tabby_morgan 33 Posted December 22, 2015 I'm about 3 weeks post op and my family had to make an emergency trip. I packed food that is on my diet (protein, almond milk, lentils, yogurt, soups...). However, my husband and step daughter have not been easy to deal with on this trip. As with all trips, the food is usually from fast food restaurants and continuous boredom snacking occurs. I cannot have either of these things. I LOVE food and that is the problem. I'm staying strong and avoiding any of these foods, but resentment is growing for those that eat this crap around me. I literally just sat in the car while my husband and stepdaughter gorged themselves with burgers and fries. All I could do is just stare out the window at the cars passing by, trying to ignore the smell and sounds of mastication. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inner Surfer Girl 12,015 Posted December 22, 2015 Oh, I am so sorry! I feel your pain. It is hard, but hopefully, with some patience and lots of work you will get to the point where it won't be appetizing. I like to remind myself that the best part of that crap is the smell anyway. Eating it won't add anything but calories and make you feel like crap. You can make it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tabby_morgan 33 Posted December 22, 2015 Thank you so much, I needed that! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Josey Quinn 187 Posted December 22, 2015 Just remember, junk food never tastes as good as it smells, and you always feel worse after eating it. It is a fleeting "pleasure" with a high cost. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamieLogical 8,727 Posted December 22, 2015 For me it was a fine line between being resentful of the things my husband ate immediately after my surgery and wanting his life to not be too highly impacted by my decision. It was my choice to have surgery and he was already "suffering" the burden of my being weak, feeble, and whiny post-op. I didn't want him to have to give up foods he loved on top of that, but he did try to be pretty decent about at least not eating my FAVORITE foods in front of me. Like, if he had ordered pizza, I probably would have murdered him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miss Mac 6,262 Posted December 22, 2015 It did not take me long to figure out that it was not the food I missed, but the grease and the salt. I read one of those food expose's a while back that McDonald's adds sugar to its ground beef mix. Now I don't look at it in terms of what I miss, but in terms of everyone else committing slow suicide. I just went to a lot of inconvenience to get healthy, so I really don't miss eating at McPoison's, Poison King or Poison Bell. If this were my Grandma, she would have got out her Iron skillet and cold-conked Grandpa upside the head! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CowgirlJane 14,260 Posted December 22, 2015 It is sooo hard! I am 4 years post op, and my grown sons are my roomies. They sometimes bring home a bag of heart attack from McD or Jack in the Box or whatever, but it grosses me out more than it tempts me. It smells and tastes bad. However, a few weeks ago they came home with a crapload of trigger food, stuff I don't buy. There were boxes of Cereal, crackers, bags of chips, ice cream, bread, frozen pizzas... It was like they missed having crap in the house and went on a bender. As soon as they saw me, both their expressions dropped to "omg, what have we done?" I realized that at 4 years out, I really can't expect everyone else to cater to "my food issues". I had them put the dry food on one shelf in the pantry that I just don't look at. I did eat a few chips, but not alot... so far have stayed out of the Cereal (an old really bad habit of mine was to have cereal and milk for Snacks and desserts). I had them hide the ice cream. I admit that whenever they cook one of those cardboard pizzas I find myself needing ot have a slice, but it always reminds me how crappy they are.... Anyway, I believe heartily in the strategy of keeping junky crappy food out of the house, but I also think that other people have the right to choose for themselves. So far, we are balancing it okay and I really appreciate THEIR consideration so I try to find ways to accomodate them on this subject too... Anyway, I like the visual of the crack on the head with the frying pan. Stay strong - you can do this and the pay off is SO WORTH IT!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CowgirlJane 14,260 Posted December 22, 2015 oh, and the Christmas candy is showing up. I only like GOOD candy, but I almost can't resist it once it is laying there like a temptress, flashing her enticing carmel and almonds and sea salt at me. The boys have learned they better keep it in their room because if they leave high quality chocolate in a shared area of the house, I might take one of the following actions with NO apologies: 1. Eat it 2. Toss it 2. Eat it and wished I tossed it This is how I stay at goal - hardass about some stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MIMISAN 404 Posted December 22, 2015 I have been doing so well and even turned my back on Christmas Cookies at work but just last night I ate half of a Mrs. Prindables caramel apple. OMG. I take solace in the fact that I haven't been sleeved yet but I am suppose to be practicing and that would be considered a fail. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaisyAmy 561 Posted December 22, 2015 I get it. My mother baked Christmas Cookies so my husband and son wouldn't have to "do without" and then implied that I should help her pack them up!! I'm one week out from surgery!! SMH! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
b17083 14 Posted December 23, 2015 Me too, I am pure country and we put sugar and butter in everything, so I am trying to change. Hubby brought home footlong and onion rings...I loved the smell but had to do the walk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sharon1964 2,530 Posted December 23, 2015 I'm pretty sure no jury would convict you... especially a jury of women. Just sayin'. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
b17083 14 Posted December 23, 2015 No doubt. ...Sonic ones to boot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jintycb 721 Posted December 28, 2015 My husband is one of those lucky people who can eat anything and stays slim. I really can't deny him his sweet treats so there in our fridge are yummy things that in the past I would have dived into. My reckoning is, that because we spent a shed load of money on my WLS then it would be a dreadful waste of cash if I even thought about helping myself to his goodies. I know the sugar/fat/salt would just trigger cravings so I just lay off and behave myself. That is not to say that I don't resent every mouthful he deposits in his gob of course. I have threatened him with the heaviest frying pan when he has forgotten that he paid a lot of money for me to have surgery and he offers me something sweet, fatty and delicious! He has also been threatened with the rolling pin if the frying pan doesn't knock some sense into him and if that doesn't work I am considering installing a rack and thumbscrews for his more forgetful moments. They do learn eventually and like all man training it's a bit like dog training. Just keep repeating things and rewarding them when they get it right! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emilie.Lancaster 189 Posted January 4, 2016 Tabby - have you read about Bariatric Divorce? It is common enough that there is a Google searchable term for this phenomenon. What you describe in your initial post is sending up red flags. When both halves of a couple started heavy, and one gets bariatric surgery, 80% of the time things fall apart. See. A. Therapist. Together. Seriously, it happened to me in my first marriage.... You and hubby need to come to an understanding, and he needs to see this for the opportunity it is to get the FAMILY healthy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites