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@@mlmanney apologies for the delay in getting back to you.. I had a SUPER crazy day at work yesterday with it being the day I do payroll and having to miss 3 hours for my appointment.. The appointment went good I think. I am down 25.5lbs in the 3 weeks since my initial consultation. I met with the NP this time instead of the surgeon and I have to say, I wasn't a real fan of hers. I expressed concern about my Migraines getting more frequent and nausea being more frequent due to the migraines and she pretty much said that isn't their problem, I need to talk to my primary. I know I caught a bit of an attitude with her when I said it does become their problem when I can't keep Water down after surgery because of these stupid headches..lol (oops, I try to behave myself, I really do.... I just think my "you probably shouldn't say that" filter is broken or non existent). Basically she gave me a list of things that my primary doctor could give me for the headaches, which is what I wanted. I have to say I haven't been super crazy about my primary doctor lately, she's really been dropping the ball on pretty much everything from bloodwork orders to calling in my thyroid prescription as brand instead of generic when she is the one that told me to take the brand.. BUT I don't want to switch doctors until after all of this surgery stuff is done and over with. So all I ever wanted was an idea of what I could have her prescribe vs what I couldn't have after surgery and I did get that. So, I suppose the appointment was a success. I was a little disheartened when she said my loss was "okay" but that I need to lose another 15 or so lbs before 9/17 (which is my surgery consent signing). I wanted to scream because I have been literally killing myself to be able to even get that 25.5 lbs in 3 weeks. Considering I have an under active thyroid and work crazy hours, not to mention I have never lost more than 20lbs and not gained it right back, I am happy with my progress so far whether she is or not.. lol

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@@Knitchic omg I am glad my questions weren't like that because I would have been way too tempted to answer them with crazy answers like "yes, aliens control my mind." "the voices in my head follow me everywhere"... The fearful of the wind one is interesting... lol I wonder if they have ever actually met anyone that was afraid of the wind, is that even a real thing? lol I think the worst question I had in mine was the psychologist asking me something about a recent struggle with food that I had, and I had to explain how my husband and I went grocery shopping the previous weekend and all he did was stand in the cake mix isle pointing out every cake, cookie, brownie and muffin that looked amazing to him and he wanted to try. I told her it took everything in me not to punch him in the throat right there in the middle of the grocery store.. As soon as I said it, I thought "huh, I probably shouldn't have said that" lol but luckily she found it hilarious... whew!! I am sure you passed with flying colors! :)

How frustrating about the scheduler though! Fortunately my surgeons office booked my surgery and every other appointment the date of my 1st consultation, but I will also say that that was a lot to take in at one time as well. It felt a bit overwhelming until I got it all written down on calendars etc..

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Congratulations @@Barbara Doyle! That is great news!! I have all my preop testing on August 25th, I'll be thinking of you recovering and sip, sip, sipping your Water while they are draining me of all my blood for the ridiculous # of viles they need. :)

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@@mlmanney apologies for the delay in getting back to you.. I had a SUPER crazy day at work yesterday with it being the day I do payroll and having to miss 3 hours for my appointment.. The appointment went good I think. I am down 25.5lbs in the 3 weeks since my initial consultation. I met with the NP this time instead of the surgeon and I have to say, I wasn't a real fan of hers. I expressed concern about my Migraines getting more frequent and nausea being more frequent due to the migraines and she pretty much said that isn't their problem, I need to talk to my primary. I know I caught a bit of an attitude with her when I said it does become their problem when I can't keep Water down after surgery because of these stupid headches..lol (oops, I try to behave myself, I really do.... I just think my "you probably shouldn't say that" filter is broken or non existent). Basically she gave me a list of things that my primary doctor could give me for the headaches, which is what I wanted. I have to say I haven't been super crazy about my primary doctor lately, she's really been dropping the ball on pretty much everything from bloodwork orders to calling in my thyroid prescription as brand instead of generic when she is the one that told me to take the brand.. BUT I don't want to switch doctors until after all of this surgery stuff is done and over with. So all I ever wanted was an idea of what I could have her prescribe vs what I couldn't have after surgery and I did get that. So, I suppose the appointment was a success. I was a little disheartened when she said my loss was "okay" but that I need to lose another 15 or so lbs before 9/17 (which is my surgery consent signing). I wanted to scream because I have been literally killing myself to be able to even get that 25.5 lbs in 3 weeks. Considering I have an under active thyroid and work crazy hours, not to mention I have never lost more than 20lbs and not gained it right back, I am happy with my progress so far whether she is or not.. lol

