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umm OB wins and your surgeon should know that! Track your calories can you get in 1500??

yeah, my fill loosened up, as if a by miracle, this last week, and i can drink and eat "normally", you know deck of cards for meat sized servings. i feel so much better.

now i'm having awful Migraines and i can't do anything for them.

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Just found out that I am pregnant!!! Super excited...and well I have ran across this post several times but no need to stop untill now. So do you get unfilled?????? So many questions.....any advise...I am only 4 weeks.



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Congrats Sandra! As far as an unfill- most of the time it depends how tight you are. If you are still losing ( I see you are very close to goal!) then you may want to get slight unfills along the way. Until after babe comes then your band will be waiting for you.

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Woohoo! I FINALLY get a 3-D on April 7!!! Im so freakin excited!!! I just cant wait to see what she looks like in there :biggrin:

Bad news....Im almost to my pre-surgery weight....BUT if I lost it once, I can lose it again...and more....so I just gotta get my tubby butt out there and work it off after Fallon gets here....who ,btw, is probably only going to weigh in at 6-7lbs....strange because both my sister and I were a little over 9lbs a piece

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I'm 11 weeks pregnant. I went in and got a .5cc unfill at 5 weeks (when I started feeling morning sick) and then went in 2 days latter and got a complete unfill. My doctor said that as soon as I'm throwing up less than 2-3 times per week I can go in and get some fill put in so I won't gain too much weight durring the rest of the pregnancy. Right now I can eat normally (like my pre-band self) but somehow have managed to lose 7 lbs. I talked to my OB about getting a fill when I don't have any more morning sickness and she said it would be fine as long as I gained weight normally (15-20 lbs total since I'm at a BMI of 27). My bigest fear is gaining back the 50 lbs that I've worked so hard to loose.

Did anyone else get fill put back in after the morning sickness went away? Did anyone get a complete unfill for labor?

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After a month of "trying" and 3 negative tests... we've called it off... We have decided now is not the right time for us. We have some financial planning to do before we have a little addition to the family. We were both a bit down about it... but it'll be better in the long run.

...but if you guys don't mind... I'd like to still hang around...

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So.....I finally got up the nerve to try to contact the baby's father...well it wasnt really nerve, more like umph. I know I have EVERY right to try to contact him about stuff, I just HATE dealing with his stupid crap and OH God, his crap is NOTHING compared to how his girlfriend acts about things. I emailed him and myspace messged him asking him to give up his rights and told him how he would benefit from it. Im hoping he will go for it, it would help me so much and be so GREAT for the baby. I seriously woke up at 4 am this morning (well technically yesterday morning) and couldnt get it off my brain for some reason, and Ive been thinking about it all day (what I was going to say and if I should) and I finally just did it 2:30 this morning. I hope he even reads it, I just want him gone forever until my daughter decides she would want to meet him, and I will allow that if she is MATURE enough (I dont want her jumping his case, I just want her to meet him one day to say "hey Im your daughter, this is my life" and to answer any questions she might have). I will speak to him over the phone if he calls me and if he wants pictures from time to time I have no prob with that....I just dont want him to have any actual rights to her, however I dont intend on hiding them from one another.

Jeez, I just hope and pray he reads that email/message and responds in some form or fashion that is mature and reasonable, and not calling me all kinds of names and stuff....I just need him to submit to a DNA test and sign some paperwork and he will be as free and clear as he wants to be....I dont care if he falls off the freakin earth after that....its just easier than trying to find him 5 years (or whatever) down the road if I want to remarry and that husband would want to adopt her...Gah, I hate all this stress!!!!

