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Pregnant and Banded...come join me!

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hehe .... It was Abarbiere who got prego on the pill.... I would prolly try and sue that pill company! And send them a huge bill with all my maternity expenses! lol thats actually a good idea! You should do that Abarbiere! :rolleyes:

So I went to the ER Monday night- i was having these pains in my lower abdomen area. Of course I was freaking out about it- my hubby thinks it was all mental pains... hehe i just wanted to make sure it wasnt a miscarriage. So I went in and came home 8 hours later to discover i have UTI. Ouch! I dont have any pain in peeing- thank god, just a really bad back ache and some unwanted pressure near my tubes. since I really have no idea how far along I am- they ran an ultrasound. I swear the doctor was an idiot. we clearly saw a sac but nothing was in it. She took the pictures and went and asked another doctor his opinion - she comes back in and says "well its not an ectopic since the sac is in the tummy and not in the tube." I was like thinking Do they just give anyone Dr permits these days? I figured that one out on my own. She had no idea why she cou7ldnt see anything in the sac, she did a pelvic and said my cervix was still closed and there was no blood. That was good to hear! Then she said my blood count came back at 6-8 weeks pregnant. I even asked her what the number was twice- and all she would say was 6-8 weeks. She was starting to erk me. The final conclusion is that the baby is prolly to small to see still and that I am somewhere between 6-8 weeks. So I guess i am not having an April baby. Darn, cause I really really wanted a girl in April. Oh well. I guess it will be due near Mothers Day. The only perk of this is that every year my in-laws all get together and Celebrate this wonderful day with every female in the family. A nice dinner, bring gifts for all the mothers, dress up nice, go to church- etc etc.... hopefully this year I will get to get out of doing it! lol....

I gotta pee...


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I'm another pregnant bandster. I'm 9 weeks along. I had my surgery 5/8/06 and was 15 lbs from goal. I'm glad to see some others that are pregnant. My doctor made me get completely unfilled.

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Hello all!

I posted a while back to say that I would be starting TTC in January or at 225, but we decided to start early. I had some trouble getting pg in the past so I figured it would take me until January or so to get pg. WELL... here I am in the first official cycle of TTC and I just got a + test.

So I'm a pregnant bandster too! Pray for me that all goes well with the little bean. Right now I don't have a fill (I've lost my weight without one) so it will interesting to see how my eating habits change...




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Welcome Mary and Alicia! Congratz on your BFP's .... we are all excited for you!

I am starting to feel like we started an epidemic! :waytogo: So many prego bandsters now, I am glad that you are all here!

Welp, I went in to the real ultrasound appt yesturday. My friend said that I shouldnt waste my time since the last doc didnt see anything in the sac and it was only a few days earlier... but I ws thinking "what the heck, I have so much time on my hands I should just do it" and so I did, and I am glad I went! I saw the little grain of rice in my sac! It even has a heart beat of 140! I am so happy and relieved! I even cried a little in shock! I want to hug the doc and tell her how much I loved her for finding my baby! lol.... So I brought home the pic and showed the hubby. He was just as shocked! I think reality is sinking in for him now. My baby is smaller then we thought, so the new due date is in May.

Hope to hear your stories.....

Have a great weekend.....


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THanks for your words of encouragement. Since you never got unfilled how much Fluid did you have in your band and did you use the Protein shakes, if so how often?

Hi Ladies!

Congrats to you all. I had a band baby last May(2006) He is very healthy and happy now, but was a little small at birth. (not REALLY bad, but we had to stay in an extra week till he gained more weight) 6lb 2oz....

Umm I reckon he was small cos i never had an unfill and was sick a lot. But he just coulda been small...all my other pre band babies were nearly 9lb.

Anyways, he still breast feeds at this point (much to my apprehension these days) is VERY healthy and even large for his age in stature not mass.

Everything went great really. I did gain, but only a 'normal' gain for pregnancy which is a first for me! 3 others i gained more than twice the 'norm' I am still trying to get rid of that baby weight, but i haven't been too regimental about it. Getting stuck into to it this month though as i have had enough!

GOod luck to you all and can't wait to see the outcome!

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my due date is March 31st 2008 so we're very close in time:) So what does your diet consist of these days? Mine consist of a Protein shake & Cereal for brkfst, sometimes tuna for lunch or something thats at least 200 cal, and a shake & about 300cal for dinner. I also take 3 MVI and 2 Iron tabs. I havent had an unfill yet, my current restriction is 2.9cc. I've gained 1 lb so far but that can fluctuate. so hows your lil plum doing?

