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July Chat For NJ

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Good Morning Y'all!

No rain in a few days, but I think it is going to return the latter part of the week. By then we'll need some, heck we even need some today, the yards are dry already.

Mandy - You sound like you are really busy! That closet sounds great! You can come and do mine now!

Kat - Glad you didn't have to do it all yesterday, that is tough work to do. Your trailer sounds great! Awww, how great your DH was for saving that dog!

How was the ride?

Cindy - Sorry about Annie, but sometimes we just have to do what is best for our furry friends and it sounded like he needed to be kind to.

Sherry - Girl how are you doing? Hope the unfill is doing the trick with you.

Chrispy - How is the new guy? Hope he treats you special!

Well, to make a long story short, I was outside getting the hummingbird feeder and bringing it in to change the Water. I opened the door and started in (hands full) and before I got in the house the door came back on my heal and tore up my heal pretty bad. I had blood from the front door to the kitchen, and had trouble getting it stopped. That was 2 weeks ago and I still can't wear a shoe on it. It turned my foot from the front of the ankle to the back black and blue too. Just one of those freak accidents we go through all the time.

Yikes, it is almost 6 and I haven't gotten in the shower yet!

Catch you all later!

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Morning all :)

Betty: Thanks for the update on what happened to your heel. You must have a heavy duty door - Wow, that must of hurt. And that was 2 weeks ago?? When you're all better get your feet pampered.

Mandy: I am very relieved that Irene is OK, thanks for the email address. I know she will tell us everything that transpired and I bet it will be a doozie. You amaze me with your organization and nesting for your surgery. My continued prayers.

Cindy: You were a good Mama to Annie and your story touched me. I hope your tea party was a smash.... I think I might have one this afternoon too (my boys love tea).

Kat: The Purple People eater had me rolling on the floor! Here, let me tell you about my antique rocking chair that I wanted refinished in CHERRY RED..... it ended up being more of a light oak! When I looked at it I was stunned. I walked around the shop and tried to find the dark oriental wood that I desired and then they tell me that it wasn't "cherry", and that cherry wood is a light wood. I didn't want cherry wood I wanted cherry color :faint:I guess my lesson was using the words "cherry", it doesn't mean the same thing to everyone and I wasn't explicit enough. The shop then just removed the color and repainted it and it wasn't taken down to bare wood and now a tiny scratch removes color and it isn't pretty anymore. What needs to be done is a complete refinish the correct way. Sure glad that your trailer isn't purple anymore. :)

Today is an at home day, Garrett has a slight temp and they have turned off the Water in the neighborhood. The boys and I had a very busy tuesday & wednesday. Tuesday was a Disneyland day, we met my sister for D-lands 52nd birthday. And then on Wednesday we went to the county fair on canned food day. We bring 5 cans apiece and get in free! We got to see the hypnotist and laughed until it hurt. We got home at midnight - whew! Rest..... a vacation from the vacation.

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Good Morning,

Geeze it feels like I've been gone forever.

Mandy good luck with your surgery :)

Betty, golly I had no idea you had hurt your foot like that. I think you need to wear some steel boots b/c your poor feet are taking a beating lately. How are you feeling??

Kat... now why does your dh dislike...okay hate purple so much. I can understand about the hitch not matching the bike but why does he cringe when you wear purple? I love purple... my bedroom is lavender with cream trim, white doors and sage green rug. Shall I send him pictures HAHAhAHA .....Actually light blue is my favorite color then pink LOL How is your Darling Granddaughter??? is she feeling better?

Cindy I know what you mean on getting a handle on what I am eating. No way do I want another fill... I just need to work at it at this point and I have no desire to stop eating the junk... OY VEY!!!! I'm doing better with my Water this week thats for sure, now I need to make healthy choices and STOP picking between meals. How's DD loving the summer break?

Patty your day sounded like fun.... I got hypnotized YEARS ago for weight loss. After it was over I ran to burger king for a whopper... yeah it worked haaaaaaaaaaa lolol. My dd did it for smoking... he walked out of the building and lit up. What a waste of money. Glad your Disney trip was fun.

Well nothing much is going on at my neck of the woods. Got the same email as you all from the Beanster. I'm glad she is ok.

Its a beautiful weekend so far in Jersey....so we're gonna do some swimming and cough cough cleaning.

How you doin? (((geeze that sounded like Raspusha from the movie Norbit lolol)

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NJchick if you like Norbit then check out shirley Q Liquor, it's a white man doing a southern black woman. very very funny.

I worked all day yesterday, the tattoo shop grand opening went well. I have another long day today, but it feels good to be there. I also made it in time to pick up my copy of Harry Potter last night. It was more of a 1am release rather than midnight, but at least I got my copy. I will be reading that tomorow. I am also having lunch with some lovely Chicago girls tomorrow. I will check in either tonight or in the morning. only 9 days til surgery. ~Mandy

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Hello Y'all!

Well, we have more rain in the forcast for this afternoon. I think it is supposed to rain every day. We sure aren't use to this kind of weather down here. I need some sun!

I cam home from work Thursday afternoon with a touch of the flu, missed Friday too. Today I am a little weak, but feeling much better.

