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Lifetime of Weight, 3 Surgeries in One, Approved in One Week, and Scheduled to happen in 8 days. Need Support Like Never Before!

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Hello everyone my name is Ellie and I am about to get a sleeve on September 29! This was all very sudden and unexpected unlike some folks who have researched this for many years and gone through a long qualifying process, I have stumbled onto this procedure through a very roundabout way and in a matter of weeks I was approved. I am 37 years old and I weigh 270lbs at 5.8", I am hypothyroidic, I have sleep apnea and I'm prediabetic at this time.

A Little history: In 2007 I weighed 273 pounds! I had mild sleep apnea but aside from that I was relatively healthy. I had the Lap band procedure done mostly because I did not like the way I looked. But the band yielded very little results, despite 13 fills and unfills to adjust, I never achieved an ideal restriction and was always hungry the weight that I did lose was because I was starving and working out and then I plateaued at about 245 pounds.

Then I got pregnant in 2009 I decided to take all liquid out of the band (complete unfill) so that I could eat tons of vegetables and fruits. Funnily enough during the pregnancy and the one that followed I actually lost weight!? I guess something to do with the baby and the restriction I felt because the baby was pushing against the the band. At birth I was 214lbs. But as soon as my children came out in 2010 and 2013, even as I breast-fed, I was completely ravenous and the pounds returned at an alarming rate. So I have found myself right back to where I started at 270 pounds. Only this time mother nature has not been so kind...

I am prediabetic and my sleep apnea has returned with a vengeance! On a day to day bases I ache and hurt like an old rickety roller coaster! I feel like I am walking through Jell-O all the time everything has just slowed down. Even so, being busy with a three-year-old and a five-year-old and being a full-time working mom I put myself in last place and have not focused much on trying to lose the weight. It's basically been, whatever I need to do to make it to the next day! I have ignored the aching that my body feels on a day-to-day basis and how hard it has become living and getting around at this weight. I have ignored the emotional and social impact of my weight, or maybe ignored is not the best word, more like drowned out with more food. And I experience some of what most mothers will relate to, I don't want to be in pictures with my children because I feel like I ruin the pictures with my presence. But even all this did not bring me to a decision to refill my lapband or do anything about it until a few weeks ago...

In unrelated events I twisted funnily and managed to cause harm to my port. I was in severe pain like having stitches after running but the pain never went away. So due to that event, I finally went back to see my bariatric surgeon and upon further examination I was told that my port had ripped out of my muscles and was now flipped. Great!

It was then that my surgeon told me that my options were to repair the port and try the band again or do something different. He recommended I try the sleeve because if I was initially unsuccessful with the band chances of me being successful the second time around were slim to none. I had heard about the sleeve before but never really in-depth.

I also have gallstones and have had two attacks which I feel is not enough to warrant surgery but my surgeons seem to think differently. They say the gallbladder wall has thickened and that it is a matter of if and not when I will need to have it removed :(

I hate surgery I do terrible with general anesthesia it takes me hours and hours of tortured nauseated foggy horrible sickness and pain to come out of it. And there is nothing I want more than to avoid having to go through another surgery. However My surgeon sent me to other surgeon who specializes in lap band revision who said he could perform all three surgeries at one time!! He would take out the Lapband remove my gallbladder and perform the gastric sleeve. And we are close to maxing out our yearly insurance maximum out of pocket, so if approved these procedures will be completely at no cost to me!!

If I have to go under the knife anyways, I reason, I might as well get as much stuff done at one time, so that I don't have to go under the knife several times. I have not had too much time to do research on the sleeve or get emotionally prepared for the journey ahead but I have spent the past few weeks ferociously researching and ferociously reading up on it and doing a lot of soul-searching realizing that given my Freewill to eat, I am killing myself by being morbidly obese.

My doctor submitted the proposal for surgeries to my insurance and I prepared for a long wait. However a week later I found myself getting approved by my insurance and my doctors office saying September 29 is available so start your diet now!! WOA?????

