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Questions for those that went to Tijuana Mexico for GS

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@@throckmorton I had plastics in Tijuana as well. I guess it depends on what you consider "expensive". I had extended Tummy Tuck with muscle repair, breast lift with implants, all over Lipo, and fat grafting to my butt. All of that together plus 2 full weeks in a recovery house cost about $10,500. It did not include air fare. So probably about 1/3 the cost I would have paid in the US? Plus I had 24/7 nursing care in the recovery house and my surgeon came to see me every day for 2 weeks. In the US I probably would have been discharged the second day and left to fend for myself with only one or two visits to the surgeon over the next 2 weeks. And I would have had to go to them instead of them coming to me.

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I've been to Tijuana twice for surgery. Once for plastics and once for my sleeve. Both times I received EXCELLENT care and attention. I wasn't afraid at all. Tijuana is pretty much just like being in the US. A McDonalds or Starbucks on every corner. There was a Walmart right near the Marriott where I stayed for my sleeve and my room in the clinic where I had my plastics had an excellent view of an Office Max. If you ARE afraid to go out on your own, you'll be shuttled everywhere you really need to go.

I would definitely not do anything different. I received amazing care from highly qualified surgeons. Much better than what I would have received in the US for even twice the price.

Where did you go and which doctor if you don't mind me asking, I would like to get a revision and plastics done asap thank you!

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@@throckmorton I had plastics in Tijuana as well. I guess it depends on what you consider "expensive". I had extended Tummy Tuck with muscle repair, breastfeeding lift with implants, all over Lipo, and fat grafting to my butt. All of that together plus 2 full weeks in a recovery house cost about $10,500. It did not include air fare. So probably about 1/3 the cost I would have paid in the US? Plus I had 24/7 nursing care in the recovery house and my surgeon came to see me every day for 2 weeks. In the US I probably would have been discharged the second day and left to fend for myself with only one or two visits to the surgeon over the next 2 weeks. And I would have had to go to them instead of them coming to me.

That's awesome. I was quoted about that much just for a tuck and breast augmentation

in San Antonio.

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I've been to Tijuana twice for surgery. Once for plastics and once for my sleeve. Both times I received EXCELLENT care and attention. I wasn't afraid at all. Tijuana is pretty much just like being in the US. A McDonalds or Starbucks on every corner. There was a Walmart right near the Marriott where I stayed for my sleeve and my room in the clinic where I had my plastics had an excellent view of an Office Max. If you ARE afraid to go out on your own, you'll be shuttled everywhere you really need to go.

I would definitely not do anything different. I received amazing care from highly qualified surgeons. Much better than what I would have received in the US for even twice the price.

Where did you go and which doctor if you don't mind me asking, I would like to get a revision and plastics done asap thank you!

Dra. Laura Carmina Cardenas with Beauty Enhance and I stayed at the Beauty Care Recovery House, which she's affiliated with.

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Thank you so much!

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Ok so I had my surgery through the service * a lighter me* and with Dr F. Garcia on 10-25-12. Im just gonna recap through my days and my experience. Please no drama or bashing, this is my opinion and experience. Your milage will vary, that I can promise.

August/September 2012, I started really searching this procedure. I like many of you have tried lots of diets and failed. I stalked this site and through the support here and research I made the plans to go ahead and have the sleeve. I contacted a lighterme and my coordinator was *janese*. I was quickly approved and within a few days sent my deposit. I contacted Janese early on several times prior to actually sending the deposit. i didn't really hear back anything unless I had a question and actively seeked her out via email. Once I faxed a copy of my cashiers check, i got another email with someone else's name on it(obviously generic) with further instructions. It included a pre-op diet and further instructions. That was in September and nothing again, until I had a question the day before I left. She did respond promptly, that I will say.

Ok so I arrive on 10-24-12 at the required time which was after 2pm. I called upon arrival and spoke to Abraham who has no clue who I am and was very scattered( ill explain further on why). I meet him out side within about five minutes of landing in the illustrious white 90's mini van. Im like ok, at least its roomy. Once getting inside I met my sleeve bestie Stacy this.time.its.for.me. (we had never met prior to this). We spent the next hour picking up other sleevers, Julie(also known as mean girl), her side kick tamara, Sandy and her husband(great couple) and one last girl I cant think of immediately. Now I bet you wonder how all of us fit in the van thats really meant for about four in the back, we really didn't, at least not comfortably. Except stacy:-) she called "shot gun".
So we mosey along with a little chit chat, very little while heading to the border. I did try to engage mean girl, but as you can guess by her name, all didn't go well. Women can be so mean, however sense were all fighting the same battle, I was quite surprised. From San Diego airport it took about 30 minutes to end up at the hotel in Tijuana. Mean girl and side kick apparently knew they would be going right to the Mi Doctor Hospital, shucks:-) The rest of us were dumped off with no real idea of what to do or what was next. Now Im not expecting handholding, maybe a brief schedule would suffice. Stacy and I checked our stuff in and went to the restaurant for some broth, yum... NOT. We then retired for the night, waiting for the call from Abraham. At eight o clock Tijuana time Abraham calls and says meet in the lobby at 8:30 the next morning, ok we hang up. At eleven o clock I get another call from Abraham and he says "we have no room for you tomorrow"! WTF....And then asks if I can share a room (what else do you say besides yes) and I requested stacy, he then said meet in the lobby at six am.