Eileen - Glad to see you this morning. Gosh, I miss your cute posts! How do you like the new job now? Yeah, it has been a year of hell for my tootsies and I wish they would quit getting in the way. Nothing like hobbling on two bad feet, you would think I was 105 years old when I get up! It is getting better though, and I will be glad when I can wear a shoe on it. I have to wear sandles that the back is out of right now, and that isn't the best shoe for my other foot. Purple is one of my favorite colors too!

Mandy - Sounds like you had a fun day even though it was busy. It must be interesting to watch that kind of stuff being done.

Patty - From your ticker, it looks like you are doing great with your band. Keep up the good work!

I need to get out in the pool and get my exercising done before it rains. I missed two days already with being sick and I need to get back on track before I quit all together again. It's overcast and yucky looking though so I don't feel like doing it right now. They said noon showers, and since it is noon already I guess I might as well accept it's coming soon.

Catch you later girls!

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I think ya'll's (is that even the right spelling?) weekends sound pretty great...Haven has a little friend over for the weekend. So far, we went to see Peter Pan performed at the community theatre last night, then today we went to see Hairspray (very good, IMHO), then we went to my sister's to see the baby cousin, then we played a game, then they jumped on the trampoline with the Water sprinkler, and now they are making brownies for dessert tonight! Whew! In between the BFF stage, they argue. Both girl's are strong-headed, and the art of compromise is apparently difficult to come by at 9 and 10 years old! LOL! Every now and then I declare myself off limits (like now!).

Yes, I guess I am coasting with the weight, but I saw my regular dr. yesterday, and she said I had a lost a pound since the last time she saw me, so what the hey. I think perhaps when DH and DD go back to school and life goes back to routine, I can get a better grip on my eating routine. For now, I think I'll just be happy that I can maintain my current weight...I think that used to be impossible two years ago.

OMG! Tomorrow is my two year bandiversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :whoo:I just now remembered that. Wow. I guess I'll have to take pictures, for sure. Well, imagine letting something like that sneak up on you. Remember when we were worrying about what fills were like and if they hurt? Adn what counted as mushy food? LOL!

Hey, everyone have a great Saturday night...I'll try to survive here with the sleepover!



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Awww Cindy, happy bandiversary girlfriend!!!!

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Good Morning,

Betty I hope your tootsies are better soon :car:

Cindy Happy Bandiversary :car: you are doing wonderful...we all are really.

Maintaining and being happy is AWESOME!!! you rock girlie.

Crispy, Mandy HELLO ;) *WAVE*

I need to start getting my chit in gear. I layed down one night after a cup of coffee (2 weeks ago) and woke up with heartburn/acid reflux. Its two weeks now and its not going away. I decided to take some prilosec and see what happens... OYVEY!!! Some days its good and others it burns all day long WTF? I'm also taking maalox (sp?) Maybe I need to have a soft/liquid diet for a few days as well... can't hurt with the wl LOL. NO WAY am I going for another fill NOPE NODDA CAN'T MAKE ME...NOPE UT UH.

Anyway.... went food shopping this morning at 7 AM so thats done, made some tuna salad for the week and now I could use a nap LOL.

How are all you other girlies doing?


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I had a great 2 days. Betty, you know I actually DO the piercing right? I've been a professional body piercer for almost 12 years now. I enjoy doing it, but it's hard to work noon-10pm when I have a little one in school and a hubby that works swing shifts. So I am seni-retired, I still work on my regulars, and their friends and family. And I do special events and promotions for a few local tattoo studios.

I am having lunch with a few local girls today. So I'm off to shower and attempt to get dressed without waking DH, he worked all night.

Cindy, Happy Anniversary. I have one coming up next sat. I am proud of all of the NJ girls, we are a bunch of hot chicks. ~Mandy

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Happy Bandiversary to Cindy :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

What you said was so very true about just maintaining. Your weight loss is amazing -- everyone here has done a great job. Congrats lady :D

Mandy: OK, I didn't know that you actually did the body piercing -- I learn something new everyday! If I was alot younger and had that flat belly I might consider a belly ring, but at 47 uh.... no lol. I remember the day I got my ears double pierced.... man, was my Mom mad! Hey, girlie I need you to PM me your address, I have a get well gift to deliver your way :D

I'm getting ready to go visit my Mom in Santa Barbara and have loads of laundry to get to as well as ready the car and pack -- oy vey as Eileen would say! I am feeling just great with my 26lb weight loss and can't wait to make use of Mom's treadmill. I have just noticed today how much I am enjoying just walking -- thank you lapband. On Wednesday the kids and I will be going to the Ringlings Brothers circus and I thing they are really gonna love it. When Taylor, Channing & Garrett were babies I signed the kids up for a free ticket and I finally cashed them in. I only had to purchase seats for me and Lewis. This will be the first time any of the kids have been to a circus. Can't wait. So, tell all your friends to go to the Ringling website and sign up those babies before they are 1year old, they will send them a free ticket -- awesome deal!

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Good Morning Y'all!

