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I was Sexually Assaulted at the Obesity Good Bye Clinic

Guest develasco

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Guest develasco

My name is Teresa de Velasco. I recently had WLS in Tijuana, Mexico, at the Obesity Good Bye clinic. I feel compelled to share my story, so that others do not endure the same horrific experience. I was completely confident to travel alone and had no fears of surgery in another country. I believed I had done extensive research, and made a good decision. However, I was sexually assaulted during my stay at the clinic. I wouldn't advise anyone to travel alone. I am not saying, don't travel to Mexico for surgery. Anyone can have a bad employee working for them. I am just asking you to please read the following, which is a copy of the correspondence I sent to the two patient coordinators I had been involved with.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: JC Urrea <jurrea@bariatricmexico.com>

Date: Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 2:01 PM

Subject: RE: Problematic Facts

To: Teresa de Velasco

Hi Teresa, I apologize for not getting your Facebook message. I’m only working on my business email since I’ve been out of town till Monday.

I will immediately inform Obesity Good Bye and forward your message to them to go over it. I will be in touch soon.


JC Urrea

From: Teresa de Velasco
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 7:44 AM
To: Laura Padilla; jurrea@bariatricmexico.com
Subject: Problematic Facts

Laura and/or JC,

JC, I sent you a message via facebook this past Saturday on 9/12/15. I chose fb because that had always been the quickest method to reach you. I never got a response, so I am now sending you both this message.

As you know, I arrived in Tijuana at the Obesity good bye clinic on August 24th in the morning. They did their pre-op test and prepared me for surgery. I believe his name was, Dr. Rios that asked me a few questions and had me sign 2 consents. Prior to surgery, encountered Dr. Rios briefly a couple times, an internal medicine doctor (I think that's what he told me. He spoke English), the nurse (who spoke NO English, and I NO Spanish), and another man who stated his job was “to assist the physicians”. This man did speak English, but I can not recall his name. However, throughout my time there, I feel I had more interaction with him, than anyone else. On August 25th, I was moved to "another room” which was a different building. August 26th, discharge day, I was allowed to shower. I did not see any body soap, I was able to wash my hair. As I was drying myself off, I noted some old blood (brownish color) as I dried my vaginal area. While I was there, I had what I thought was a dream of someone holding something over my mouth and nose- until I I just don’t remember anything else… just sleep. With my dream/memory and then the vaginal area blood I was startled and concerned that I may have been sexually assaulted while sedated and/or forced to inhale something to sedate me. I was in a Foreign Country and the only person around that spoke English…. Was the person I suspected that could have done this. I was scared, and was definitely NOT going to say I thought I had been raped!! I discharged Aug 26th around 10:30am and finally arriving home just past 11pm. I kept these thoughts and feelings to myself… August 30th I began to feel like I was developing a yeast infection and got an over-the-counter one day treatment. September 1st, I began to develop vaginal lesions, which I hadn’t experienced before. At this point, I did discuss my concerns/thoughts with my husband. I called to set up an appointment with my gynecologist, however he was out of town. I was scheduled to see Melanie Bussie, APRN on September 4th. She offered to contact the authorities and a SANE nurse. (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner). I had showered more than twice, destroying any possible DNA and couldn’t, imagine what the police could do for something that happened in Mexico, so I declined that. I did have several STD test done. I can NOT express enough to you, how overwhelming everything became at that moment with all the horrible possibilities. I was started on Valacyclovir 1GM 2x's daily for 10 days plus Lidocaine Gel. (So I could apply this to the lesions because the burning when I urinated was horrible!) As suspected, my results showed that I did have Herpes. She had also done a blood test to confirm if the outbreak was possibly from an old exposure. The test confirmed that I had been recently exposed. Thank God, all my other results have come back negative. However, I must be retested at 6 months and then again at one year for some of the other test. So, I still get to worry if any future test may be positive~ like HIV! As far as the Herpes, I was given a choice to take the medication when I have future outbreaks only, or as a daily maintenance. I will be taking it daily so that I can reduce any future outbreaks, and also to protect my husband from becoming infected. I am to begin counseling next week and have been prescribed something for sleep, otherwise I lay in bed and replay my time in Mexico. This will be with me for the rest of my life! You NEVER get rid of this STD~ Herpes! And this is something I will never forget!