No time for food funerals, no time for that last binge, no time to take a cruise which I love to do because of all the deliciousness, and no time to deliberate too long. I do have an option of doing it at the next available date in November but that would be very close to holidays and who knows what other circumstances could arise to prevent me from having the surgery at that time.

It seems like all the factors have aligned together perfectly... my job is willing to let me go for that period of time the surgery will cost me nothing I can do three in one surgeries and I can have it relatively soon so that I don't have an agonizing time to wait and stress about it. It's like it's now or never. Most reviews I've read have people saying they wish they had done it sooner.

I have already started my pre-op diet which means I would've only been on it for 10 days versus 12 like most people. And unlike most people rather than being on full liquids I have been placed on a South Beach supercharged phase 1 diet that includes lean meats, low-fat dairy and vegetables.

I am finally wrapping my brain around what is about to take place mentally emotionally and physically. I have stocked up on many things and thanks to all you wonderful sharing caring people that have taken time to share your journey I have had a chance to very quickly catch up on all the information that I will need to be successful.

But I'm so scared and so nervous not even about the liquid diet following surgery , (although, my coworker who got the sleeve weeks ago says that she is hungry all the time), or anything like that but of the surgery itself of being under Anastasia, of the pain I will feel when I wake up, and I wonder if I will miss the stomach that God gave me with which I was born...I'm sure all these things have crossed your mind too. And because my Lapband failed I fear that if this procedure does not work for me and I shall be that one anomaly for whom this did not work, there is not much else to be done. And since this is so life altering and Permanent, I don't know where to go from there if it does not work out for me. I know...I know...not thoughts I should be thinking .., but I'm being candid and sharing from the deepest parts of my heart the secret fears that I have, I would never admit to anyone.

Any words of encouragement advice, solidarity, anything will be so very much appreciated at this time! Like many of you my weight loss journey is a very personal and private one and I don't have much support from the few friends with whom I have shared this information.

I am sorry this has been long, but the welcome letter encouraged that we share details about our experience and I hope that Sharing this much will give you a more in-depth insight into my personal journey struggles and fears.

Sending you blessings and green lights, Ellie

Edited by ellie123

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Huggs to you!!! In some ways you lucked out! My local though they make you take classes then set a date. I would have loved totally skipping everything just to get it overwith. I currently have sleep apnea also doc prescribed diabetic meds a month ago which im not taking ( yeah im bad) and the pains you speak of i am totally with you on that my family came first... Now im on the final trek so yippee!!

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@@ellie123 - the biggest thing that I would be concerned about getting the surgery so quickly is that you need to mentally prepare yourself for the fact that this surgery is a tool and NOT the solution to permanent weight loss.

if you are mentally prepared for that to be the case, then doing all three surgeries at once without a lot of time to worry I think is a great idea! From what I have heard/read those that are unsuccessful with WLS are those that expect it to be the solution and not the tool needed to get to the solution.

Hugs and prayers for you as I know this will be an exciting and wonderful start to your chasing those babies with lots of energy!

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Does your bariatric surgeon have you lined up with a Nut? I have learned so much taking with her about what kind of food to eat after the 6 week post surgery diet. The good thing about the 7 month supervised diet that I'm on is that I'm already putting those things into action.

Do a lot of research and ask your doctor a lot of questions. Especially with the post surgery diet and required supplements.

Join a support group.

If you haven't already find an exercise partner.

Hopefully your doctor has recommended some Protein for the 6 weeks post-op, powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury is good

and I love the Premier Protein chocolate

It sounds like you've been through a lot so best wishes for you on this next phase of your journey :)

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Gratitude and Corrections!

