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Starvation, when you transfer your addiction from eating to losing weight

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Been stuck in a stall for 3 weeks, or about that. Like perhaps 4 or 5 pounds over that time. Now I am DETERMINED to lose weight, I am down to 350 calories a day, no appetite, cannot stand the thought of eating, coffee, Water and yogurt(s) are my entire diet as of now. I am back to losing weight again but at what cost? I don't know what to do. I take my Vitamins and feel great, but know this is bad for me.

Suggestions? Calorie reduction went from 900 > 700 > 500 > 400 > 350 and today as of this writing at 3:08PM I am at 202 calories for the day. Not even close to Protein goal, water is waaaay over. Gah, I think I made a terrible mistake having this surgery. I was more successful losing weight pre-op on my own. Still burning 4K-5K calories a day and even then I am lucky to lose a pound a day.

NUT would yell at me and tell me to eat more. PA more of the same. I see my therapist on the 20th along with a new Pdoc, what to do in the meantime? Tomorrow is weigh in day, and I am afraid if I don't see a big loss for the week I might start becoming anorexic.


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Sounds like you went into starvation mode. I'd agree to increase calories back up cause if you stay in starvation too long you can really damage your metabolism big time then it gets even harder. I've had to fight to make myself stay at or above 600 calories a day so that I don't hit starvation mode myself. What works best for me is doing one day of a bit higher calories then one day lower and it helps keep my body guessing so that I am losing pretty consistently. Hope you find what works for you!

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Unflavored Protein Powder added to everything? Please find a way to eat more. You will only lose muscle this way which is very bad.

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Based on what you posted, I am glad you have an appointment with a therapist. I might even suggest you see if you can get an earlier appointment if possible.

You KNOW that eating so few calories is not only counterproductive, it's dangerous.

I encourage you to do everything you can to get in your Protein and fluids, whether or not you feel like it. Also, please keep up with your Vitamins and supplements.

Do it like it your job, because it is a matter of life and death.

Please keep posting and let us know how you are doing.

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I think all of us can relate to what is going on with you.

I tried to starve my way out of a "stall" and the scale flipped me the bird. Not only did it not go down....it went up. Defies anything I know or understand.

So.......I caved in followed my surgeon's suggestion on frequency and portion size. I've taken my own liberties with what form the Protein is in.

Getting 5 small meals a day in has been the only way that I've seen loss since getting off the Protein shakes.

It also fueled my energy level and has me up well over 50% on my daily step counter.

An example of my 5 small meals yesterday & Tuesday:

*4 bites of turkey sausage and eggs with cheddar

*1/2 a Quest bar

*beef Jerky (chewed on it forever.....jaws were actually tired from working that stuff into mush. Great flavor...lotta work, though)

*1/2 a Quest bar

*beef Jerky again

The scale moved two pounds. I am having daily coffee, however, I'm drinking at least 30oz of Water between each of the meals and at other times. Seems like all I do at work is walk around chewing on something tasty or drinking Water. It's like my body is more busy eating & drinking than ever before. Quantities are much smaller than ever.

The Quest bar and jerky travel easy.

Tonight (night shift)....I started with 6 bites of turkey sausage with yellow mustard. I found some interesting new tuna flavors in the pouch and will be taking a couple of these (3 oz each....perfect size) along with some chili lime jerky.

I'll be making coffee later at work and my water bottle will be close at hand.

It's frustrating when the loss slows, stops and even adds a pound or two.....yet you know you are killing it on the calorie intake.

It is counterintuitive on the surface.

I'm not sure what your biggest reasons are....but I suspect when we go into the 300 calorie per day mode......and we were used to 3,000+ calories per day in our past lives......our metabolism gets freakish and stutters, sputters and struggles.

I can't begin to describe the better feeling I experienced when I went from the 3-4 Protein Shakes to eating-chewing my 700 calories of Protein. I feel like moving and covering some ground.

I know you are really frustrated. It's a maddening scenario.....we've had this surgery and yet we are struggling with the vary thing we'd learned to do well in the past.....lose weight.

