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Anyone from the Dayton Ohio area? My paperwork was submitted last week to insurance-hoping for surgery late August/early September.

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Hi there. I'm in that area. I had surgery in January. So far so good. Have you heard anything yet about an approval?

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Hi! Yes I got approval last Tuesday! Very excited! I go to my surgeon appointment on August 17th and will get my surgery date then.

Where did you have surgery? I am going with Kettering network at Sycamore Hospital.

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I had Dr. Schumacher with Kettering Bariatrics also at Sycamore. Sycamore recently acquired their Center of Excellence credit. My insurance originally was approved for Good Sam because my insurance would only have surgery done at a hospital with a center of excellence approval. But when my surgery was being scheduled last December, Kettering Bariatric told me that Sycamore had just gotten their approval and they were able to work with my insurance company to get it moved to Sycamore.

I had a great experience at Sycamore. It was my first and only experience with that hospital, but I have nothing but good things to say about it. The staff was wonderful. Everyone was kind and helpful. I hope you have the same experience.

Which doctor will be doing your surgery? I chose Dr. Schumacher because a coworker had him do her surgery about seven years ago and she thought he was wonderful. I have encountered Dr. Brown at some of their seminars and he seems very nice as well. I actually have a 6 month check up with Dr. Schumacher on Monday.

I'm happy for you that you have recently been approved. I remember how excited I was when I got the news. My main disappointment that I had was that I had to wait until January for my surgery because the doctors don't do surgery in the latter half of December because of the holidays. But I'm sure that is not a time constraint that you will be affected by. In the long run, I'm just very happy that I had my surgery. By having it in January, I have hit my deductible and just about everything else has been covered for me this year.

Once you know your surgery date, please share it. And let me know if you have any questions. I can only share my personal experience and I am only 7 months out. But I'm willing to share my experience if you have any questions.

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Very excited to have connected with you! Dr Brown is the surgeon who I have met with and will be doing my surgery. I have heard very positive things about Sycamore and both Doctors-glad to hear you confirm it with personal experience.

Did you get your surgery date when you went in for your History and physical appointment? That's what I have on the 17th.

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I wasn't very patient. The insurance adjuster with the practice gave me the billing codes that the insurance company was looking to approve. About a week or so after the paperwork was submitted, I called the insurance company to verify that they got the request. I just had a streak of luck that day and they not only confirmed receiving the paperwork, but told me that it was approved as of that morning!

Then I called the practice to give them the approval information and the person I spoke to on the phone just went ahead and scheduled my surgery during that call! Maybe it was just a matter of good luck, good timing and just happened to talk to the right people at the right time, but I didn't have to wait for my appointment with the doctor. But it definitely sounds like you should get that date set during your appointment on the 17th.

I know that you are anxious to get this going. It's like your date will be a new beginning and you want to know when your new life will begin. I think that's normal. But I kept telling myself that there is a reason for everything, even if it is for me to practice patience.

Have you purchased your Vitamins yet? I highly recommend you get them ahead of time. I didn't start taking my bariatric Vitamins until after surgery. I felt that they were too expensive to take before I needed that kind of specialty Vitamin. But I was taking a 'regular' Multi-Vitamin before surgery. It's nice to get that routine started before hand.

Did you know that they sell the special bariatric vitamins in the gift shop at Sycamore Hospital? It's convenient and they are basically the same price that you would pay online. I think the ones that I buy may be $1-2 more than online, but I'm not paying for shipping, so I consider it equivalent. They have a few different brands to choose from. I did a bunch of research online on the 2 main brands and couldn't decide. I e-mailed the dietitian and asked her opinion. She gave me her recommendation and I've stuck with it so far. My first 2 rounds of bloodwork were great, so I have no plans to make any changes.

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Thanks so much! No I am not very patient either! I actually called this morning trying to get surgery date and receptionist said I have to wait until next week. She said I will have my appointment Monday and they will call to schedule my surgery with me either Tuesday or Friday next week. Why they can't do it Monday while I am there is ridiculous, but I guess I am closer than I have been!

The info on the Vitamins is good to know. I was thinking about that routine and whether I should start before surgery. Thanks! I had no idea they sell them at the hospital. I will check that out on Monday.

