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Why Getting Sleeved was the Biggest Mistake of My Life

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I can't believe I missed this thread.

Everyone isn't going to be happy with their results.

Personally, I've been looking at WLS for more than 5 years. (Signed up on forums, spoke to a Physician who was a family friend who had it, went to a Seminar at UT Southwestern) Spoke to friends, co-workers who had WLS and asked whether they would do it again, what did they regret, etc. But I always told myself I would try everything else first.

Everything else include: Being the heaviest I've ever been at 250 on 5'4, losing 70 pounds by an hour and a half of cardio a day and a restrictive diet over 9 months, GAINING BACK 50 pounds, trying and failing at: Weight Watchers (4 times), Nutrisystem, SlimFast (multiple times), a Trainer, a Weight Loss Doctor (prescribed amphetamines for eating less), Medifast, Gym memberships, etc. I would always lose 10 pounds, and then gain it back plus more. I became clinically depressed and suffered panic attacks, developed sleep apnea, high cholesterol, became pre-diabetic, etc.

My weight kept going up, and thats when I knew it was time to look into WLS again.

Statistically speaking, the vast majority of those who are obese will NOT successfully lose and keep their weight off through diet and exercise alone. There have been numerous studies which prove that now. Its a fantasy. Those who are able to make the magical transformation of going from obesity to a healthy weight AND maintaining is through diet and exercise alone are the EXCEPTION TO THE RULE.

Being obese or morbidly obese and needing to lose weight is not the same thing as being a little overweight.

In the end, to each his own.

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This post is so full of bullshit, I don't even know where to start.....

Actually what the OP said is 100% correct.

I was going to get sleeved or mini bypass. They wanted me to go on Medifast but luckily for me my PT (was rehabilitating a knee injury) talked me out of it. When my knee was better I joined a gym that had a weight loss program. They taught me all about metabolism. All any type off weight loss surgery does is restrict how much you can eat and/or causes mal-absorption of nutrients. They gave me the immutable facts of nutrition and how to safely restrict calories.

At over 300 pounds is was eating. These were my numbers:

  • Resting (basal) metabolic rate: 3502 calories per day
  • Typical daily activities: 1576 calories per day
  • Total calories burned: 5078 per day

I was taking in 5000 calories per day when I should have been eating a whole lot less

  • Resting (basal) metabolic rate: 2026 calories per day
  • Typical daily activities: 1208 calories per day
  • Total calories burned: 3235 per day

I increased my activity but mostly I stopped eating the typical American diet and now I will never go back to that vulgar lifestyle. I safely lost weight and my perfectly healthy digestive system is still intact. I'm now eat responsibly because it is the right thing to do for me, my loved ones and society at large.

The fact is, like most people I was a glutton. When I admitted that I knew what I needed to do so I did it. It was actually quite easy.

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Some people love drama....

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This post is so full of bullshit, I don't even know where to start.....

Actually what the OP said is 100% correct.

I was going to get sleeved or mini bypass. They wanted me to go on Medifast but luckily for me my PT (was rehabilitating a knee injury) talked me out of it. When my knee was better I joined a gym that had a weight loss program. They taught me all about metabolism. All any type off weight loss surgery does is restrict how much you can eat and/or causes mal-absorption of nutrients. They gave me the immutable facts of nutrition and how to safely restrict calories.

At over 300 pounds is was eating. These were my numbers:

  • Resting (basal) metabolic rate: 3502 calories per day
  • Typical daily activities: 1576 calories per day
  • Total calories burned: 5078 per day
I was taking in 5000 calories per day when I should have been eating a whole lot less

  • Resting (basal) metabolic rate: 2026 calories per day
  • Typical daily activities: 1208 calories per day
  • Total calories burned: 3235 per day
I increased my activity but mostly I stopped eating the typical American diet and now I will never go back to that vulgar lifestyle. I safely lost weight and my perfectly healthy digestive system is still intact. I'm now eat responsibly because it is the right thing to do for me, my loved ones and society at large.

The fact is, like most people I was a glutton. When I admitted that I knew what I needed to do so I did it. It was actually quite easy.

Hey, guess what? I learned how to eat responsibly, exercise properly, reset my metabolic rate too! I too, don't follow the typical American diet. 95% of the time, I don't eat processed food, and eat nothing but lean protien, nuts, legumes, fruits and veggies. I rarely eat sweets. I feel the healthiest I've felt in over 20 years. And I had (GASP) weight loss surgery!

So you do you, I'll do me, and we'll all go on living happily ever after. Sound good?