I'm glad to hear that you have lined up the visits to discuss this with your professional team. As a member of your BP team, all I can offer is that I'm going through a version of what you've described.

It'll all come out in the wash.......we're just in the spin cycle right now. :blink:

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After RNY bariatric surgery, the most important requirements are Protein, fluids and Vitamins. food is secondary. This is because you body is converting stored fat into the energy that drives your body. Thus you lose weight.

If you had your surgery in October of this year, you are still very early in the program. You are posting a weight loss of 88 pounds, which is very good. Stalls happen and you should not panic. Generally meal volume is measured in terms of volume not calories. If you decide to track calories, are you including the calories in your Protein supplements (protein shakes, protein bars)? They can be a major component. Since you already indicated that you are not meeting your daily protein requirement, this is the area I would most be concerned about.

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Please don't think you need to lose 1 pound per day to be "successful". 5 pounds in 3 weeks is not a stall. I have lost fairly steadily with 2 to 3 pounds per week and it has suddenly added up and 5 months post-op, I am not much further down than you. You have done very well (even assuming some of this was pre-surgery). Stay off the scale for a few days. Take your measurements. Try on some clothes. You will see the difference. Meanwhile rat something! Remember that this is about a long term life sustaining process not just fast weight loss. Therapist will definitely help. You joke about anorexia but that is a very real possibility for folks who have had weight loss surgery. It's a slippery slope as we trade our food addiction to a lack there of - still a control issue. Take care of your health. The Wright will continue to drop eventually and you will look back on this and laugh. If jumping on the scale each day causes you distress, don't do it.

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@@winklie Alright my friend I have only 2 words for you - STOP IT!!! You are going to mess yourself up if you don't follow the progression of the RNY food plan! Going backwards to liquids can cause you to get a stricture which in turn can end you back on the operating table! Please, please go back to your plan. I want you happy, healthy and successful!!!

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I am ex-miilitary. I do not do mediocre, ever in anything. If I cannot do something exceptionally well, I don't do it. This however, is a ride I cannot get off of. I was not kidding about anorexia, I am worried my all or nothing mind will drive me there.

I have decided to step backwards a bit tomorrow. Back to my beloved Protein shake in the AM. That alone is 400 calories, and yes, I record every single thing I imbibe. I made a killer Chili, and have had two servings out of the 13 the recipe made (thank god I froze most of it). I may take a hammer to my scale and smash it and just get my weight monthly at the Doctors office.

I do not want to die. That was the whole reason behind this. If I wanted to die, I was well on my way.

Thanks for the advice, I'll keep you all posted.

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You are already kicking ass, man.

Look at your progress tracker in you signature line.

You JUST had surgery and really just started what the surgeons classify as the weight loss time frame.....your body is still healing and normalizing.

You are only 82 pounds from your stated goal.........not even hardly a month out of surgery. You are going to achieve that and more.

You are a determined hombre who will tow the line and do your part. You've got mad food prep skills and will never grow bored of making tasty Protein based meals.

If I were a gambling man......I'd easily slide all my chips in on a bet on you being extremely sucessful.....you already have been. It's a lock.

You'll be living lean in a few months.

I'm positive of this.

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I'm having a similar problem, I'm 8 months out and only about 1000 but I'm going underweight, today my obgyn told me I need to stop and start eating, she said you don't look good, every friend and family tell me I don't look good, my nut told me to upper my calories because I'm loosing too fast. But my stomach can't handle more food, I sneak all day surviving on nuts and Beans. I'm afraid to gain weight again. I don't know what to do.

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I'm having a similar problem, I'm 8 months out and only about 1000 but I'm going underweight, today my obgyn told me I need to stop and start eating, she said you don't look good, every friend and family tell me I don't look good, my nut told me to upper my calories because I'm loosing too fast. But my stomach can't handle more food, I sneak all day surviving on nuts and Beans. I'm afraid to gain weight again. I don't know what to do.

What I would suggest is that you see if you can find a counselor or therapist. Especially someone who has experience with eating disorders. Anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating, and compulsive eating (over or under), are all facets of the same disease.

