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Pregnant and Banded...come join me!

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Hi everyone, I just wanted to pop in and tell everyone hi. Its been a while since Ive been on. Ive been extremely busy, and have had to deal with a lot (and I mean A LOT) of B.S. the past month. Im just trying to make it through without getting overly stressed out. Im 6 months pregnant ALREADY! Jeez how time flies! Ive only gained about 20 lbs, but Im sure that it will increase, it seems like the further I get into the pregnancy the more I want to eat! lol! Im serious, I will be STARVING sometimes. Im trying to watch it though, dont want to have to OVER work after the baby gets here. I hope everyone is doing well, and good luck, I know some of you are probably pretty close to having those bundles of joy! :)

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Hi there! I was also banded last May and am 10 weeks pregnant today! yay!

I am also having trouble eating enough. My doc says I am doing fine though and baby is fine as well. I can't seem to eat enough to keep from feeling tired and nauseous. I just keep nibbling all day! It feels weird to eat all the time though. Glad to hear you are doing well! Have you had an unfill? I was considering asking for one, but I'm not sure how that will work.


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I had an unfill at about 4 months into my pregnancy, I waited until I knew I needed to be taking in more food before I got it done because Im trying to only gain a decent amount of weight, not a tub load lol!

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i am 24 weeks tomorrow and had to be unfilled about 2 weeks ago. i also had to take progesterone, injections in by tukus every nite. hubby was great about it but luckily i got to stop early (usu lasts for 1st trimester) cuz my levels were high. i have done the suppositories before *unseccessful pregnancy - but not due to progesterone issues) and they are icky. you feel goopy "down there" all day! good luck! i will pray for you. i will say the anxiety NEVER goes away but it does ease some in second trimester and now with my third coming up i think maybe is something happens baby might survive. pregnancy is never easy but with the band we have more to think about, esp re: wt loss, higher risk factors, etc. keep believing!

p.s. baby just started kicking :girl_hug:, i was beginning to worry. this is usually his/her busy time but it's been quiet tonite.

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Good Morning! Hope you all had a great weekend! I sure did! Dh's mom and dad came over and surprised me by taking us to Babies r us! whoot! I scored a jack pot! Thet spent $3,000 on lil peanut! Needless to say I got all the big stuffs- crib, mattress, changing table, armoire, glider and ottoman, chicco car seat and stroller, chicco travel playard, and my most favorite swing- the new graco newborn soothing sweetpea center. its sooo cute! I love all my new goodies! I surely wasn't expecting it! Although we did want the furniture in black- inlaws convinced us to get it in natural- they say it will re-sell better. Oh well. So natural it is. Atleast it will match our king size bed.

All I can feel is so happy and relieved and soo much less stressed out. Now I can focus on all the little stuff and paying for delivery and labor. Fun! heha.

Welcome back Dezadoo, Jodie and Meltini. :lol: When are you all do? I think your close to me. We are trying to get induced on April 25th.

I have still been going to Water aerobics- it feels so great! I recommend this to everyone if you get the chance. It so conditioning for the body and relaxing for the mind!

Candice- hurry up and give birth already! heha you poor thing! Hang in there hun! You might just pop on super bowl sunday!


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Im due on Cinco de mayo (May 5), but Im doubting that I it will be that early lol!! Im pretty sure Im going to carry-over, I just have a feeling. The only concern Im having right now is the normal stress of pregnancy, and the fact that Im not feeling little "folly" move around inside me as much as the doctor says I should, but we are going to do an ultrasound the 31st and the doctor is going to make sure everything is as okay as it appears, and also to show me her move and learn to identify the moving vs. other things like gas and stuff. Besides that I lost my job because my boss found out I was pregnant :lol: She didnt say thats what it was, but it has gotten back to me from more than one reliable source that that was the reason, which I suspected all along because of the unusual way she let me go (just out of nowhere, no warning or anything). Im having to deal with that PLUS the fact that no one wants to hire someone that is 6 months pregnant and almost done with college and preparing to move on into a real career vs just a job. (Its a small town, they expect their employees to stay for a looooooong time). Not to mention that the father's girlfriend is driving me INSANE because she is psychotic and really not the brightest crayon in the box. LOL! But things will get better right???? They have to dont they??