I work in the school system and really wanted this to happen in July, so i am getting anxious due to my schedule. How long were you off work? I am in meetings and sitting a bulk of most days and other than my computer bag, I am not lifting much.

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Well, today should have been your appointment. How did it go? Did you luck out and get a date set? My guess for needing to wait for their call is that each department schedules their own work. I don't think it's as simple as scheduling an open slot on one calendar. It think someone needs to coordinate the doctor's schedule, the operating room, an anesthesiologist, a recovery room, etc. I'm sure they have people that have access to all necessary calendars and schedules. Yes, is it EXTREMELY frustrating to wait for that call and for that day to arrive. But trust me, it's well worth the wait.

Sometimes I tell myself that there is a bigger reason that I may never know about which is in force. Have you ever heard of someone's story where they say something like their boss called them into their office at 4:45 pm, which made them late. But they later realize that if they had left on time, they may have been the one in some car accident on the highway up ahead. Sure, that's an extreme example, but maybe you are waiting for some reason that will really make for the flawless alignment of all factors to give you that **perfect** combination of everything you need. As the saying goes, everything happens for a reason...

I was off work for 5 weeks. I probably could have gone back at 4 weeks, but it was easier to 'finish out the week.' It was an awkward combination of getting my release paperwork approved, my doctor's appointment setup, etc.

For my job, I sit at a desk all day. I do get up from my desk time to time, but I'm planted for a vast majority of the day. I did do some working out before surgery, but tried to get a more regular routine after surgery. A week after my surgery, I was getting on the treadmill for 5 or 10 minutes, walking very slowly. It doesn't sound like much, but it felt like a marathon then. I even counted going to the grocery story with my husband as 'exercise' while I was off work. Based on everything I read before hand, you need to move after surgery. I really felt like it helped my recovery. Nothing extreme - just walking. All you want to do is sit, but after a while, my butt was tired of sitting so much. I looked forward to getting up from time to time.

I did create an exercise routine once I was more mobile and I did great at keeping up with it - initially. But after awhile, I started using my kids' schedules and my husband's routine as excuses to skip exercises. I need to get back into that routine. Regardless of the weight loss, there is nothing 'bad' that can come from exercise. But I'm not going to preach about it until I can practice it.

Let me know how the doctor's appointment went. I'm so excited for you!

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Hi! Yes I had my appointment this morning. No luck getting date-she said she will call me tomorrow. Yes I am sure it's a very coordinated process. The doctor and I actually talked about September 8th, so fingers crossed.

He told me today a minimum of three weeks off work. I have some issues with polyps in my stomach that may pose an adjustment to the typical RNY process. This makes me nervous due to added possible complications , but also trust that he is doing what is best for me in the future. I have another EGD on August 28th. These polyps along with some found liver issues started this whole process back in the spring.

Thanks for the info about the Vitamins. Great to know I can get them there. I bought a couple packets of the powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury today to try.

I always have the best intentions with exercise, so hoping I can get a routine going.

It wasn't much, but weighed in 9 lbs less today than when I was there late May! At least going in the right direction!!

Waiting patiently for my call!

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I finally got the call today! Surgery is scheduled for September 8th. I am excited but nervous all at the same time!

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Question-I have read several posts that discuss an abdominal binder to help with pain and comfort after surgery. Did you get one at the hospital? I don't want to go buy one if I get it there.

I really don't want to be on pain medicine very long if I can and several people have said the binder helped them with that.


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Yes, they will give you one. Don't go buy one. They measured my 'girth' before surgery to determine what size to give me.

And it will be your friend. If you've ever had any kind of abdominal surgery before, you would already know the feeling of your stomach wanting to just spill out. The binder helps to keep it all in. Think of any other kind of injury and your first reaction. Let's say you accidentally banged your arm on a corner wall. There is some sort of comfort you get when you apply pressure with your hand. With abdominal surgery, your muscles have been cut into. It's not like you can 'suck it in' like you normally would before surgery.

