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Getting enough calories

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In terms of dumping, I have the same issue, although mine is more puking. Things that are high in sugar, fat, oil, dairy, fruits (because of sugar) or sometimes meats and fish make me supremely sick and I pretty much just puke within a few minutes. Like you said that then kills your appetite for a few hours. Oddly I notice the less I eat the more likely I am to get sick, whereas on days I have more calories it seems I am less likely to be barfing. Also, like you, the Protein dense foods make me extremely full, extremely fast, so I don't eat a ton of them and weirdly vegetables also tend to cause some barfing issues. Yesterday I had gold fish and grilled chicken nuggets- my friend said, "well your inner pre-schooler is happy", which was kind of funny but also true. I have found a few things that consistently don't make me sick (grilled chicken nuggets, sometimes half a chicken salad sandwich from Chik Fil A, which with mayo isn't super healthy but it's not awful for you occasionally, most low calorie crackers like goldfish and wheat thins, most granola bars, lunchables are a good source of Protein and generally low in fat so the cheese doesn't make me sick like regular cheese does, protein oatmeal for breakfast- that's pretty much my diet). It is very carby, but when you factor in protein in the oatmeal, in the lunchable, and in the chicken, it is a healthy total value.

If you want to gain weight, look for your sliders. For me, Wheat Thins are a huge slider and one of the few things that never makes me sick. I can munch through a whole box of those in a day. Since I am at the weight I want to stay at, I don't keep them in the house. I do however snack on goldfish crackers and granola bars throughout the day which adds a solid extra 500-800 calories and keeps me right at around 1500 calories a day. If you can find something that isn't terrible for you (like a certain cereal- cheerios works for me) or crackers, you can fill in some extra carb-loaded calories that way and then spend the rest of your calories focused on the protein you should be getting. This way you hit all of your calorie goals but you aren't trying to do it with all of the textbook sleeve foods that make you sick.

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I agree, something here does not make sense at all. I wonder if you either have a serious medical condition or a serious eating disorder.

You are the only person that can actually make yourself eat and timely. It has to become your priority if you want to stay healthy in the long term.

With RNY you really do get your hunger back, I am not sure why that hasn't happened for you but I am guessing when you are hungry, you are ignoring it because you are busy. If you don't want to keep dropping weight you need to pay attention and act on it.

It sounds like you can pretty much eat whatever you want without the repercussions of weight gain. The only issue is some foods you dump on and others that would likely make you dump, you don't.

I will say that I have met many RNY patients who still dump many many years later so I am not convinced at all that ever stops completely. They just learn how to live with it differently. The same is true about the malabsorption factor. I met a guy that had RNY 15 years ago. He eats small meals all day long because his body still malabsorbs. He looks great, still has a lot of restriction which requires that he eats small amounts all day long.

I know my pouch is definitely on the small side which means to get to my Protein count and about 1000 calories a day, I have to eat 3 good meals a day and snack in between.

I have to really concentrate when I eat or I might just eat a tiny amount and be hungry a short time later.

You're eating a thousand calories a day. Could you double that if you wanted to? Do you think you could physically do it without resorting to eating junk food?

The difference is, I am still in weight loss mode. I do believe I could certainly increase my intake significantly without resorting to junk food. I could be wrong but when I get to maintenance which will be very soon, I will have to eat more frequently because of my restriction but overall will stick to healthier options. I clearly don't drop weight like you do and we are all different. I don't believe I will ever be able to eat 1800 or 2200 calories consistently and not gain weight. I stop losing when I hit 1300 calories a day and I stall out and linger there for months at a time. I have to drop below 1000 for me to lose and I need to stay there consistently,

As I said, I am not sure what your current situation is but it sounds like you need help to get a resolution from a nut or Doctor. I know clearly I have no advice based on my experience and I do think everything you have shared over the past months your situation is clearly not status quo.

If I were in your shoes, I would be concerned about any more weight loss as well and I would personally seek out my Bariatric team for help.

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The only time I have dumping issues is eating too much too fast. That means not chewing properly and waiting too long between meals which makes me eat that way. I still enjoy a shake for at least one meal. I focus on Protein intake and everything else is secondary. The worst foods for me dumping wise tend to be lunch meats and/or wraps plus any doughy bread. I still can eat those things but in extremely small portions. Again if I take my time and eat small meals my day usually ends with little to no dumping. Of course it's different for everyone. Hope you find a good balance because dumping is not nice!

Sleeved June 2015 down 115lbs

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@@bellabloom, I have been following your journey with concern for a while and know you have been seeking help.

