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Very slow losers?

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Anyone else losing slowly right from the beginning?

I have lost 17.5lbs ... Had surgery 6 weeks ago. 14lbs of that was in first two weeks. So just 3.5 lbs in last month. Seems very slow to me for being less than two months out. I know we are all different. So just wondering for those of you who are slow losers.... How much did you have to lose, What were your weight loss numbers at each month after surgery and how long did it get take you to get to goal if you did get to goal?

I have tried SOOOO many times to lose weight.... Don't want to have this be yet another try that doesn't work..... Just want to hear from people who lose slowly.... Do you eventually lose all the weight?

I just want to believe that even though it's slow, it will actually happen eventually !!!!!

Feeling discouraged....

Edited by bhopeful

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I wasn't a slow loser initially but I also started at a very high rate.

Since you aren't happy with your weight loss so far have you talked to your NUT? Are you reaching your Protein and Fluid target every day?

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I had lost 17 pounds at 6 weeks, too. I was still 17 pounds down at 10 weeks. Now check out my ticker.... 10 pounds under goal and maintaining 2 years out. The rate at which you lose has nothing to do with your ultimate long term success. Just get in all your Protein and Water, stay away from simple carbs, and put the scale away for a couple weeks. Relax and Enjoy the NSVs

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I'm pretty slow too! I've lost 3lbs this month. You don't sound that slow though. You probably just had a slow down after the initial huge drop the first 2 weeks.

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What @@Kindle said! I am a very, very, very slow loser. I have only lost about 62 pounds in the last year and a half. Still have 25 more to go. Hang in there. Still with it. There is no time limit on this life change. :)

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I have been a slow loser throughout ~ starting with weighting more at discharge from the hospital than I did on admission. But 13 months out, I've lost 110 lbs. I lowered my expectations to 5 lbs per month - then I wasn't disappointment every month. I stuck with the plan and I exercise faithfully - and it came off, as it will for you! Hang in there, you're not alone.

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I had lost 17 pounds at 6 weeks, too. I was still 17 pounds down at 10 weeks. Now check out my ticker.... 10 pounds under goal and maintaining 2 years out. The rate at which you lose has nothing to do with your ultimate long term success. Just get in all your Protein and Water, stay away from simple carbs, and put the scale away for a couple weeks. Relax and Enjoy the NSVs

I was sleeved on 12/21/15 and before surgery I had lost 14lbs, right after surgery I was up with weight and attributed it to Water weight and swelling, and then now, just under 2 weeks out I continue to show an up and down weight (yes, I'm getting on the scales everyday ... perhaps I shouldn't right :-) ...) ... I am about 20lbs down but I do worry about losing weight consistently because of such a difficult time in the past with losing weight. Did you see this in your weight loss journey too? Congratulations on your success!!

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I had lost 17 pounds at 6 weeks, too. I was still 17 pounds down at 10 weeks. Now check out my ticker.... 10 pounds under goal and maintaining 2 years out. The rate at which you lose has nothing to do with your ultimate long term success. Just get in all your Protein and Water, stay away from simple carbs, and put the scale away for a couple weeks. Relax and Enjoy the NSVs

I was sleeved on 12/21/15 and before surgery I had lost 14lbs, right after surgery I was up with weight and attributed it to Water weight and swelling, and then now, just under 2 weeks out I continue to show an up and down weight (yes, I'm getting on the scales everyday ... perhaps I shouldn't right :-) ...) ... I am about 20lbs down but I do worry about losing weight consistently because of such a difficult time in the past with losing weight. Did you see this in your weight loss journey too? Congratulations on your success!!
Don't know because I really didn't step on the scale that often. Here's what I remember.....

Lost 22 pounds on preop

First postop weigh in was at 11 days and I weighed the same as surgery day

Didn't weigh again until 6 weeks out and I was down 17 pounds

7 weeks gained 3 pounds, so down 14 pounds (was really sick at this point and was hardly eating or drinking a thing -funny that that was when I GAINED)

10 weeks down the same 17 pounds I was at 6 weeks...but I dropped a whole pant size during this stall, so I was thrilled....just goes to show that the scale numbers don't mean shit.

12 weeks down 25 pounds (8 pounds in those two weeks was my biggest drop besides preop....and it was right when I was finally feeling better and had doubled my food intake)

After that I don't remember, other than a pound or two down each time I Weighed which was 2-3 times/month.

Passed surgeons goal somewhere around 6 months. Passed personal goal about a month or so later. Hit my lowest weight around 9-10 months out and have maintained within 5 pounds ever since.

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Very slow loser here too. I was told by my doc at my year check (93 pounds down) in that I seem to be doing everything right, but my body just won't work with me as well as some others. ;)

I figure as long as I'm still losing, I'm good. I now am around 6 pounds loss a month, which is super really. And my energy levels are doing well, and I'm really getting my exercise/activity levels figured out now too.

There's some slight sadness/disappointment about not being one of the lucky ones that have 100 pounds gone in 4 months, but I keep telling myself that it's not a race, and I'm doing well - better than I've ever done in my life. And other people's successes aren't going to detract from my own success.

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        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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