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Sarah - I have PCOS, but my periods were always regular. We tried for about 8 months, then I started metformin. One month later, here I am!

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hi all

candice....good luck sweetie the time is near its so exciting you will be the first to deliver ,though i have been to labour ward !!!

i had been feeling rough being sick and white as sheet and then starting some niggly pains...( cramps) turned out i had kidney infection..thank god i thought i was sneaking in for very early deliverly not good at only 27 weeks.

i have started my shopping ,hubby brought catalogue home from baby elegance range and i picked all the things i wanted hes such a sweetheart..xxxxxxx

i also started the clothes shopping and its all getting great fun i can hardly wait !!

weight still not going on girls but doctor said baby has good strong heartbeat and feels a really good size for my dates ..so think another 8lb odds at term .

I am feeling really tired all the time though so think babs getting enough but maybe im not will get doc to check my bloods again make sure im not getting anemic.

Constipation been major problem and non stop heartburn also still feel really quite restricted yet band empty ..strange and nothing i can do !!

for the girl who asked i didnt make it to target b4 getting pregnant i was at 39lb away with 63lb lost and since ive lost another 34 pound !!!!!!!!!

i got unfilled but restriction still there and although i eat whatever i want i havent gained just slowly kept coming down .my waist measurements going up really quickly lately as my little man continues to grow and bump gets bigger ,my doctors not worrying about my weight loss so far as baby seems great from monitoring and size and scans he happy in there .

im going to be doing some reshuffling of my kids rooms soon so out will come paints and the nursery will begin.....i cant wait

some pictures of rooms and babies will be great .

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Raynie-showers are supposed to be thrown for you! Hence you shouldn't have to pay for anything!! I think it doesn't matter what number baby it is either, this is number 2 for me and my girlfriends are throwing a shower for me in my house. I haven't started a registry but I also plan on babies r us.

I went for my ultrasound today and the tech "thinks" its a girl!!! I was convinced it was a boy because 3 weeks ago when I had my last ultrasound the tech was "sure" it was a boy.

Now I'm really confused. Of course i don't care what it is as long as its healthy!

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Bex I have no idea how to post pics! I am sorry! Maybe somebody does, I hope so cause I want to see these nurserys! :) Have fun at your shower on Sat! Eat a piece of cake for me!

Becca- iknow they supposed to be thrown for me, but it never worked out that way. I ended up buying stuff cause I kinda make more money then my friends- so it was hard for me to watch them struggle, but anyways, this time aroud I dont think I want one at all. I dont want anyone to see me lookin like this either. I feel a mess. I want to take a bottle of hair dye with me to the hospital after I deliver! My hair looks that bad!!! :eek:

Becca that sucks that you dont know if its a boy or girl! Good luck! Maybe they will gove you another u/s?

Nikki- you lucky girl to not be gaining weight!!! Sorry to hear about your complications, hope you feel better soon! What color are you painting the baby room?

Does anyone know how long they want to stay in the hospital? Are you guys bringing gifts to the nurses station? And is anyone having or not having an epidural?


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Raynie_ Am I too lade back. I dye my hair. I ahve dyed it 3 times since I have been pregnant and dyed it with my daughter. If you hate it, do it. You will so be fine! I promise! I hae not planned on taking the nurses a gift but plannes on getting my doc a gift. Any suggestions. She is the best. I have gone to her for over 10 years. Love her!!!!

I am so excited about tomorrow I can't stand it! I will let yall know how it goes!!!!

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Heyas Bex- how was the baby shower? Details, details, details!!!! Please share!

Thanks for telling me your hair secret! I think I will dye it in the beg of April- just in time to be all pretty for the baby! thank you!

I finally went to Water arobics on Friday! Ohhh it felt so good! I think I can do it atleast twice a week with no problem. I also took down that xmas tree this weekend! The feels much better now! The new year has officially began lol!

