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HAD TO SHARE! protein milkshake is the best for those who just can't on the shakes

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If you add ice to a Protein shake and blend it well it will be very close to a milkshake.

We are supposed to be helping each other do the right thing, not say yeah, drink a liquid double cheese burger, it won't hurt.

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What about the sheer volume of that shake? It's a lot of thick liquid! I would personally be very worried about satiating cravings with a modified version of a really bad food choice. I'm certain most people on this forum are battling food addiction. Too much of a slippery slope for me! I remember the first seminar I attended on WLS, the NUT said the most common way she saw people eat around their restrictions was with ice cream and milkshakes! No thanks, I'm trying to reestablish good eating habits during this honeymoon phase!

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Again everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But my nutritionist looked at the ingredients of the ice cream which I posted and was fine with it. I don't drink this everyday but it's a very low carb ice cream that once it's mixed with Protein and fat free Protein milk is not too thick and just a tasty alternative. If you can't drink it, don't want to drink it, don't like the temptation of it then of course no one is forcing it. Some people were not even aware that ice cream existed and like so many I just wanted to share a postive experience I had encountered and still lost weight for the week.

Adding ice is something that I tried and it didn't work. The protein taste was still very strong but of course, but I have added a sugar free popsicle to a Syntrax nectar shake and it was pretty tasty.

We all have our own journey and are entitled to our opinions, I did not expect to get judged for mentioning the word "ice cream" it was a healthy alternative to regular ice cream and if you want to modify it make it your own. You could make a shake under 200 calories. I posted the ingredients just to share what worked for me under my nutritional guidelines, which I have been following to the book and I feel absolutely amazing and so thankful. Thing is we will have cravings occasionally. I could have gone to mcds and ordered a milkshake with 80g sugar and added in a scoop of protein mix but instead I researched the low carb sugar free option brought it to my nutritionist and she thought it was a great idea. Idk to me that's a pretty solid victory. And when summer comes next year I will be prepared and know what works for me.

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I am so disappointed. I guess I just never thought I would see this kind of disgust when a sleeve sister finds something that could possibly help her on our journey. Op I'm sorry. We women should hold each other up never tear each other down. There are enough people doing that to us

already. The wt loss journey is hard and sometimes very painful. I wish everyone the best of luck. My surgery in 9 days. I'm on my preop diet and it sure is not fun, but I'm doing it. It has been a long road to get here. Love to all!!!!

Edited by stacy1204

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I am so disappointed. I guess I just never thought I would see this kind of disgust when a sleeve sister finds something that could possibly help her on our journey. Op I'm sorry. We women should hold each other up never tear each other down. There are enough people doing that to us

already. The wt loss journey is hard and sometimes very painful. I wish everyone the best of luck. My surgery in 9 days. I'm on my preop diet and it sure is not fun, but I'm doing it. It has been a long road to get here. Love to all!!!!

The best of luck with your surgery! And thank you for your kind words ????

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While some of the comments can come across as rude...

It is ridiculous to recommend a weight loss shake with ice cream.

A better solution would be just to add ice cubes. Period, just some ice cubes. And maybe use almond milk instead of fairlife milk because it is creamier and fewer calories.

There are a lot of people, hell basically all of us, struggling with food issues. Suggesting that an ice cream milk shake with Protein powder is okay for weight loss come across as almost a troll post. It is just self sabotage.

You have to start thinking differently about food to be successful. Not substituting bad options to make good options more palatable.

You are on your journey & she is on hers. YOU are not responsible for everyone on this site & you do not have to police every suggestion to make sure it fits into your way of thinking.

It's almost like some of you sarcastic ones are jealous because her NUT said this is OK.

A simple, kind response stating your opinion is enough.

The flippant, rude, nonsupportive comments tell me way more about you and your own personal struggles and issues than it does about your simple opinion on a 'milkshake'.

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You know how I finally got to goal? By drinking my protien shakes for 6 solid weeks after surgery because I was having problems with GERD. You don't think I was sick of the fucking protien shakes? But I still drank them because that's what I had to do. With NO ice cream!

You know how many times I've had ice cream since my surgery a year ago? One. Because I knew eating protien and veggies is more important to my health and weight loss than ice cream. Because that's what I had to do.

