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Post Disbanding weight gain

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Hi Everyone,

I need some advice with stopping the weight gain I've experienced since I was disbanded 16 weeks ago. I had a pretty severe erosion and had the band removed. I had it for nearly 6 years. I opted not to get a replacement because the erosion was such a bad experience, I didn't want the worry of another band slippage down the road.

Since being disbanded, my health has dramatically improved. I'm not experiencing severe acid reflux, inflamed stomach and esophagus, vomiting every single night no matter what, pain and sleeplessness, etc. However, I've gained 10 lbs in 16 weeks and I'm worried that at this pace I won't be able to fit through a doorway soon. The hunger has come back strongly and I'm not "bulemic" anymore. Everything goes down just fine unfortunately. I've been taking phentermine to take the edge off the hunger, and I've been walking and going to the gym much more often, but I still can't seem to keep the weight from piling back on. I have to say, this is truly a shock. I really thought I would be able to keep my weight stable but apparently my body has other ideas of its own. It's like all of the sudden, my body thinks it had been starving and is now in massive fat storing mode again in case there's a giant food shortage in the future.

I am seriously considering getting converted to VSG if I can talk DH into letting me spend the $11,000. He seems to think it should be so incredibly easy for me to lose weight without the band. Well, that's why I got the band to begin with, I could not do it without serious help.

What's the verdict - am I going to need to get a revision surgery to stop from plumping my way back into a queen size wardrobe again?

It seems like my worst fear - regaining all that fat I hated - is coming true. I admit that I loved being normal body weight and feeling like I was attractive again. It wasn't so much a health issue for me but more of an emotional/social issue. I felt extremely self conscious about my weight when I was heavy and I isolated myself because of it. I never want to go back to that depressed and sad person again. I may override DH and spend the money and work OT to make it up in the future.


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Hi "Loser" --

I completely understand where you are coming from. When my band came out back in April, as soon as I was allowed to go back on regular food (about two days out) I immediately gained 10 lbs. It's almost like I woke up one morning and there it was. In the next 2 months I gained another 20 lbs, and got seriously scared.

I've managed to halt the process now by staying farther away from breads and pastas, which were something I had missed and so I sort of had a field day with them when I could. Exercise is also absolutely key; I've recently started swimming and it really seems to be helping.

My weight has been stable now for about a month, but I have no illusions about being able to maintain that long-term. I'm not at a "normal" weight like you though; if I really were "thin" I don't know if I'd be willing to undergo a more drastic surgical procedure. Getting a new band is a no-brainer for me--though I didn't have erosion so my decision was easier.

I wish you all the luck in the world with whatever you decide.

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Long story but here's the rundown: banded 5/05; lost 90lbs;want to lose 10more; prior to band-severe reflux;hiatal hernia repaired; another surgery 2mos later for the band; 3days later lung collapsed; in ICU 9days; all okay for a while; severe reflux while on Nexium reoccurs; unfilled band completely;little relief;endoscopy -all okay; band in place,no erosion; very miserable with the reflux-can't sleep, vomit 3 times/day;mostly eat liquids and mushies; dr says only choice remove band and do fundal plication (wrap top of stomach around esophagus to make stronger valve to prevent reflux)-not sure if he can replace band-paid cash ($16,000) for 1st band and cant afford another (insurance wont pay); says he might be able to put one on and not charge for the band. I am terrified he wont put one back on and I'll gain weight. I have been through so much to get here. I hope I've changed my eating habits but dont know how much that rides on the band as a "governor". I'm so scared!:help: What if this doesn't stop the reflux and I gain wgt back!!

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Thanks for the suggestion about swimming. My gym has a pool, and I think its past time I check it out and do some laps. It's been a really long time (like childhood/college years) since I actually went swimming vs going to the pool and laying out in the sun. I was normal body weight through college, but piled on the weight when I started doing office work and eating all the bad food in the vending machines and the ubiquitous meeting donuts.

I've also been trying to do a more "Atkins" or maybe it's "South Beach" or "Zone" or whatever, but I'm definitely trying to concentrate on eating more Protein and forcing down some vegetables.

Good suggestions, thanks.

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I feel for you, I really do. I think about this issue EVERY SINGLE DAY. My band is fine now, but I've only had it for a year, and some day I'm sure something will happen with it. I will do anything, absolutely ANYTHING to keep the fat off. I would go for bypass or VSG in a heartbeat, I'd get a second job if I had to. I can't go back to that life again, I wouldn't make it. I hope you can find an answer that will help you, good luck.

