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Pregnant and Banded...come join me!

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My doctor said nothing about waiting a year to get pregnant and I asked him specifically. I had set a goal in my mind that I wanted to lose 100 lbs. before getting pregnant and I figured it would take me until July to do it. Even though everyone told me I couldn't lose 100 lbs. in about 8 months, I did it and more. My husband and I decided we were ready to start a family so I talked to my doctor first because I had heard people say you had to wait a year and he said no, go ahead. Well, as you already know, I got pregnant right off the bat!

Here's an update on me....I go back to the doctor on October 25th and he will do a blood test to determine if they need to investigate further regarding disorders such as down's syndrome and such. I am trying to not be nervous about it but it's hard. He said to not be concerned and I'm hoping that since there are none of these diseases in either of our families, that our chances of a healthy baby are good. Then in about 2 weeks after that appt, we will have another ultrasound and if the baby is cooperating, we will be able to tell the sex!!! I can't wait!!!

I'm feeling good. The one thing that is difficult for me to adjust to is the hunger. I guess I got so used to not eating much that it's hard for me to be hungry every hour or two. I have never been pregnant before so those of you who have can answer my question....because I am banded and still have 2 cc in my band, I only eat small amounts at a time but I feel like I'm eating all day long! Is it normal to eat all day or is it because I can only eat small amounts and am therefore, getting hungry sooner? I have no pre-band pregnancy to compare this to so it may be perfectly normal but I feel like all I get done is eating. I have gained 5 lbs. and last month when I went, I had gained 4 lbs. and he wasn't too thrilled with it. He said we need to watch that. The nurse said that he doesn't like for anyone to gain over 4 lbs. in a month and I was at the top. I am trying really hard to not gain but it is so hard since I eat so much. And I try, I really do to eat "healthy" foods but I get so sick of them! I told my hubby that I want the baby to be healthy, that is my first concern, but otherwise, I'm not too concerned about gaining a little because I know that I will be able to get it off. I am disciplined enough that I am certain it will come off in no time.

Raynie, we do need to stick together even after our bundles of joy arrive to support one another. I'm certain that with me being a new mother, I will have questions for you all! We also need to be there for one another while we work our baby weight off and then some....

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NIce Niecy! And yes, we will have to stick together, sounds like a plan!

I feel like I am hungry every two hours as well. I do not remember being this hunger with any of my other kids. I never got morning sickness like I do now either. Maybe it is the band that is making us so hungry? Shoot I dont know. I actually have crackers at my bed side and call my husband on the cell phone to bring me a glass of ginger ale before I roll out of bed. lol. Today... he couldnt find the ginger ale, and he brought me cranberry juice. I wanted to yell 'geez its next to the carrots so the kids wouldnt find it you nimwit" But I just said "thanks honey" instead. hehe

my hormones are making me crazy. One minute I am happy, the next minute I am crazy. Like today I made lunch, I was expecting the dh to return home after picking up a kid. He didnt. He didnt bother to tell me either that he was making a pit stop at the court house. I get all pissed off cause his plate of food is just sitting here getting cold. So I hang up on him after telling him not to expect me to cook for him anymore. Yeah, I was in my crazy mood. Oh well, i blame it on hormones.

Niecy I cant believe your dr. snapped at you for gaining 5 pounds. I know this is your first baby, maybe you should find a new ob doc. One that is more sympathetic to what your going thru and all with having a lap band. My ob is so sweet and the whole office is concerned that I wont gain enough... hehe ... I told them not to worry and trust me I have no problem in gaining! I guess they just a little concerned since I am their first lap band preggo mom. Which is nice for a change to be pampered! Just my opinion! *hugs*


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Wow this thread is so helpful, My hubby and I are planning for one or two more. We have 4 right now all boys 10, 8, 5,5 we would love to have a lil girl (but what ever God blesses us with we will be happy)! we hae tried for the past yr to conceive but no luck. We we nt to a fert specialist to see if y tubes were blocked, if his sperm was ok= all was well both ways. So the Dr. told us it may be because I am overweight.

I get banded 11/10/07 and cant wait to shed some pounds and gain a few baby pounds in the future!

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Hey guys,

I don't have long cuz i'm at work, BUT.

