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Aussie Bansters Chat Thread Part 2

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I've come to the realisation that I really can't avoid exercise much longer.. I've been putting it off in a big way, got new sneakers, new little ipod shuffle (read avoidance...).

I don't really want to listen to music (cos it requires that I sing along .. kinda loud and I reserve that for the car). I was wondering if anyone new of any sites that have podcasts or other mp3 downloads with health/fitness themes? Looking for something I can listen to on the treadmill or exercise bike and learn abit as I go - not really after the books on tape type of things.

I did find a couple of sites that look okay, one even has a 12 week program you can buy that is like a personal trainer for your mp3 player.

Please let me know if you have any ideas.

thanx guys.

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I cannot recommend Cardio Coach highly enough, I really enjoy it. Its interval training via mp3 - kind of a personal coaching type of thing, with instrumental music especially written for it and instructions of when to go fast, go slow, increase resistance etc.

It makes time on machines like the elliptical or the treadmill really fly, completely eliminates the boredom factor and its relatively cheap - you can get instant MP3 downloads.

Cardio Power Fitness Music | Download Workout | Cardio Music Workouts | Cardio MP3 Downloads for iPods

It REALLY increases your fitness fast too, interval training is very effective but you can use it for walking as well, just walk extra extra hard in the intervals or even run them.

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Hi Meredith. Jacqui, Sam, Bronnie and all our other new people. I have been MIA for a while now. I have been out living my life and very happy with feeling so much better physically. I work in Day care as you know and am now able to run around the yard and climb trees with the children. Life is a lot easier when you weigh less, physically anyway.

I have been struggling psychologically though. I have been feeling very anxious and sad about the whole body image issue with the physical side effects of losing a lot of weight in a relatively short period of time. I read all of your wonderful responses the last time I posted, but I can not seem to get past this emotionally at the moment.

I feel that I am not deserving of love like other women because my body is not perfect and needs work.I know that it is crazy but my whole lack of self esteem is based around my body issues. I know that I am a beautiful, caring, warm, kindhearted person, but I feel like a failure because of my body issues.

I have done well to lose the weight, but I just feel sad and anxious about it.

I saw my doctor at the lapband clinic and just sat in her office and just sobbed for a long while. She was wonderful. Jacqui you would know her from The Avenue ( Anna Koren). She wants me to see a counsellor to talk about how I am feeling. She told me also that I am not eating enough and to slow the weight loss down. She did not want to give me a fill at this time.

I will go and see a counsellor.

I don't want to scare the newbies, but I never realized that all of these intense emotional issues were going to come to the surface post banding. I thought that I would be banded and lose weight and that life would be so wonderful. It is wonderful in that I feel physically fantastic.I am very grateful to have my band, and I am grateful to my wonderful surgeon Mr Gary Crosthwaite and all of the Staff at the Avenue Clinic. I am just struggling with the other issues.

Meanwhile Jacqui you look incredible in your avatar! Beautiful.

Sam you are incredible too.

Bronnie I love your avatar pic. You are gorgeous girl!

Meredith thank you so much for caring about me and thinking about me. Thank you for getting in contact with me today. It was wonderful to speak to you. You are such a good chick, and I hope you are down in Melbourne soon so that we can catch up.

Newbies welcome and I wish you much success in your banding journey.


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As I said to you today Susie I think we are in a similar place with the blody stuff right now. I hope we can both get to the other side of this and have our weight loss be a wholely positive thing in our lives. We will get there, its jsut going to take some work (damnit MORE work to do! *sigh*)

And I spoke to hubby this afternoon and a trip down your way looks like it might well be on the radar in the next quarter or so, I'll let you know when we firm up the details. I'm looking forward to seeing you again already! xox

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I am looking forward to seeing you again too Meredith. Looking forward to meeting your hub too. Yay for yanks!


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Hi Everyone...

Susannah...... keep your chin up. Youve done so well and i hope you get through the 'emotional' rollercoaster soon.

take care.


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Hi Susannah,

I'm really sorry that you're struggling with this, its quite confronting to achieve what you always thought you wanted and for it not to make you entirely happy. I think the counselling is a fantastic idea.