You know how many times I went to the gym even though I didn't want to? Hundreds. Because that's what I had to do.

Sometimes to get results in life we do what we have to do and delay gratification to get there. Putting ice cream in your protien shake because you can't stand the taste of it any more doesn't sound like someone who is willing to delay instant gratification and sacrifice some things to make the surgery successful. You have to sacrifice and deprive yourself of things you really want through this whole journey and beyond to get the results you want. When I see someone who isn't willing to do that, I see someone who will struggle. Drink the damn Protein shakes and do what you need to do to be successful.

I'm not going to condone putting ICE CREAM in your protien shakes, no matter how many times you call me rude. It's ridiculous, and the NUT who said it was okay is, quite frankly, an idiot.

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Oh, for God's sake -- let's not tell anyone who puts ice cream in their Protein shakes that it's not the best idea we ever heard of.

That'd be ... uh, what's the word ... honest.


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@Babbs. You rock. People do come here to be chastised or they wouldn't post. Every one of us needs to read the desperate posts pleading for help because they don't know what's gone so terribly wrong. By criticizing, perhaps we are all helping each other THINK before we do!

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Congratulations on all your success. I am certain it was hard. I am also quite certain I will reach mine as well. I am not telling everyone to do this, I had my share of struggles with the shakes that made me sick and uncomfortable and I was simply trying something new with permission and still dribking my regular morning shakes. But I think the confusion here is were calling it "ice cream" and yes although it is ice cream it is low carb, less calories and even Fiber. I have given up lots of things with this journey and am simply learning new ways just like I'm sure you did. This "milkshake" is not a reward or a cheat meal. And calling my NUT an idiot just because this doesn't work for you is quite rude. I don't understand the negativity in this post. If this doesn't work for you or you don't want this in your life why do you have to ruin it for others. That's just insane. I am well within my calorie goals for the day and we'll below my carb goal. Just because this isn't for you doesn't mean someone else might not want to try it with permission of their NUT after everything is evaluated. Why sit here and judge me because of your struggles. I have my own thank you very much and quite frankly I would appreciate if I would get the same respect you show others on here for simply sharing an idea. Geez.

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One thing I learned early on when I discovered this forum was that the participants could safely hide behind their anonymity, and that opinions and tact will vary.

Before I gave up on yo-yo dieting, I would have ice cream every night at bedtime. It is just one of those things that I will probably never approach again because of instant downfall. What I ended up doing was blending ricotta cheese and Greek vanilla yogurt with some artificial sweetener and use that as a base for my Protein shakes.

However, there are those among us whose nutritionists advise against use of any artificial sweetener....so what are we to do? I just follow the plan I was given and use others' suggestions here as inspiration for modifying their recipes to fit my plan. Some use almond milk. My NUT wants me to use real dairy milk.

She also does not want me to have a shake every day, but I would if I there were no restriction. It's an easy energy source for me. My suggestion is to follow your plan and not get too bent out of shape if someone else's plan is different.

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Fair enough. I do understand where you're coming from. But like Ann said, speaking out because maybe, just maybe, ice cream in your protien shake doesn't seem like the best idea?

When people say "I've got my own journey, you've got yours" it always seems to say to me " I don't care what the rules are. I'm going to still do what I want".

The general rules of WLS may vary a bit from surgeon to surgeon, but overall they are the same. And nowhere did I see putting any kind of ice cream in your Protein shake at 3 weeks out was one of them.


I wish you nothing but success. Honestly.

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If you are looking to be shown respect on this forum, I would suggest you post some of your basic statistics so that we can see if you are a serious player or not. The "negativity" you detect is the bull shit radar going off with some of the regulars on this forum. I have only been a member of this board since May, but have seen people post some seriously silly stuff and then wonder why their surgery "is failing them, I am not losing weight". Most of us are on a 3 meal, 2 snack program with at most 1200 calories (and this is only because I am 6'2" male I get this many calories....the shorter ladies get less). Your shake completely blows out of the Water what I would estimate 95% of the NUTs out there recommend as your shake is 400 calories and only leaves at most 800 calories for 2 more meals and 2 Snacks.

If this shake works for you and your NUT and the weight is falling off, good for you. For the rest of us, it just isn't an option until maintenance. Share with us your weight loss experience so we can see that the 400 calorie shake is working for you please.

