Before I even signed up for an orientation, I checked out forums like this to make sure VSG was right for me. I have always been an Atkins oriented eater, so the whole Protein first thing wasn't a problem. I am a social drinker (weekends only -- no high calorie drinks) and observed that most VSG veterans who were drinkers before the surgery seem to do so without problems after. I also listened closely to my surgeon during orientation who clearly stated that one of the big differences between the VSG and RNY was that that the recommended no one ever drink alcohol after RNY; okay in moderation with VSG. I also found that most threads on the topic of alcohol are full of people who didn't drink castigating people who did, which tended to distort the true information exchange, so before I get tp the questions, I humbly request that people who never drank, or gave it up since their surgery feel free to troll, but please don't comment -- I'm only interested in first hand factual responses! QUESTIONS: 1. How long did you go before having your first drink? 2. Have you had any MEDICAL complications with your surgery that were attributed to drinking alcohol? 3. Have you gained back significant weight from drinking alcohol? 4. Have you developed an alcohol addiction post VSG after having been able to control your drinking before? As I said, I have read all the guidelines and see questions 2, 3, and 4 listed as "risks of drinking alcohol". At the same time, I see lots of comments from people who have returned to drinking post-opt with no complications, weight gain, or sudden addiction. By the way, I have also read all the "doctor's orders" and have found total inconsistency (ranging from never drink again to a month or two). My own program doesn't even have a consistent answer, which is why I'm asking for real stories... Thanks!