See if your surgeon or NUT can refer you to someone.

In the meantime, you might want to consider checking out a 12-step recovery group like OA. Their website (OA.org) has meeting lists (both in-person and telephone) as well as podcasts and other materials.

You can also see if your surgeon's office has a support group, or knows of any in your area.

Dealing with food addiction issues is not easy but there are many resources available if you look for it.

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Thanks Dub you always know how to make me feel better!

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@@Inner Surfer Girl

Thank you for the advice. I have an admission to make, I am Bipolar, not just Bipolar but medication resistant Bipolar, I have a mental health team that keeps me more or less level and normal. However, when I ramp up over something, it becomes an obsession. Mental illness is a b***h. My meds keep me pretty stable, however I live in a highly supportive environment. That means, I have removed all stressors from my life that I can. I live a lone, solitary life. Very simply. This surgery was discussed for about six months before my psychiatrist was willing to sign off. My medications work differently now, as they are liquid and VERY rapidly absorbed, we are still working on a dosing schedule that works post op.

As for a 12 step program, and I mean no offense to anyone. But that's not me. I do things on my own. If I have a problem I solve it. If it is not within my power to solve it, I figure out who's power it is in, and I get them to fix it. It's not that I have an issue asking for help, far from it, I ask for help all the time. I have just never been a 12 step guy.

After a lot of thought, I have some ideas about how to change things. I need to plan my meals a week out. No more last minute decisions. As crazy as it may sound to some of you, I need to establish and maintain a food schedule. School was also causing a lot of problems, but I finished my last class this evening and I am off until November 30th. So I have nothing but time to work this out. Next semester I am only taking 1 class and that is online so it won't affect when I am home or my schedule.

Like I said, tomorrow, back to basics, Protein shake in the morning, a good workout, a good lunch and dinner. In my downtime, I will plan out a weeks worth of meals. Shop, cook, freeze whatever. I do better on a schedule than having to make choices on the spot.

I sincerely appreciate the advice, compassion and caring from all of you. I WILL get past this. I just have to remember the basics.

If you are not planning to succeed you are planning to fail.

Sorry this post keeps getting longer but I wanted to clarify why I made a statement earlier. As former military, I have a tremendous amount of discipline, you may even call it over the top, but it works for me, well when it works it works well. That is the idea with meal planning. I don't eat for pleasure or comfort, I eat because I have too. I don't crave a cupcake when I am sad, or happy or anything else. So, taking the decisions out of eating, and having a set schedule, for me at least I think will work well. I mean if I am hungry, I can have a cheese stick or something as an unscheduled snack, but that would usually be on a super high calorie burn day. Like a 6K calorie day when I have been on the go since I woke up.

Does that make any sense?

Edited by winklie

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@@winklie I am also what I like to call an "A type" personality ;) I'm OCD about this whole thing myself. God forbid I even have a thought of something going into my mouth that hasn't been logged into MyFitnessPal! Your post kinda freaked me out and that's why I said "Stop it"! That's a phrase I learned in Mayo's Pain Rehab just 16 months ago. I had a stroke at 52 years young (will be 2 years ago this Thanksgiving) and it's aftermath has left me with a debilitating pain syndrome. While it won't kill me, I will die with it. My whole right side is affected and feels like a really bad sunburn that someone is taking a cheese grater to 24/7. I have numbness, join pain and most of the time can't feel my right leg from the knee down. The only time I am comfortable is when I'm asleep. I drive with a left foot gas pedal, etc. This leaves me unable to do much exercising, walking for more than 10 minutes at a time, etc. so when you talk about all your walking and exercising I'm so jealous. Funny because before I was perfectly content sitting on the couch! I did this surgery as the last piece of my puzzle to save my life. I don't regret it for one second. It will be a challenge for the rest of my life but I'm thankful to be alive. I know you will figure out what's right for you. While I don't know you personally, I can relate to your struggle. Know that I'm in your corner and will support you in any way I can. Stalls suck but they're part of this rollercoaster ride. I have some great recipes when you're ready to start your meal planning. We can do this :D


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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