I'm irritated. My surgeon said at my first appointment that he doesn't want his patients to get pregnant until they've lost at least 50 lbs ( i had asked him specifically how long i had to wait). So, 2 apointments ago, I tell him we're ready to start trying (I was down 69 lbs at that point!!). He says "you need to have a weight goal. I want to see you at 190 before you get pregnant". I was mad, hurt, upset, you name it. IRRITATED!!! My hubby was mad too (wanted to give Dr. C a piece of his mind - but he wasn't with me..lol). So, last appointment, I was down 3 more, which put me at 203.5 - Down 72.5 lbs. I'VE HIT A PLATEAU!!!!! Right when I'm being told to be at 190 before trying for a baby (something I've ALREADY put off for 4.5 years), I hit a stinkin plateau...I've been REALLY trying to get back into the game (as Dr. C puts it) this last week and a half and NOTHING. scale is NOT MOVING. :faint:

SO.....hubby, mom, EVERYONE i've talked to about this is saying "he doesn't know anything -- it's your body -- you've done what he asked you to do inthe beginning, do what you want", but there's a part of me that's saying "no, i have to listen to the doc". I don't know what to do. I have my next appt on the 19th (week and a half away) and the scale isn't moving...anyone have any ideas of how to get that sucker to drop again??:help::help::help::help::help::help:


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Panda, I say find a new Ob Doc! that guy sounds like a jerk! You've lost an amazing amount! Gratz too you! I am not an expert or anything, but a few pounds shouldn't matter to keep you from having a baby. Your going to gain it back anyways. :)

And.... if your stressed out your body will have a harder time conceiving. It takes three months for your body to prepare to conceive. For instance... if you want to conceive in August- then count 3 months back.... which is May. So whatever effects you in May, might help you conceive in Aug. So dont stress out, relax, take a vacation, meditate. My doctor told me that. it was true! I was stressed for years.... and couldnt conceive. I took a family vacation in May... and bam in Aug I conceieved. lol... it sounds funny, but I feel its true.

I say your friends and familys input is very important. They all seem very supportive in you getting pregnant. Which their support is what is going to get you thru those hard times. So look into a new ob who is more sympatheic to your feelings and needs. And hey, if you get pregnant... you might just shed those few extra pounds from morning sickness! :fish2: Good luck Sweetheart!


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Selise, good luck too you! We cant wait to have you join us as well! I have heard that once your body losses about 40- 60 pounds.... your hormones go into overdrive and you are very fertile!!!! So... I would make a plan.... determine how much you want to loose before getting pregnant. Maybe use birth control until you reach that paticular goal. I found it very difficult to loose weight when I was always thinking... "but what if I am pregnant already?" Some months your period might be late, due to your body re-adjusting to the weight loss. You might even did what I did, and run off and buy pt tests. :) But then to only get depressed to see the negative. Just have a clear goal and stick too it, and it will be smooth for you to acheive it faster. Good Luck , Hun!


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Panda- Honestly? It's your life, your body, your baby :)

If you want it now, go for it!! You're not that much overweight anymore. Maybe he wants you to do it so you won't gain too much weight during pregnancy (I.e. you'll gain 50lbs and be 100lbs overweight, vs. if you wait and gain 50lbs you'll be 50lbs overweight).

Who knows, but there's larger people having kids all the time. I have a friend who is about 300lbs and 5'5, and she is trying to have a kid. It's not like in the history of baby birthin, big women don't have babies. Yeesh.

Good luck :fish2:

We are going to be 'trying' end of 2008. I HOPE to have lost all this excess weight by then.

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Niecy I cant believe your dr. snapped at you for gaining 5 pounds. I know this is your first baby, maybe you should find a new ob doc. One that is more sympathetic to what your going thru and all with having a lap band.

He didn't snap at me but he did comment that we would need to watch that and if it didn't change, we would have to do something. Which probably means put me on a specific diet. I can see where he is coming from in the sense that he doesn't want me to gain too much weight but seriously, I gained 5 lbs. in the entire first trimester! I didn't think that was bad at all. Especially since I know several women who gain 1 pound a week (or more) during their first trimester. I certainly don't want to gain a lot of weight because I want the baby to be healthy but I know that if I do, I will be able to get it off. I bit my tongue but I really wanted to say, give me a break! I lost 127 lbs. in 8 months and I am used to eating little to nothing so changing to eating every hour or so is going to cause me to gain a little!

