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Anyone heard of Dr. Francisco Gonzalez in TJ?

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I don't know you, and I don't care to be involved in any of your very negative fiascos, my self and I'm sure that alot of us are really wondering What is your problem why do you write with such a hate (or call it how ever you want)some of us DO have a life outside this forum but you seem to be spending alot of time trying to make a big thing out of nothing don't you think that might be a reason why many have left or just decided no to sign in (or was that your plan all this time) I'm sure many have left the thread either because of your negative vibes or they actually have a life don't you think so?, you see...most of us come to this forum to get support I know I did for many months before having the courage to become a member I used to read what many nice people where saying about something that I really believed in (the Lap-band)and after many , many hours of reading and talking to actual patients who were brave enough to have this surgery done and not only that, but they wanted to share their wonderful "Life changing experience",I came to the conclusion that FOR ME the best choice was having my surgery done by Dr. Gonzalez, that is my decision, as of for many others and I do believe that you should RESPECT US.

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I'm with you sunshine , and I think this is no kids contest to see who has the biggest candy bag, maybe other people do have a hidden agenda or should I say JOB.

In any case sunshine you have been of great support for me and for that I thank you and many others too, I made up my mind ,I'm not dumb so I know that this surgery is a really hard choice to make that is why I came to this forum for support, information and encouragement and for that I thank all of you that ENCOURAGE ME TO GIVE MY SELF A SECOND CHANCE IN LIFE.

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Hey there! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I was banded a month ago today and I'm down 22 lbs. I took some pictures (front back and side) and compared them to the ones I took right before surgery, and I actually CAN see a tiny bit of difference even though I don't really feel it.

This week has been kindof crappy. The beginning of the week I felt "stuck" for like 2 days, just had this horrible chest pressure although nothing ever came back up. Then wednesday night I got awful shoulder pain, now that's gone, but now everything in my stomach area just feels really tender and bruised, if I take a deep breath it just aches around my band. I don't know what the hell is going on, but I'm really frustrated because I was feeling so great! I guess maybe I'm just still healing?

I'm excited to start working out, it's been a month so now I can hit the gym. In fact, I think I'll probably go tonight at midnight or 1:00 ( I work nights so that's my "normal" awake time) and see how I do with a mild workout, don't want to push too hard too fast.

Anyway, just wanted to check in, hope everyone else is doing great!!


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...on another note I just wanted to say that we all come here for support. Choosing a doctor is a very personal thing, and no one is going to change anyone elses opinion on who is the best doc, so for the sake of all of us that are just looking for support and reinforcement from people in the same boat, maybe we could drop all the irrelevant arguing, because it really is not constructive and is clearly going nowhere.

Getting off my soap box now.


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No one wants to hear your babbling. Go back to your own threads.

LOL! Well that is certainly a lot easier than admitting I didn't make a mistake about stats, answering the many questions I have posed to you, or refuting the facts. If that is your best shot.... so be it. When all else fails (such as an inability to defend your claims) then slam and insult. Right?

No, I think I'll hang out here for a bit. Considering I have only presented one fact that came from the doc's office and you feel the need to defend him, that pretty well says it all, eh?

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I can tell you that BubbleButt is a blowhard on another forum too. Quoting erroneous stats and spouting ridiculous claims. And as far as accusing people of being a patient cordinator or not, ask BubbleButt who has been in Dr. Aceves operating room with him, who often takes patients to the hospital, and who many times accompanies people to surgery for Dr. Aceves? She will volunteer this service in a heart beat on Dr. Aceves board so, if anyone can claim "patient cordinator" or "marketing rep", I would say it was her.

I don't know who the other people are and frankly - my boss??? I was banded in the states, which is how I know for a fact that the lies you spout about American doctors are ridiculous. I am not sure what you are talking about or who you are referring to, but MY doctor doesn't need "shills" on these forums. He's a U.S. well respected bariatric surgeon for many years and as a matter of fact - he knows Dr. Aceves!