I just ran across this thread and decided I better post. I am also a pregnant bandster and this is our first! Dh and I decided that we would start trying the beginning of July and we got pregnant right off the bat! I could hardly believe it! I had always heard that it can take 3-6 months to get pregnant but I guess after losing weight with my band, I was really fertile. In fact, I bought a home test and when it went instantly positive, I figured something was wrong with it. I went to my family doctor the next day and the blood work confirmed it.

I have since meet with my OBGYN and everything is going great. My blood work all came back perfect and I have even had an ultrasound. My mom is a twin and since they run in both DH's family and mine, the doc wanted to see if there was one baby or two. They only found one however my sister is holding out hope that the other is hiding. It was so exciting to see the teeny, tiny baby on the ultrasound and hear the heartbeat!!! I had them make a tape of it for me and dh and I have played it and played it and played it.

As you can see from my signature, I am due April 4th. I am feeling fairly good. I think the exhaustion is what threw me for the biggest loop. That is getting better however. I have had some morning sickness, a few vomiting episodes but not much. I have had nausea but I have learned that it mainly comes when I forget to eat.

My band did have 2.5 cc but my surgeon removed .5 cc after I got pregnant. I do ok as far as hunger. I don't eat large meals but they are bigger than what I was having. I am, however, hungry all the time. I feel like I eat all day! I have gained a few pounds. My surgeon said that some bandsters even lose weight while they are pregnant. I don't feel like that will happen to me if this hunger continues. I certainly don't want to be nauseated, so I eat. I'm trying to eat healthy Snacks instead of the ice cream and Cheetos that I really want.

That's where I am right now. Glad to talk to others who are where I am!!

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That is sooo nerve wrecking when they cant find anything in the sac. My doc expected that i was 6wk at the time of my 1st us so he was nervous because at 6 wks you should be able to see something, but i was only ~4wks so they wouldnt be able to see anything anyways so that left me nervously waiting. So I feel your frustrations, Im glad your other doc was able to find your lil rice grain he/he!

hehe .... It was Abarbiere who got prego on the pill.... I would prolly try and sue that pill company! And send them a huge bill with all my maternity expenses! lol thats actually a good idea! You should do that Abarbiere! :)

So I went to the ER Monday night- i was having these pains in my lower abdomen area. Of course I was freaking out about it- my hubby thinks it was all mental pains... hehe i just wanted to make sure it wasnt a miscarriage. So I went in and came home 8 hours later to discover i have UTI. Ouch! I dont have any pain in peeing- thank god, just a really bad back ache and some unwanted pressure near my tubes. since I really have no idea how far along I am- they ran an ultrasound. I swear the doctor was an idiot. we clearly saw a sac but nothing was in it. She took the pictures and went and asked another doctor his opinion - she comes back in and says "well its not an ectopic since the sac is in the tummy and not in the tube." I was like thinking Do they just give anyone Dr permits these days? I figured that one out on my own. She had no idea why she cou7ldnt see anything in the sac, she did a pelvic and said my cervix was still closed and there was no blood. That was good to hear! Then she said my blood count came back at 6-8 weeks pregnant. I even asked her what the number was twice- and all she would say was 6-8 weeks. She was starting to erk me. The final conclusion is that the baby is prolly to small to see still and that I am somewhere between 6-8 weeks. So I guess i am not having an April baby. Darn, cause I really really wanted a girl in April. Oh well. I guess it will be due near Mothers Day. The only perk of this is that every year my in-laws all get together and Celebrate this wonderful day with every female in the family. A nice dinner, bring gifts for all the mothers, dress up nice, go to church- etc etc.... hopefully this year I will get to get out of doing it! lol....

I gotta pee...


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hi all. i was banded in february 07 and i haven't lost a single pound, despite exercise and diet. NOT HAPPY ABOUT THAT.

we were going to schedule another fill, despite me having what felt like great restriction... i was just desperate to make this work...

but i found out i'm pregnant! :faint:

now i'm scared about having a baby while fat... =0 i'm scared about the effect pregnancy will have on my band... i'm 29 and this is my first pregnancy. i feel a little dumb because all my friends have multi kids... here i am freaking out over the typical stuff, not to mention the band issues. eep!!! like, will the port hurt with the big belly?!

boy were my husband and i surprised to discover that sex could result in babies! (kidding... but we were were shocked!!!)

anyhow, i'm 8 weeks along.