I really do like him though. He comes highly recommended and he is very good at what he does. I'll stick with him but if I have to go on a special diet, so be it. I can do it, I'm used to it. You know the funny thing is, I have had several people tell me in the last week that my face looks thinner and they were wondering if I was losing weight still. Of course I said no but it made me feel good. Maybe I should start eating ding dongs and twinkies and enjoy these few pounds I'm gaining instead of eating grapes, wheat thins and animal crackers!! Of course then it would be more than a few pounds....:)

Panda-You have done great! You have to do what you feel is best but as far as I'm concerned you are a great weight and I don't see where 13.5 lbs. is going to make that much of a difference. Believe me, I weigh more than 203.5 and my surgeon was thrilled for us to start a family. He said that although I wasn't at my ideal body weight, that losing what I had had made me much, much healthier and I shouldn't have any problems carrying and delivering at my weight. You don't want to put off starting a family forever and I believe that you will know when you are ready and if that is now, go for it. There is plenty of time to lose weight while you are chasing your little bundle of joy! Best of luck to you and keep us updated on how everything is going.

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Well, almost as if posting caused something to move -- Since my last post, (now, this is going by the scale in the back bathroom at work - which isn't ENTIRELY reliable, but close within a 2 lb range)......

so, as i was saying...according to that scale.................................as of this morning.............***drum roll please*** ---

I'm 198!!!! I'm in ONEDERLAND! :clap2::faint::Banane30::whoo: I haven't seen anything under 200 since 6th grade -- that's roughly 13.5 years!! If nothing else, I can be assured i'm down 4 lbs because I used that same scale last Friday and it said 204....

AND I know it's correct within a 1.5 lb range (compared directly after seeing my doc a few appointments ago).

SO....DH and I had decided to go ahead with our plan of starting a family anyway even though surgeon wanted me to wait till 190. For 1) I have PCOS, so I'm relatively sure it'll take some time to happen anyway, 2) I'm well past the original goal he gave me for it, 3) I just feel God's telling me now's the time, and 4) I didn't get pregnant right after surgery like a LOT of his patients do. I think I've done my part.

I pray all your pregnancies are going well and I hope I can truly join this thread (as a mommie-to-be) really soon!


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Congrats Panda!!! And woowoo on your decision :Banane30:

My doctor kept reitterating he tells his patients DO NOT GET PREGNANT in the first year (he does a lot of RNY). He said he has had a lot of women get pregnant in the first couple months after dropping 50lbs and they have problems with nutrition and end up losing them.

Even though I think pregnancy with RNY and Lap-band are night and day (and a part of my decision for lap-band)...I did not want to get pregnant and screw it up!!

So I had to laugh a little at-

4) I didn't get pregnant right after surgery like a LOT of his patients do. I think I've done my part.

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Panda, that's fantastic!!! I am so happy for you! I hope that very soon you are able to come on and tell us you are pregnant as well.

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I haven't read through this complete thread, but just wanted to let ya'll know I unexpectedly became pregnant after being banded one year with a 35lb weight loss. I kept my fill and was completely comfortable & had a beautiful pregnancy with only a 6 lb gain which is exactly what my son weighed at birth July 31, 2007. If anyone has any questions - feel free to ask!

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Hello all!

As I've mentioned, I'm pg and banded and starting to have a hard time. Like a couple of you said (Bexley and someone else) I feel like I'm hungry all the time, but nothing wants to go down. My band almost feels tighter... Do any of you have that? I don't have any fill in my band, but I never have. I've lost weight without a fill, so I don't know what to do if I start feeling too tight. I feel like all I can do is figure out what to eat and when all day.

My other issue is morning sickness, I think that's what this is! This is my first pg.... All I know is that I feel sick to my stomach and just generally ILL all the time. Plus gassy as all get-out! Not to mention irritable, moody and tired.:faint:

Does anyone else feel this way? Most pg folks say they feel wonderful, but most days I don't and I'm wondering if the band is making my morning sickness/hunger/food issues worse. I've gained 3lbs so far... I've just refused to update my ticker!!


7 Weeks PG


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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