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What's Up With All The Tipping?

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I once had a disasterous experience in an uptown fancy hair salon. A friend of mine had fabulous hair and she recommended her stylist to me. In those days I was dealing with my kinda curly/frizzy hair by getting it permed. My theory at the time was that the frizz would all go in the same direction. :phanvan Well, I phoned the salon up to book an appt and to get a quote. While I was having my hair worked on they stuffed me full gourmet cake, gourmet coffee, and compliments on my clothes. This very attentive service had the effect of making me very nervous for I don't enjoy getting my hair done anymore than I like going to the dentist. :rolleyes The insults to my sense of self-esteem began as I was leaving; they charged me a further 30 bucks over the quote and I left the joint looking like Bozo the Clown. :omg: This evil head job was done in October and I still looked foul by the end of December. This was particularly humiliating to me because I was spending much of that holiday in Paris visiting with friends. Hanging out in Paris while you are suffering from a bad hair year ain't fun! :) Oh, but that was a terrible experience! I did tip the bastards, though. :tired

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Well Green, just so long as you tipped the bastards, that's all that counts on this thread!~

Bubble: That was a funny story! Was it a bark scorpion or just your regular run of the mill brown one? Anyway at least it made me feel better about the money I used to spend on Speigel catalogue stuff.

I was sitting next to a man in Phoenix many years ago at a Mac Davis concert (yeah, that long ago) and he had his hand in a cup of ice. He had been stung by a scorpion in his yard right before the concert and he wasn't going to miss the show. Said it hurt like H - E - double hockey sticks!

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I once had a disasterous experience in an uptown fancy hair salon. A friend of mine had fabulous hair and she recommended her stylist to me. In those days I was dealing with my kinda curly/frizzy hair by getting it permed. My theory at the time was that the frizz would all go in the same direction. :phanvan Well, I phoned the salon up to book an appt and to get a quote. While I was having my hair worked on they stuffed me full gourmet cake, gourmet coffee, and compliments on my clothes. This very attentive service had the effect of making me very nervous for I don't enjoy getting my hair done anymore than I like going to the dentist. :rolleyes The insults to my sense of self-esteem began as I was leaving; they charged me a further 30 bucks over the quote and I left the joint looking like Bozo the Clown. :omg: This evil head job was done in October and I still looked foul by the end of December. This was particularly humiliating to me because I was spending much of that holiday in Paris visiting with friends. Hanging out in Paris while you are suffering from a bad hair year ain't fun! :) Oh, but that was a terrible experience! I did tip the bastards, though. :tired

As long as your hair isn't red and you didn't look like Ronald McDonald.... :D But if your hair is red, did you at least wear the big floppy shoes and red striped bloomers to match?

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Well Green, just so long as you tipped the bastards, that's all that counts on this thread!~

Bubble: That was a funny story! Was it a bark scorpion or just your regular run of the mill brown one? Anyway at least it made me feel better about the money I used to spend on Speigel catalogue stuff.

I was sitting next to a man in Phoenix many years ago at a Mac Davis concert (yeah, that long ago) and he had his hand in a cup of ice. He had been stung by a scorpion in his yard right before the concert and he wasn't going to miss the show. Said it hurt like H - E - double hockey sticks!

It was horrible getting stung, those little buggars HURT! I was new to AZ and knew nothing about the creepy little things. Left the windows and door open all day because it was so nice out. That night on the bathroom counter there was a little tiny scorpion. I had nothing in sight to squish it with and I didn't want to leave to go get something because it would squiggle away never to be found again so in a panic I flicked it in the drain with my fingers. It nailed me.

Being new to the desert I called poison control asking about these stings, would it kill me? She said no, only two species in AZ have poison, the rest just hurt like hell. I thought... no biggie and went on about my evening. Within 20 minutes my tongue was swelling, my entire arm was swelling, and I wasn't feeling well at all.

Poison control makes a habit of calling people back to check on them. By this time I had already run into a wall, knocked my forehead on the wall and was passed out on my floor. I woke up to two policemen shining their flashlights in my face asking if I was okay. When poison control didn't get an answer they called the police for a health and welfare check.

Of course, I was wearing my huge, white, furry, fluffy robe with big ape slippers on and the ape slippers had painted claws. (They were a Mother's Day gift from some group home patients that picked them out all by themselves)

The two policemen helped me up to the couch and asked if I needed an ambulance. I was trying to tell them NO, but with my tongue swollen it was sticking out of my mouth and it came out, "OHHHH!"

Long story short they called paramedics anyway. I was so embarrassed. I was dizzy, had a splitting headache, thought I was gonna hurl, I was wearing ape slippers and a furry robe, my tongue was hanging out of my mouth and there wasn't a chance in the world I was going to an ER looking like that. I worked in an ER and ... there was no way. It wasn't going to happen.

