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I Must Get this Off of My Chest

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My name is Jennifer and I am scheduled for surgery on 9/4/15. I'm currently attempting to fulfill the pre-op requirements with a liquid diet but find it to be rather difficult. Day 1 was horrendous and Day 2 was better but Day 3 was hard. It doesn't help that I'm a teacher and this past week has been our work week-LONG hours, high stress, lots of "to do" lists, and adjusting to the 4:30 alarm every morning. My almost 11-month-old not sleeping hasn't helped the situation so, right now, I just need to get all of my concerns, fears, frustrations out of me. I'm hoping someone can offer encouragement but from a REAL place.

I have a friend who had lap band done a few years back but, when I ask her questions now, she paints this cake-and-pie picture for me. I ask her what she misses and she says "nothing." I asked her if it was hard initially and she says "no." Well, I'm on day 3 of a liquid diet and, coming from someone who's used food to soothe me and comfort me, it is hard. I know it's doable but I want people to be REAL with me. Tell me how long the fight lasts. When does the nagging at least quiet down?

I tell myself that maybe this isn't the right time but when is really a "good" time to do this? If you have lived your life centered around food, no time is a good/right time. I want to do this and believe it is the best thing to do for me but this close to things I'm starting to freak out. Am I normal? The whole liquid/pureed foods for weeks afterwards, the no caffeine deal (with some doctors-not sure about mine), the PBing issue (I've watched lots of Youtube videos), etc. If anyone reads this and has a minute to share, I'd be so very grateful. My husband doesn't have weight issues. He is supportive but doesn't understand the CRAZY emotional attachment.

I also HATE artificial sweetener. Hate all of it. But it looks like I'm forced to ingest the stuff for the next 8 or 10 weeks. And PLEASE let me adjust quickly to no caffeine. My students need it to happen quickly and painlessly-trust me! LOL! I'm sorry for being a negative Nelly. It's been a REALLY hard week and not being able to eat to make it better has stunk-I'm sure that has come across well. Thanks for letting me vent and I look forward to any encouragement you can offer.


Jennifer :)

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Hi Jennifer, I' ll put my 2 cents in , im sure others will respond too as we are a very supportive group here. I didn't have a liquid pre op diet, so I cant advise you on that part other than its temporary. ( Its used to shrink your liver before surgery, my Dr, just asked me to try and lose 5 lbs before surgery. ) I know its VERY important, so just do your best and try different things to keep yourself full and reasonably happy. My Dr. never said no caffiene, but I dont drink coffee, only tea. Others have talked here many times about their daily coffee, im not sure why it would be forbidden. My lap band surgery and recovery was a breeze, from the moment I arrived at the hospital to home was 6.5 hrs. ? Very minimal pain, I was on pain meds for only 2 days (and I have a very low pain tolerance ) then it was only liquid Tylenol once , if that. I was tired and very sore the 1st 2 days, like a very bad pulled muscle, the 3rd and 4th days better and better, I went back to work on the 7th day, no problems since . The liquid and mushy stages are temporary NOT forever. You really dont have much appetite , as you are recovering from surgery. I started loosing weight right away, 1-2 lbs a week. It was very easy to stick to, no issues there. Later, "Bandster Hell" which is when your appetite reappears, but with no fill, you're hungry and can eat a fair amount , until you get the right amount of fill to get to the "green zone" . I still lost weight every week. (50 lbs the 1st 7 months ) I just stuck to the food rules, exercised 3 x a week, and left a little room daily for a small treat. Ice cream or something chocolatey. ( Occasionly I still get stuck , or PB, but its because I forget and dont chew well, my own fault 95 % of the time) What do I miss ? Raw broccoli, and Generals Tso's chicken from our deli. That's it. What dont I miss ? Being unhealthy, tired, looking older than I was, sleep apnea, no energy, size 18 clothes, hubby never said anything negitive but wasn't happy. Now ? Healthy, happy, energized, looking and feeling younger, very happy and proud hubby, size 10 clothes. Lapband gave me my life back, and im extremely grateful. Best. Decision. Ever. Good luck !!!

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I stink at diets...failed at every diet I ever attempted...you name it, I tried it.

Even the 6 month diet required by mu insurance,m I failed...officially proving, on the record, that I could not loose weight the traditional way.

My insurance co. made me jump through hoops for almost a year. So when I finally approved, it came down to the 2 week liquid diet to shrink my liver prior to surgery.