So Candice did you go into labor yet? Did you pop last Friday? Alot of celebs popeed last week, including Nicole Ritchie, christina Aguilar, a few others. I heard Halle berry is having a girl!

Alrighty, time for a nap!


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Hello all!

I'm re-surfacing to say hello. I've been reading through the posts and I'm glad that everyone is doing so wonderful! I am 21 weeks preggo and so far, haven't gained anything. I'm excited and scared about that at the same time!

I try to eat, but I just can't eat much at a time. I've fainted a couple times, probably from not enough food. I'm going to ask my docs about it all..

Found out that we're having a GIRL! We weren't supposed to know until this weeks appointment, but at the 16 week appointment she decided to spread her legs in front of the camera and make it very clear what she was!

I will post pics of the baby's room soon. We're painting now and I'm picking and buying furniture. Then we'll do the decorating so I can start clothes shopping by month 7.

Tell me - does anyone else have a hard time eating good? Any tricks you can tell me? I've already been clearly breaking every band rule (drinking with meals to get more food down, grazing, eating all soft foods) and I'm still not getting very much food in. Help!

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Hello all!

I'm re-surfacing to say hello. I've been reading through the posts and I'm glad that everyone is doing so wonderful! I am 21 weeks preggo and so far, haven't gained anything. I'm excited and scared about that at the same time!

I try to eat, but I just can't eat much at a time. I've fainted a couple times, probably from not enough food. I'm going to ask my docs about it all..

Found out that we're having a GIRL! We weren't supposed to know until this weeks appointment, but at the 16 week appointment she decided to spread her legs in front of the camera and make it very clear what she was!

I will post pics of the baby's room soon. We're painting now and I'm picking and buying furniture. Then we'll do the decorating so I can start clothes shopping by month 7.

Tell me - does anyone else have a hard time eating good? Any tricks you can tell me? I've already been clearly breaking every band rule (drinking with meals to get more food down, grazing, eating all soft foods) and I'm still not getting very much food in. Help!

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Hi Maryum! Well, I am only 6 weeks, but the last two have been horrendous as far as eating goes. I've barely been able to eat at all. I actually just went today and got 0.5cc taken out. It has made a world of difference! I actually ate a fish taco today with no problem! I am so relieved to be able to eat a decent amount and still feel some restriction. My doc said that if I felt that restricted now, he expects to have to take more out as time goes on. No big deal.

I'm encouraged to hear that you haven't gained anything! I'm really hoping to keep my gain at a minimum. I still weigh about 236, so there's really no reason to gain much.

Can't wait to see pics of your nursery!


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Hi Maryum- and welcome back! Glad to see everything is going good for you! i have no advice for you unfortunately, sorry. I can eat almost everything with no problem. I wish I couldn't though! :smile: Congratz on your girl! Any names picked out yets?

Cant wait to see those nursery pics!


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hi marymum

glad im not the only one!!!! my eating is flipping terrible,ive lost weight all the way through my pregnancy...(about 34lbs)im only 5lbs away from my original goal to lose 102lb so down 97lb since last dec (06)and six months pregnant....im 28weeks pregnant and had ante natal this morning ,i have complete unfill so cant do anymore to help myself so ive been told to graze nibble alot and sip rather than gulp drinks all day if neccesary take added Vitamins also.

ive been in bad way with stomach acid (reflux)not alot doc or i can do :smile:

but also the dreaded Constipation been a problem so he finally concluded that i must take liquid laxatives as i need to have clear out and hopefully feel better............im so bloody tired ,pale and sickly and not that happy to be losing as i dont feel healthy anymore ...

i must add though baby doing great growing well, measuring for dates and seems good size and active ,so just me thats suffering !!!!!

if you havent had unfill i would advise it because i think its pressure from baby that making me so restricted and you need nutrition ..good luck and keep posting ive felt so weird being only one not gaining and actually still losing !!!