P.S. Happy Easter Ya'll!! My family is pretty much taking the year off this year because next year's Easter is goin to be a big production!! lol

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well i cant believe im not in labour yet ...ok i know its not time yet but im doing all the motions ,i had contractions on friday night for 4 hours but they didnt get stronger and then last night for 6 hours still at same level i wasnt rushing into hospital as i didnt need pain relief and hospital only twenty minutes away they were strong but irregular and i was so exhausted by time they were waning off i just hope when i get to point of no return he comes quick and not too many nights of these practise ones .i have appointment for ante natal clinic on tuesday and if havent gone by then im going to beg for induction as still cant keep anything down and im so flipping hungry !!!!

on plus side i do think things are moving down there as im losing mucas but no bloody mucas yet but im pretty sure mucas plug breaking up ........eww gross.

im 38 weeks on tuesday !!!!!!!!!!!!!

melissa .....im sorry you have to put things on hold ,good things come to those that wait .....and its great you around to watch journey of others there should be plenty of tips and support here when you need it .

jodie..........what alot you have on your plate at the moment i hope things work out for you the way you want ...you never know the realisation that your ex is actually a father may mature him also ,though he may have a way to go to catch up with you ....your very brave ,it is so more awkward that he has girlfriend but then again im sure she be more than happy for him to not have little one in their lives but dont rush it you both wont know what you want til you see her ,yoou may want his support financial or emotional and he may see her and want to be part of her life ...........though you make sure it under your terms .........i wish you well concentrate on looking after yourself and the rest will work itself out .........dont make big decisions when your hormones running wild ...xx

raynie.........where are you ?are you doing ok ????

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NEVER IN a million years did i ever think i would post in a Pregnancy Thread...YES guys im pregnant, found out last week and i wasnt toooo happy about it,, i got 3 kids my oldest is 16 followed by 13 and then 9. my band was my focus , losing weight was my number 1 focus. and now im pregnant.. every1 around me is so excited and i must admit every1s support is making me accept it.. i mean dont take me wrong,, i love babies, im a childcare worker my house is like a 24hr day care centre but i had other future intentions like losing weight , for all u guys out there wondering if i used protection well yes we do but it was just once with out it,, :crying: thats all it takes hey,, well we are having a xmas baby,, my kids are so exxcited thats all i hear, the baby this, the baby that......how soon after finding out that ur pregos should u have an unfill? im so tight at the moment that i pretty much pb daily i have so much restriction that a sandwich could take half a day to eat and at times lately i have felt a bit light hearted...

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Nikki, I understand your concern, but the baby's father is no one that should be around children...much less his own. I have to make the decision because if anything happens to me, he could possibly get custody if they find him. He's not all there upstairs, thats major reason one why I left (he had this little girlfriend the next day after he got out of jail). He is already a father by the way, he has like a 3 or 4 year old son in that area (hes 7 hours away from me). He was married before and abandoned that family too. He has called me once during the whole pregnancy and he was very "high" on life if you know what I mean. I in no way want him around my child until she is old enough and mature enough to meet him. I wont get any financial support from him anyways because he cant hold and job, and if he does it only pays cash no check (he doesnt have a GED). I really dont even know him, I dated him for a while and was engaged to him, then I found out he wasnt AT ALL who he said he was (I mean right down to his family and stuff)....hes a pathological liar...Im not going to hide the fact that hes out there somewhere from my daughter...but I dont want him to be able to make a crazy move one day and show up wanting visitation and stuff...and its just easier to find him now than 5 years down the road when I want to remarry and my husband may want to adopt her and cant because parental rights to her are still with him. Hes REALLY good at disappearing...I know approximately where he is right now, so its just best to let this all be taken care of now.

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Hello everyone, Happy Late Easter...... Hope you all had a wonderful day!

I haven't logged in awhile cause it keeps deleting my password... /ugh. I hate that. But I do read this thread every night. I just dont respond- its hard to look for my password in the middle of the night, but heck I am here tonight.