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When I got banded, I had all the feelings of "maybe this isnt necessary, I really SHOULD be able to do this on my own". But it was a major reality check to really consider the fact that statistically, it was 99.9% certain that I wouldnt and couldnt do it on my own.

I really think I'd try to have the same reality check post banding. Statistically, the weight's likely to go back over time. I really would consider another surgery personally if I possibly could.

But in the meantime, I think exercise really comes to the fore as a tool to prevent weight gain. The times in my life that I've been successful in the medium term in keeping off a reasonable weight loss - like over 20lb which is all I had to lose in the old days before babies - were the times when I exercised - and I mean hard - like an hour of hard cardio like running almost every single day. Whenever my life changed and the commitment to exercise waned, that's when I gained weight.

Same after I had my babies. First baby, no problem, I continued with a really vigorous walking routine with him in the pram. Second baby, and a toddler as well, the exercise fell by the wayside, and I ballooned.

Exercise really is your best defence.

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I'm in a similar situation. I have a hiatal hernia that became so severe that I couldn't swallow, and was having reflux during the day, so you can imagine how bad the nights were. Dr. Myers took a lot of Fluid out of my band, and said that I would basically have to live with it that way. He said that hernia repairs generally cause the band to shift, so he didn't recommend it. So I feel like I have very little restriction, and of course, the pounds started to inch on. I had 20 more pounds to lose, so I was getting really depressed. I am still not eating a lot at meals, but I am now hungry an hour or so later, and my snacking is out of control.

What I decided to do is start the Weight Watchers diet. First of all, it doesn't restrict any foods, so you can eat anything. That was my first concern, because I have huge sugar cravings and tend to binge if I am given the opportunity. So I didn't want a diet that only worked if you didn't eat sugar or carbs. I also figure that I am pretty much going to have to do it forever, because the band is not doing much for me anymore.

So, of course, last night my teenager handed me a box of caramel popcorn, and I ate it ALL. So, not such a good start, but I can do this diet. Each food has a point value, and you get a certain amount of points to use during the day (mine is 22-24) plus 35 flex points a week, that you can use all at one time if you want to, so you can have a binge once a week if you want to. For some reason, it seems easier than counting calories. Here's what's interesting - I love the French Silk pie and the Lemon Meringue pie at Baker's Square. French Silk pie is 21 points, and the lemon is 9. So, every week, if I followed everything else, I could use my flex points for 1 1/2 pieces of French Silk, or almost FOUR pieces of lemon. Any diet that allows me to eat four pieces of pie in one week is my FRIEND. Diet Fudgsicles are two points, so I could eat 18 of them every week, on top of the regular food.

So I'm disappointed that I'm going to have to fixate on what I am putting in my mouth every day, but I can DO this, and that's what's important. I got most of my weight off with the band, so I hope that I can drop the rest with this diet, and then I'm going to have to just keep with it so I don't fall off the wagon. I figure, the band was a tool, and now I need a new tool. Not as easy as the old one, but if I can still eat my junk food - PRICELESS.


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I have done lots of reading and discussing of reflux,etc with my dr and others. I think you should be able to have the hiatal hernia repaired without any difficulty with your band; in fact it probably is more likely to shift the band if you dont repair the hernia; with the hernia, your stomach is pushing up above your diaphram into your chest cavity; so, the band would stay in place and just pull the stomach into the proper position and suture the area that is enlarged in the diaphragm and/or put mesh there to hold it closed. You could then have the band filled and see how your reflux is doing; I would talk to him again and/or get second opinion with someone familiar with reflux and lap band surgery; do you live in Texas?

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"Long story but here's the rundown: banded 5/05; lost 90lbs;want to lose 10more; prior to band-severe reflux;hiatal hernia repaired; another surgery 2mos later for the band; 3days later lung collapsed; in ICU 9days; all okay for a while; severe reflux while on Nexium reoccurs; unfilled band completely;little relief;endoscopy -all okay; band in place,no erosion; very miserable with the reflux-can't sleep, vomit 3 times/day;mostly eat liquids and mushies; dr says only choice remove band and do fundal plication (wrap top of stomach around esophagus to make stronger valve to prevent reflux)-not sure if he can replace band-paid cash ($16,000) for 1st band and cant afford another (insurance wont pay); says he might be able to put one on and not charge for the band. I am terrified he wont put one back on and I'll gain weight. I have been through so much to get here. I hope I've changed my eating habits but dont know how much that rides on the band as a "governor". I'm so scared!help.gif What if this doesn't stop the reflux and I gain wgt back!!"