Company all day again yesterday! All I wanted was to go lay down and rest but I had to cook so that was out of the question. I cleaned house then went out and pulled a lot of weeds in the garden, cleaned up the pool area, did the laundry, and then though it was time to rest. It just didn't happen. I love company don't get me wrong, but I need some rest between the company. Oh well, some days we want more and don't get it!

Cindy - Happy Bandiversary! Yes, I remember all the times I worried when I took a bite of food and if it did't want to go down. I worried if I didn't lose a pound, or if I took a bite of something I didn't think I should have. I love it that we can finally relax and enjoy our lives. You have done a great job with your band, I'm proud of you and you should be very proud too!

Mandy - No, I didn't realize you actually did the work. How cool!

Eileen - Yeah, get some prilosec and take it. It might help to do some liquids for a while too. Hope you feel better soon, and no fills for a while! Listen to mom!

Patty - Have fun on the trip to your Mom's, you are doing great with your band too!

Hello to all of you that haven't posted, get your bunns back here so we can chat!

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Hey girlies, I am back! The rally was fun, but we got rained on like crazy! On the road behind us where we took shelter, from the storm, the Water was up past the seats, and gastanks on some bikes! Ours were parked on the same road, but thankfully up higher. There were guys out wading in thigh high water, trying to carry strangers bikes out, and if someone showed up who actually owned a bike, they swarmed it helping to get it out. They would get 6-8 guys and physically lift the bikes. Rick was not happy that I threatened to throw a bitch fit if he went out in it. Not nice I know, but good grief with the year he had, I would have followed through with the threat! As it was he got drenched---he was standing in line to get me a chocolate covered cheesecake----how guilty does that make me!!?? LOL, didn't need it anyway....dangit!

The Foghat concert was rained out, not so much with current rain, but the standing water, and all the required electrical junk for a concert did not mix....we were disappointed but understood that, they did however make us mad, we bought tickets in advance, and they were to raffle off the new Road King at 10 PM, during the concert. Well when they decided to cancel the concert at about 5 PM, they did the drawing then, and you had to be present to win. Well we had determined the bikes survived the flood, and had headed back to camp to see if the tents had or not...so we missed the drawing, and they called lots and lots of numbers before one guy was finally present to win it. Now I know the odds of the one of us 4 winning are not great, but that seemed unfair, like they should have at least waited until the gates were due to open for the concert at 6. Anyway, we didn't win! But we had a great time despite it all! Was a nice getaway.

Rick really does dislike purple. And feels about the same way about pink. That is courtesy of his ex wife, who had the entire house done in the combo. I have seen pictures, and I do mean the entire house, in pink and purple. Not the purple of our trailer, that was a definitive Barney Purple! He was just VERY upset that it was not as ordered, and when you get into the automotive paints with additives, and clear coats, and metal flakes, etc, it gets very expensive...and this was! But they made it right. He groaned over my shirt thinking that the woman would think I chose it!!! But she found where she entered a wrong letter in the paint code, so she fixed it for us.

Betty sorry to hear about your foot, I dropped a pallet on the back of my heal once, and thought I was going to have to go to a PS, my Dr. and I had a heck of a time getting it to heal---to pun intended...well ok maybe a little intended!!! Hope you are up and running soon!!!

I am headed out to the store, I took things out to make burritos for dinner, and my sour cream had fuzz growing on it----yeeech!!!

I'll be back to check in with the rest of you ---- when I get back from the store, or maybe after dinner, I still need to unpack and start some laundry! It never ends!!!!

Be back later---missed y'all!!!


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Kat - Glad you had a good time regardless of the weather and all. I think that sucks that they had the drawing before people had a chance to get there. Get some rest and good food in you and you'll feel much better.

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Good Morning Y'all!

Just checking in and saying "Hello". Where is everyone? I guess summer makes us all vanish a little bit.

I'm sore this morning, I think I over did the exercising in the pool just a little bit. Every time I get used to doing the exercises, something happens and I don't get to do them for a few days and then when I get back on track I get sore again. I guess I just have to keep telling myself it's a good sore!

Well going to go get my shower and get ready for work.

Have a great day!

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Good morning!

Yes, it's just summer busy-ness...yesterday I was busy helping DD with her book report. Her school has a required summer reading list. She's finished (in rough draft form) two of the projects, one is totally done, one is ready to do as a poster presentation, and she still have one more to read. The way I "help" is to "grade" the report, and keep her on task as it is re-written. She does a pretty good job, but the English teacher in me is hard to please! LOL!

More volunteer work today for the school, but just a few hours. Then, I'm going to do some more organizing in my "scrapbook area".

Betty, take a break, girl! Who are these people that are staying at your house???? I hope they are fun, at least!

Hope ya'll had a good time at the circus, Patty! Sounds like a great time! Yes, as the weight drops off (remember to be patient!) you'll find it easier and easier to move around...you eventually will not even remember how difficult it used to be!

Your trip sounded a little wet, Kat! Sometimes those difficult trips actually make the best memories, though! My family still teases me about my rainy Fourth of July picnic I "made" them go on!

To everyone, hope the summertime fun is what is keeping you busy and away from here!



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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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