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October List of Surgery's

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@@irishaggie I go once about 6 to 7 days then I have to drink Miralax for a couple of days to get things going. I know I don't get enough Water or Protein so I'm drinking a cinnamon roll shake with 30 grams of Protein hoping that helps with the hunger. I know I need to walk more and need to get out daily. I'm stuck in a rut and it's lasted for a while. I'm feeling like a big failure, and I have been telling myself "I can't even do this right"

It sounds like your not getting enough to eat or drink going that far out. I'm having to take miralax every other day. And sometimes everyday. I take it with my Water in the evening. My routine is working really well for me & I too never feel completely full, glad other's are experiencing this too. I just measure all food out so I don't eat more than 1/2 cup. My routine is a premiere Protein Shake in the morning 30g protein & I drink 1 16oz of water till lunch. At lunch I will eat 1/2 cup of chili, or ham & Beans, or cottage cheese with unflavored protein power, or yogurt with unflavored Protein powder. I get those 32oz Powerade zero fruit punch flavored & add a scoop of unflavored Protein Powder to it & drink it after lunch till dinner 21gr protein. dinner is a small piece of grilled chicken 1/4c & 1/4 c cottage cheese. I drink my last 16oz water after dinner till bed. I put miralax every other night in my after dinner water. I have one snack a day of string cheese. That gives me my 64oz of water & over 60gr of protein. I haven't weighed but I can tell by my cloths I'm loosing. I'm not exercising but I'm walking for 30min. (somedays not every 2x a day). I was stuck in a rut too when everyone else lost so much more than I the 1st two weeks (5 lbs) for me, so I had to stay away from the scale. Your not a failure, you took a big chance to have surgery & I think you are very brave!!! You had your surgery 1 week after me so your a little over 3 weeks & I didn't feel like doing much or have energy till after the 3 weeks, & with my routine, I'm finally feeling like my old self. You will too! Give yourself time & maybe a routine like mine will help. If I don't get my water or protein I feel it the next day & can tell. Let me know how you are doing, I will be thinking about you!

Edited by 60&goin4it

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@@irishaggie I go once about 6 to 7 days then I have to drink miralax for a couple of days to get things going. I know I don't get enough Water or Protein so I'm drinking a cinnamon roll shake with 30 grams of Protein hoping that helps with the hunger. I know I need to walk more and need to get out daily. I'm stuck in a rut and it's lasted for a while. I'm feeling like a big failure, and I have been telling myself "I can't even do this right"

@@irishaggie I go once about 6 to 7 days then I have to drink miralax for a couple of days to get things going. I know I don't get enough Water or protein so I'm drinking a cinnamon roll shake with 30 grams of protein hoping that helps with the hunger. I know I need to walk more and need to get out daily. I'm stuck in a rut and it's lasted for a while. I'm feeling like a big failure, and I have been telling myself "I can't even do this right"

@@kvoneye, please don't think that way! I totally get it because I am queen of saying, "ah, screw it", lol, and I have been discouraged, too, lately, but if I have learned one thing it is that way of thinking is a recipe for failure… we are still learning and I have faith that this monumental physical change we've experienced will be equally matched with a monumental shift mentally, as well…

Even truly believing this, I still fight against the feeling that "I should be further along" or wondering why I crave things and others don't, so what am I doing wrong, etc. I'm learning, like @@60&goin4it has already said, that comparing ourselves can be a really negative thing and we are bound to be disappointed with our results if we continue to think that what we are experiencing is abnormal… I've, like you guys, have read a lot of posts about WLS and what you describe is so very common… it is just easier for us to see this than it is for you to self realize… we are just too hard on ourselves.

I'm October 8 surgery and weight flew off me at first and then (again) it has completely stopped. I keep over analyzing every little choice I made, wondering if I am doing something wrong. Truth is, it is a pretty common knowledge that we WILL lose weight if we've had RNY, no matter what we do in the very beginning… it is what we do after that "honeymoon" period that matters. SO, we are really just practicing and learning right now, preparing ourselves for when the food and exercise decisions really matter.