I was very confident to travel to Tijuana, Mexico, to have my WLS. I was not afraid of having the surgery in a different country, no fears of being butchered, murdered, and not afraid that I had traveled alone. The ONLY concern that entered my mind about being there, was having my money, wedding band, debit card or something else stolen! It never occurred to me that I could be sexually assaulted. I have no doubts, that I was sexually assaulted at Obesity Good Bye Clinic.

In my research, it appears that dr. verboonen and Dr. Ponce are co-owners of the Obesity Good Bye Clinic?! They need to be notified immediately of this. I would like a response, as to what has been done and how this is being resolved. Nothing less than "him" being fired is acceptable. (I can't remember his name! He took my photo JC, saying you asked him to for the records.) If anyone plans to contact be by phone, I want that done during weekday evening hours or the weekend~ Because he DOES speak Spanish!

Records brings me to another thing… I want copies of medical records mailed to me. If you need me to sign a release you may email it and I will return it. The records should be provided to me at NO COST! I paid for a 5 day package, and was barely there for 3. Those other two days should definitely cover ANY cost to send them.

My "package" was for Dr. Ponce as a solo surgeon. He was honoring a price of $5800 that I had seen advertised on BariatricPal, with stipulations of one M.D. So, my "package should have included (As booked on Bariatric Mexico) Free Weight loss consultation with your Surgeon~ No member of the surgical team introduced themselves or spoke to me! Mickey Mouse could have done surgery?! Hotel (1 pre-op night)~ Chose not to use Anesthesiologist fees~ done A Dedicated Case Management Team~ NO! All Pre and Post op lab tests~ Only post op test done was leak test Full transportation from the Airport to private hospital~ Done A Nutritionist~ NO!! If told I did, I I would like to see I would like to see their picture and proof of education! Medication~ Done, also paid $100 for my meds and a 1L Gatorade. Meds should have been about $84. Expensive Gatorade in Mexico, I guess. One-year Follow-up Program

As a Registered Nurse myself, I could overlook some things such as: Nurses not looking at IV site while I slept and my hand was at LEAST twice normal size, Nurse applying tape only- directly on incisions. You face the potential of ripping open the glued incisions if/when removed. Mexico must have different nursing training and standards! … I knew the facility was not going to be a beautiful, new, top-notch looking facility, etc. I was a little shocked after being transferred to my 2nd room. Walked to a different building (which was cooler) but didn't realize I would be left alone and locked in! That's a bit frightening…

I had no intentions of telling many people that I had Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery there at Obesity Good Bye clinic. However, I did nothing wrong… and "Someone" DID sexually assault me. Trust me, I don't want everyone to know that I now have an STD! But this is the result of someone assaulting me and giving me a life-long disease! I AM prepared to basically copy and paste this email and post to my Facebook (and various groups), asking EVERYONE to share~ to spread the word. I believe women planning to travel alone should be warned about their risk! I am at a loss of how else to handle this situation. I know many people travel to Mexico for WLS, and I feel it is up to me try to spread the word…. I am afraid if I don't take some type of action, he will suffer no consequences. But I DO get to suffer from this!

I will be looking for my medical records to be mailed to me.

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I am truly sorry to hear of your trials while in Mexico.


I do however feel that you should have let the hospital/co-ordinators respond to you first with what they will do about this situation before you brought this to us. You can't let one terrible persons actions in Mexico affect all travels to Mexico.


Unfortunately, considering your state after surgery, you really can't be sure what was done to you and by whom.


You first mentioned you booked with Bariatric Mexico and then you mention Bariatric Pal; these are two different co-ordinating groups.


I have travelled alone to Mexico 3 times and have had the utmost of care, professionalism and comfort all three times.

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OMG Theresa... I'm sickened to hear about what happened to you! You are so very brave in sharing your story with the world. Women need to know the hardcore possibilities of traveling alone to Mexico for surgery. Sexual assault must also be a real risk. I sincerely pray for your health and that justice is served. Spread the word! I'm taking my sister up on the offer to go with me. God bless you, friend <3

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Oh my goodness you poor thing! I have no words! What a horrible experience! I sincerely hope your health is OK and you will see a therapist. I am just heart broken for you!