Just a couple of questions/observations.

Can you drink Boost? Rather than bariatric-friendly Protein shakes it sounds like you need something with higher carbs. The anorexics I know who have been in treatment use Boost to get their weight up.

Have you found a good eating-disorders therapist or are you still looking?

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I'm doing really terrible. This morning my weight dropped again to 116.

Boost makes me dump crazy bad.

Yesterday I ate a banana, sushi, salad, steak taco, cheese, fried calamari, and a second steak taco. But my calories only came to 1600 at the end of the day. And I lost more weight.

My insurance changed and I lost my eating disorder therapist. She wasn't helping me anyway. And I'm not TRYING to lose weight. Clearly I'm eating! Anorexics don't eat like this. I need a dietician and I'm looking for one that can work with me.

The main problems are the restriction I have in my sleeve, lack of appetite, and a very fast metabolism.

It may have something to do with me being overweight for only 5 years. Before I gained weight during pregnancy I was extremely fit and muscular. I still am even without exercise.

What could be going on is some hyper metabolism. I guess when weight gets very low after a period of starvation, the metabolism actually speeds up super fast when eating begins again. This is why it's so difficult for anorexics to gain weight even in treatment. I'm not sure if I'm having that or not but I am getting night sweats which is a symptom. I didn't think my weight low enough to have this going on. Maybe I'm wrong. Anorexics in treatment are fed about 3000-4000 a day. There's no way I can do that.

Things aren't good right now. I'm just not sure what to do next. I just want this to be okay and my weight to maintain.

My energy level is very good and I feel good... But I'm looking a bit scary

Edited by bellabloom

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I'm doing really terrible. This morning my weight dropped again to 116.

Boost makes me dump crazy bad.

Yesterday I ate a banana, sushi, salad, steak taco, cheese, fried calamari, and a second steak taco. But my calories only came to 1600 at the end of the day. And I lost more weight.

My insurance changed and I lost my eating disorder therapist. She wasn't helping me anyway. And I'm not TRYING to lose weight. Clearly I'm eating! Anorexics don't eat like this. I need a dietician and I'm looking for one that can work with me.

The main problems are the restriction I have in my sleeve, lack of appetite, and a very fast metabolism.

It may have something to do with me being overweight for only 5 years. Before I gained weight during pregnancy I was extremely fit and muscular. I still am even without exercise.

What could be going on is some hyper metabolism. I guess when weight gets very low after a period of starvation, the metabolism actually speeds up super fast when eating begins again. This is why it's so difficult for anorexics to gain weight even in treatment. I'm not sure if I'm having that or not but I am getting night sweats which is a symptom. I didn't think my weight low enough to have this going on. Maybe I'm wrong. Anorexics in treatment are fed about 3000-4000 a day. There's no way I can do that.

Things aren't good right now. I'm just not sure what to do next. I just want this to be okay and my weight to maintain.

My energy level is very good and I feel good... But I'm looking a bit scary

I wish I had some good advice. I'm sorry you're going through this. I know it's incredibly frustrating to have your body fighting your efforts to be healthy. (((hugs)))

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I'm doing really terrible. This morning my weight dropped again to 116.

Boost makes me dump crazy bad.

Yesterday I ate a banana, sushi, salad, steak taco, cheese, fried calamari, and a second steak taco. But my calories only came to 1600 at the end of the day. And I lost more weight.

My insurance changed and I lost my eating disorder therapist. She wasn't helping me anyway. And I'm not TRYING to lose weight. Clearly I'm eating! Anorexics don't eat like this. I need a dietician and I'm looking for one that can work with me.

The main problems are the restriction I have in my sleeve, lack of appetite, and a very fast metabolism.

It may have something to do with me being overweight for only 5 years. Before I gained weight during pregnancy I was extremely fit and muscular. I still am even without exercise.

What could be going on is some hyper metabolism. I guess when weight gets very low after a period of starvation, the metabolism actually speeds up super fast when eating begins again. This is why it's so difficult for anorexics to gain weight even in treatment. I'm not sure if I'm having that or not but I am getting night sweats which is a symptom. I didn't think my weight low enough to have this going on. Maybe I'm wrong. Anorexics in treatment are fed about 3000-4000 a day. There's no way I can do that.

Things aren't good right now. I'm just not sure what to do next. I just want this to be okay and my weight to maintain.