Its a chicken and egg thing, I mean did you become overweight in the first place because of the way you think about yourself or can you simply not break the habit of despising yourself as a fat person? Its a great idea to get some help with that. I'm glad that Anna was able to support you, sometimes it really does take a woman to understand this sort of thing, just as I'm sure we dont quite get all the issues men have with weight loss.

I guess that there's sometimes a few different facets to this journey, the weight loss is only a part of it. But you've achieved a huge amount, dont think of it as over now, there's some other bits to work on, that's all.

Some face to face support with your pals could be good too - and I did promise Phili that I'd get together with her after my holiday, should we organise a coffee? Then we can have another one when Meredith is down, lol.

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Hi,hope You Dont Minde Me Sending You This,you Look Fantastic,i Had My Band On The 19/7/07,am Finding Things Difficult,only Have 3 1/2 Ml In[band Holds 10ml]my Sergeon Said Im Battling Due To Not Much Fluid, but He Wouldnt Put More Is As I Had Lost Weight From My Last Visit.any Way,was Just Wondering,did You Nfollow A Diet Plan To Get The Weight If That Fast,or Did You Feel Restriction And Just Eat Less?i Geuss Byou Also Must Have Exercised.please Help,i Just Feel Like I Have Such A Long Way To Go To My Goal Weight Of 60kgs.thankyou.....gail

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Hi,hope You Dont Minde Me Sending You This,you Look Fantastic,i Had My Band On The 19/7/07,am Finding Things Difficult,only Have 3 1/2 Ml In[band Holds 10ml]my Sergeon Said Im Battling Due To Not Much Fluid, but He Wouldnt Put More Is As I Had Lost Weight From My Last Visit.any Way,was Just Wondering,did You follow A Diet Plan To Get The Weight OF That Fast,or Did You Feel Restriction And Just Eat Less?i Geuss you Also Must Have Exercised.please Help,i Just Feel Like I Have Such A Long Way To Go To My Goal Weight Of 60kgs.thankyou.....gail


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Dont know if you mean me? (how embarrassing if you dont, roflmao!!!!)

Anyway, have lost 40kg, its taken almost 2 years, no I didnt follow any special diet plan, I just eat probably 1/2 of what I used to but I eat ordinary foods and I do eat out and allow myself treats etc.

I run for an hour probably five days per week. I really believe exercise is the secret weapon in winning this battle.

hope that helps!

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Thanks Jacqui. I think you are right when you say that I can't break the habit of hating myself for being a fat person. I think the counselling will help me to come to terms with the major change in my body and the resultant issues it has brought up. Would love to do a coffee with you all, maybe when Meredith comes down. We could make an afternoon of it.

Bronnie thank you for your kind words. You have done so well with your loss! You must be thrilled. I agree with you about wishing I had been banded earlier. I hope you can come out for coffee with us too. Congrats on the new job also.

Philli I must apologize to you in that we never got the chance to meet up. Please forgive me. As I have written I have been struggling with all the emotional type issues and have not been able to see much past that.

I will return to being the happy and humourous person that I have always been soon, I am sure.

Thanks girls for being on the other side of the computer screen with your wise words, and for extending the hand of friendship.


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Hi Meredith. Jacqui, Sam, Bronnie and all our other new people. I have been MIA for a while now. I have been out living my life and very happy with feeling so much better physically. I work in Day care as you know and am now able to run around the yard and climb trees with the children. Life is a lot easier when you weigh less, physically anyway.

I have been struggling psychologically though. I have been feeling very anxious and sad about the whole body image issue with the physical side effects of losing a lot of weight in a relatively short period of time. I read all of your wonderful responses the last time I posted, but I can not seem to get past this emotionally at the moment.

I feel that I am not deserving of love like other women because my body is not perfect and needs work.I know that it is crazy but my whole lack of self esteem is based around my body issues. I know that I am a beautiful, caring, warm, kindhearted person, but I feel like a failure because of my body issues.

I have done well to lose the weight, but I just feel sad and anxious about it.

I saw my doctor at the lapband clinic and just sat in her office and just sobbed for a long while. She was wonderful. Jacqui you would know her from The Avenue ( Anna Koren). She wants me to see a counsellor to talk about how I am feeling. She told me also that I am not eating enough and to slow the weight loss down. She did not want to give me a fill at this time.

