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surprise pregnancy !

i had my lap band surgery in september of 2006, i was 240 lbs and by january i was 201 lbs to my surprise. in the time i was busy concentrating on my weight loss i received a big surprise i was pregnant! and the shocker was i was three months meaning two months after the surgery.

my biggest concern was the health of the baby and luckly everything went smooth through out my 9 months.

i tried to eat as healthy as i could because of my baby, every nutrient counted because of the short period after surgery.

i am happy to say i had a healthy baby boy and only managed to gain 20 pounds. Now six months later i have lost the 20 pounds i gained, but i am having difficulty losing weight because i dont take the time to feed myself with a new baby. so please dont get does bad habits after pregnancy.

the best advise i can give you is to enjoy every moment you are pregnant

it is a great feeling and more common than you think for us lap-band groupees. And the reward is worth all the sacrifices

i remeber my DOCTOR when he was giving a seminar and he mentioned that once you have the surgery you should take the neccesary pre-cautions to not conceive. little did we know ! ha ha



WOW that is crazy!! lol I was worried because the dentist took xrays last week lol! I used a lead apron, but Im a worry wort...much less figuring out I had had surgery while I was pregnant and didnt know....WOW! However, I know that some people have the surgery to be able to conceive....plus I was only 18 when I had mine, I would think that my doctor would know that I planned to have kids one day (although this wasnt exactly planned lol)...I dont think there is anything wrong with conceiving after the surgery, its actually beautiful, plus you can teach your kids to to eat healthy...

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Okay....now Im starting to sound like a hypochondriac....but seriously....ugh! I feel like everything is going haywire...okay here it is...

K, so Ive always been big...so Im familar with the little heat bumps and rashes that us big gals get between our thighs thanks to friction. Thats why I rarely wear anything but pants. I got down to about a size 12 at my smallest, and still got them when I wore skirts a dresses....yes they are irritable, but not unbearable...So about 3 or 4 days ago I felt a little stinging pain between my thighs (very close to my netherregion) and dismissed it as that since Ive been having night sweats and wearing a little night gown, I figured it was just that, and it was worse just because I am bigger now. I must admit I dont really look too often because its difficult with my expanding belly lol. So I assumed thats what it was....well it has worsened over the past few days and as gross as it sounds I havent been able to bathe well until last night because of my back. I decided to check out the pain down there, and didnt really notice anything but a little irritated skin, which I attributed to the sweating and higher body temperature....so today after my bath, Im sitting around in my towel because although my back is better its still sore...so Im putting off getting dressed and enjoying being naked at home alone lol! So before I get dressed I decide Im going to make a concentrated effort to check this out because its starting to burn and hurt, not really itch though, and it feels like its spreading or something. So I prop myself up on a lot of pillows and manage to look past my belly and see my right inner thigh were the pain is coming from, and see that its not little bumps, but rather a rash like large red area, and its like a continous rash looking thing, but has a couple of large bumps, and the skin is really dry....I couldnt really position myself to see the left side, but I felt and it feels the same as the right...it really burns and hurts...its really uncomfortable :) UGH third trimester hits and its hell from day one lol!!! My pregnancy has been so smooth and quick, and now its like WHOA! Anyways, to be honest, it reminds me of diaper rash lol! I looked stuff up on the internet and it doesnt look like any of the pics Ive pulled up, so Im sure its not serious.....but it does hurt and is very bothersome....and cant go to the Dr until Monday...boo :crying:

HAHA anyways...the whole point behind even telling you guys is to ask if you think its due to the newly gained weight....its weird I will maintain the same weight for a long time, then gain all at once...so I was thinking htat my body may have gotten used to being thinner and now that Ive gotten larger again, its not used to it??? Or if maybe my hormones are causing this....They way it looks, Im scared the skin is going to crack EEP! Its really freaky looking :s GOd Im such a worry wart lol!

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jodie you poor thing it sounds so sore im sure it is a nappy type rash but it could be fungal infection and require a different type cream( canasten )works great and you need to get it clear before the birth or that would really really hurt ... just one of the many joys of pregnancy!!

i know what you mean though ive been so lucky in pregnancy so far and had no complaints now im on home straight i feel like never a day goes past im not moaning ..i aint bloomin now......lol

i have had second uti and im so exhausted all the time ,no weight gain so pressure all around me about the health of baby ,(going for check up tuesday)and now my little one aidan whos four is ill with high temperature runny nose ,eyes and headache and now measles type rash poor wee man before panic sets in im immunised so im ok !!and its not menegitis its been coming on past two days.