That being said, I'll admit that is my new, latest and greatest obsession, lol… THAT I AM LEARNING ALL THE WRONG STUFF! I was freaking out a little yesterday thinking I would resort back to my old ways just because I did not put veggies on my chicken crust pizza and had a sugar-free Werther the other day. A WLS veteran wrote somewhere that we newbies are still just learning, obsessed with our food choices, and that this will be easier for us down the line. Just 6 short weeks ago, practically, we were eating whatever we wanted (or at least I was!) and this surgery, while huge, is not a magic button that we push and forever rid ourselves of any bad eating habits. Reading this, stuff I already knew, mind you, made me feel so much better. I am not "screwing up, already"… I am just learning and I will succeed! We all will :)

Sorry for the rambling post… I am trying to squeeze in a lot of thoughts and the thoughts seem to change by the minute, lol, so my post is really just a reflection of my mind right now… all over the place ;)

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Just a quick note in this thread to update. I had my surgery on Oct 26 as scheduled, but just like the first time, the surgeon could not make my intestine reach close enough to my stomach to do it with tension (although he said it was much much closer due to the weight loss on the month of liquid diet I'd done). I woke up with the gastric sleeve, a big disappointment to me but I'm making the best of it. Have lost 11 lbs since surgery and have had no pain or nausea since I left the hospital. Just hope I can avoid eating the things which got me up to this weight in the first place, without the threat of dumping. Best of luck to you all!

So many have so much success with the sleeve... I really wanted the sleeve, but RNY was my only option due to a history of reflux :( so much of what I've read on both surgery experiences mimic with other to a huge degree... Sleevers have many of the same (desirable) restrictions as GBer's do it seems...

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I am three weeks out from surgery today.

Although I struggle with it everyday, I have found a way to get in both my Water and my Protein everyday. I eat 4 times a day - but it feels like I am constantly eating - I am always so full! I have been able to get my calorie intake from 350 to 650 a day (they want me at 800). I will keep working on that. I see my NUT in a week.

I am walking about and hour a day. Saturday I went back to the pool for the first time and made myself stay there for a half hour doing cardio and aerobic Water exercises. It wore me out and I had to go home and take a 3 hour nap! Before surgery, I stayed in the pool 1 1/2 hours a day swimming, stretching and exercising so I am hopping that in time I will be able to stretch my time in the pool out to an hour. After my surgeon's okay I think I will try some weights.

My weight has been stalled since the second week. @@60&goin4it I feel your frustration. I am 59 and am wondering whether my body is just taking longer to heal or to recover from the anesthesia. Anyway, I am not going to stress too much over it and just try to keep keeping on! I know that in time it will happen.

I am off my blood pressure meds - My BP this morning was 113/61 That is good! Although I am still on insulin for my diabetes, it is very little and my endocrinologist assures me that it won't be long before my diabetes is in remission. That will be a very huge victory for me.

Even though my weight isn't dropping, my clothes are lol - it is very difficult to wear anything I have in my closet without looking dumpy and completely lost in the fabric.

Anyway, that is where I am at - at this point, it seems as though my days are filled with trying to get the necessary nutrients in. It is worth it, though. My energy level has increased so much this past week and I actually almost feel like my old self.

keep on keeping on :)

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@@miiasan I just turned 60 in Sept. so I'm thinking the age may have a little to do with the slower loss of weight. I go back to the Doctor's on the 19th & will weigh then. Everything is going so well, even my incisions are so much better & small.

You all are so great to run things by & have going through this journey! Helping each other to not give up & we all have our moments of feeling like we aren't doing enough!! We will get there!!!!! Look out everyone, the October list is going to be a great success in weight loss!!!! We might have to have a convention next year!!!

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Hi guys!! Just wanted to know if anyone has heard anything about Ron.

I also wanted to say that you guys are an encouragement for me. I thought I was going to be in the October group but I haven't had my surgery. Seeing your posts have helped me to keep on fighting. You guys are doing it!!! One day soon I'll be on the losers' bench!!????

Edited by GBLady41

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I called my doctor about my consistent vomitting.