So where do I start- :crying:

Nikki- Gratz on making it to 38 weeks! How did you manage that? hehe.... I thought you would have popped by now .... 5 kids.... your not being very inspirational to me woman! heheh I hope to dear God that I dont go passed 38 weeks! I am a complete mess! I cant sleep at night- I ache all over, and I am so swollen everywhere. Warm showers do not help much- and by the time hubby starts the nightly massage- he falls asleep after 5 min!!! Then I have to pee like every 15 min. After- those fraking fake contractions start every night from 1 am till 5 am. They doing it right now as I type. I hate it. Along with that comes the dull back ache and tummy cramps, like I am getting a bad period. My tailbone feels like it split in two pieces and my hips hurt too! (I love venting here) ..... Every part of my body craves for a deep massage! A long massage! My mom is coming to help on April 4th! She will be here till May 17th to help out. I cant wait. I need some good cooked meals! The only thing I am craving is Meatloaf with tom gravy and mashed potatoes. MMMMMM........ now if I can manage to get that down, then Yays! Yes, I have been haveing issues with getting food down, I can only think it has to do with the baby has crammed all my innards right up to my stomach and it blocks things from passing thru the band and the real tummy. I dont pb everyday- I just have to eat very slowly and monitor the textures- mushy stuff passes best. But how much cream of wheat and applesauce can a girl eat? hehe... I am getting sick of this.

I went and had my 3d ultrasound done! We forked out $150- but it was worth it and fun! Turns out that at 33 weeks- he weighed 6 pounds and 2 oz already! His head is huge with chubby cheeks and he was head down in position. He was also sucking on my placenta! Talk about a wierd kid! I showed the pic to the doc, and he will do an internal exam April 2nd. Hopefully I am effaced alittle and a little dilated- so we can schedul a induction date. My moms bday is April 16th- so that day would be nice. If I can make it that long. I seem to be counting weeks and days... lol. I feel like a nut.

Ginaki- I can relate a little to you- I too have a full time daycare with my husband. We have 14 kids here that vary day to day on attendance- but for the most part- we work from 4:30 am till midnight mon- fri. Ihave 4 kids of my own ages- 14,13,8, and 5 and one on the way! This is my husbands first child, and I am thrilled to be having his baby. I wanted my lap band to have left me in better condition first- such as losing all my fat first but it didnt happen that way. Which is Gods plan, but I do have the tool to burn this fat off asap after the baby is born. Thats about the only encouraging advice I can give you, and Congratz! Just enjoy the moment! Also- keep your reciepts - cause its all a tax right off since your in childcare. I have spent almost $4000 on stuff. hehe and my inlaws spent $3000. This baby is diffentely spoiled by far. I think of it this way- its my last one, I am getting to tie my tubes this time around- so I am entitled to splurge at least once! Its been fun shopping.

However, being in Childcare business.... is stressful and exhaustion. The only solution my hubby and I came up with- to avoid closing for a long period of time is this plan- of course the odds of it going this way is slim- but my wish is-

We will close early on the 15th of April - 3 pm- leave my 4 kids with my mom- and hubby and I will head out to this luxorious hotel about 30 min away from our house. its also 30 min away from the hospital. We would spend the night- and have in room massages- the have prenatal massage! Yays! I also want a head scalp massage and a foot and leg massage. We would then soak in the huge tub next to the fireplace and totally relax, as we look outside watching the spring gardens bloom. Then a good nights sleep.... yeah right.. hehe wake up the next morning I would get a spa peddicre, manicure, and get my hair in a nice up-do and a make-up application. Then off to the hospital for my induction. Hopefully and early afternoon induction, and my mom can meet us there with the kids. I dont want them in the room though- they can wait in the waiting room. I am sure my mom will be in for the last few minutes of pushing, along with dh mom. I just hope to God I dont poop while pushing. Ewwww.....

So we have the babe on Wed, then I go home on Sat morning- no daycare till Mon. We would only have to close daycare for 3 days. It would be nice if it happened that way!

Actually it sounds more like a dream come true. hehe Ok I need to pee again and go sit in my rocking chair- which I think causes more contractions .... anyone else notice this?

I love you all..... be safe, and gratz to all the newcomers!



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i went and had 1.3 cc's removed on Wedneday due to a total lack of nutrition. i have lost 5 lbs since then. i'm down to 201 now, from 228 (probably when i got pregnant).

dh mad..thinks i need to eat more, i think i'm eating fine now. i do feel better now that i can eat an actual meal.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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