Thank you so so much cindyw41, tcrehm, and mouse1972rb for taking the time out of your lives to read my saga and to respond! It meant the world to me. I would have normally typed out such an email, but earlier today, having just finished navigating Central Market without the tasty trappings and indulgent samples, and having left there with just Protein drinks and veggies, when I got to my car, I got the irresistible urge to share my story. With only a cell phone in hand, I resorted to dictation to pour out my story. In retrospect, perhaps not the smartest thing. I got home and re-read my post and I was mortified at all the Spell auto-check replacements and grammatical inconsistencies in my post (beet red face here). But you guys stuck with it and saw past all that into the heart what I was saying. I have since corrected hopefully all, including the surgery date. My surgery is scheduled for Sept 29, not Feb 29 : O

One thing also in retrospect I should have mentioned is that the reason I did not need to go through pre-surgical qualification, is because I did all that already for my lapbad, NUT, Phyc Eval, the works. Albeit in 2007, once you have met those qualifications, they don’t make you do it all again. The idea is, “the band failed, we have to take it out, we are replacing it with the Sleeve”. And in all fairness, I must say that the first time qualifying was a long and frustrating experience, and the road was fraught with Peril!. It took 2 years, 3 denial letters and crazy persistency to finally get it approved. So perhaps I suffered it all out the first time, and this time, the approval was a breeze. I’m in Dallas Texas by the ways, in case someone happens to be here and wants to meet for a post surgery spoon of Gello.

tcrehm, I appreciate and take to heart your concern on my mental preparedness…indeed alas I know the greatest battles we will ever fight are those between our ears : / Ergo my accelerated Quest to get there! I know only too painfully surgery is only a tool, having been through bariatric surgery already. When is your surgery? I still have not figured out how to Follow people in this application, and can people here communicate privately?? I would love to keep up. Big hugs and prayers right back at your for a healthy, smooth and productive procedure!

Cindyw41, I will take your advice and insist I see a NUT, even though I’ve already done that with the lapband. This is a different procedure and I need to know how to align my new diet with success. I will check out Unjury! Thank you so much for your compassion. 7 months is a long time to be at this…I know, as from my 2 year qualification process for the band. Wishing you the best experience possible! I would love to hear how your story goes. Hopefully I can figure out how to follow people. This app keeps crashing on me, and is challenging to navigate…

Mouse1972rb, Big HUGGS right back at you dear. I lucked out this time around for pre-qualification, but then again, above I describe how I was not spared the rod for lapband qualification. I’m so excited you are on the final treck! When is your surgery? Do you have little ones as well? It is so hard being overweight and not being that healthy role model you’d like for your kids. It’s like “baby girl, don’t eat those sweets, they are bad for you and can make you overweight, but do as I say, and not as I do, because I can’t resist them”. I’m so sorry you have been “temporarily” diagnosed with Diabetes. I have complete faith that post surgery, all that will sort out and you will never have to take those medications. Please keep in touch!

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Gratitude and Corrections!

Thank you so so much cindyw41, tcrehm, and mouse1972rb for taking the time out of your lives to read my saga and to respond! It meant the world to me. I would have normally typed out such an email, but earlier today, having just finished navigating Central Market without the tasty trappings and indulgent samples, and having left there with just Protein drinks and veggies, when I got to my car, I got the irresistible urge to share my story. With only a cell phone in hand, I resorted to dictation to pour out my story. In retrospect, perhaps not the smartest thing. I got home and re-read my post and I was mortified at all the Spell auto-check replacements and grammatical inconsistencies in my post (beet red face here). But you guys stuck with it and saw past all that into the heart what I was saying. I have since corrected hopefully all, including the surgery date. My surgery is scheduled for Sept 29, not Feb 29 : O

One thing also in retrospect I should have mentioned is that the reason I did not need to go through pre-surgical qualification, is because I did all that already for my lapbad, NUT, Phyc Eval, the works. Albeit in 2007, once you have met those qualifications, they don’t make you do it all again. The idea is, “the band failed, we have to take it out, we are replacing it with the Sleeve”. And in all fairness, I must say that the first time qualifying was a long and frustrating experience, and the road was fraught with Peril!. It took 2 years, 3 denial letters and crazy persistency to finally get it approved. So perhaps I suffered it all out the first time, and this time, the approval was a breeze. I’m in Dallas Texas by the ways, in case someone happens to be here and wants to meet for a post surgery spoon of Gello.

tcrehm, I appreciate and take to heart your concern on my mental preparedness…indeed alas I know the greatest battles we will ever fight are those between our ears : / Ergo my accelerated Quest to get there! I know only too painfully surgery is only a tool, having been through bariatric surgery already. When is your surgery? I still have not figured out how to Follow people in this application, and can people here communicate privately?? I would love to keep up. Big hugs and prayers right back at your for a healthy, smooth and productive procedure!

