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July Chat For NJ

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My PCP put me on Pepcid AC prescription plus told me to take Malox before going to bed so that if acid came up it would be alot weaker. Well, it's been 1.5 weeks on that and it hasn't worked. Doesn't matter when I eat, stop eating, how much or how little or what it is......I get it regardless now. I really think my esphogus valve is weak either from too much pressure on it due to the band being too tight OR the band has slipped a bit OR I just need an unfill to let everything settle down then start with fills again. I guess I won't know until Wed since I can't seem to get anyones attention at my surgeons office. I'm going to try calling there again tomorrow and letting them know how ticked I am about not getting a call back from the hospital. Until then I have 3 more nights of disturbed sleep to go through. It will get better...I know...and I definately don't like to complain but, I know sometimes when we go through things it helps others too. I'll be sure to let everyone here know what I hear from the doc.

Really was hot here today and DH and I did the Ronald McDonald house motorcycle run today. It was to benefit the Ronald McDonald house in Providence, RI. Really nice country road ride for about an hour ending at a local Clam bake grounds here known as Francis Farms. I had clam chowder because burgers and hotdogs I know wouldn't go down. My arms are slightly sun burned and jumping in the pool after the ride was AWESOME. Got some exercise in and cooled off at the same time. We'll probably do another charity run next weekend. Seems they have them here all the time.


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Wow where to start! Kat I'm so glad the baby seems to be doing better. BIG HUGS to both of you and your DD. Prayers continue for you all. Go relax.

Sherry- I'm sorry your having such a hard time. Feel better.

Eileen- I have terrible veracose (I can't even spell it) veins. So they will be removing that and then I shouldn't have the clots any longer. My leg that doens't bother me is actually the worse leg medically and I have to have 2 things done there. I'll find out details Wednesday morning.

Thank you all for the best wishes on my new job! I'm very excited. I am going to take something to sleep tongith so that I do sleep good. I will try my best to check in tomorrow and fill you all in.

God Bless you guys have a good night. Sorry I can't do personals to everyone. Oh still haven't heard a work from Marianne my little sister. OUCH....

Night night

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Hi girlies---well I have wonderful news and not so wonderful news, Kinsey is so much better---she is actually coming home tomorrow! She is pretty weak, and is just begining to eat...still doing the BRAT diet, but so far so good. She is eating and pooping, so the intestines are alive and well---Thank You God!!!

Rick however is down with it. I spent several hours stressing as he threw up repeatedly. We almost left and went to ER, but he kept changing his mind. Through it all, there was no bleeding. I kept a phone in hand all day ready to hit 911. He is still having other bathroom issues, and fever, and headache, but his heaving has quit, and he is sleeping it off. Most of us had it for about 24 hours, and it was vicious! The Dr. said Kinsey's intestines just reacted to the violence of her dry heaves. She heaved every few minutes all day long, because the one stupid pediatrician, refused to give her any medication, telling us it would mask whatever the true issue was. When her actual pediatrician come in, she gave her medication, but by then, the colon had inflamed to a point, nothing was passing or absorbing. It is extremely painful. I had the same issue following my hysterectomy. They gave me the same live bacteria treatment, and voila----almost instant relief! And the same with her. My problems were related to my years of endometriosis. There was tissue that had to be cleaned up, due to the cancer diagnosis....and during that, they kept moving my intestines around, and they reacted. It was miserable! I got to the point I was seriously making deals with God when it came time to go to the bathroom---nothing worked. Within an hour of treatment, life was good again! I am so glad hers worked the same. If it had gone on for too long, there would have been a chance of parts of the intestine or the colon dying off---and it would have had to be surgically removed. So....her being well is WONDERFUL!!!!!

Sherry---I sure do hope that you get some answers. I find if I flush my pouch before bed, I do fine. If I go to bed with food in it, I reflux. So....I drink a glass of Water about an hour or 2 before bed, and it usually works. I have even (sshhh this is bad---don't tell) occasionally if I eat to late, drank with my meal.

Dianne---good luck tomorrow, I know you will do wonderful at the new job!

Mandy---thanks for all the messages---it does always help knowing you guys are out there!!! My DD ask me where I come up with the website, I told her one of Kinsey's cyber Aunties passed it on!!!

Well I am off to check on the sickie! Sorry I didn't get to touch base with everyone........hope you Texans are drying out.....Betty? Cindy? You ok?

Talk to y'all tomorrow!!!


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Monday, Monday.

I just finished reading pages and my heart stopped when I read Kat's post. I was turning pages so fast it would make your head spin. Thank God everything is much better with that application of bacteria. What an amazing solution! It sounds like Kinsey is very much like her grandmama and tummy troubles may follow generations. Hugs to Rick for his safe recovery.