congrats of the 25.5!! that is awesome! you still have over a month to get the rest off so you'll do great....keep your eye on the goal and think that this hard work will make your recovery easier! how long is your program? Mine is 6 mo. I basically had that time to lose as much as I could but was only required to lose 9-10 lbs. I have never been able to lose weight and keep it off.....I keep telling myself all I have to do is lose and keep it off until the 6 mo is up. At least after that I will have some assistance!

I know what you mean about how frustrating it is to deal with the different people....I know they have seen it all but to me it is all new and a personal so I wish they would have a little bit of sensitivity. I think my filter is broken too....LOL

Do you have a date yet for your surgery? I do not....It is making me crazy. I just want to get the ball rollin'.....hopefully I will know more the first week of Sept.

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@@Knitchic I hope your appointment went well! My psych eval was pretty easy although I didn't have the hundreds of questions that so many people mention, but my session was split into 2 1 hour sessions, so maybe she just asked me them all that way? Either way, I ended up flying through mine and she told me on the spot that she was all set to clear me for surgery. So apparently I was able to keep a lid on my crazy well enough to get through that process! ;) Just kidding, she laughed at a lot of my answers a lot but at the end we decided I had a normal amount of crazy.. I hope your's goes just as smoothly!

That appointment was hilarious! The man that did it was nice and the first part had some awesome information but the test..... Seriously questions like do you ever feel like someone else is controlling your mind? Do you feel like you are being followed? Are you fearful of the wind. I actually giggled a few times. I told my sister if I didn't pass that test then I must be a nut case. The lady who does the scheduling is out this week :(

There was a test?! Hope you find out your dates a soon!

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@@Knitchic I hope your appointment went well! My psych eval was pretty easy although I didn't have the hundreds of questions that so many people mention, but my session was split into 2 1 hour sessions, so maybe she just asked me them all that way? Either way, I ended up flying through mine and she told me on the spot that she was all set to clear me for surgery. So apparently I was able to keep a lid on my crazy well enough to get through that process! ;) Just kidding, she laughed at a lot of my answers a lot but at the end we decided I had a normal amount of crazy.. I hope your's goes just as smoothly!

That appointment was hilarious! The man that did it was nice and the first part had some awesome information but the test..... Seriously questions like do you ever feel like someone else is controlling your mind? Do you feel like you are being followed? Are you fearful of the wind. I actually giggled a few times. I told my sister if I didn't pass that test then I must be a nut case. The lady who does the scheduling is out this week :(
There was a test?! Hope you find out your dates a soon!
Yes a test! It's was 320 questions at that!

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@@mlmanney thank you! I know I can get the last little bit off within the month, I think I was just irritated with her because of how underwhelmed she was by the loss thus far. I went into this program saying that I wanted to be 1/2 way to my goal (which was to lose 50lbs) by the time I went back in for my follow up, and I hit that goal, I technically exceeded that goal not by much; but still. I was so excited because I have struggled with my thyroid medications for YEARS and I have never been able to lose weight. I'd eat healthy (for the most part, portions and carbs were definitely my issue) work out every day, sometimes twice a day and still never see the scale move, yet everytime I had bloodwork done they would have to increase my thyroid meds. I was just amazed that these last 3 weeks actually worked. Yes, I cheated a little in that I didn't follow the doctors instructions exactly but my schedule doesn't always allow for me heat up a lean cuisine at the drop of a hat. Sometimes I am in the car, or on the run and I would try to make the best decision or most healthful decision for me at that point in time. Were there a couple of times I had to go through a drive through and grab something in the last 3 weeks, absolutely! BUT, I would pick a grilled chicken salad with no dressing and only eat 1/2 of it, or I would choose a wrap loaded with grilled chicken and vegetables but not eat the tortilla. I found substitutions for things. I went into this saying that I refuse to deprive myself of anything, if I want it I will ultimately find a way to have it (even if I have to create a healthier version of it myself) or else I am going to fail at this whole thing ultimately. That is where my substitutions come in, if I want coffee; it is unsweetened with a vanilla Protein shake in it as Creamer or the Yasso greek yogurt ice cream bars, or the Arctic Zero ice cream, SF pudding made with Protein powder and almond milk (because regular SF pudding has aspartame which I can't have). I have found ways to be able to still enjoy things without it effecting my losses. If I choose to have a greek yogurt bar, well then it has to be a low carb, low sugar lunch etc.. It's give and take really.. Like you said, I know the doctors have seen it all, but I got the impression yesterday that she just didn't get how much we all really turn our lives upside down to make this work. Sure, eventually we get used to it and it becomes second nature but it is soo not second nature for me at this point. I never realized how hard it would be to figure out how to fit in a gallon and a 1/2 of Water everyday, or how I'd have to stop at rest stops every single time we are out because I drank a gallon and a 1/2 of Water today.. lol