It was hard...2 weeks!! But I had come so far and done so much, I kept telling myself I was NOT going to screw it up now!

I am 63 years old, have been banded almost 5 years.

The first phase, say 4-6 months after surgery, was extremely difficult and frustrating for me...felt I had wasted my time, it would never work, I'm doomed to always be a failure, etc, etc.

But once I got through all the adjustments, learned and adapted new ways of eating along with giving up certain food types, ans began to understand my band more and more....the pounds just started to melt away and it became the easiest and best decision I have ever made.

I finished this process (hate the term journey) 4 years ago...I am done loosing weight, simply no excess fat to loose. I have adapted a new lifestyle. Every day is just like any other day, with no thoughts of diets or having to loose weight.

But like I said, the beginning was extremely difficult for me....but I stuck it out and never looked back and finally broke through to the other side.

So, this thing DOES WORK.....You have to want it to get it, but it is there for the offering. Some people give up and choose not to proceed...stay within their comfort level never reaching that full potential.

The Lap band is adjustable, and can be set on many different levels.

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The pre op liquid diet is very hard. I think what made it easier for me was fear. I was so worried if I cheated and something went wrong during surgery I would blame myself. Mine was two weeks liquids only. I just stayed busy and tried to stay focused on the end goal.

As for the liquid/puréed stages post op that is WAY easier. Your hunger will be less and food doesn't even look appealing. When that wears off and your appetite gradually returns you weight is dropping and it's an exciting time.

I used a lot of sugar free Popsicles, and broth a few times a day.

You can do this!!! Hang in there. We are rooting for you. Stay busy if possible and look toward a better future. It's going to be worth all the suffering I promise!!!

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I agree with the other posters. I did go through a bit of bandster hell, which is the period after surgery when you are fully healed, but don't have restriction in your band yet. I did gain weight during this time, but luckily from reading these forums I knew it was normal. The process to get the band properly adjusted isn't easy, but it's great once you start feeling full with less food and losing weight! One of the most important things is to follow your drs rules about eating. Mine said to wait 30s (using a timer) after each well chewed bite before taking another bite. Using the timer has helped me immensely! Getting stuck is no fun, so follow the rules carefully to avoid it. If you get stuck too often, for too long it can also lead to serious, irreversible complications. Be aware and stay in touch with your doc throughout the process. If you're not losing weight, or you're uncomfortable, or in pain, don't be embarrassed and don't suck it up - it's their job to help you be successful.

Good luck!

Edited by meggs353

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Hi there @@butterfly40, way to go showing up for yourself and your healthy future. Getting that appetite monstor off of my back is the best thing I ever did. I also don't miss anything but if some one had told me that prior to my surgery I never would have believed it. I still love food -- I just have smaller portions at appropriate intervals. To me that is something of a miracle.

Like you, I hate artificial sweeteners. My pre-op liquid diet was two weeks and those first couple of days were definitely the hardest. The product my surgeon's office doled out did not agree with me (full of crap) so I used another. And I did not have to give up caffeine; I am a tea drinker and occasionally have some decaffeinated coffee. If you call the office and tell them you are having a difficult time, there may be some leniency on that score -- but do follow your doctor's instructrions to the letter. I think that is key.

I was very excited about the surgery and used that to ride through the stages afterward. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner (my baby is about to turn 20). Post-op I focused on walking, a little further each time. The protocol for me was one day clear and then full liquids. I loved my popsicles and went ahead and had ones with real sugar because I was having so little. I liked the Soups sold in cartons in the natural foods section of the regular grocery store -- like potato leek, etc. And warm tea felt good to me. I was allowed egg drop Soup and that was very satisfying.

You are going to do well because you are thinking it all out ahead of time and confronting your worries head-on -- way to go! Pre-op SUCKS but you will get through this. You need help, though. Whoever can help you needs to be tapped so that you are able to get the sleep you need and focus on yourself for this time. Every one will benefit in the long run. I wish I had understood earlier that in choosing myself first that's what happens -- every one wins. I had never been at the top of the list before and now I am and we are all very happy.

Oh, one thing about pre-op is that for the first time in my life, after so many diets and regaining, I knew the pounds I was losing were NEVER coming back. I had never been an overnight patient in a hospital before and was nervous but it all was so much easier than I thought it would be. A sense of humor definitely helped, and the power of positivity. Best wishes, and keep us posted!