I know who you are on Dr. Aceves forum and I know who you are here. I also know there are no pictures of you on either place and nothing brings you back to reality like the fact that you are everywhere Dr. Aceves needs advertising. Dr. Aceves has a Patient Referral PAID plan with his people - DENY IT and I'll show the literature contradicting that. All I was saying is that he is NOT the god you make him out to be, he has errors on his record and frankly I've said it before and I'll say it again - If you pay him, he will perform the surgery REGARDLESS!!!

Ask the 12 year old child, the woman who had only 30 pounds to lose before she was at medically perfect weight, etc... These are patients no self respecting American doctor would touch and with very good reason. Not because they couldn't handle the surgery (and only the great and powerful Aceves can), but because they are surgeries that NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN PERFORMED!

Wasa, is this true? Are you really a patient coordinator? Please tell me you're not!

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Wasa, is this true? Are you really a patient coordinator? Please tell me you're not!

Nope, I am not a patient coordinator. I have never made a penny from a patient or any physician regarding weight loss issues, surgery, etc.

I am a nurse, not a patient coordinator. I encourage people to look at several physicians, not just one. I push researching your potential doc and verifying everything, something I note many of you posting in this thread do not do. I push not believing ANYONE on line and to verify for yourself EVERYTHING you are told, need links? You guys seem to push one doc and one doc only and you suggest *I* am the patient coordinator? Do you see how silly this looks?

Keep in mind, this whole thing started when I defended Dr. Ortiz against NM's claims. Do I work for him too? I flat out tell people my personal preference in docs is Aceves and Rumbaut and why they are my choices. Do I work for all three of these docs? What about Zapata? I've defended him as well regarding bogus claims. Will you assume I work for him?

We were able to demonstrate quite well that Dr. G's patient coordinators not only post here but come up with various IDs when they need additional support. Folks are still doing it, aren't they? :)

One odd thing I have noticed, you copied the posts to me but you "forgot" to post my responses yet you suddenly feel the need to ask again vs. reading and posting my replies. Considering these issues have already been addressed, why wouldn't you post it all? Any reason for that? You wouldn't be attempting to make this appear different than reality, would you? It would appear that I am the only one pushing for facts, neutrality, and being objective. I am the only one explaining that my doc isn't a good fit for everyone just as your doc is not a good fit for everyone. I am the only one suggesting more than one doctor yet you feel the need to ask me (again) if I am a patient coordinator? There are lots of good doctors out there. Choosing one depends a great deal on personal preference (such as close to the border, not close to the border, clinic vs. hospital, etc.) and not just who is "nice" vs. not.

Why is it that Dr. Gonzales patients are free to post bogus claims about other docs but if someone dares to post facts about your doc, the world comes to an end? Sounds fishy to me.

I have posted facts, you guys have posted slams, insults, as well as inferences that I am a patient coordinator. Funny how that works.

Are YOU a patient coordinator? Do you make money from pushing people to go to your doc? Do you recruit patients?

Do you realize how this whole thing has come to be? Someone slammed Dr. Ortiz. I defended Dr. Ortiz. I posted Dr. G's 4% erosion stats. Two people were going to confirm with his office what the stats are. Instead of coming back and being honest (which quite frankly, I can't begin to understand why someone wouldn't know their docs stats before surgery regardless of which doc) instead after my claim was verified I suddenly become a target, am slammed and insulted and now the inference that I am a patient coordinator.

Do you honestly think you are making your doc look good this way? You know what? Even if I was a patient coordinator, and I'm not, how would that change Dr. Gonzales' erosion stats? Are you under the impression that insulting me will change his numbers? Or is this just an attempt to redirect the topic?

I don't mind discussing stats, redirection, bogus claims, patient coordinators. I'll talk about it all week if you want. Your choice.

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"I do the same as you, I offer support, I offer suggestions, I offer thoughts, opinions, links, studies, stats, the works. Yet when I do it, it is somehow a horror. When you do it you are being supportive."

you said this earlier on this thread, yet there is another thread called "I hate people who post for the sake of posting" where you ceaselessly make fun of newbies questions! Often on that thread you are making fun of questions you JUST answered from newbies on the top part of the board! This seems to be something that's 'okay' to do. As often as you chime in on threads that have NOTHING to do with you, and I do mean OFTEN, I have to wonder exactly WHY you are on the board so much if you didn't have some weird agenda? What do you get out of this?