The paramedics kept telling me to get on the stretcher, they would help. I kept shaking my head back and forth saying "OHHH!" They went to do an EKG and having really blurry vision from just crunching my head in the wall, the headache, the allergic reaction... I couldn't see what they were holding. It was three EKG pads. I thought it was a kotex. They kept telling me they wanted to put it on me and I thought they were out of their ever loving mind! I kept shaking my head saying, "OHHH!"

I didn't go to the hospital, I decided I am a nurse I can deal with this on my own, by myself. Of course, by the time I had my hair appt at the fancy hair place I was still not feeling great.

Geeez, that was embarrassing.

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I once had a disasterous experience in an uptown fancy hair salon. A friend of mine had fabulous hair and she recommended her stylist to me. In those days I was dealing with my kinda curly/frizzy hair by getting it permed. My theory at the time was that the frizz would all go in the same direction. :phanvan Well, I phoned the salon up to book an appt and to get a quote. While I was having my hair worked on they stuffed me full gourmet cake, gourmet coffee, and compliments on my clothes. This very attentive service had the effect of making me very nervous for I don't enjoy getting my hair done anymore than I like going to the dentist. :rolleyes The insults to my sense of self-esteem began as I was leaving; they charged me a further 30 bucks over the quote and I left the joint looking like Bozo the Clown. :omg: This evil head job was done in October and I still looked foul by the end of December. This was particularly humiliating to me because I was spending much of that holiday in Paris visiting with friends. Hanging out in Paris while you are suffering from a bad hair year ain't fun! :) Oh, but that was a terrible experience! I did tip the bastards, though. :tired

I hear ya, green. I've been to expensive salons only several times, each time attended by a male hairdresser. I have left looking so hideous that it's made me wonder whether they hated women or just fat people. How could they have let me leave the salon looking like that? Did they not have pride in their work?

I ended up cutting my own hair for many years. Not hard considering I wear it shoulder length with bangs. I'd cut each side in the mirror then get my sweetie to match it up in the back.

For the last couple of years I've been seeing a friend who works out of her home. She has consistently given me nice and flattering cuts with a little bit more style than my homemade jobs. However, I get my hair cut a couple of weeks before an event where I want to look my best.

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BB - that is one helluva funny story now that you lived to tell the tale!

Devana - I wear my hair much the same way as you, cut straight a little below the jawline and with bangs. I can wear it this way now because it is less curly and frizzy than it was when I was younger. In fact I have been doing this style for a number of years now and I go to this gorgeous woman who operates her own little salon in the neighbourhood. She charges 15 bucks for a wash and a haircut, including blow dry, and I give her a 20. She is a very nice woman and her salon usually has one or two people in it who have just stopped by in order to chat. It is a cosy place to hang out in. And Ashanti gives great hair!

BB - my hair is a kind of reddish blonde and I do have large feet! That is part of what made that bluddy Ronald MacDonald doo so horrible. Arghhhhhhh!

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BB - my hair is a kind of reddish blonde and I do have large feet! That is part of what made that bluddy Ronald MacDonald doo so horrible. Arghhhhhhh!

I'm not laughing... swear! (crossing heart)

But if I were to laugh, it would be a good one.

Not that I am.

And if it was yer current doo I wouldn't laugh, I'd be angry right along with you and I'd even help you to go cut her hair as a favor in return.

But if it happens again, just don't wear red stripes. :)

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I'm not laughing... swear! (crossing heart)

But if I were to laugh, it would be a good one.

Not that I am.

And if it was yer current doo I wouldn't laugh, I'd be angry right along with you and I'd even help you to go cut her hair as a favor in return.

But if it happens again, just don't wear red stripes. :)

:bounce:It was a dark period of my life, it is true.... :)

And thank you for yer kind words of support but you can go ahead and laugh if you really want to. :heh: Yer friend, once known as Bozo the Green! :(

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:bounce:It was a dark period of my life, it is true.... :)

And thank you for yer kind words of support but you can go ahead and laugh if you really want to. :heh: Yer friend, once known as Bozo the Green! :)

Ahhh Darl'en, you know you can always count on me for support! Heh....

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Bubble! That was one scary story!! Especially the part about the house shoes! :heh:

Seriously if you hadn't called Poison Control, you might not be with us right now. Did the paramedics give you a shot of Benadryl? I can't believe you talked them out of taking you.

I've had several encounters with scorpions in Florida and Texas, but I never saw one while we lived in Arizona. We were there for 5.5 yrs.

