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The Learning Curve of a New Pouch

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I'm six weeks out on Tuesday. i went out to lunch with friends today and decided to order something...knowing I'd take most of it home. i ordered a "chicken salad plate." It had fresh tomatoes and cucumbers on it, which I knew I could not eat yet (as well as lettuce). I ate 1/4 of a piece of toast, a whole hard boiled egg, and about 4 small bites of chicken salad. And I have been paying for it all afternoon...not throwing up, but my stomach has not been happy. Burping. Feeling so full. It didn't happen right away, but took an hour and then for the next four hours. I am just now starting to feel a little better. I couldn't even drink anything, that made it worse. Argh! How long is it going to take before I know what I can and can't eat. It's kind of frustrating. I'd rather not eat much at all (not hungry) but i know I need to, and I read that I need to in order to keep the weight loss going.

So I'm a bit frustrated today. But NO REGRETS at having WLS!

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Oh, and let me confess this, which i forgot to add. I forgot and drank half a cup of coffee right before eating. I didn't wait the thirty minutes as instructed. Maybe that had something to do with it. i don't know....

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Iam 16 weeks out and this can happens to me most days I portion my food out but when I have a larger plate I don't listen that well to the enough signal. For me it's a sigh and if o eat on I can't drink or eat for hours the worst one was about 10 hours I don't think I chewed enough to and it had to work through my pouch and new system it's a learning curve X

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That's my problem...i don't know what the "signal" is yet! :(

You're right, when this happens, it takes a long, long time to feel better again. Ugh.

I'm having premium Protein drink for dinner...i think that will go down fine and at least I'll have my Protein in for the day, if not my fluids.

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The normal "signaling" of being full typically doesn't return for months. This is my constant struggle as I don't feel the usual full feeling.

Every food will be a discovery post surgery (per my doc and nutritionist). It may have been the coffee, but it could also be that something didn't agree with you. Perhaps the ingredients used to make the chicken salad.

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At 6 weeks an egg was a whole meal for me. I wouldn't eat bread out. You probably could have had move chicken salad without eating the other things. Chicken salad is moist so you can eat a decent amount

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I think you're right. This was the first time I ate a hard boiled egg. I think it all added up to too much. I still have to get it through my head that life (eating) is going to be so different from before surgery. I knew it would be, but I keep forgetting....

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I think I would find toast and hard boiled egg also very dry and sticky. I usually need something to help get those down if I eat them separately. Together would be very challenging, even a few months out. I sometimes use a small bit of dressing or salsa to help :)

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Definitely the toast and hard boiled egg, too dry and hard and it sounds like they got stuck before your body was able to "signal" any type of fullness to you. I had a terrible experience with eating the egg out of a Dunkin Donuts wakeup wrap (which looks like a half of an egg) I ate about half of it. I can eat an entire poached, fried or scrambled egg at home. Apparently it was a FAKE EGG! It blew up in my tiny pouch like a sponge and it hurt so bad, my mouth was watering, I threw up three times while I was at Sam's Club...not cool at all. BUT I did learn since then that my "signal" has nothing to do with a feeling in my stomach! My nose starts to run when my pouch is just about full. SO WEIRD, but thankfully it happens! Since I've noticed this weird thing I've not overfilled my pouch since. Our bodies get so crazy after surgery.

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This will be a huge learning curve for a very long time. For me, it was basically every time I tried something new. I can remember one time, I ate 1/4C of chili for dinner and was fine. The next night, the 1/4C was dirty, so I was lazy and used the 1/3C and it made me throw up. When you think about the difference between 1/4C and 1/3C, it's probably like a tablespoon and that made all of the difference. The first time I ate eggs, it was just a half of a scrambled egg, you will learn to error on the small side, if you don't like throwing up :-) Good luck, it will come with time.

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It's scary!

Makes me not want to try new foods. I'm at six weeks out tomorrow so the time has come to continue soft but try new things here and there and....I'm afraid to! i hate that "painful" feeling of too much/too fast/wrong food...or whatever it is that causes the pain!

it makes me want to stick with yogurt, cottage cheese, string cheese and Protein shakes...those are safe :)

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        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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