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@@slvarltx Thanks for you post.

Someone with zero information about their surgery or program, posts about having milk shakes and says their NUT agrees it is okay. And everyone is supposed to pat them on the back.

If your Protein shakes suck, get a different brand. So many people post here about how their Protein Shakes are terrible but they are using the cheapest stuff they can find.

I have Quest Protein powder in Peanut Butter and it tastes just like Peanut Butter Cookies. I have Syntrax Nectars that are delicious. There is lemonade, ice tea, and lots of other fruit flavors. They are thin and easy to drink. And around 100 calories.

You can add unflavored Protein Powder to broth.

There are so many options to get your Protein in that do not involve ice cream.

If your NUT told you ice cream is okay, you need a new nutritionist. An experienced bariatric NUT.

Anyone can be nutritionist. It does not require any special training or certification. It is not a regulated position. So they all vary in how knowledgeable they are. Unless they are a Registered Dietitian, they are more than likely a quack.

Edited by OutsideMatchInside

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Sounds tasty, but maybe a bit much :) At least it's sugar free!

I improve my shakes by adding 8oz of milk to a Pure Protein shake (chocolate) plus one scoop of chocolate whey Protein and one squirt of sugar free Torani chocolate Syrup.< /p>

I drink this over the course of an hour or so to spread the protein load over time. The body can only absorb so much protein.

I don't do this every day. This generally counts as a "brunch" for me and I'll add in something light at lunch but not much.

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      I joined yesterday when I was struggling with this preop diet... 
      It typically comes and goes, the hard times and easier times. I'm on day 6 of 14  shakes, water, sf Popsicles and jello. And I might actually be losing my mind. But, oh dear lord has the fear set in. Not about the surgery itself, but life afterwards. If I feel this crappy on the preop diet, am I going to feel like this forever after? 
      I know most of the answers are no, not forever. It might be worse after for a while, then get better. I know it's a more of a mental challenge than physical after the first couple weeks of healing. I get all of that. But I'm starting to feel scared about losing myself afterwards. 
      It might be my hormones or desire to chew something salty talking.. It may go away soon or tomorrow.. I can hope, anyway. But right now.. The fear is real. 
      And this liquid diet can bite me. 
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      1. NickelChip

        Fear is normal, but if it makes you feel any better, I'm 4.5 months post-op and the pre-op diet was by far the hardest part of the whole process. There will be challenges and a lot of new things to learn, but I can honestly say at this point I feel so much more "back to normal" and was even able to go on a week-long vacation with my kids without stressing over it. It's so worthwhile.

      2. OhMyGawdItzKla

        @NickelChip This actually does make me feel better! Thank you so much! After the onslaught of Covid, we've all had to deal with a "new normal", so I know it's possible. It's just the fear and frustration in this moment that makes me question if I can find another "new normal" afterwards. The thought of just a few more months seems daunting some times, but I really do appreciate input and real experience. I'll use that to get me through for a few more hours! LOL. Thank you so much! And I'm glad everything is going so well for you! ❤️

    • mamabear30106

      I started my 10 day pre op diet yesterday I need flavor!! I'm not big on the chocolate protein shakes so I just got to use up what I have was thinking about freezing it to make it like a ice cream so its something I can chew a little. Idk this is hard but I know I can do it just need to find new things to try 
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      1. JennyBeez

        You can try. I've read other people have had good results with protein-shake popsicles, etc. My personal experience with it? Sucked.

        I tried making 'fudgesicles' with a couple different flavors of a premade shake, as well as a protein powder I blended myself and all of them came out revolting? The powder ones, all the protein sunk to the middle; the premade shakes, the popsicle had a disgusting texture and the protein seemed to leave a weird fluffy film on the outside? I couldn't stomach it.

        Maybe look into flavoring additives? I was able to have sugar-free coffee /soda syrup flavorings, sugar-free drink flavorings and baking additives like almond, rum or pepperment extract. The extracts helped me the most as they added no extra sweetener.

        On the other hand, if you can get your hands on an unflavored/unsweetened protein powder, the syrup flavorings are perfect. I love to use Boost "Just Protein" (which is unflavored) with milk and a Chai-flavored sugarfree syrup.

        Good luck!

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