then lately been having nerve pains where babs seems to be putting pressure

on places he shouldnt and im nearly jumping through roof as i get these sharp pains between legs or in my hip ,they kinda funny pains so sharp and quick they make you jump then laugh then go ouch !!

see i told you im a moan ....lol.........not all day long though so i guess im ok


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Jodie, I would get it checked out, but pg hormones do all kinds of crazy things to your skin. You should also be checked for gestational diabetes soon too. (usually 28 weeks) so you are right there. Rashes and fungal infection go along with gd also. Good luck and keep us posted. Jill

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Im doing the diabetes check on presidents day...boo...i dont want to do it because I know they are going to make me drink that sugary stuff....plus I have to fast...and that sucks with my pregnancy because I crave Snacks rather than actual meals :thumbup:

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Jodi- I am with everyone else. Call your Doc in the morning. I had something similar to this and they had to call me something in and it was wonderful. It cleared right up! It does hurt. I am with you!

Had a good weekend but feel myUTI is still lingering. Took my last anitbotic Thursday and SAturday I started hurting again! I am calling my doctor first thing in the morning!

You ladies have a good night, going to bed!

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Us poor pregnant women! I am sorry you are all going thru hell. I am glad to have you all to vent too! Bex- my doc said there was apill for pregnant women with frequent utI that we could take right before bedtime. It prevents them from coming back. Ask your doc about it. Jodie- yes go see the doc! And heres a tip - dont drink or eat right before that glucose test- my instructions did not say to fast- but I did drink a Vitamin Water on the way to the doc office which is 45 min away. I only drank half of it- but somehow it did not absorb quickly enough and screwed up my test. They thought I had GD- I had to go in last sunday and do the 3 hour gd test- which requiered fasting and blood drawn every hour, trust me it was not fun! The test turned up to be fine! Yay I can still eat my little debbie snack cakes. :eek: I was seriously scarred out of my mind though. I cant live without sugar.

I have been freaking out lately- with the whole daycare and finances and everything else. We took this new kid at the beg of Jan. Little did we know he was sick. He got all the daycare kids sick, and this past weekend my family finally got it. Its a mix of cold and flu at the sametime. The kid is really a great kid and everything, but this cold thing has been lingering too long and its freaking me out! I could not possiable bleach another thing in my house, to stop the spread of germs, my house smells so funny now lol. I am so tired of cleaning and washing all the blankets daily, etc. I just feel so exhausted. We need to recruit 3 more kids by the time the baby comes to be on the positive side. I am freaked out that they will all come sick too and this whole process will start all over again. If we even get anymore. Which I feel bad cause I am secretly hoping that we dont. lol. But if I want to stop stressing on finances we need them. A no win situation kinda. I just have so much going thru my mind at the same time that its impossiable to relax or not stress. And the stupidest crap sends me thru the roof with anger or rage and stress. Its freaking me out. I so need to get my hair done. I wanted to do it in april to be nice and fresh, but i think the time is now. I am also getting way to big, my bathing suit no longer covers all my breasts, since it is stretching over this bump. Thank god Iwore a shirt over it- when I went to go change after arobics- lol - my boobs were pouring out! What a sight!!! I went online to roder a new one- crap they want almost $90! Insane! I have pre-eclampsia and my rings dont fit anymore! :) DH bought me a beautiful chain necklace to put them on, but I am scarred it will come unhooked do to my hair, and fall off. Thats how bad I worry about everything! I need a long island ice tea! or a huge margarita! :thumbup:

Are you all ready Bex? the 27th is coming up quick!

ok back to bed I go- except now I am paranoid that I will snore- since me and DH had this discussion earlier, I claimed that I cant sleep cause he snores so loud, he said the same about me... now I am all embarrassed. I swear I dont think I snore, I tried to convince myself that he was just hearing himself snore. lol.


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HI ladies!

Well I am finally a MOM! My baby BOY was born by emerg c-section on Monday Feb 4th at 5:42 AM. So here is the rundown.....