My program wasn't very long. Fortunately, my husband is the insurance holder for us and his company provides amazing insurance. Our insurance company doesn't have any prerequisites other than a single meeting with a nutritionist and a psych evaluation. My surgeon said that they are actually one of the best insurance companies in our area to deal with. So I had my informational session on July 14th, my initial consultation on the 17th at which point he told me he would like me to lose 30-50 lbs to be able to get the surgery I want (I think it's because I have scar tissue or something from previous abdominal surgeries). He then had me sit with the coordinator that day who booked every one of my appointments right then included surgery and my 3 week post op checkup. I go on the 25th for all of my preop bloodwork, I have the clearance for surgery appointment with my primary on the 3rd and then my consent signing with the surgeon on 9/17 and I start my liquid diet on the 18th with surgery on the 21st.

I get where you are coming from though, it would be nice to have a date because it requires so much preparation and planning.

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@@Knitchic I hope your appointment went well! My psych eval was pretty easy although I didn't have the hundreds of questions that so many people mention, but my session was split into 2 1 hour sessions, so maybe she just asked me them all that way? Either way, I ended up flying through mine and she told me on the spot that she was all set to clear me for surgery. So apparently I was able to keep a lid on my crazy well enough to get through that process! ;) Just kidding, she laughed at a lot of my answers a lot but at the end we decided I had a normal amount of crazy.. I hope your's goes just as smoothly!

That appointment was hilarious! The man that did it was nice and the first part had some awesome information but the test..... Seriously questions like do you ever feel like someone else is controlling your mind? Do you feel like you are being followed? Are you fearful of the wind. I actually giggled a few times. I told my sister if I didn't pass that test then I must be a nut case. The lady who does the scheduling is out this week :(
There was a test?! Hope you find out your dates a soon!
Yes a test! It's was 320 questions at that!

wow! that is intense! All I had to do was go talk to the psychologist and she generated a report for the surgeon!

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Hi everyone! I'm from Las Vegas and I'm also pro-op for sleeve! Had last of 6 NUT meetings 2 days ago. Meeting Dr for consult next Tue. At that time they'll schedule my surgery date, pending insurance approval. Was told, based on schedule now, I can expect a surgery date 4th week of Sept. They will try to put me on an on-call list in case they have a cancellation or change, so hopefully I can get in a little earlier. We have vacation set up for November 12th and I want as much time to heal before hand as possible. Plus I don't want to miss out on any activities if I'm not healed enough. I'm the overly cautious type. So excited to get to know you all and obsess together!! LoL

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Voodoo! Obsessing-buddies! Nice to meet you kaplanlyn. :) my surgery is this coming Monday the 17th. I'd love to be friends!