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This post is so full of bullshit, I don't even know where to start.....

Actually what the OP said is 100% correct.

I was going to get sleeved or mini bypass. They wanted me to go on Medifast but luckily for me my PT (was rehabilitating a knee injury) talked me out of it. When my knee was better I joined a gym that had a weight loss program. They taught me all about metabolism. All any type off weight loss surgery does is restrict how much you can eat and/or causes mal-absorption of nutrients. They gave me the immutable facts of nutrition and how to safely restrict calories.

At over 300 pounds is was eating. These were my numbers:

  • Resting (basal) metabolic rate: 3502 calories per day
  • Typical daily activities: 1576 calories per day
  • Total calories burned: 5078 per day
I was taking in 5000 calories per day when I should have been eating a whole lot less

  • Resting (basal) metabolic rate: 2026 calories per day
  • Typical daily activities: 1208 calories per day
  • Total calories burned: 3235 per day
I increased my activity but mostly I stopped eating the typical American diet and now I will never go back to that vulgar lifestyle. I safely lost weight and my perfectly healthy digestive system is still intact. I'm now eat responsibly because it is the right thing to do for me, my loved ones and society at large.

The fact is, like most people I was a glutton. When I admitted that I knew what I needed to do so I did it. It was actually quite easy.

ummm.... last I checked this is a weight loss surgery SUPPORT group... not a 'tell us to just diet and exercise' group. That's great that it was quite easy for you, but I'm told enough in society that surgery was the 'easy way'. I certainly don't need to hear it when I'm looking for support. :(

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And we are right back to the old argument of whose response is:

good enough


too firm

not sugary



not up to one reader's standards

exactly what another reader needed to hear




too honest


Round and round we go...

It's my thought process that when I read these forums, I take what I need and I leave the rest. I give the advice that comes from **my** experiences and I discuss/debate the points I don't agree with. I am not going to like everyone and not everyone is going to like me. I am not going to like everything I read and not everyone is going to like how I respond.

It's the internet and I cannot (nor do I want to) control the thoughts/words/actions/reactions of everyone around me. I own my words and I own my response to the words of others.

If you love it, keep it. If you don't love it, respond (or don't) and move on.

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And round and round we go!

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I am one month pre-op and i read 3 paragraphs and am now more frightened than I was 10 minutes ago ......

*** CRAP ***

Glad I stopped reading when I read the replies.

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the starter of this thread mentioned a website. www.eatthis.com

I went tho this website and the article on the MAIN SCREEN WAS "McDonalds Menu that will make you hop on a plane"

for a "healthy website why are they encouraging McDonalds???


The other articles baffled my mind as well.

Someone has some anger issues.

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@@MissRobin Glad you didn't let this thread deter you. Obviously WLS is not all sunshine and roses and it's good for you to know the good, the bad, and the ugly before undergoing surgery, but the misleading "facts" in the OP should NOT influence your decision. Glad you read through the replies and I hope they helped put things in better perspective for you.

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My best guess is that IF you are going to eat there, the avocado toast is one of their "healthy" options, compared to the rest of McD's food. The owners of the site create articles like this as "click bait" - headlines that you can't resist clicking. The website is designed to drive traffic to their paid magazine - Eat This Not That.

If you want to see the "masters" of click bait headlines, go to Yahoo's home page and scroll down to the articles. To paraphrase an old Lay's commercial, "Betcha can't click just one!" :-P

Overall, I like the site, it's intent is to offer healthier alternatives and advice on living healthier. I just ignore stuff like the McD's article, since I don't eat there and it's not part of my lifestyle. I read what I need and trash the rest. :-)


the starter of this thread mentioned a website. www.eatthis.com

I went tho this website and the article on the MAIN SCREEN WAS "McDonalds Menu that will make you hop on a plane"

for a "healthy website why are they encouraging McDonalds???


The other articles baffled my mind as well.

Someone has some anger issues.

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Im 5'3" and down to 213, about what you were pre surgery. It IS big. Yes you were very heavy. Thats a lot of extra weight on a small frame. And if we were going to lose it gradually we would have done so with all our previous weight loss attempts. Not buying this.

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You can say whatever you want and copy my post so it's kept on here as many times as you'd like. And oh, don't forget the short posts where you personally attack me and contribute nothing to the original post, so you can inflate your post count. Truth is... You don't know my identity and reading your negative remarks, I don't think I ever would want to associate with you.

