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Pregnant and Banded...come join me!

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I would recommend getting all the fill taken out. The baby is going to need all the room to grow and you want to make sure the baby gets all the nutients it needs. If you keep some fill you might not be able to eat everything. Plus believe me your stomach is going to change during pregnancy....for the better:)

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I am sure everything will work out for you. You can just start loosing weight again after you have the baby. If you were in Texas I would recommend my OB/GYN since I was only 5 month into my surgery when I found out I was 4 months pregnant. Good Luck and let me know when you hear the good news!

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What an awesome story you have to tell that little baby! You are right, if not losing a pound was part of the deal and getting baby instead, it would be worth every penny! CONGRATS!! Your story is so inspiring. I'm curious if you are nursing? I know our bodies are all so different but it seems like nursing would cause someone to be tighter than before. As much as I'm fighting it, I'm taking my Dr.'s advice and getting an total unfill. I would be so mad at myself if left a little fill in - just being stubborn - and then had a complication and lost my band or damaged my stomach. This is just going to have to be all about the baby and your right - I can lose 25lbs again. I've lost 100, what is another 25. LOL If you can still eat too much, I would consider another small fill, it can't hurt :smile2: Anyway, congrats!!! and thanks for sharing.

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Hi, I have a date for my banding and it is 5/23. I had asked my OBGYN and my Surgeon who is doing the banding and they both did not give me a 1-year time limit to wait for pregnancy. My OBGYN told me to drop 40 lbs, making me around 200 lbs, and that as soon as I did that I could try and get pregnant. My Surgeon said, right after surgery isn’t a good idea, but he agreed that 40 lbs lighter would be the goal and he was fine with that. Neither recommended a complete unfill unless it was necessary. They also both know each other, which I hope helps… Anyway, it just seems like this is different recommendation than most of what everyone has been posting. I am 32 with no children, so I am going ahead with the banding. A family member, who has also been banded, has lost 45 pounds since September…. So I am guessing that I could reach that goal in less than a year. What does everyone think?

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Isn't it funny how each Dr. is at a different point with their recommendations. My Dr is from Mexico and he is ultra conservative. My suggestion is that every do what their dr recommends. We wouldn't have chosen our dr if didn't trust them with our lives. That is great that both your dr's agree and your right you should be down 40lbs in no time at all. I have read that some dr's recommend the 1 yr waiting period so that your band is done healing in the place they want it to stay and the scarring is complete around it. I knew going into the banding, I was going to wait a year because we are doing IVF, so the money wouldn't be there any sooner :huh2:

Good luck with your banding and let us know how it goes.

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web - I think you can definitely make that goal. I lost about 35lbs my first 4 months out from banding! I also did not have any time limits about when to get pregnant. I was banded in January, started trying in May, but, as it happened, didn't get preggo till December anyway. So, I was almost a year out, but not by choice and not by dr restriction. I also was not required to get a complete unfill. In fact, I wasn't required to get any unfill at all -- the only reason I did was because I got super tight in the 5th or 6th week. He only took out about .5ccs. All has been well so far.

I guess my point is, don't stress about your doc's suggestions being different than most others. If you look in some other areas, docs differ about all kinds of things -- from post-op diet to post-PB suggestions. There's a million different schools of thought with this stuff. But at least you can know that you are not alone with the kind of suggestions your doc makes -- they are mostly on par with things I was told. So, all good! :huh2:

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hello all! are there any new babies? i thought i would share my personal horror story. no, nothing is wrong with baby but...last week i went in for my weekly ultrasound (i am old and have chronic hypertension so i get them weekly now) and the us tech screwed up BIG TIME and told me the sex of the baby!!! i have waited 37 weeks and have 2 more to go til my scheduled c-section (baby is breech) and this idiot tells me that i am having a boy. i am thrilled about any healthy baby but i wanted the surprise! so the hopsital has sent me flowers and i think they are tembling in their boots b/c it is unlawful to tell unless asked and they are afraid of a lawsuit. (which is one of those frivoulous ones that irritate me so i would never do it!) however, i want to make sure this NEVER happens again. i was crushed! i waited 10 years and did several rounds of ivf to get this wonderful surprise with no surprise now. anyway, only 9 days left til i get to meet my baby boy!

