper but I wouldn't be able to use them. they also sell foldable ones they fold in about half if you have less room to store or if you need to travel with them. I do have a portable step eliptical but personally I have not been using that much.

When I walk on my treadmill I am watching netflix or amazon prime video it helps me to keep going. For my aerobics I got a mp 3 player with radio that I can use in the Water. I know that all those things are expensive and it is not that I have money to spare, but I have not taken good care of myself always having my kids come first and I am able to receive some reimbursement from my work for exercise equipment each year. I do not know if you are interested in going to the gym and I do not know if you have an HSA, HRA or FSA account, but if you get a letter from your PCP or surgeon that you need to exercise due to it it has to state a Dx you can use your membership fees for the year to get reimbursed through those accounts.:)

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by he way the you can use the portable elliptical sitting down to get the feeling going for a while first, I have not used it in a standing position yet, but you can get a real workout sitting down too!

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I have a treadmill but it's getting old and it takes up a ton of space. As much as I hate spending money, getting a foldable anything would be worth it.

Get some kettlebells, some bands, hula hoop, jump rope.

But, you can do all kinds of exercises with just using what already exists in your home. Do toe touches, jumping jacks, sit ups, pushups, all the usual stuff that doesn't require any equipment!! You can use a chair to do squats, steps to do some pushups.

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@@AliAqua this actually might be a solution to the expensive cardio equipment. And it's Amazon prime so if I hate it I can send it back! My problem @@appletree is I have used all my FSA money this year because our insurance sucks! High deductibles for everything and I have the "best" plan they offer! Totally understand not taking care of yourself and putting your kids first! I used to go to a gym which is great, I feel motivated, but the closest one is 30 min away so that's an hour of travel time plus at least an hour of workout which is too long to be gone from my already short amount of time with my kids at home. Trying to find fun and new ideas saw a game on amazon where you roll dice and have cards of different workouts to do.. Maybe worth it to mix things up

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I forgot to mention I got a big exercise ball as well, which is inexpensive.

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I totally understand Curvy Cooper, we have a high deductible coinsurance plan as well, it is a real drain.

There are many things that are not so expensive and you can do at home. I really like my hula hoop, it is great for core exercise and cardio, but you can't start that till your surgeon gives permission 6-7 weeks after surgery because your incisions will need time to heal to get back to full strength takes about 1 year for your incisions to heal to full strength, but 6 weeks post surgery most pays will allow you to start slowly weight training, hula etc!.

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@@CurvyCooper Yup, that's why I got it! Cheaper than 3 months at Gold's Gym, totally able to send it back, can be used sitting or standing, and won't have to ditch the kids/hurt my knees/activate my allergies/go running in 100 degree weather/deal with pizza Night at Planet Fitness. For muscle toning I'm just doing body weight stuff, nothing fancy, but cardio is the first priority, according to my doc.

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So since I am so close to surgery I am starting to think about what my fitness routine is going to be post-op (once I get the okay from the doctor). I know its not going to be "Fittin'this whole pizza in my mouth" anymore! So my question is, as far as home gym equipment, treadmills, elliptical, bikes, max trainers, free weights, etc. which have you enjoyed the most? Typically at the gym I am an elliptical girl and I don't really enjoy the treadmill too much but I feel like a home elliptical is going to take up so much room! I was thinking about a punching bag, a few kettle bells, a roman chair, resistance bands, and some DVDs would probably be better than a cardio machine but weather isn't the best here so I need to figure out cardio too. Any suggestions? Thanks!

My elliptical folds up but realistically, I leave it unfolded alongside of the wall so that it is out of the way. I've done some of the Jillian Michaels DVDs and they are good but they just aren't my thing. The majority of my cardio comes from body weight moves that require no equipment like step ups, split jumps, high knees, jump squats, etc. I also have a jump rope that also gets the heart going. For strength, I started with 3, 5, and 8 lb. dumb bells combined with body weight moves: lunges, squats, bent over row, etc.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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