Dianne: When did you say you are having that vein surgery? I've had you on my mind ever since you said "clots". Maybe when this is all over you will feel like dancing again. Hugs

Mandy: So, you too are having surgery. I know I shouldn't have been shocked at your news, but I still was. I understand the desire for the pain relief, I am a bit concerned about the open surgery and the extra time for healing. I have you on my list. I guess the best incentive for recovery is a Disney trip and you already have that lined up -- smart girl! I have July 30th marked on the calendar for all day prayers, hugs!

As for me, I have been having a great summer :eyebrows: On the 4th the kids and I purchased tickets for a BBQ picnic at the Aquarium that we just became members of. We had the run of the Aquarium until late that night and food and fireworks in the afternoon. I felt rested and received lots of hugs from my boys for making memories -- they loved it. The next day I went to my 2nd post op and lost 4lbs which they were not pleased with and that kinda hurt my feelings. I feel pigeonholed. The average person loses X amount of weight and I don't follow the average so they immediately want to give me a fill. But I don't want one! The longer I can go without a fill will be better for me..... and it's all about me, isn't it? I think that if I start filling my band then I will start a cycle of needing fills and since I only get 1 for free that makes my 1 fill rather valuable. For me it's all financial and I'm still hurting from getting the loan for surgery.... fills are the farthest thing from my mind. I was feeling good about my weight loss and no one knows that better than me, I was SOOOO weight resistance in the past. A couple of years ago I hired a trainer and even with diet I didn't lose anything (wasted $1,000-- and now I have just gone on vacation, eating out every meal, then the 4th of july picnic and I still manage lose weight for the first time in my life and the doctors can only critisize me. I felt totally shot down. Now, I've read Sherrys post and her being possibly too tight and I feel validated that slower on the fills the better. Sorry for the all the whining but who do I let down.... the doctors or myself? I'm a people pleaser and what I've learned these last few years is that the only person I need to please is MYSELF and it's my money, my band and my life. Ha. On Sunday, the kids and I went to a Knotts Soak City waterpark as a gift from my Mom. My Mom was here just for the day before leaving on yet another trip to Hawaii, so we met her at SoakCity. I bought a new bathing suit and went on the lazy river and floated around a few times, got a tiny bit sunburned and felt marvelous. My actual weightloss is 22lbs and I have stopped huffing on the stairs and all my clothes fit better -- me in a bathing suit is monumental. Thats why this summer is so grand. Well, the kids finally got up and I must tend to them. Mmmmm, coffee sounds good :)

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Hi Patty good to see you!!! Thanks for the good wishes, everyone is recovering, although keep in mind Rick is MALE and they of course get everything twice as bad......LOL!

As for the fill----wait until you feel the need! As of the 20th of this month ---it will be one year since my last fill. I am still limited on how much I can eat, but not in what I can eat, so it seems perfect to me. I am inching my way down now, it is sloooow going. But it IS going! The last 20-30 pounds are going to take awhile, but I got time! I feel so awesome without the 90+ pounds it isn't a big deal!

Well I need to go move some Water around the yard...these 100+ degree days are taking their toll on the grass.

Will check in later!!!


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:happybday2::happybday2::happybday2::happybday2::happybday2::happybday2:HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARCY!!!!!! Hope you are relaxing and enjoying yourself at the cabin or wherever you have been hiding out!!!! Hope your day was wonderful!!!! :happybday2::happybday2::happybday2::happybday2::happybday2::happybday2:


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Where is everybody??? Betty??? No morning check in? Hope all is well, and that you all survived the storms. Being gone to the hospital all the time, I don't know if I missed something.

C'mon girls---check in----I got my Kinsey home, I want to know everyone is well!!!!

How'd the first day go Dianne???

Mandy you ok?

I think I am officially a real Granny----Kinsey and Rick are ok, so I am worrying over y'all!!!!! That is what I do----worry!!!!


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Hey, I'm here!

I was spending a couple of days at my dad's house...my sister, dd, and I thought we'd go over there and hang out with him to get through my mom's birthday, and it's been two year's since her death. So, we ate out at one of her favorite places, played card games, worked a puzzle, and went to see Ratatouille...just a way to Celebrate her.

I'm so glad, Kat, that Kinsey is better...but worried about Rick. Let us know!

Patty, just play it nice and easy, and don't get pressured. Sometimes, not that this is the case for your doc, they are very focused on their stats, so you just worry about you, and balance their advice with your truth.

Sherry, I think you have a serious situation...both in health and customer service, and I'm sure you'll stand on their desks and let them know about it! Then, come here and tell us what happened, because we are WORRIED about you!