I also viewed it like another set of hands. Let's say you are sitting on the couch and want to get up. You may not be in 'pain' but it will still be uncomfortable. You'll be using your arms to help you get up off of the couch. But you will also instinctively want to hold in your stomach, because it hurts, because you don't want to stretch the wrong way and pull out a stitch, because you'll want to be sure that your drain tube stays in place and doesn't get pulled on, etc. That binder helps 'hold it all in' while you use your arms to peel yourself up. You'll quickly learn how to put it on in a way to use it to your benefit.

I think you are doing great with reading up on what to expect after surgery. I did the same. But some of this just won't make complete sense until you go through it. But being prepared, knowing what may happen so you are not blindsided is the best you can do right now. Keep it up!

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Nervous wreck! This time tomorrow it will all be over! Surgery scheduled for 8:00am

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Wow! Tomorrow is here already?!? Boy does time fly.

Yes, you are going to be a nervous wreck. You should be considering what you are about to go through. But do you have 'peace' about your decision and the doctor that you chose?

I was a wreck the night before as well. I didn't tell my mother about my decision until the night before. She doesn't live in town and I didn't want her to worry and drop everything to just be by my side. She needs to be worrying about herself and not me. She wasn't thrilled when I told her the night before, but I think she came to understand my goals afterwards.

Everyone kept asking me the morning of my surgery if I was still nervous. My answer was that I was 'perfectly fine' with the decision that I made. I had a weird sense of calm all morning before my surgery. My husband kept asking me if I was OK. I just explained that I didn't have any butterflies in my stomach, no second thoughts, no hesitations. I was completely ready to go on with the surgery. I felt very comfortable with my surgeon and the hospital staff. It's hard to explain. If I was nervous about a major aspect, I may have backed out. But I felt so prepared, so ready, so committed to what I was doing and ready to tackle the journey ahead. I'd say I was nervous, but not in the way that I wanted to turn back. B)

I hope you have a similar sense of 'calm' about everything you choose to get to this point (procedure choice, doctor, hospital, support family, etc). If you do, then you know that you made the right decision for you.

However, I don't want to be misleading about what you will experience. Yes, there will be pain :unsure: (but great pain meds). You may have to force yourself to do basic things like get out of bed and walk. Sounds simple now, but you'll understand in the long run that it's the best thing you can do after surgery. You may be cussing out your drainage tubes and medicine ball when you try to take a shower for the first time. :angry: You may hate the idea of asking someone to help you get dressed those first few days. :blush: This is all 'normal.'

Don't let any of this discourage you. It's just the price to pay to get to the 'good parts' - like the scale going down. Healing is just temporary. Keep your eye on the prize. Each day gets a little better. I can recite all kinds of catch phrases like 'no pain, no gain.' But you already know what is ahead of you.

I really wish you the best. I could barely stay away for more than 2 minutes that first 24 hours. The anesthesiologist told my husband that it was normal. Be prepared to recite your name and birthday for every face that you see. That's hospital procedure. Keep your humor with you at all times. :rolleyes: You'll need it.

I'm sure you won't be doing anything but resting in the hospital. But when you get home, feel free to message me all that you want to. I don't care if you vent, rage, cry, plead for the pain to go away, laugh, tell me something funny that happened, what your plans are after you lose the first 50 pounds, etc. Just know that recovery will take time, but it WILL get better.

Take care! :) Good luck!! ;) Stay in touch!!! :lol: My best wishes to you! :D

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Thank you for all the words of encouragement and smiles! I am like you in that I am completely confident in my choice of surgery, hospital, surgeon and staff. Last week when my husband and I went to the pre op class sealed the deal for me. The staff was amazing! So attentive and helpful! The unknown of pain level, learning to eat again, and basic hospital things is the nervous part.

Dr Brown told me at my last appointment with him that I have a wicked sense of humor. So glad he recognized that because that's how I will get through the next few days! I have a pretty high pain tolerance and had a total hysterectomy about 8 years ago (the big 8 inch scar is still there). I survived that so I am hoping this will be a little easier-a girl can wish anyway.

My in laws are coming up later this week from Florida to "take care of me". Mom is a retired nurse so there was no keeping her away! They are wonderful and at least my husband can go to work without worrying I will get into something or do something while he's gone

I will be in touch in a couple days. Off to the losers bench I go!!!

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

    • Alisa_S

      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      1. GreenTealael


      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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