My energy level is very good and I feel good... But I'm looking a bit scary

I've heard that the body will stop losing when you get to a certain weight where your body feels comfortable. What you ate yesterday has almost nothing to do with your loss of a pound today. We know that the calorie deficit has to be at least 3500 to loose 1 pound. So unless you ran a marathon yesterday, and burned 5500 calories, there is no way what the scale shows is reflective of your food consumption yesterday.

I feel for you, I wish I had a good answer, but I don't. Keep trying to up your intake and be a couch potato ????

That's how most of us gained weight.

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Have you had your thyroid levels checked, @@bellabloom? Maybe you have hyperthyroidism.

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Yes, please have your thyroid checked.

Please make sure you post here and still get support. I do really feel for you x

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Bella bloom

I'm so confused by your posts.

You are a self claimed anorexic ....

Admitted food disorder personality.

Problematic eater.

I'm not sure you can find help with this forum.

I really encourage you to seek professional help....again

All the hints and tips from us don't seem to work and your posts tell me you are slipping again.

Please consider therapy again.

Best of luck

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I'm doing really terrible. This morning my weight dropped again to 116.

Boost makes me dump crazy bad.

Yesterday I ate a banana, sushi, salad, steak taco, cheese, fried calamari, and a second steak taco. But my calories only came to 1600 at the end of the day. And I lost more weight.

My insurance changed and I lost my eating disorder therapist. She wasn't helping me anyway. And I'm not TRYING to lose weight. Clearly I'm eating! Anorexics don't eat like this. I need a dietician and I'm looking for one that can work with me.

The main problems are the restriction I have in my sleeve, lack of appetite, and a very fast metabolism.

It may have something to do with me being overweight for only 5 years. Before I gained weight during pregnancy I was extremely fit and muscular. I still am even without exercise.

What could be going on is some hyper metabolism. I guess when weight gets very low after a period of starvation, the metabolism actually speeds up super fast when eating begins again. This is why it's so difficult for anorexics to gain weight even in treatment. I'm not sure if I'm having that or not but I am getting night sweats which is a symptom. I didn't think my weight low enough to have this going on. Maybe I'm wrong. Anorexics in treatment are fed about 3000-4000 a day. There's no way I can do that.

Things aren't good right now. I'm just not sure what to do next. I just want this to be okay and my weight to maintain.

My energy level is very good and I feel good... But I'm looking a bit scary

I've heard that the body will stop losing when you get to a certain weight where your body feels comfortable. What you ate yesterday has almost nothing to do with your loss of a pound today. We know that the calorie deficit has to be at least 3500 to loose 1 pound. So unless you ran a marathon yesterday, and burned 5500 calories, there is no way what the scale shows is reflective of your food consumption yesterday.

I feel for you, I wish I had a good answer, but I don't. Keep trying to up your intake and be a couch potato ????

That's how most of us gained weight.

For what it's worth running a marathon only burns about 2600 calories ????.

Like you @@bellabloom I need between 1800-2000 calories per day to maintain. I wish I had some good answers for you.

I think what the person above said about finding YOUR sliders deserves some merit. All the high fat/protein foods WILL fill you up. Try something that passes through quickly but isn't sugary. She suggested wheat thins... popcorn? chips? CheeZits are mine! Gotta stay away from those LOL.

Can you set a timer on your phone to remind you to eat something sliderish and not too calorie dense so it won't fill you up every hour or so?

And yeah it will be a chore and a bother, but do it anyhow! Sometimes we have to do things we find boring and a chore for our health!

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I wish I could give you better information - I am only 2.5 months out, and struggle with getting calories in most days. Yesterday I was around 350 (of 800). I tend to either get busy and forget to eat, or even if my stomach feels empty, nothing is terribly appealing so I have no interest in having to go to the trouble of eating.

My goal is to plan my meals ahead of time and be prepared. This means I'm going to be dragging food around with me at all times, but, otherwise, when my calories are so low, I STOP losing weight - it seems you are having the opposite problem.

If you are trying to eat and not neglecting your food, aside from some minor slippage, I would check into potential medical causes, as has been suggested. There may be some testing which needs to be completed. As has also been suggested, re-entering counseling would also be beneficial. Not only for disordered eating, but managing the distress of weight loss, which can in, and of itself, increase weight loss.

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This morning my weight dropped again, to 114. At 5'6 that basically makes me DISCUSTING.

It seems to be dropping faster now than I am eating!!!!!! I don't get this. I have to find a dietician here asap.

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What about another dilation procedure? I know you've been dealing with stricture. And I know you like that amount of restriction, but perhaps it's starting to damage your health.

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If nobody has suggested them yet, nuts, especially peanuts. They are great. I know I have a problem resisting them.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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