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@@mlmanney thank you! I know I can get the last little bit off within the month, I think I was just irritated with her because of how underwhelmed she was by the loss thus far. I went into this program saying that I wanted to be 1/2 way to my goal (which was to lose 50lbs) by the time I went back in for my follow up, and I hit that goal, I technically exceeded that goal not by much; but still. I was so excited because I have struggled with my thyroid medications for YEARS and I have never been able to lose weight. I'd eat healthy (for the most part, portions and carbs were definitely my issue) work out every day, sometimes twice a day and still never see the scale move, yet everytime I had bloodwork done they would have to increase my thyroid meds. I was just amazed that these last 3 weeks actually worked. Yes, I cheated a little in that I didn't follow the doctors instructions exactly but my schedule doesn't always allow for me heat up a lean cuisine at the drop of a hat. Sometimes I am in the car, or on the run and I would try to make the best decision or most healthful decision for me at that point in time. Were there a couple of times I had to go through a drive through and grab something in the last 3 weeks, absolutely! BUT, I would pick a grilled chicken salad with no dressing and only eat 1/2 of it, or I would choose a wrap loaded with grilled chicken and vegetables but not eat the tortilla. I found substitutions for things. I went into this saying that I refuse to deprive myself of anything, if I want it I will ultimately find a way to have it (even if I have to create a healthier version of it myself) or else I am going to fail at this whole thing ultimately. That is where my substitutions come in, if I want coffee; it is unsweetened with a vanilla Protein shake in it as creamer or the Yasso greek yogurt ice cream bars, or the Arctic Zero ice cream, SF pudding made with Protein Powder and almond milk (because regular SF pudding has aspartame which I can't have). I have found ways to be able to still enjoy things without it effecting my losses. If I choose to have a greek yogurt bar, well then it has to be a low carb, low sugar lunch etc.. It's give and take really.. Like you said, I know the doctors have seen it all, but I got the impression yesterday that she just didn't get how much we all really turn our lives upside down to make this work. Sure, eventually we get used to it and it becomes second nature but it is soo not second nature for me at this point. I never realized how hard it would be to figure out how to fit in a gallon and a 1/2 of Water everyday, or how I'd have to stop at rest stops every single time we are out because I drank a gallon and a 1/2 of Water today.. lol

My program wasn't very long. Fortunately, my husband is the insurance holder for us and his company provides amazing insurance. Our insurance company doesn't have any prerequisites other than a single meeting with a nutritionist and a psych evaluation. My surgeon said that they are actually one of the best insurance companies in our area to deal with. So I had my informational session on July 14th, my initial consultation on the 17th at which point he told me he would like me to lose 30-50 lbs to be able to get the surgery I want (I think it's because I have scar tissue or something from previous abdominal surgeries). He then had me sit with the coordinator that day who booked every one of my appointments right then included surgery and my 3 week post op checkup. I go on the 25th for all of my preop bloodwork, I have the clearance for surgery appointment with my primary on the 3rd and then my consent signing with the surgeon on 9/17 and I start my liquid diet on the 18th with surgery on the 21st.

I get where you are coming from though, it would be nice to have a date because it requires so much preparation and planning.

wow that is quick....basically it is however long it takes you to lose the weight....that is amazing that they have you all scheduled for all your appointments. I have had to see the nutritionist monthly for 6 months. I think all the prerequisites are not necessarily set by the insurance company in my case(IDK how it is for others) so much as it is what the DR wants for all his patients to do beforehand. all my insurance company wanted to know was the BMI and the comorbities. wow....we may be having surgery around the same timeframe. I hope I am not any later than that since I was originally supposed to be in August.

I have to applaud you for hitting your goal of half way...that is no small feat. I struggled with keeping off the required 10 lbs for me....I have days that I am away from my normal that I have splurged or not made good choices. I honestly think that I have been also having moments that I think I may not be able to eat this or that again....LOL...sad that I am mourning food.....I have issues....LOl. Hey we are all human but at least you make good choices....when I behave....nothing that is not allowed will pass these lips but dang......I guess this is why I need this tool!

I can't even imagine how hard it is to deal with they thyroid and weight loss! 25 lbs lost....did they have to lower your meds? I feel like everywhere I go I look first where the bathrooms are....LOl..

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@@kaplanlyn congrats on the completion of your nutrition classes! I am looking at a surgery date in the 4th week of September too. (I am scheduled for 9/21). I was pushing to have it done before year end because in my field of work year end and/or the 1st quarter of the year is never a good time to be taking time off (I work in accounting). So I am very grateful that it has worked out the way it has.. Best of luck to you!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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