Happy Birthday, Darcy!!!! I hope you had a grand day!

I had a fun day at the dentist being fitted for a crown...dang, those are expensive!

I have a dr appt next week...I am having a problem with my shoulder...I swear it seems like a rotator cuff problem, but I am no athlete! I have no idea how I could have sustained an injury like that! Could I have started something when I had my unfortunate (and embarrassing) fall running from home to first at the kids/parents softball game at the end of May??? Whatever the cause, it just becomes more and more painful, and I can't even reach behind my back or over my head, and Aleve isn't cutting it. So, since doing nothing about it isn't working, I guess I'll go to my doc, have her look it over, and probably refer me to an orthopedic.

Can we just stay well around here! LOL!

Glad to be back, and hugs to all!


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I am ok, just really busy. I will check in later this evening and fill you all in. ~Mandy

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Hi sorry I haven't checked in sooner. I had a WLS group last night after work and didn't get home till 9:30 then tonight we were running around. So I just have a second before I faint of exhaustion!

Kat I'm glad things are looking up!

Work is great! I'll fill you all in when I'm more awake. But I have to tell you it is awesome when I get to speak with people and get them excited about the band! It is very very cool!

night night and thanks for asking

Oh yeah Patty, I go to the Dr tomorrow morning so I should find out more then. My leg is really hurting tonight. I even kept it up at work all day. It's real red again in the one section..urgh...I'll let you know what he says tmorrow, thanks

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Hello everyone,

Back from the doctors and I had half the Fluid taken out of my band. He says I have about .75cc in there now. I can tell you I feel better already. Being able to drink and not feel it in my chest is WONDERFUL. But...I'm scared too. I don't want to gain weight, I had that set-back in Jan already when I went off the blood pressure meds. I realize I've come along way but, face it...none of us like gaining weight! I have to take one day at a time and work through this reflux issue first. The good news is June my nutrionist said my food choices have been fine and the change in exercise has been great. She was appaulled when I told her about my calling the hospital as the bariatric centers website states to do and never received a call back. So much so she went into see the doc with me and made sure he knew. He wasn't happy and told me if I do need to call again to specifically ask for the bariatic fellow and that they are going to change their website to state so. He knows who was on call so it appears he's going to mention it to the hospital as well. Anyway after talking with me he felt taking out some fill would do the trick and if I needed to go back later this week or next week because I still can't sleep he'll take out the rest. He said not to even think of another fill for another 6 months. He won't do it before 6 months out. I'm hoping I can make it without gaining weight!

Well I need to catchup with some stuff here so I have to get going. I hope to get back in the swing of things later on tonight or so. Hugs to you all and thank you so much for thinking of me.

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Well I am glad some of you are checking in. Sherry, we will be here right with you, full of support and butt kicking if you need it while you let your belly nd esophagus heal. I am so glad you brought up the phone issues with him! So much of the time I complain, and then, let it go, I am proud of you!!!! And I like your new ticker too!!!

Mandy---hope all is well!!!

Dianne--how's the leg? I am getting this visual of you sitting at your desk with your leg propped up and hands waving in the air in excitement as you discuss your band!!!! Let us know what the Doc said.

Betty----where are you???? I am officially worried now!

Cindy---how in the world did you manage BEFORE you retired??? Lol you have not slowed down since! Glad you are all ok....and that you made it through another difficult time---you are a good daughter! And setting wonderful examples for your own DD.

Well I am off to put clean sheets on the bed. Rick is feeling better, so I changed out all the towels, and the sheets.....get rid of those germs!!!



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What a relief, Sherry! I'm so glad some definitive action was taken, and I understandhow nervous you are about weight gain, but face it, your health and well-being are first, then the weight loss can be taken up again after that. That's one advantage of the band, is it not???? HUGS to you, sweetie! We'll be here, like Dianne said, to hold your hand and encourage you, and remind you that your health is #1!

Dianne, so glad to hear that your new position is fun and you enjoy it! I bet it's a kick to help other people who are just starting out! Yes, I do stay busy, but I like it that way, then I like some down time, and this way I'm in control of that! When I was teaching, I just had to say "no" to a lot of things I really wanted to do. Maybe now I say yes to too much, but I enjoy it! Tonight I'm going to a potluck dinner for Children's Ministry Council for our church...in fact, I've gotta put the stuffed pizza braid in the oven right about NOW!

Hey Mandy, Betty, Patty, Eileen...and everyone else I left off the personals...will catch ya the next time!



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Hey everyone, sorry I haven't checked in lately. My friend passed away on Tuesday morning, after a long battle with Ovarian Cancer. I think this the is the first time I've really been home since Monday morning. So just wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive, and that I do read along even if I don't always have time to post. :)

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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