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Now I understand why we dont tell people we are getting the sleeve...

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I don't keep it a secret at all. If people want to critique me or hate on me about my choice to get healthy then I can just distance myself from them.

Everyone has been overwhelmingly supportive. I have a big family who is very invested in my health and wls. Sometimes they feel the urge to give me constant diet and health advice even though I am following the diet to the exact letter. Most of the time I don't mind because they just want to keep encouraging me but on some days after hearing the same lecture from 5 different people I get annoyed. It makes me feel like they expect me to fail even though that is not what they intend at all. "Don't forget to exercise" "push yourself harder at the gym" etc.

The most uncomfortable scenario happened pre-op. My cousin's husband thought it was a great idea and then spent an hour and a half giving me a religion lecture. "You are going to be in the hands of God" "you never know what could happen so don't forget to pray for a week before" etc. I have no problem whatsoever with a nice religious pep talk but at some point he got me so scared. He made it sound like I was just going to die on the table. His whole conversation was so morbid that by the end I was suffocating.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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I don't keep it a secret at all. If people want to critique me or hate on me about my choice to get healthy then I can just distance myself from them.

Everyone has been overwhelmingly supportive. I have a big family who is very invested in my health and wls. Sometimes they feel the urge to give me constant diet and health advice even though I am following the diet to the exact letter. Most of the time I don't mind because they just want to keep encouraging me but on some days after hearing the same lecture from 5 different people I get annoyed. It makes me feel like they expect me to fail even though that is not what they intend at all. "Don't forget to exercise" "push yourself harder at the gym" etc.

The most uncomfortable scenario happened pre-op. My cousin's husband thought it was a great idea and then spent an hour and a half giving me a religion lecture. "You are going to be in the hands of God" "you never know what could happen so don't forget to pray for a week before" etc. I have no problem whatsoever with a nice religious pep talk but at some point he got me so scared. He made it sound like I was just going to die on the table. His whole conversation was so morbid that by the end I was suffocating.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Great attitude. You are going to keep on rocking it.

The family.....even though they are wishing well and have great intensions......can be suffocating at times with their advice.

My parents were the same way when I visited them at Thanksgiving. We laughed it off. I'll be seeing them next month and it'll be funny to see their reaction to the progress since last visit.

As far as your husband's cousin's husband.......you were literally preached to. That is too funny. Good stuff, too. Getting right with God is always advised before going under. I'm sure he meant well......but why is it that some folks hear that you are having surgery and then feel compelled to tell you about all the morbid aspects and possibilities. Makes me wanna yell out at them...."Fool.....hush up........not trying to hear that noise right now !!!!!".

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I too have only told a few. Now that I'm post op when asked I just tell them I'm eating a lot less and only few good carbs. Technically not a lie. I did have a few staff who were worried I was sick that I had wls. Their concern was so sweet and I felt like they deserved the whole story. Even now people who don't know what I've actually done tend to have negative comments about losing and that I should stop. I'm not even at a "normal" BMI so I'm still working it. I'll re-evaluate my goal after 8 more lbs.

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I don't keep it a secret at all. If people want to critique me or hate on me about my choice to get healthy then I can just distance myself from them.

Everyone has been overwhelmingly supportive. I have a big family who is very invested in my health and wls. Sometimes they feel the urge to give me constant diet and health advice even though I am following the diet to the exact letter. Most of the time I don't mind because they just want to keep encouraging me but on some days after hearing the same lecture from 5 different people I get annoyed. It makes me feel like they expect me to fail even though that is not what they intend at all. "Don't forget to exercise" "push yourself harder at the gym" etc.

The most uncomfortable scenario happened pre-op. My cousin's husband thought it was a great idea and then spent an hour and a half giving me a religion lecture. "You are going to be in the hands of God" "you never know what could happen so don't forget to pray for a week before" etc. I have no problem whatsoever with a nice religious pep talk but at some point he got me so scared. He made it sound like I was just going to die on the table. His whole conversation was so morbid that by the end I was suffocating.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Great attitude. You are going to keep on rocking it.