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raynie - do your inlaws want to adopt me?!?!lol congrats on all the new baby stuff! its so much fun to shop for baby! we are house hunting and i am hoping and praying we find a house so that i can nest (and NOt do all the lifting in the move!) it's so funny that we are all due about the same time, it seems as if most people i know are due in march. we registered, or at least started, this past weekend. babies r us is a bit overwhelming but soo much fun!

jodie - i can't believe you got let go!!! what an a$$!!! i say you call the better business bureau! or someone, the news, her mom, someone! my boss found out early b/c i lost our twin sac at about 10-12 weeks and was on bedrest for a week so i HAD to come out. so far, so good. one of my bosses is expecting his first 2 grandbabies so i think that has softened his stone cold heart.

good luck all!

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Hey all! Glad to hear everyone is good.

Raynie-I so want to be you! Love it that you have racked up! Lucky girl!

Jodi-That sucks that they let you go. That happened to a good friend of mine. It stinks.

Ihad a hard weekend. I was having cramping all last week. They sent me to the hospital Friday for a Fetal Fibronectin test so see if I was going into labor. Turned out to be negative but they went ahead and gave me a steriod injection on Sunday then again yesterday so if the baby decides to come early then she will be ready! Turned out the cramping was a UTI. See I knew my body and knew something was not right. My doctors nurse really hurt my feelings by saying that what I was feeling was "normal" but turned out she was wrong. I can't decide if I want to say something at my next visit on the 31st. Or just pick my battles.

Is insomina killing anyone else. I have been up since 2 am and I know what is going to happen. I will get sleepy around 7 when my 2 year old daughter is ready to get up. Oh well better get use to sleepless nights again!

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Hey everyone,

Well Still pregnant here, 5 days to go. My ribs were finally starting to heal on my right side then all of a sudden my left side started to hurt. I decided yesterday morning to get up and go to the clinic just to make sure it wasnt some sort of kidney infection or something and as I was getting ready to leave, I ended up in the ER yesterday morning (for the third time since this virus hit) I coughed so hard I heard a popping sound in my mid to lower back on the left side and had instant agony and pain, with a burning sensation. I couldnt move, had to get my hubby to carry me to car and take me to hospital as I screamed in pain and couldnt stop crying it hurt so bad. I ended up getting a shot of demerol or morphine, not sure, I was in so much pain, and they had to take me for chest x-rays where they discovered I do have a small lung infection. I was put on valium to help relax the muscles in my back, as well as morphine pills I had left over from my band surgery. I was terrified about what this is doing to my baby, but they said this far along, there is a drug they can give the baby to reverse the effects of the narcotics and the baby will be fine. I was sent for a stress test of

course to make sure the baby was fine, which all came back perfect. They sent me home with antibiotics and stuff. I had my mother in law come by yesterday after I got home from hospital to take care of me then my grandma till my husband got home, but after the horrible night I had last night, I am going to see if they can admit me, so I can have help getting up to go to the bathroom. My husband snores so bad I cant sleep, so he is in a different room at night and I had to scream for him for 1/2 hour at 4:30 this morning to help me get out of bed so I could go to the bathroom. It was not a pleasent thing for me. I am in severe agony. I am going to see if they will possibly admit me, because I really have no one to help me, as everyone is working, and I cant go through what I did last night (this morning) trying to get out of bed to pee.. which I do 3 to 4 times a night, thankfully last night it was only twice and the first time I made it out on my

own.. screaming in pain, but I got up, but I guess by 4 am all the pain killers had worn off so I couldnt do it alone. this has to be the worst pain I have been in. Breaking my tale bone and the lapband surgery were nothing compared to the pain I am in now! I don't know how the heck I am supposed to deliver this baby if I cant even sit/stand/laydown without being in agony. My poor husband is freaked out, he doesnt know what to do to help, not that there is much, but he is so frustrated. I am hoping that my doctor will understand and admit me just so I have some help to move etc..So hopefully if all goes well, I wont be posting for a while, but at least I will be in decent hands! And if this baby does come I will be in hospital all ready!

I will keep you all posted if I dont get admitted.


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Oh my god Candice! you poor thing! Please hang in there and you are in our prayers! I hope they admit you- maybe they will do a c-section on you to avoid further damage if you dont heal. Good luck honey! Hang in there!

Deze- sorry to hear about you lost one of the twins! Thats awful! I am glad to hear your doing ok now though!