Everyone else comes here for support! apparently you dont need any and seem to know everything there is to know about everything, so why wont you just leave people alone and stay on your rants and raves section?

"I'll talk about it all week if you want"

Do you know why you will?

Have you ever looked around and realized that the rest of us have families and lives? That we don't sit ALL NIGHT EVERY NIGHT at the computer and this board trying to stir up trouble? Look at your last ten posts. How often do you get into an argument that you had no business getting into in the first place? What do you have against people who DO get out and have lives? Why do you hate us so much? I would argue that YOU are the passive aggressive one, that YOU are the one who stirs up trouble, and that its YOU who does this on a regular basis.

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I'm sorry Wasa, I do not mean to offend. I only asked if you are a patient coordinator because of other posts I have read elsewhere.

You also seem "defend" Dr. Ortiz by posting what you deem "concerning stats" about Gonzalez. I don't see the link. You are not the LBT sheriff.

I just don't see other than an intent to poison a thread filled with excellent references to Dr. Gonzalez, and frankly I think it's sad that someone like you can have two completely different sides.

Did you read the post by one of Dr. Ortiz patients where she writes how Ortiz himself told her by phone that follow up was not cost effective for him? I can understand cost effectiveness and I see the logic, but is it really necessary for an MD to actually say that to a patient who calls him for help and comfort? Many other patients have said Ortiz runs an assembly line and others say they feel like being herded. My point is not Ortiz and much less his practices. It is your obstinate mission to discredit doctor Gonzalez. You say you had to come out and "defend" doctor Ortiz by discrediting doctor Gonzalez, do you really think he needs defending? I don't think a surgeon who claims to have done over 4000 lap band surgeries, says he is the best and has his own Forum needs defending. I also fail to see how discrediting one surgeon defends another.

I used to read many of your posts before I got banded and found many of them useful. I even admired you for a time because back then you seemed very knowledgeable. As time with my band has passed and I have studied, read and researched I have honestly found some of the information you provide in your posts to be mistaken. I know you don't do it intentionally but you do it regardless.

Like other members have posted, sharing support, advice, helpful hints is the reason for this Forum. It helps us deal and make the best of band life. It helps us when we're down and is here for us to share when we're happy and glad to lose weight. I feel you have lost focus on the reasons for us being here.

I'm not a doctor pusher like you have said. I'm not a lap band newbie anymore. I got surgery with doctor Gonzalez and like everyone else who posts on this thread, had the best experience of my life, professionally, physically, and emotionally. Why is it that in all this time it has been only you posting negative things about such a great doctor? Don't you see how that makes you look? It contaminates the good that you have done with the good advice that you have given in many other instances. It makes you look bad because it seems like you do in fact have an obvious agenda. You may not, but it looks like you do. You are a good person. I just think you need to re-focus and rethink the basic reasons for the existence of this Forum. We don't need a sheriff, we need someone who with their experience in life and in band life can help us make our bad days better.


I love you all. Thank you for reading this.

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When you stop using a play ID and start using your real ID we'll chat. In the meantime I have no use for you or your never ending slams and insults under this ID or the other.


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I'm sorry Wasa, I do not mean to offend. I only asked if you are a patient coordinator because of other posts I have read elsewhere.

Well, it is offensive because you read the posts and reposted them yet you declined to post my response. That does make it look as though you posted it with an agenda. Is that something to be respected? Seems a bit deceptive to me.

You also seem "defend" Dr. Ortiz by posting what you deem "concerning stats" about Gonzalez.

No, I did not. I defended Ortiz against a claim that is simply untrue. Just as I responded to you when you PMed me, if someone wants to write something negative about any doc, at least make it something factual. Something true. If a doctor is so bad there is a need to warn others against him at least use facts and not a single case history. "My friend said blah blah blah thus that doctor is bad and mean and he's that way with everyone." Nope, not buying it.

Besides, if someone is going to post something typically untrue against another doc, why isn't it fair game to post the truth about their own doc? You seem to have one set of rules for one doctor and a completely different set of rules for your own doctor. You may see this as fair, objective, equal, balanced, and truthful. I don't.