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I am so sorry this happened to you and am praying for you. I am also so glad to hear that you are seeking counseling and medical care. What you wrote was very difficult to read do forgive me if I missed it, but did you report this to law enforcement? To the embassy? I couldn't even begin to know how to navigate the justice system when something like this happens so would imagine that a predator would take advantage of that vulnerability.


You are very courageous to speak out about this. I wish you all the best and hope you will not allow this to derail you from your recovery.

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Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for sharing your story, I am so sorry this has happened to you!

My heart is breaking for you. to have someone do this to you while you are at you're most vulnerable is actually horrific.

I am glad you are seeking a therapist to help you through this, you need to stay healthy.


I am glad she has told her story, others need to know the risks when making their decision. There is nothing anyone can do to fix this situation. Once you have been sexually assaulted it cannot be taken back and will require therapy to get past. Her waiting for someone to respond will do no good to "resolve" anything. She was sexually assaulted. Take it from someone who had it happen to them as a young girl. This just does not go away without help and others need to know so it never happens again.

Do you really think she gave herself an std that has been confirmed to have just occurred?

As far as her sharing her story and your fear of it stopping all travel to Mexico for surgery. I am glad your experiences have been good ones however I would want to know so I can make the best decision for both my physical and mental health.

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Oh my god this is horrible. I am so sorry to hear this. I wish I could offer you help .... my heart breaks for you. Hugs

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Guest develasco

I am truly sorry to hear of your trials while in Mexico.


I do however feel that you should have let the hospital/co-ordinators respond to you first with what they will do about this situation before you brought this to us. You can't let one terrible persons actions in Mexico affect all travels to Mexico.


Unfortunately, considering your state after surgery, you really can't be sure what was done to you and by whom.


You first mentioned you booked with Bariatric Mexico and then you mention Bariatric Pal; these are two different co-ordinating groups.


I have travelled alone to Mexico 3 times and have had the utmost of care, professionalism and comfort all three times.

I am glad you had three great experiences.... With the subject matter being what it is, exactly how long is someone suppose to wait for some type of response? If I just wait... the perpetrator may do this to someone else. I contacted Alex and we discussed posting here. I did book with Bariatric Mexico... I did a lot of research via bariatricpal.  The first time I tried to contact someone was over a week ago with no reply... 

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Guest develasco

@ have you heard anything back yet?

I have not had a reply from anyone yet.

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To be clear, I do not have a FEAR of her story stopping travel to Mexico, it is an isolated incident. I too have a right to my opinion and state it here on this open forum.

Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for sharing your story, I am so sorry this has happened to you!
My heart is breaking for you. to have someone do this to you while you are at you're most vulnerable is actually horrific.

I am glad you are seeking a therapist to help you through this, you need to stay healthy.

I am glad she has told her story, others need to know the risks when making their decision. There is nothing anyone can do to fix this situation. Once you have been sexually assaulted it cannot be taken back and will require therapy to get past. Her waiting for someone to respond will do no good to "resolve" anything. She was sexually assaulted. Take it from someone who had it happen to them as a young girl. This just does not go away without help and others need to know so it never happens again.

Do you really think she gave herself an std that has been confirmed to have just occurred?

As far as her sharing her story and your fear of it stopping all travel to Mexico for surgery. I am glad your experiences have been good ones however I would want to know so I can make the best decision for both my physical and mental health.

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Omg , your story took my breath away, I'm lost for words, I am terribly sorry this has happened to you, and I hope they fry the nasty rapist that sexually assulted you, lots of prayers and hugs for you

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You are right, you have a right to your opinion. In this case I guess I am a bit shocked and disappointed by your response.

In my opinion, The comment about her not knowing for sure who did it or what was done and that she should wait to hear back is extremely insensitive.

Clearly that must mean she shouldn't share her story. Goodness knows it could not happen to anyone else while she waits to hear back.

How in the world could you possibly know it is an isolated incident?!?!

Well, that is exactly how I was raped at 13, someone should have reported what happened to them and it clearly would not have happened to me. The person who raped me raped 3 young girls before me. Not one of them reported it until I did.

I won't apologize for my feelings or my response.

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My heart goes out to you. I know many of us have been victims of sexual abuse. Its even more disheartening when a trusted medical professional takes advantage of someone. Thank you for speaking out. Sending prayers your way.

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Guest develasco

I just wanted to thank all of those who have had words of support and encouragement. 



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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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