I'm really sorry to hear about all of the health problems you are having. I'm still trying to decide if I want the band. One minute I'm sure I want it, and the next I'm don't want it. If I do I will be self-pay also and my biggest worry with that is if there are complications. I don't know if my insurance will pay for any complications I may have caused by the band. Did your insurance pay for your collapsed lung and the time you were in the I.C.U.? Did your insurance pay for all of the reflux problems you are having?

I hope everything works out for you.

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I dont know that my insurance will pay for my Nissen procedure if they find out it may also involve removing the lap band; when I had hiatal hernia repair, they would not pay for it if they put the band on at the same time,so I had to have 2 separate surgeries, one they paid for and one I paid for. When my lung collapsed they didn't know it was following lap band surgery or couldn't be proven it was caused by the lap band surgery so they paid for the ICU stay,etc ($80,000!!!); believe me, I was so distraught worrying about that bill getting paid for by insurance! I prayed and prayed. God is good!! I pray I will have a slipped band and it will be adjusted and I wont have to have it removed; I am willing to pay for that eventhough it will take me years. I love the band-I just dont love having to pay all of this myself; I want to keep it more than anything; I am so afraid of being hungry and getting out of control again; If the band is in the right place, I have no choice but to have it removed and the Nissen done for reflux as I can't risk my health with the damage it is doing to my esophagus. The band really doesn't have anything to do with what's going on with the valve between the stomach and esophagus-seems mine just doesn't work;

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:clap2:I was so glad to see your post. I, too, have a band that has completely eroded into my stomach (not removed yet) and I am devastated. I have been researching VSG because I don't want to take a chance that this will happen again. However, I am self-pay also and it really hurts to cough-up another $10,000.

I am not sure who "DH" is (this is the 1st time I have ever posted on a sight, although I read, read, read them), but I am going to assume it is the equivalent of my husband, who also thinks I should just be able to lose the weight & keep it off. He has a very strong will-power & is able to accomplish pretty much anything he wants -- I guess he thinks the whole world is like him. Anyway, I am terrified of putting back on the weight and feel like I will do whatever it takes to not be fat again. I DO NOT want to go back to the old Jacki. I knew I could lose the weight but did not want to struggle the rest of my life to keep it off. I had surgery to keep the weight off forever, and now this. I, too, enjoy feeling more attractive, etc. I only had my band for 1 year, though, and was only able to get 1 fill. I was 200lbs down to 158 -- need to lose 20-25 more. Personally, I was getting excited about the VGS because of the "no maitenance" it seems to provide. Where are you located? What surgeon are you considering?

Thanks for your input -- I need it as much as you need others.

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Well, I'm scheduled for my surgery on 8/13; pray for me! I am hoping that the problem with my severe reflux will be resolved and that the cause is a band slippage as he will be able to just reposition the band and leave it in place; the worst scenario would be total removal of the band,however, that would also mean,hopefully, a complete relief of my reflux symptoms and a wrap of the stomach around the esophagus for a "makeshift" lower esophageal sphincter which the one I have now may not be working properly. I really dont want to lose my band as I am so afraid of regaining the wgt more than anything; I am just now mentally being able to see myself as a smaller person; I look at my thighs that still have some "fluff" and see that as being overweight; I do need to lose about 10 more pounds to be at goal; I know I absolutely must exercise to maintain my wgt loss no matter what surgery will bring; thank you for everyone's encouragement and sharing your thoughts; I cant talk to anyone else as candidly about my feelings-skinny people dont understand;they tell me "just go on weight watchers",etc but as we all know if we could just go on this or that diet we wouldn't have needed a lap band to start with!That's like telling an alcoholic, just have a little glass of wine and you'll be fine or a drug addict, just smoke a little MJ and you'll be fine!!! If I start regaining the wgt I definately will consider another surgery even if it means without the blessing of my family; Thank you all for listening!

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I have severe reflux--found that I had H-Pyloi--a bacteria that lives in the acid environs of the stomach--therefor hard to treat. Up to 70% of the world population has this problem!! I was unfilled to take the horrid meds but now refilled and doing great!! an endoscope found the problem!! really thought I would lose my band --but all is well!! 55lbs from goal!! reflux and vomiting are GONE!!

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was the infection cleared with antibiotics? I had endoscopy but they didn't see anything wrong; could some kind of culture reveal the same? Im so glad you're doing great and didnt lose the band!

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Studies have shown that people regain all their weight when the band is removed , even if it is years later. You will always be a fat person. Even if you are currently skinny. The fat cells are still there , empty for now but just waiting for you to replenish them. Never think you are truly cured from obesity, There is no known cure. I suggest you do whatever you must to obtain a procedure to prevent the fat cells from replenishing again. Otherwise it is only a matter of time , likely a short time , before you are as fat and miserable as you were before.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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