I just don't see other than an intent to poison a thread filled with excellent references to Dr. Gonzalez, and frankly I think it's sad that someone like you can have two completely different sides.

POISON a thread? Are you serious? By posting a doc's stats that is poisoning a thread? The ONLY claim I have made about Dr. G is his stats. Nothing else. You consider that poisoning a thread???

I believe the majority of people posting on this board are adults and they can decide for themselves if posting a doc's stats is poison or not. It would only be poison to a patient coordinator. Can't let those pesky facts out, can we?

Did you read the post by one of Dr. Ortiz patients where she writes how Ortiz himself told her by phone that follow up was not cost effective for him? I can understand cost effectiveness and I see the logic, but is it really necessary for an MD to actually say that to a patient who calls him for help and comfort?

I agree completely. That wasn't the brightest of things to say to a patient. But there is a difference between not being proactive in calling patients after surgery vs. declining to return phone calls when a patient has a question or problem. That was my issue. I don't agree with the lack of follow up care either, I agree with you. But there is still a big difference between not being proactive and ignoring phone messages.

Many other patients have said Ortiz runs an assembly line and others say they feel like being herded. My point is not Ortiz and much less his practices. It is your obstinate mission to discredit doctor Gonzalez.

Posting a docs stats is not discrediting him. Posting incorrect info about another doc is discrediting him. How come you don't have a problem with discrediting other doctors?

You say you had to come out and "defend" doctor Ortiz by discrediting doctor Gonzalez, ...

Um, I never made that claim. You did.

I also fail to see how discrediting one surgeon defends another.

I don't know, perhaps you folks could explain that to me.

Why is it that in all this time it has been only you posting negative things about such a great doctor?

What negative "things" have I written about your doc? I've flat out claimed that I don't know if he is a bad doc or the best. Not a clue. I posted HIS stats. If you feel this is negative then perhaps you need to take it up with him. Honestly, with these wild claims you make it sound like I write a post to every person on this forum explaining that Dr. G is a horror for a doc and nobody should go to him. Show me such a post. I challenge you, show me such a post.

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It is truly not my intention to offend anyone here and I have no intention of getting into an argument with anyone, but SERIOUSLY PEOPLE, ENOUGH ALREADY!

Wasa: your erosion stats have been posted repeatedly. There is not a single person on this thread who has not seen them by now. I have been reading your posts for months now and have found so much of what you say to be extremely helpful and informative. When I go looking for answers to my questions, you are one of the handful of people whos posts I really take to heart because you really seem to know what you're talking about, and I've been seriously impressed and inspired by your success, congrats on reaching your goal, btw. I guess right now I'm just wondering what it is that you hope to accomplish here? We've already been banded by Dr Gonzalez, so obviously no one is going to change their mind and go get re-banded by someone else. I have no opinion whatsoever on who is right, who is wrong, which doc is the best, whether or not you're a patient coordinator, or whether my band is more likely to erode because it was placed by Dr G and not by someone else.

Everyone: As a patient who has only been banded a month I still consider myself a newbie, and I come to this thread for support and reinforcement by other patients who also went to Dr G. Maybe those of us who just want to check up on each other and actually discuss how we feel, what we're eating, and what sort of issues we're having with our bands can start a separate thread. I'm not usually one to try to be a peace maker, and in general I love a good argument just as much as the next person, but maybe all of you who want to bait each other and pursue this repetitive and apparently unending discussion could take it to Rants/Raves or to PM so the rest of us dont have to sift through it? Or, since everyone appears to have already made their point more than once, maybe you could just drop it?


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jesse55, christene, Blueeyedkitt, sweethazel and whoever I have missed :confused::girl_hug::(:girl_hug::D

Perhaps it would be best to just ignor WASBAs negetive posts and only respond to her positive helpful posts. That way we could sort of 'drain the poison out'

jessie55 thank you and I'm glad I've been a support for you. So many good people have helped me too. We've taken a giant step for ourselves and :clap2:for our new start in life.

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even her accusations are wrong.

If you think she's such a great support, go check out the 'people who post just to post' thread and see how she makes fun of you.

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