I realize how pointless it was to post on here after receiving such feedback, except for those of you who were positive and encouraging - thank you!!! I've reported several posts hoping that this website is monitored somehow and that my account is deleted.

This doesn't need to turn into a go-back-and-forth thread... I don't know about your life noticing how much you post on here, but I lead a very busy professional life and would never stoop down to the level of your trivial arguments - that have little to do with the original post/point. So, I'm only going to say one last thing and will ignore all future responses: You became obese and I became obese because of our eating habits - for example, "emotional eating"... You were abused as a child, you weren't loved enough or the way you wanted, you eat out of depression/boredom - whatever the cause may be. Something went wrong - could be psychological or physical (disease, disability, etc.) Now, did you become obese because of the size of your stomach? Uh, probably not, because it wasn't initially huge. I think you're looking at the end of the thread here - which is not very intelligent. Our sleeves target our obesity by altering our stomachs, not the original cause of the problem, and I think that's were surgical approaches are flawed. And if you've really had time to develop good nutritional habits and a workout plan (like some people mentioned they have and I didn't), then you seriously don't need surgery, especially since as mentioned in my original post, there is no way losing 18 lbs in 1 month off of a 198 body is all fat. If you believe that, then I really don't know what can help you. All I'm saying is that we should be targeting the issue by looking at its cause - help people have a mental shift to develop good habits. Am I a nutritional expert, obviously not - I'm a sleeved failure as you've indirectly mentioned and it's a good and serious question why I'm still overweight... What you don't know is that I have a history of self abuse and lately due to certain circumstances in my life mimicking a dark past that the self abuse originated from, it all has gotten worse. So I have been pretty much eating extremely poorly - starving myself and then having all junk and forcing my body to have DS because I know how to trigger it - pathetic, right? I don't need you to make fun or feel sorry for me. All I want out of that post - which I now regret because of the hurtful comments and how you said I victimize myself, is for people to think about the root cause before doing something that may make them hate themselves more - having complications, losing so much muscle and having bad/loose skin/poor body composition, low energy, becoming anemic, needing Iron transfusions (which I have gone through) etc... I am now seeking pscothepray and a personal weight trainer who has been kind enough to listen to my story and is touched to help me on a personal and a fitness level. I am an all or none person in everything I do so I've been tracking my calories for the past week - meticulously (macros and all) and reporting to my coach and eating super clean. Walking 8,000 steps during my 3 work breaks and feeling much better - psychologically if not anything else!

I just hope you realize that there is no need to personally attack me. Maybe my journey was a little more complicated than most people's on here and like you said, it's all subjective/opinion and there is not one reason why you should heed my advice. I am an INFJ personality so I kind of expected for most people to not relate, but I thought maybe if one person did and gave it a second thought, I would be helping someone like me out there. End of story.

The problem here is in your original post you "spoke" as if your experience was factual. Most people do not have surgery two weeks after deciding they want to. For instance it took me close to a year before I was approved for surgery. I had to see a nutritionist for 6 months to learn proper eating habits, I saw a psychologist for 7 months before surgery, and I started at the gym 3 months before surgery, also I did a ton of research on my own. I don't think people mean to attack you personally, but you could be causing damage to some other vulnerable person by creating a post riddled with factual errors. Yes as you said earlier so far you have failed your sleeve, your sleeve did not fail you. So once again, any newbies thinking about surgery realize it's a hard road, and that some people just aren't up for it, but that overall most people are successful, healthier, happy people. I am happy than I have ever been, I am down almost 40 lbs, a exercise more, have more energy, MORE MUSCLE, and actually my marriage has even improved because my husband has taken the time to learn everything with me and support me all the way. Please, please, don't trust this women's ideas of WLS.
thank you so much for your post I'm 2 weeks away and I'm nervous but I have done my research but her post made me second quads at a point but I decided not to listen and continue moving forward

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To all of you reading this who have not yet had surgery, please make sure one post like this doesn't sway your opinion. I know before surgery I searched for posts and articles of people who regretted it. I wanted to see all sides of wls. But one post is not enough to make the call. If anything, this is a great example of why wls is a huge decision and shouldn't be taken lightly. For the one person who regrets it, there are hundreds more who are happier than they've ever been. I have no issue with people sharing their feelings here, both good and bad. But we are all here for support and reading bad attitudes like this, with clearly little understanding of what lifestyle changes are needed post surgery, are ignorant and misleading. Surgery was the best decision I ever made (and I still have a VERY long way to go). I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't feel the same. You must be doing it wrong.. lol

thank you!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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