The hotel is accommodating, free wifi, all the amenities of a us hotel. But my air just didn't want to cooperate. I tried to sleep and before you know it it time to check out.

Abraham picks up myself, stacy, sandra and her hubby Don at the hotel and was right on time. We travel maybe ten minutes before we arrive at the hospital. Its small and it was dark so I couldn't see much outside initially. We get shuffled in and are left to do more paperwork, basically the same forms they asked about medicines, surgeries etc. Myself and stacey are assigned room 301, good room with a view (sorta).

So we sit around for an hr or two(no one stops in at all) and eventually Anna comes in and starts iv's and medicines. An internal doctor came in, and my doctor. This was over hours, nothing was prompt. Someone did stop in to say that my surgeon is scheduled for late afternoon. Um ok...hurry up and wait. I think I went in at 2pm, Im not for sure though and was back out within a few hours, Stacy at this point still heard nothing on her time and had seen only one person. I woke up feeling freaked out because of course I was in a strange place and dammit it hurt. I was able to walk within the first hour or so of surgery. Stacy didn't go in until almost 9:00 pm, and the information she received was from a nice coordinator from *ready4achange* We never saw Eduardo(our onsite coordinators) even though his office was on the second floor. I tried to sleep but didn't well at all.

Day two, I woke up feeling like complete ass, I was in worse pain then the first day and nothing they gave me helped the pain. I mean it had to off but I didn't feel like the edge was every fully taken off. I really second guessed my decision and how I must not of been mentally ready for all this. I was, but still felt vulnerable. Iv after Iv( me four) stacy (5). The nursing staff was ok, they meant well. I wasn't all that impressed but Im trying to keep it all in perspective. We did a lot of lounging and waiting, for anything. This day I had a leak test, with some salty concoction, it didn't settle well at all and I started dry heaving. Not fun..but back to the room I go. It was all so quick I had no idea what the gentleman was seeing on the screen. We were allowed to shower and wait, till the next jolt of excitement. My roomie Stacey was given a blue test at about 9am, and I literally had to ask the nurse five times for the blue stuff so I could start some ice, anything...I don't recall anything else special this day, besides recovery.

Day three... we waited to be discharged Eduardo said Abraham would be there between 6-8 but he really mean 10-12pm. I had my drain taken out and my staples removed. One of the doctors assistants who name I cant recall was very nice, I really liked her did the removal. I also had my iv removed. Stacy was to leave the same day but its like one hand doesn't talk to the other and they continued to blow vain after vain on an iv she didn't need. We even tried to say we were leaving anytime now to no avail. So Im given some paperwork from the assistant, it was my blood work, the reason I was admitted and what medications I was given and then something about the swallow test. I also received a clear bag that had chap stick, ear plugs, a malox type gel, antibiotics for five days and useless pain meds. I further got a thing of tape and some gauze for my wounds. Numerous numbers to call should I have any issues. And we were off to the hotel. We swiftly checked in with no further directions and chilled. Ok we didnt chill we walked to Walmart were Robbino scared us to hell( tisk risk). I purchased some broth, some gatorade, a bowl and other things I didn't need. Back at the hotel we had broth and chilled till morning.


Wake up and decide were gonna do something to not sit in the hotel all day, conveniently as we were walking out we run into Eduardo, we ask about where Abraham is and when he would be back by, we were told between 3:00 and 4:00. He didn't ask us our needs at all and he and we were off. Stacey and I go to Walmart again(via taxi four bucks) and the other shopping areas to just get out. We spent a large amount of time there because there really was only so much to do. We were excited though because Abraham promised shopping. He called the room at 4:30 to go shopping. We went to his select vendors and were told to buy from them, that they had what all the other vendors had but cheaper( enter eye roll here). I spent $30.00 and left with three small items. Anywho from there we had some beef broth (or so he alleges) and were brought back to the hotel about 7:00pm. Stacy and I really wanted a pharmacy for some Retin A, that didn't happen and the mean girls still sucked. We were told to be in the lobby by 9:00 tomorrow for our flights home.