The hosptial restarted the 3rd induction Saturday Feb 2nd.. Took 7 hours before contractions started, but not good enough. The second dose of meds was due by 2 am however no doctor to administer so I was put on "hold" untill 11 am Sunday morning.. by then all contractions had stopped again. So Restarting induction at 11 am Sunday. Contractions were mild, and still not dialating.. stuck at 2 cms for over a week now. Doctors were discussing a different med to use but in the mean time my baby's heart rate was really starting to fluctuate on the monitor. At 11 pm Sunday evening I was just about 3 cms and they decided to break my Water and attach an internal monitor on baby's head to measure heart rate more accurately. So now I am soaked, baby's heart rate is registering and we are on our way... Contractions kicked in big time, they were 20 seconds apart and extreamly strong since I wasnt 4 cms dialated yet they couldnt give me epidural, so I got some demerol, well it didnt help AT ALL! I was in so much pain and not much of a break inbetween contractions. By this time it is now 4 am and I am finally close enough to 4 cms to get epidural.. WOHOO love that thing! So Daddy went to sleep in my room (as I am in birthing room) grandma and grandpa went to the house to sleep, figuring that at only 4 cms we had LOTS Of time to sleep. I fell asleep too. 5 AM hits and I am woken up by 2 doctors, and all 3 nurses on staff to frantic shouts.. to roll on my side.. baby's heartbeat is GONE. I roll over, and doc figures maybe the internal monitor fell off, but when she went in, it was still attached.. however just then, his heart beat was back. Well by this point they had already decided we needed Emergency C-section, and called in the docs and staff needed, They woke John up, he was a little freaked out, to say the least. Grandma and Grandpa were called

and within 10 mins I was already heading down to the OR. Once in the OR things happend fast. It is the weirdest feeling or lack of feeling I should say not to feel your toes or legs or anything below your boobs! Well Cameron was born at 5:42 AM he screamed the second he came out, and it turned out his cord was wrapped around his neck and both hands were wrapped around the cord squeezing to get it off, and that is why his heart rate would not register. He was born perfectly healthy!! And now I am finally a mommy to a beautiful baby boy named Cameron Robert Raymond Taylor. Cameron is John's Dad's name, Robert my dad and grandpa's name, and raymond is John's grandpa's name. NOW no one can be upset! So there you all have it. I was kept in hospital and released Thursday afternoon. My surgery went extreamly well, I am sore of course but feeling pretty good. Cameron is gaining weight, my milk is in and he is doing wonderfull. He feeds every 2 hours so I have been kept busy!

Oh and I found out "we" can not eat onions!! So Ladies beware if you are breastfeeding, onions also cause serious GAS and pain! I am doing really well and we did have our first checkup at doctors this morning, and both of us have a clean bill of health! My incision is healing great except I have to keep an eye on the one corner of it. Other than that, I bounced back pretty well, the health nurse that comes to my home to check on mom and baby gave me heck, I was doing too much for just having major surgery! But all in all I am great! Cameron is a beautiful little boy that I just cant take my eyes off of. I will try to figure out how to post a picture of him. Ok so I can't figure it out.. shoot. Well If any of you are on Facebook, you can look up my name his picture is my profile picture... Candice Campbell Taylor

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candice- I amso glad to hear you and baby are fine. I know you are glad to have him in your arms. I am sceduled for my c-section feb 27th. i am getting really excited now. Can't wait to hold her!

Good tip about onions. I breastfed my first and will do it agin. I tried to eat mild foods b/c they are so sensitive to everything.

happy to hear you are doing wonderful. You baby is precious! Keep us posted!

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YAY!!! Congrats Candice! Well, I was sitting around and realized, HOLY S***! Mine is coming soon lol, well I still got a while, but there is a buttload to do, especially concerning legal issues with the father....OH and I think I will have some cake tonight, its been like 2 weeks or so since the last time his girlfriend has tried to contact me...she wont leave me alone! SWEARING Im gonna sue her for emotional distress, but that would be pointless since she has NOTHIGN!! HAHAHAHHA lol! I really dislike her more than him....he leaves me alone, and I dont care....I dont want him anywhere near me and dont think I wont go get a restraining order...They arent allowed anywhere near the hospital (not that they care enough to show up, but you can never predict a crackhead, much less a pair)...Sooo........Im sitting here researching child support and how to get it, and its actually a pretty single-mom supportive program. I mean that I can file it, and if he is proven the father (which is he is) he will be ordered to pay for the test and all that....like nothing is on me, so Im happy :smile2: I get so stressed out because that little girl wont leave me alone...I have told her countless times that I dont want to speak to her that its none of her business, and she still wont go away....shes so jealous that he and I have something together, more than something, a someone, and shes psychotic....lol you should see these myspace messages I have printed off to take to the attorney....God I pray everyday she gets pregnant with him and they have like freakin triplets and I can only WISH she marries the psychotic idiot, they deserve one another lol!

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Congrats Candice!!

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big hugs being sent to you and baby cameron it seemed like quite an ordeal but so worth it he looks beautiful ...how much did he weigh ??

have you jumped on scales yet thats the best bit after the birth........lol

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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