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my due date is March 31st 2008 so we're very close in time:) So what does your diet consist of these days? Mine consist of a Protein shake & Cereal for brkfst, sometimes tuna for lunch or something thats at least 200 cal, and a shake & about 300cal for dinner. I also take 3 MVI and 2 Iron tabs. I havent had an unfill yet, my current restriction is 2.9cc. I've gained 1 lb so far but that can fluctuate. so hows your lil plum doing?

I don't know how you are surviving on that little of food. :) I feel like I eat all the time now! I am not used to eating so much but if I don't, my stomach hurts. It seems almost odd to say this but I get sick of eating so much. I feel like it's all I get done. My weight has stayed pretty good which is surprising to me. Everything seems to be going great. I go back to the doctor Thursday for a check up. April seems like such a long way away....

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Yeah Dooney- your making me look bad! After reading your post- damn I feel like I am eating like a freacking cow! Moo for me! :( It seems like I am eating something almost every 3 hours. Its useally like a string cheese, or a yogurt, but when night time hits- so does my appetite- if I am not nausiated. Which happens all the time. I get so hungry, but I tend to hold out an extra hour so the hubby can run around the corner to Jack in the box for a yummy chicken fajita pita with ranch, but if I wait to long for him to do that then Bam! I am so nausious I cant eat. But I do feel like a pig after reading your post, lol!

But I really dont care how much I gain. I know that I will gain prolly a 100 pounds... hehe .... but as long as I have this baby, then I dont care. :) Muhahahaha!!!!

Sooooo my UTI is gone, but I still landed back into the ER on Friday night. my whole body was shutting down, shacking, shivering, couldnt stop peeing, my back and pelvic area felt like a torch had been lit up inside me. So they ran all the tests, this time they said I had Bacterial Vaginosis. Gross. They said something about my ph balance and my hormones was causing it due to being pregnant. So I went home with a 5 day perscription of Vaginal suppository gel. Tonight is the last night and I feel just a little bit better. I woke up with some discharge- it was a few dots of pink blood. Of course I am nervously sick to my stomach thinking its the begginning of another miscarriage. All i can do is pray.

On a lighter note- the movie Knocked Up was released on DVD today! Cant wait to watch it!

Congratz to all the new prego moms who joined recently! welcome! :)


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okay,okay, so i didnt mention the amount of Cereal i contain in a day, its mostly the unhealthy stuff like fruity pebbles which i absolutely love. Im not usually a "sweet" person but since ive been pregnant thats pretty much all i crave for, Cookies, ice cream, popsicles, you know all the high fat, high cal, and high suger foods. Stuff us lappys are suppose to avoid, but it goes down sooo much smoother! i know bad me:( Now im trying to eat healthy since im able to tolerate the other foods, ive even considered V8 juices, wish me luck!

Do you guys use Protein shakes, if so how often?

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Have any of you guys experienced "sliming":eek: (When you spit up food you just swallowed, not the same as puking)? I dont really have "morning sickness" Im just more susceptable to "sliming" which was never an issue prior to pregnancy. So I just have to make sure I chew my food extra good, but even when I do sometimes it'll still come up, could it possibly be a different form of getting nauseous from pregnancy hormones, and being more sensitive to other foods? If this continues Im going to ask my doctor to defill at least 0.5cc, that should make a difference.

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heha ok I feel better now! Glad to hear that you are human and do eat the sweets like the rest of us! :peep:

I have felt the slimming thing few times too - I just figured I was full or it was starting to get stuck, so I backed off from finishing that food. Which sucks, when you really want to eat it! Oh well, cause its part of the joy of misery.

I haven't tried any Protein Shakes yet while pregnant. Mostly the thought of drinking that crap makes me want to vomit, and I am waiting for the morning sickness faze to pass first! ;) I hate gagging. I do like the Muscle Milk shakes- but when I do drink them my body turns into weight loss mode, and I am not trying to do that right now. Although, I bet it is much better Protein then the protein that my daily bag of Gummy worms has! Did you even know that the little bag has 5 grams of protein? heha, who would have known! Of course the sugars are out of the roof insane! :)


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I haven't done Protein shakes since getting pregnant. Quite frankly, they don't appeal to me right now. I did have some problems early in pregnany with things getting stuck or sliming so my doc took out .5cc and I hardly ever have a problem now. If I am too hungry, then I want to inhale my food and I end up getting a little bit stuck. I try to really watch myself and not let that happen but you know when you feel like your starving, you shove it in.

I am not having any problems sleeping...at any time of the day. I get up at night and go the bathroom which interrupts my sleep but I can always go right back to sleep. Most days, I feel like I could go to sleep easily if I just had the chance. Thankfully I am past the "utter exhaustion, I can't function stage". That was really hard on me.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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