And he lectured me... said I was eating too much. That it doesn't matter if I only eat one bite. If I'm full, stop. Period. That my nutrients are coming from my Protein Drinks, Water and Vitamins.

Then I told him how tired I always was and nauseated.

Again. Lectured.

Not drinking enough Protein (which I haven't been... been about 20g a day) and not enough Water which nauseous is the first sign of dehydration. And I haven't been getting 64 oz in, only about 40.

But today I did so much better. And no vomitting. Except this morning before I called. Which was all phlem/snot. I'm getting a cold I think.

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Hi guys!! Just wanted to know if anyone has heard anything about Ron.

I also wanted to say that you guys are an encouragement for me. I thought I was going to be in the October group but I haven't had my surgery. Seeing your posts have helped me to keep on fighting. You guys are doing it!!! One day soon I'll be on the losers' bench!!

Ron had another set back. He came home from the hospital & was taken back to the hospital for a possible blood clot in his lungs. So far haven't heard anymore. Praying for a full recovery for him!

You can still be in our Oct. group! Have you gotten a date yet?

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I called my doctor about my consistent vomitting.

And he lectured me... said I was eating too much. That it doesn't matter if I only eat one bite. If I'm full, stop. Period. That my nutrients are coming from my Protein drinks, Water and Vitamins.

Then I told him how tired I always was and nauseated.

Again. Lectured.

Not drinking enough Protein (which I haven't been... been about 20g a day) and not enough Water which nauseous is the first sign of dehydration. And I haven't been getting 64 oz in, only about 40.

But today I did so much better. And no vomitting. Except this morning before I called. Which was all phlem/snot. I'm getting a cold I think.

Its so hard to get it all in when you have to sip everything! But I know for me everyday that I don't get 64oz of water & at least 60g of protein the next day I feel terrible. So once you start getting the amounts in you will feel better & have more energy. Sending you hugs & I hope if its a cold it goes away soon!

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The only way I can get Water I'm is taking bigger drinks. I have no pain with it,but I do struggle with getting 64oz. I know some days I starving and that's when I know I don't get enough Protein in. I'm hoping by taking bigger drinks,I'm not stretching my new pouch. That's all I need is to fail at this too. I asked my dr if I could take bigger drinks and the reply I got was "I don't know,can you?" When it comes to eating I take smaller bites and chew until it almost dissolves. After a few min I just stop eating. I'm not necessarily full yet. What am I doing wrong? I fear I've stretched the pouch. On another note, I hope everything goes well for Ron and everyone else that is struggling.

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The only way I can get Water I'm is taking bigger drinks. I have no pain with it,but I do struggle with getting 64oz. I know some days I starving and that's when I know I don't get enough Protein in. I'm hoping by taking bigger drinks,I'm not stretching my new pouch. That's all I need is to fail at this too. I asked my dr if I could take bigger drinks and the reply I got was "I don't know,can you?" When it comes to eating I take smaller bites and chew until it almost dissolves. After a few min I just stop eating. I'm not necessarily full yet. What am I doing wrong? I fear I've stretched the pouch. On another note, I hope everything goes well for Ron and everyone else that is struggling.

I was wondering about the bigger drinks because I also no longer sip my liquids, I take normal size drinks this last week & it does help get in your water so I hope were not doing harm. On the eating I'm the same as you, small bites chew well & when I reach a 1/2 of cup I just stop. I never feel too full & never have that I can't eat anymore except with chicken I get a full sensation at about 1/3 c . I haven't felt nausea nor like I will vomit etc. I have no hunger except when I haven't ate in a long time & its just a slight feeling I need to eat. So hopefully we are doing very well!!! One of the things that I have a hard time with is making myself walk a little farther every day. I seem to still poop out to soon. I may need more protein but I will wait till I go back to the dr. to see how much I have lost & what I need to do to get the weight coming off, still don't feel like I have lost much for over 1month now.

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My dr says to sip 2-3 oz an hr.

My dr says to sip 2-3 oz an hr.

I wonder how you would get in 64oz a day? 3oz x 16 hrs. 48oz ?

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3 oz times 24 hrs is 72oz yeah,that's not happening.

I don't think I will be getting up during the night to drink! lol

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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