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I don't want to know the sex of my baby either. I love surprises and you get so few great/nice ones in life. I feel bad for you. I guess there are worse things and I'm glad that you found out only 9 days prior to delivery. At least you got to go most of your pregnancy without knowing. I'm betting you'll laugh about it some day. But, yeah, that tech needs to NEVER repeat that mistake! congratulations and best of luck with the delivery!

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I feel for you girl.I would have been really pissed :angry_smile:too if that would have happened. Just think of the other surprises you will get once he is born.....who will he look like, how much will he weight, does he have hair. There will still be lots of suprises. When I had my baby girl I knew she was a girl but expected her to be about 6lbs. she ended up weighting 8 pounds 3 oz. I was shocked! Anyway, sorry to hear about your disappointment but try not to let it get you down. Now you can think of all the exciting things to do with a boy.:lol:

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Dezadoo -- what a bummer!!! I would have been so disappointed too. And you were so close!

Come back and let us know how everything goes!

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So, finally, here’s my story:

So I was induced on the 22nd because they thought that the baby wasn’t getting enough food from my placenta. I took my Tylenol PM the night before, but OFCOURSE I barely slept a wink. I had to get up at 3am to get ready to go to the hospital an hour or so away, and had to be there at 5:30 am. I got there and everything was going great, I filled out all the scary paperwork and got into my gown and laid in the delivery bed. I guess my old anxiety issues are still around, I just have learned to manage them, because as soon as she put my IV in I started having a hot flash from the pits of Hell itself, and I finally said something to the nurse when the room starting going black. All I said (very weakly) was, “Can I please sit up some, I feel dizzy.” She asked me something else, but I guess when she saw my eyes she freaked and snatched a nasal oxygen device down, inserted it and got me back to normal. They left me on that for a while, then they changed shifts and I got my new nurse named Sheba. They started my Oxytocin at 6:45AM and I instantly started having small contractions. I made it to 2cm without any problems, just felt like cramping. When I was almost 4cm they gave me some Staydol to help me rest at noon. I slept for an hour (felt great! It was like I had been asleep forever!) When I woke up though (a contraction woke me up) I was worse than before, when she checked me I was a full 4cm. They came with the epidural finally!!! At about 1:10ish, and ofcourse the last thing I want to see is a man, and that’s who did the epidural! I was a little rude, but apologized later. I was of all things pretty nice all day considering the circumstances, I only snapped at my mom like once or twice, and just made smart jokes throughout the day, nothing to be offensive, it was actually pretty funny!! After my epidural everything was peachy! (*Insert advice* GET THE EPIDURAL!!! The creator deserves a Nobel peace prize!) I didn’t feel ANYTHING at all! Throughout the day my entourage in the waiting room (grandparents, dad, aunt, friends, so forth and so on) kept checking on me and stayed with me. My aunt and mom stayed in the room with me most of the time, my aunt especially. She never left my side for more than 5 mins. Well I stayed at 4cm for hours, and my blood pressure kept dropping lower and lower, they would get it back up and it would drop again! They even put me on my hands and knees for an hour trying to get the baby to move down, and all it did was drop my BP. The nurse had called the doctor, who was just getting off work at her office and had to take her son somewhere, and she said she would be there at about 7, which was dandy because I wasn’t feelin anything lol! I told everyone that had been waiting ALLL day to go ahead and go get something to eat, that the doctor would come at 7 (it was about 5:50pm) and that I would probably have to get a C-section because I wasn’t progressing AT ALL! I had been stuck at a 4 for about 5 hours! So they all left. At 6pm I told the nurse that if she didn’t take out my catheter that I was going to take it out myself, it was bothering me SO much…I knew something weird was going on. The only people that had stayed at the hospital were my mom and my Godson’s mother (whom Ive barely spoken to over the past 2 years due to busy schedules). I was talking to them, mainly the GS’s mom when I felt a twinge of cramp. I just calmly looked at my mom and said, “I think my epidural is wearing off, you better go tell them I need some more before they go off shift.” Well, my GS’s mom’s eyes got HUGE and she said, “Jodie your epidural hasn’t really worn off, that contraction was BIG!” By the time the nurse got back in the room she checked me and I was at 6cm at 6pm! She went to call the doctor, and my GS’s mom was delegated to calling the family at the restaurant to get them to come back…when the nurse got back, I had tears in my eyes and I could feel the pressure. It wasn’t necessarily pain at all, it was just pressure. Then she checked me and I was at 8CM, and it was maybe 6:08 lol! From there it was like everything was moving in slow motion. They finally got everything set up and I got to starting pushing at about 6:20, when I went all the way to a 10! My GS’s mom got stuck in the room, literally…she was going to be in there no matter what because she was in the bathroom calling people (only place we got any cell service) and updating them because everything was moving so fast! They didn’t have time to call the doctor again, and so 3 nurses and mom and GS’s mom delivered my baby! Lol! At that point I didn’t care who delivered her, I needed to get her out. I will tell yall that it didn’t hurt once I started pushing, all I could do was concentrate on pushing. It was just this tremendous instinct to push!! I couldn’t help it! The baby was born at 6:42pm…right after they cut her umbilical cord, the doctor finally rushed in with the biggest smile on her face….UNTIL she saw the baby lying on the table already born and her face fell and she REALLY looked disappointed and said, “I missed it.” I felt so bad for her, she was sooooo excited…but she couldn’t speed and stuff with her son in the car…I understand completely. Sheba and the other ladies did a TERRIFIC job! I just cant believe that I gave birth! It feels so weird not being pregnant…Ive lost 20lbs, but I still want to play with my belly even though it isn’t there!! I miss that little thing squirming inside me…I feel empty….but Im also so relieved…shes healthy and happy…she weighed 5lbs 14oz and is up to 6lbs 1oz today :party: I love her more than Ive ever loved anyone or anything ever before!!!!! She is the greatest accomplishment of my entire life!!! So that’s my story, I wanted to post it so maybe I could entertain someone for a couple of minutes…Well I have to feed my new baby girl…love you ladies and good luck!!!