Going home day! Stacy and I devised a plan that we were getting to the pharmacy before 9:00, luck would have it they are open 24 hrs! So by seven we were off and we were even offered the Mariott transport bus. Hell yeah, he dropped us off and came back ten minutes later. We both left with retin A..and some extras. Ok fast forward to 9:00 we fit seven people not including Abraham into the van, mean girl was hanging off the seat (we felt horrible :-) Our first stop was gas, ok gotta have gas, second stop was Mcdonalds. Yep you heard me right he bought two Breakfast meals to go, we were all confused and little annoyed. Comes to find out that Abraham didn't have the right permits or something to get through the border line we were in and apparently the girls like Mcdonalds..Um ok it worked but ......
Next stop was through the girls and into an alley that leads to the promise land, he has friends all along the way. This guy was selling some type of custard or something, I politely declined but two girls got some lime something. Apparently the guy was not happy that only two people purchased, um whatever.
We make it through customs, show all of the proper paper work and were off... I couldn't get out of the packed van fast enough.

So Im on the plane now and Im glad this is behind me. Abraham is a nice guy but is scattered, there is no real schedule, all all kinda slap jerk (kwim). Maybe he isn't given the right tools to make his job easier? He is trying to please everyone..I will say Im happy with my doctor and the assistant. I found the nurses shoddy at best, not all (the majority though) I personally spoke with two people in this group of patients,who had money taken from them at the hospital, and that pissed me off:-I wouldnt hesitate to go again, but Ill definitely have my expectations at a lower level. Thanks for listening..

Edited to add that Ive been home sense Monday and Eduardo sent a Post op diet on Wednesday. He also sent something saying that Ortiz did my surgery,,,Um no he didnt..

Edited by muffintop76

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Holy OMG, I think I would have freaked out completely from day 1. I am so glad that I did not decide to go through them instead I am going through Bariatric Pal. I have a friend who is going soon and I can wait to here her experience with them. She is having her surgery with Dr. Illan. For me so far everything has been perfect which is hard for me to believe. If I call my coordinator Bill he answers every time and always has an answer for me if not he gets right back with me and he has a answer. I am still up in the air as to who I want as my doctor. I am still doing my research.

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I too would have freaked out with that experience. When i am in pain, my tolerance for BS shrinks rapidly.

I too am using Dr. Illan through BariatricPal with Bill as my coordinator. Every time i call Bill, he has time to answer my questions.
Their new nutritionist Paola is very helpful as well.

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Here's my experience with BariatricPal and Dr. A :

Best decision ever!!


We (hubby and I) landed in San Diego around 10am. My phone rings as I'm stepping off the plane. It's our driver he'll be waiting at the curb to pick us up. Sure enough, there he is. He's in a super nice comfy car. He jumps out, opens the door for us, puts our bags in and we're off. We picked up one more person then headed over the boarder.

I was having surgery that same day ago we went straight to the florence hospital.

Their in hospital coordinater was super busy, but was SO sweet and got us to our room. The room was really nice and even had a bed for my husband! We got settled and for the next 5 or so hours, different people came in and out to all various questions, do various things, etc. In-between all that, my hubby and I snuggled on my bed and watched Netflix. (did I mention it was our anniversary and our first trip alone and kids-free since our honeymoon???)

Late in the day it was my turn for surgery. They wheeled me back and Dr. A met my on the way. He rubbed my shoulder while they put me out. Human touch is a powerful thing and I felt instantly at ease.

I woke up in my room with INTENSE back pain. I was still totally out of it and my poor husband spent the next couple hours rubbing my back. I'm not sure why I had this. I haven't heard of anyone else experiencing it.

By the time I had slept a little, I felt a lot better. My husband helped me through the rest of the night, getting up, walking, etc.


I woke up feeling a lot better than I thought I would. That whole day was spent walking, watching movies, sipping watered down apple juice, and peeing (thank you iv).


Same as the day before. Oh! Little Roberto! He's an angel! He Took my husband out to eat a bunch of times and kept me laughing.


We had to stay in the hospital for 3 days since I had the mini gastric bypass, and since we were flying out at 6am Tuesday morning, we were leaving from the hospital, back over the boarder and to a hotel that had a shuttle to take us to the airport the next morning.

Little Roberto took us for a walk to get me a Gatorade and my husband some lunch.

The driver then loaded us back into the car and we headed for the boarder. BariatricPal pays for a special medical pass so getting over the boarder took less than 10 minutes.

The driver took us straight to our hotel and we parted ways.

That night we went to an adorable Italian restaurant across from the hotel. I had broth, of course.


We flew home and I felt incredible! Super strange considering I had just had major surgery. That's the magic of Dr. A!!

Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App

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Call Bill Yanez... His information is earlier on in this thread you really cannot get better care, better attention, more in formation and just overall a better experience by going with him as a coordinator. Plus he does not work with just any TJ Dr. He screens them and keeps up with their records and staffing turnover. He is an American living in TJ as a bariatric coordinator. I was amazed by his responsiveness.

Everything done is state-of-the-art you're going to find yourself getting EKGs blood test x-ray examinations swallow and leak test there is just no stone that's left unturned it's incredibly well organized.

Efficient, cost-efficient and effective… So much the US can learn from the way they do their surgeries...

I just had my surgery done last week.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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