I will go and see a counsellor.

I don't want to scare the newbies, but I never realized that all of these intense emotional issues were going to come to the surface post banding. I thought that I would be banded and lose weight and that life would be so wonderful. It is wonderful in that I feel physically fantastic.I am very grateful to have my band, and I am grateful to my wonderful surgeon Mr Gary Crosthwaite and all of the Staff at the Avenue Clinic. I am just struggling with the other issues.

Meanwhile Jacqui you look incredible in your avatar! Beautiful.

Sam you are incredible too.

Bronnie I love your avatar pic. You are gorgeous girl!

Meredith thank you so much for caring about me and thinking about me. Thank you for getting in contact with me today. It was wonderful to speak to you. You are such a good chick, and I hope you are down in Melbourne soon so that we can catch up.

Newbies welcome and I wish you much success in your banding journey.


Hi Susannah - welcome back and congratulations on your weight loss success! Sorry to hear that you have been feeling so insecure lately - hopefully the counselling will help but I think it also takes time to change our body image as we lose weight so I'm sure in time you will begin to gain back your confidance.. keep us in the loop with how things go!

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Hi guys, just wondering if there is anyone out there from Adelaide? I have been looking into banding for 2 years and finally made the decision to go with Dr Anderson.. Had my appointment today and got myself all excited about the prospect of being banded in Nov (latest Dec) because a friend of mine who had hers done a couple of years ago only had a 3 week wait before the surgery. Today I was told that there's a waiting list until February (and that was only if I joined the waiting list now - if I waited until my approval I would have to wait until JUNE)!! I am prepared to wait until Feb if it comes to it, but I am extremely disappointed that I can't do it sooner and can't help but wonder if there are other reputable surgeons in Adelaide who have a shorter wait period - is there anyone from Adelaide who has had surgery recently and can recommend another surgeon that I can look into as a backup? Any ideas of waiting times?

With Dr Anderson it takes at least 3 weeks just to get an appointment - my Wakeup appointment is on the 12th of November and then my surgical consultation with Dr Anderson is on the 14th of December.

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Dear Jacqui,yes My Question Was To You,thankyou For Answering,as I Was Tossing Between A Few Diets Again,e.g Milshakes Ect...to Try Get The Weight Of Faster,im Really Glad You Have Done It All Thru Eating Normaly[thats The Way I Prefer To Do It,just Appeard Harder At This Stage],i Find It Hard People Who Have Been Banded For Shorter Time Than Myself Have So Much More Fluid In There Band,not Sure Why My Sergeon Wont Put More In At Each Time,i Geuss I Have A Few Demons In The Closet To Deal With[smile].any Way Im Confident I Will Get There,this Site Has Been A Big Bonus.and Im Sure I Will Enjoy Exercising Again Once I Get Into It Properly,thanks Again.gail

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Thanks Jacqui. I think you are right when you say that I can't break the habit of hating myself for being a fat person. I think the counselling will help me to come to terms with the major change in my body and the resultant issues it has brought up. Would love to do a coffee with you all, maybe when Meredith comes down. We could make an afternoon of it.

Bronnie thank you for your kind words. You have done so well with your loss! You must be thrilled. I agree with you about wishing I had been banded earlier. I hope you can come out for coffee with us too. Congrats on the new job also.

Philli I must apologize to you in that we never got the chance to meet up. Please forgive me. As I have written I have been struggling with all the emotional type issues and have not been able to see much past that.

I will return to being the happy and humourous person that I have always been soon, I am sure.

Thanks girls for being on the other side of the computer screen with your wise words, and for extending the hand of friendship.


Hi Susannah & others

That was one of my main questions on the info session night I went to... what happens when that great feeling you have after losing weight subsides and the old feelings come back. I have lost weight quite a number of times through my life but before I can lose the whole lot my old fears, etc creep back and slowly but surely I go back the other way. I wonder what will happen once I have lost all my weight, will I cope or will the pain I've been hiding behind the food I eat and the fat body come tumbling back to overwhelm me. I feel your pain and I hope the help you are seeking helps you deal with the underlying causes of being overweight in the first place. :kiss

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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