I've never been stung. Once I went out to get the morning paper and walked back into the house through the garage, past the lawn mower, and I realized that something felt funny on the heel of my bare foot. I took a look and low and behold a dead, smashed scorpion was stuck to the bottom of my foot. I let out a bloody scream that was heard 'round the 'hood. Guess it came in on the wheel of the lawn mower or something. Eeeuuuu! :)

Man, Green you have the best deal going with your hair did, er do. I can't believe you can git 'er done for 20 bucks! That's like a throw back in time! I have such lousy, fine, straight mousy brown hair, I have to really work at finding someone who can cut this mess. Count your lucky frizzy stars!

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We brought back a dead scorpion from Tunisia as a souvenir. It was nicely mounted in a box but it has since fallen off its gluey base and lies sprawled like a vicious drunken sailor across the bottom of its box. It is kind of gross and funny and so I still display it proudly.

As for the cheapo hair work, this is very, very unusual even in Toronto. Ashanti is a private neighbourhood resource. She is Indian/South Asian by race, Hindu, and comes from Trinidad. She is an extremely beautiful woman, small, slender, a lovely face, and a gorgeous mane of hair. She does all kinds of hair, old Portuguese and Italian ladies, punks, Goths, ethnic grrls who like big hair, and people like myself. Both my husband and myself get our hair cut by Ashanti. My tenant was the one who told us about her. My tenant is around my age, gay, and works in corporate banking. She also has really wavy hair. Ashanti is able to handle all our hair needs. But the other nice thing about going there is that the joint is in the way of a meeting place. People stop by to say hello and to chat.

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Green, I also have one of those mounted Tunisian scorpions. Big sucker. I didn't actually bring it home myself as I was a young hitchhiker when I was over there, and travelling light (well maybe not so light, I managed to bring home a small doumbek). My Libyan cousin-in-law brought it for me the last time he was over. It's a great source of interest for the kids that come over. He also brought me a case of those Tunisian dates on the twigs that I like so much.

My hairdresser friend is also the focus for much social activity. However, she was finding it interfering with her life a bit in that she wasn't getting any alone time or time with her kids without others around. So this past year she has asked everyone to be sure to call first. Most people do that now, but there's still a few that persistently drop in.

Last time I was there she straightened my hair with a curling iron-like device just for fun. My hair has a natural wave to it so it was quite an interesting look. It actually made me look a lot younger. It lasted until I went out into the rain the next day.

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As far as I'm concerned all scorpions belong lifeless in a box.

The beauty shop scene you two paint sounds marvelous! I can usually find good conversation without good skills or good skills with no conversation.

I thought I had found someone a couple of years ago. I paid more for her services but she was fantastic with my very difficult hair. She was pleasant enough. But by the time I got to know her well enough to share any kind of real conversation, it was always all about her. She talked non-stop all about her church and how I needed to try it, how wonderfully faith-based her whole salon was, how difficult it was to meet eligible Christian men, blah, blah, blah. She finally took me on as a project to convert me both for a religious conversion and for a rigorous weight loss regimen. I gave her up for Lent.

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As far as I'm concerned all scorpions belong lifeless in a box.

The beauty shop scene you two paint sounds marvelous! I can usually find good conversation without good skills or good skills with no conversation.

I thought I had found someone a couple of years ago. I paid more for her services but she was fantastic with my very difficult hair. She was pleasant enough. But by the time I got to know her well enough to share any kind of real conversation, it was always all about her. She talked non-stop all about her church and how I needed to try it, how wonderfully faith-based her whole salon was, how difficult it was to meet eligible Christian men, blah, blah, blah. She finally took me on as a project to convert me both for a religious conversion and for a rigorous weight loss regimen. I gave her up for Lent.

Bummer! Ashanti is Hindu and doesn't appear about to try any conversion numbers on her mostly white clientele, especially the Portuguese and Italian grannies. :heh: Our neighbourhood is multi-national and so we mostly talk about the local restaurants, the ones within walking distance - Indian, South Indian, Ethiopian, Portuguese, Chinese, Italian, Greek, Jamaican, Thai, and the two most recent ones, Mexican and Vietnamese. I've been eating huevos and refrieds at the Mexican joint a lot lately and then this Saturday I had lunch at the Vietnamese restaurant with a grrlfriend. The chow was excellent!

:bounce:Afterwards my friend stopped by Ashanti's salon for a haircut and I followed along in order to give Ashanti an update on the two new restaurants. :hungry: She was finishing off a Portuguese granny's doo and there was a friend of hers who lives in the neighbourhood who was just hanging out, reading magazines, etc. :P The conversation ended up being about elderly women who have in vitro babies.... None of us thought that this was a wise idea. :)

And of course we talk about such important items as men, shopping, and children. I know you would enjoy a visit to this salon. :D

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