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Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for all of the encouragement! Reading your posts has helped me tremendously. ???? I teared up while reading many of them and even read them aloud to my husband. I appreciate you being real with me & for helping to calm me down in the midst of everything. I'm so glad I found this site! You guys rock!



Edited by butterfly40

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Hi Jennifer – I really relate to your post. I had my surgery on August 20, and started the liquid diet on August 6. It was hard – the first few days especially. I don't think I was hungry, but I really missed the act of eating - especially as a relaxation device after work. The first few days I was pretty irritable. I tried to remind myself that this was a temporary thing and that it would get easier. Even if it didn't get easier, it would be over soon. And this was true. After the first week, the liquid diet did not seem like a big deal anymore. The other thing that made it easier is that my surgeon's Office allowed two cups of vegetables per day. This was nothing compared to what I was used to eating – but it became the most wonderful thing in the world to me. I have to admit – I never considered cheating because I was so focused on shrinking my liver and making the surgery as safe as possible. This was validated when my surgeon told me that my liver was big but that she had been able to do the surgery laparoscopically, probably because I had done the liquid diet so stringently. I didn't have to give up caffeine, which probably would've killed me!

I really want to wish you good luck. I honestly believe that if I can do it you can do it. The postop has not been bad at all – I'm just really focusing on figuring out what my body needs/wants And helping it heal.

Good luck! Ronnie

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Thanks Ronnie! I really appreciate your encouragment. Everyone's encouragement, really. And thanks for the honesty. It is hard and I haven't done it 100%. I've been able to stick to liquids today but when I'm at my most frustrated, even my 11 month old's Snacks are like heaven. For me, I've found variety is a must so I'm adjusting. Kicking and screaming all the while, but still adjusting :) Thanks again! I'm sorry my responses are so short. Time is so limited, especially during the week. Take care and I wish you all well!



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Hey Guys!

My surgery is Friday & I really want to know what to expect. How long does surgery last? What's the process afterwards. What can I expect? Please share the good, the bad, & the ugly :)



Edited by butterfly40

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Hi there, I filled my prescription for pain medication but did not need any. Discomfort, sure, but not as bad as something like a root canal, etc. walking really helped. Be prepared for not being able to get up and down from the couch/bed easily due to the laparoscopic incisions, they heal quickly but many people find a recliner to be best those first few days. Don't overdo so you recover quickly -- take it easy. Let people wait on you even when you're feeling so excited. Use your energy for walking -- all you can and a little further each time. This will kick your body into healing mode and help release trapped gas. Many people experience left shoulder pain from that gas pumped inside of you for the surgery -- sometimes it's right away and sometimes days out. Windmill arms, happy baby yoga pose, rolling, moving. And speaking of moving, watch out for Constipation. This is something I wasn't prepared for and I had to take something day four or five. Boy did I feel better after that. I considered getting the band to be a gift to myself and I still feel that way. Good luck tomorrow -- you're going to do beautifully. Follow your surgeon's instructions to the letter and don't be afraid of asking questions or calling in any concerns. That's what they are there for. You're starting a new chapter in your life!

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Thanks @@Bandista - I really appreciate you being so willing to share your experience with me & for your honesty. I'm nervous about the pain post-surgery but I'm excited to begin this new chapter! Thanks again & best wishes!

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Well, well, well , the BIG DAY is finally here !!! Dont forget a chapstick for when you wake up from surgery,and a big bottle of Water ! l had the worst cottonmouth for the 1st day! It took a huge bottle of water, chapstick and sf popsicles to finally get my mouth back to normal . You'll need a pillow or 2 for the car ride home. I also needed help getting on and off the couch for the first 2 days, then slowly could do it by myself by the 3rd day. Walk alot, rest, lots of liquids . (And if your Dr. recommends chicken broth for after surgery, and it too salty, try just the broth from Campbells low sodium chicken Soup, mmmmmm good ! ) Good luck ! Keep us posted ! I'll be thinking of you !!!

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Hi guys! I'm pretty bummed. I had a skin procedure a few weeks ago & the surgeon would not do the surgery today because it wasn't completely healed. I have to reschedule. All of that hard work has to be repeated :( I just wanted to let you know.

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Hey lovely, take a deep breath.

The experience is challenging and will be challenging, but with it come rewards. Also, I never stopped drinking coffee... Just carbonated beverages.

If you want I would be happy to tell you all the up and downs to a band. :)

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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