Cindyw41, I will take your advice and insist I see a NUT, even though I’ve already done that with the lapband. This is a different procedure and I need to know how to align my new diet with success. I will check out Unjury! Thank you so much for your compassion. 7 months is a long time to be at this…I know, as from my 2 year qualification process for the band. Wishing you the best experience possible! I would love to hear how your story goes. Hopefully I can figure out how to follow people. This app keeps crashing on me, and is challenging to navigate…

Mouse1972rb, Big HUGGS right back at you dear. I lucked out this time around for pre-qualification, but then again, above I describe how I was not spared the rod for lapband qualification. I’m so excited you are on the final treck! When is your surgery? Do you have little ones as well? It is so hard being overweight and not being that healthy role model you’d like for your kids. It’s like “baby girl, don’t eat those sweets, they are bad for you and can make you overweight, but do as I say, and not as I do, because I can’t resist them”. I’m so sorry you have been “temporarily” diagnosed with Diabetes. I have complete faith that post surgery, all that will sort out and you will never have to take those medications. Please keep in touch!

My surgery is tomorrow morning. I am so happy to hear that you have been through the process before with your lap band so it is not a quick decision being made without knowing what you need to be successful and have full confidence that you will do well! This forum is for getting support and advice from others so it is good that you were able to share!

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You have certainly been through the wringer. I hope all goes well with your band removal, sleeve, and removal of the gallbladder. Everything you're feeling now is perfectly normal. We've all been where you are now. You have to take the opportunity sometimes to focus on yourself, in order to obtain the healthy life you're seeking. In the end it will not only benefit you, but your family as well. Best of luck!

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Oh, Ellie... congratulations at getting all of your medical stuff taken care of at one time! I, too, expected classes, etc, but I got my approval and date set last Monday and my surgery is this Thursday, 9/24/2015, so no time for classes and all, but I do have 1 class tomorrow (2 days before op) then I go right next door to the hospital for my pre-op processing). I researched this before I asked for it, so I'm probably more mentally prepared, but it's a huge psychological change, despite the fact that you've had the band. With the sleeve you won't be able to ingest more than 4 tbsp or about 4 ounces at a time, forever. No eating and drinking at the same time - forever. Over-eating can risk damage or regurgitation and can damage your staples (which was what I had trouble understanding... them staying inside me forever and ever). I know I'll need future MRIs and I know these don't react to MRIs, but how does the body act to a foreign substance forever.... inquiring minds want to know! Rambling aside, (sorry) - we all need to change how we view food. I'd recommend avoiding cruises or other places you associate with eating (as the main event). I'm retired (which is bad because I have nothing but time), so I'm taking up languages and maybe sewing (for donating to the needy). I said goodbye to overeating and bad carbs and have to look at them as the enemy. Our health and our lives are at risk - and as a single mom, I'm needed here and I want to set a better example for my 16 yr old daughter; I don't want her ever to have to go through this. Fat isn't pretty or sexy any more; it's just deadly and it took my health going south to realize that.

I wish you all the best on 9/29; you're in my prayer.

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Gratitude and Corrections!

Mouse1972rb, Big HUGGS right back at you dear. I lucked out this time around for pre-qualification, but then again, above I describe how I was not spared the rod for lapband qualification. I’m so excited you are on the final treck! When is your surgery? Do you have little ones as well? It is so hard being overweight and not being that healthy role model you’d like for your kids. It’s like “baby girl, don’t eat those sweets, they are bad for you and can make you overweight, but do as I say, and not as I do, because I can’t resist them”. I’m so sorry you have been “temporarily” diagnosed with Diabetes. I have complete faith that post surgery, all that will sort out and you will never have to take those medications. Please keep in touch!

My son is 21 now and is a toothpick thin 6'6 lol i must have done something right there.

Surgery day is sept. 29 odds are since im east coast i will be just coming around as your going in.

Day 4 now on diet 7 days to go with one day of magnesium citrate included????

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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