P.S. my lapband has started working since she came out, and Im getting a fill on the 12th!! Im ready to get to losin again!

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Jodie, big hugs and congratulations to you! What a day! :frown:

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Hey Jodie.

Thanks for the detailed recap. I think that helped me, somehow calmed my nerves about delivery, even thugh its quite a few months out (Nov). I know everyone's story is different, but somehow soothing when everything turns out great & you get a healthy baby.

I bought one of the fetal doppler monitors. I can't hear the baby's heartbeat. But, I'm not going to panic. I think I just don't know how to use it. I'm going to practice with it. Kind of funny. I opened it in the kitchen, the directions said to use some kind of gel or oil on the monitor or on your belly. Well, being in the kitchen, I ended up spreading a little olive oil on my belly. :blush:

When is a good month to register for baby gifts? I'm at 3 1/2 months now. But, of course, I'm so excited and I've been buying stuff like crazy off Craig's list. hey, any excuse to shop!

Congrats again Jodie!!


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HI Ladies,

It has been a while again since I posted. My son is 3 months old now (today).. wow has it been a journey. He has been very colic, and also a very urgent eater. Unfortunatly he would not latch on for anything, as he just wasnt getting enough fast enough. So I pump, and he gets it through bottle, but even on medications, I still don't produce enough milk, so he gets both formula and breast milk. I can say I was so not expecting how severe the lack of sleep really was/is. I was so tired, and cranky.. and having a colic screaming baby was very trying to deal with! However, he is much better now, he sleeps at night now, waking usually around 3 am and 6 am to eat, sometimes he doesnt wake till 4 or 5 .. I love those nights!! I too have never felt so much love, even when he is screaming and the neighbours think I am pinching him..lol he is sooo loud! Even my doctor was surprised at how loud and how piercing his cry is. He is a healthy baby however, he has almost doubled in weight! He was 8 13, now he is 14lbs 2 oz at 3 months old. He is also now 24.5 inches he was born at 20.5! He is a big boy!! I see other babies born before him or around the same time and they still look like babies, my son looks like a 9 month old! He refuses to do anything but stand when we are holding him.. he hates to sit!

Jodie Congrats on your daughter! Glad it all worked out, even though the doctor didnt make it on time!

Congrats to all the other new moms to be!

Baby calls! bfn ladies!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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