Candice- I hate it when nurses are wrong and make you feel stupid even though you turn out to be right! I am with you on the whole insomnia thing! As soon as its 7- I should be getting my kids ready for school- instead I feel like a dead log half the time and make DH do it. :rolleyes2:

I wish I could sleep before the baby arrives so I am not a zombie.

Jodie- you should report that boss to Human resources. And sue the company! Good luck!


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I would sue or take further action, but

a.) I cant afford it because well...I lost my job lol!

b.) I cant prove it because all sources have their mouths shut because they dont want to lose their jobs.'

c.) I just really think that she and the company will get whats coming to them in the long run, I just dont have time for stupidity....

I really try to think happy thoughts most of the time, but Im not gonna lie and say I am happy 24/7. I actually sat down this weekend and just spent it alone (i usually spend it with friends) and just let myself have a really good cry.

P.S. Of all organizations to do this to someone, it happens to be Christus Health Organization.....so yeah, not a very christian thing to do now is it?

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Hello everyone! I haven't been on at all lately but things with my pregnancy are going great. I had a biophysical profile and non-stress test this morning. My doc wanted to do one because he isn't very knowledgable of the band and wanted to make sure the baby was handling it ok. I got a 10 out of 10 which means the baby is doing great! It's always nice to hear that.

I do have a question for everyone....anyone's baby ever measured big? According to what they have told me all along, I am 30 weeks but he is measuring at 32 weeks. They said that could mean that he is either going to be a big baby or that my due date may be off. If my due date isn't off and he is just going to be big, I wonder if they will induce me early? Anyone have any experience with this? It would be perfectly fine if he was here the middle of March as opposed to April 4th as long as he is doing great! I go to my doc next week so I am anxious to see what he says.

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Oh grats Niecy! Its always nice to get it over with as long as everyone is healthy! I want to be early too! hehe .....

I hope candice is ok!

I hope Bexley is feeling better!


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Ok so I watched an episode of Baby Story on TLC the other day. OMG there was finally a heavy set chic who gave birth! Kodos! they never show that! Anyways so I was sitting there cheering her on- but as I kept watching I got disgusted! She was so gross by the end of the show! Her etiquette was disturbing- her hygene was nasty- and her choice in clothing- was wow- I cant believe she wore that. First of all- she wore beige maternity pants after she had the baby- the whole world saw all her fat rolls. cellulite and dimples on her ass cheeks and thighs, and you could clearly see her legs wobble as she walked! I felt bad for her- like why wasnt anyone telling her to change? She continued on by pulling up her blouse that was too small on her- showing off her tummy. She also had on a bra that was 2 sizes too small for her. Ouch! The rolls was just dying to jump off her back! It was that gross. Her maners- eek- she was burping left and right, talking about heartburn and gas. She was loud, rude, and abnoxious!

Iys a pet peeve of mine to see heavy set people look nasty. Does this bother anyone else?


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Ok so I watched an episode of Baby Story on TLC the other day. OMG there was finally a heavy set chic who gave birth! Kodos! they never show that! Anyways so I was sitting there cheering her on- but as I kept watching I got disgusted! She was so gross by the end of the show! Her etiquette was disturbing- her hygene was nasty- and her choice in clothing- was wow- I cant believe she wore that. First of all- she wore beige maternity pants after she had the baby- the whole world saw all her fat rolls. cellulite and dimples on her ass cheeks and thighs, and you could clearly see her legs wobble as she walked! I felt bad for her- like why wasnt anyone telling her to change? She continued on by pulling up her blouse that was too small on her- showing off her tummy. She also had on a bra that was 2 sizes too small for her. Ouch! The rolls was just dying to jump off her back! It was that gross. Her maners- eek- she was burping left and right, talking about heartburn and gas. She was loud, rude, and abnoxious!

Iys a pet peeve of mine to see heavy set people look nasty. Does this bother anyone else?


LOL I thought I would let you know that it bothers me too! BADLY! Ive always been heavy, but Ive always dressed for my body to look as kept and presentable as anyone else. I hate it when people dont know how to dress their bodies (whether they are thin or bigger)! Dont the bigger people know that dressing like that makes the world (who is already biased against us) give us more reason to poke fun and stereotype us as gross and nasty and lazy and so forth and so on?? Even my maternity clothes are REALLY cute, I wont wear anything that even so much hints to a hill, valley, dimple, or chunk of unwanted fat! Yes I like to be comfy (especially during pregnancy), but there are ways to do that without looking like a slob!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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