The family.....even though they are wishing well and have great intensions......can be suffocating at times with their advice.

My parents were the same way when I visited them at Thanksgiving. We laughed it off. I'll be seeing them next month and it'll be funny to see their reaction to the progress since last visit.

As far as your husband's cousin's husband.......you were literally preached to. That is too funny. Good stuff, too. Getting right with God is always advised before going under. I'm sure he meant well......but why is it that some folks hear that you are having surgery and then feel compelled to tell you about all the morbid aspects and possibilities. Makes me wanna yell out at them...."Fool.....hush up........not trying to hear that noise right now !!!!!".

Yes exactly! Obviously he was being very caring but I was already such a scaredy cat. He did not help!!!

Also for family, the more you progress, the more intense they become. Mainly because they cannot believe it and they never want the amazing progress to go away! I only see my father on the weekends because he works in a different city and every time he sees me he gets more vocal! He is very happy to see me losing weight and in a way he is in disbelief because I have always failed at my dieting attempts and now he is finally seeing something long term.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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I don't keep it a secret at all. If people want to critique me or hate on me about my choice to get healthy then I can just distance myself from them.

Everyone has been overwhelmingly supportive. I have a big family who is very invested in my health and wls. Sometimes they feel the urge to give me constant diet and health advice even though I am following the diet to the exact letter. Most of the time I don't mind because they just want to keep encouraging me but on some days after hearing the same lecture from 5 different people I get annoyed. It makes me feel like they expect me to fail even though that is not what they intend at all. "Don't forget to exercise" "push yourself harder at the gym" etc.

The most uncomfortable scenario happened pre-op. My cousin's husband thought it was a great idea and then spent an hour and a half giving me a religion lecture. "You are going to be in the hands of God" "you never know what could happen so don't forget to pray for a week before" etc. I have no problem whatsoever with a nice religious pep talk but at some point he got me so scared. He made it sound like I was just going to die on the table. His whole conversation was so morbid that by the end I was suffocating.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Great attitude. You are going to keep on rocking it.

The family.....even though they are wishing well and have great intensions......can be suffocating at times with their advice.

My parents were the same way when I visited them at Thanksgiving. We laughed it off. I'll be seeing them next month and it'll be funny to see their reaction to the progress since last visit.

As far as your husband's cousin's husband.......you were literally preached to. That is too funny. Good stuff, too. Getting right with God is always advised before going under. I'm sure he meant well......but why is it that some folks hear that you are having surgery and then feel compelled to tell you about all the morbid aspects and possibilities. Makes me wanna yell out at them...."Fool.....hush up........not trying to hear that noise right now !!!!!".

Yes exactly! Obviously he was being very caring but I was already such a scaredy cat. He did not help!!!

Also for family, the more you progress, the more intense they become. Mainly because they cannot believe it and they never want the amazing progress to go away! I only see my father on the weekends because he works in a different city and every time he sees me he gets more vocal! He is very happy to see me losing weight and in a way he is in disbelief because I have always failed at my dieting attempts and now he is finally seeing something long term.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


I've seen that same thing from my friends and family.

Over the past several years they've seen me burn off 120 lbs......only to regain it and more.

I was sort of in their camp.....sharing their way of thinking for a while post-op, too.

Recently, though.....I've learned to trust myself to use my sleeve powers for good not for evil. The further down the road I get the better my vision of future life gets. I now see how to use the sleeve and work it. I'm dialed in and enjoying food again, but enjoying it the right way. I see no reasons why I'll slip and "fall off the diet" because I'm now living normally and eating the way I'll eat until I"m an old fart sitting around a nursing home and asking everyone to speak up..........

I can travel anywhere and select off any menu and feed my carnivorous self........and do so from most kid's menu's, too. :P

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I have been so fortunate. I work really closely with four people, two of which office within 15 feet of me. They are my friends. I told them when I was looking into surgery. The three of us always laugh and joke about diets and working out and food. None of us had any discipline. They were really excited when I told them I was doing it.

I told several people at work. I am an open book. I also consider many people at work my friend. I told my family early on. Every single person was supportive of me. It was awesome!!