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Hey all! Been out of town. After the baby shower i went homewith My mom and they don't have internet up on the mountain in Tennessee. yes, it is that bad. Anyway, I loaded up. This shower was way more fun then my first. They first you get all the stuff you need but this is just all the fun cute stuff. I so want to send pics but don't know how to get them on here. I have so tried. Any ideas.

I probably won't have to buy diapers for the first 6 months, she will never wear all the clothes and won't forget her name. Everything is monagrammed. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Cute cute cute!!!! My firned made me an angle wreath. Which is all pink bowas with a brown S hangin in the middle. Love it. It hangs on her door. I asked her to make My oldest daughter one!! I promise to do pics as soons as I figure out how!

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Good Morning! Wow Bex- sounds like your stocked up for a few months! Awesome! How are you feeling? When are you do again? Middle of Feb? What name have you picked out?


I think Candice popped. She hasnt been on in awhile. I hope everything went well with her!

I finally ordered my Batman crib Bedding yesturday. The lady says it takes about 8 weeks- so I hope it arrives in time. Whew- I am just glad it got ordered. I also ordered the Batman Murals. Its going to be awesome! I told DH we had to buy them now so we can air out the room. I asume it will smell bad. Next thing on the list- baby furniture! :) Hopefully the in-laws come thru and buy a few pieces.

I want to hire Merry Maids for when the baby is due. I do not want to be cleaning at all. :huh2: I also want a good job done. Is anyone else doing this?

Bex I have no idea what to buy the doc for a present. I was thinking of bringing a couple of boxs of See's candy for the nurses and about 20 mini bottles of champagne, and tying blue bows on em. I need to bribe my nurses- heha i want that private room and the sweetest care. I know it sounds silly but this being my last kid, the experience of greatness is a must!

ok I am going to try and get to Water aerobics this morning. Wish me luck /sigh. have a great weekend everyones!


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Hey everyone,

I still have NOT popped! ONE more week to due date. I have just been so sick with this darn cold. I was coughing so much and so hard, that I bruised several ribbs and tore muscles along my rib cage. I have been layed up in bed for days on end. My doctor actually put me on T3s to stop the pain, it was so bad, I couldnt even get up to go to the bathroom without my hubby's help. I begged for my doc to induce me, haha but she said no! It is safer for baby to stay put for now she said. I guess since I still can NOT shake this cold at all. I have had it since Dec. 27th. I thought I was finally getting better 2 days ago, I went on a cooking spree. I baked a few loaves of bread and made Buns, chili for supper along with extra for the freezer, huge pot of spagetti sauce for freezer, and 5 xl pizza's for the freezer. This way once baby does come, I wont have to worry about "cooking" alot. My hubby really knows how to make Kraft Dinner! LOL I dont want to live on that!

I have been so fortunate, I havent even had a "baby shower" yet and I have gotten so many things from family and friends. My parents bought the crib, playpen, stroller, carseat/carrier for us along with some bedding and a few clothes, and box of diapers, and a few cans of formula (just in case). Then a cousin bought all the matching bedding, bumper pads, etc.. along with making me burping pads, a nursing pillow and a few other items all to match the bedding and room. My grandma bought the bathtub, a diaper genie2, refills, baby towels, bottles, and my mother in law, bought the change table/dresser, crib mattress, more bottles. There wont be a baby shower untill after this baby is born.. hehe since we do not know what it is. I have a number of people guessing it is a girl though. (we are really hoping for a girl too!)

Anyways, sorry I havent posted in a while, but just one more week to due date (jan 27th) I am ready... I just want this baby OUT now! LOL


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Wow Candice! Hang in there girl! I can't imagine coughing so hard as to break ribs -- sheesh! I do hope you feel better soon!

Well girls I am seriously frustrated. My doc checked my progesterone levels and found them to be a little low, so I am taking the Procheive vaginal suppositories. Strangely enough, the day after I start them I have horrible stomach pain and non-stop diarrhea for two days now! I'm not sure if this is a side effect or if I just have the flu! Has anyone else had to do any progesterone supplements?


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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