Part of it may be that most people in the building know me, many well enough to know that I say what's on my mind and they knew I would have none of their nonsense. I just would not have listened to it. I honestly feel each person in my life is sincerely supportive of my decision. Friends check up on me, ask how I am, how much I've lost, what I eat, blah blah blah. I have been very open about it. Part of it may be that I have nothing but positive things to say about my surgery.

I work with wonderful people. My family is wonderful. The ones that truly care about you have your back and the others can stick it where the sun don't shine!!!!!!! ????

It's such a personal decision, telling who you want. You can't until it, so I do not blame anyone for being choosy.

Good luck to all!!! ????

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Wow..can I relate to this thread! I had my surgery 11/19/15..and returned to work 2 weeks ago...(having lost 35 pounds since anyone last saw me)...one doofus @ work immediately blurted out, "Did you have gastric bypass?!?"---I confronted her and curtly told her that my surgery was personal...and essentially none of her concern.

The next day, I returned to work to hear that she told everyone I had vaginal reconstruction!!! I was appalled.

Again, I confronted her..asking just WTH her problem was...spreading lies that had placed her on a fast-track to a workplace harassment charge...now possibly sexual harassment....and she meekly replied, "I was just concerned about you"--- BS...."concern" would have been checking in on me while I was off from work...not speculating and fabricating BS lies upon my return because you don't know ANYTHING about my personal life...and you have some sick need to be the focus of everything. --- I told her that if anyone wanted to 'really know what went on while I was gone from work', that I'd gladly tell them, provided that they be willing to pay a portion of my medical bills....otherwise, it's NOYB. Period.

I told her that if she spoke one more word about my health or appearance, there would be consequences beyond which she cared to imagine.....Strangely enough, she has been quiet as a mouse since.

Some people just have serious issues seeing someone else experience anything positive....My choice to undergo such a life-altering procedure didn't come lightly...and the victories are MINE...and of no concern to anyone other than those I choose to share with.

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...one doofus @ work immediately blurted out, "Did you have gastric bypass?!?"---I confronted her and curtly told her that my surgery was personal...and essentially none of her concern.

The next day, I returned to work to hear that she told everyone I had vaginal reconstruction!!! I was appalled.

It sounds like that woman at your job needs a surgical procedure to remove her cranium from her rectum. :)

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I told no one but my best friend who took me to the hospital and took care of me after my surgery. I didn't even tell my soon to be ex-husband. He left to go to Chili two days before my surgery and didn't get back until a week later so there was really no reason. Interestingly enough he has not said a word about my 20 lb weight loss or my new eating habits.....

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It sounds like that woman at your job needs a surgical procedure to remove her cranium from her rectum. :)


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I told friends and family. I did not tell co workers and clients. Clients know I had gall bladder surgery and hiatal hernia repair. They've been supportive but I didn't want all the questions. My sister in law and father's wife ask enough questions for everyone. LOL

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Oh @@karen091866 that is horrible what that woman at your job said, but the way you told the story had me cracking up! What an idiot for saying that you had "vaginal reconstruction"!!! You can't make this stuff up! Maybe one day you'll look back on this and laugh! Keep your spirits high!

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I have only told a few people so far. I want to wait until I get cardiac clearance and I know I am good to go before telling everyone else. The people I have told are extremely supportive. They are behind me 100%.

If anybody has anything negative to say I will probably thank them politely for their concern and tell them it is my decision to make. Either that or I'll tell them to eff off.

Edited by GirthyGirl

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vaginal reconstruction????


and I spewed coffee all over my desk and keyboard!

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I've got the stereotypical gossipy ol biddy at work. Sticks her nose in everything. Pries for every detail she can get. Will come into your office and start picking stuff up off your desk and fiddling with it. Told whoever was around that I was having surgery pretty much. She gets wind that I'm having something done.

So far I've told her that I'm having a foot removed, eye surgery to make one purple, hair transplants, an ear tuck, and a tongue extension.

I take great pleasure in poking those kind of people with a stick.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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