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July Chat For NJ

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Kat, I am soooooo proud of you!!!!!!! Go and get the coolest boots you can find. Get skinny girl boots, and strut your stuff!! ~Mandy

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Congratulations :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: Kat, Woo Hoo!

:lol: So, with those sexy boots you need to go get that new outfit too.

You are a true inspiration. Way to go!

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Update on the homefront. All the boys except Lewis are on visitation. Lew's temperature is one of those "growth" fevers and he asked to stay with me the weekend because "Dad doesn't take good care of me". Out of the mouths of babes. Garrett had the same fever last week and finally kicked his. I have been bathing him, medicating him and distracting him. The most difficult part of gaging his temp is that since we are having a heat-wave I sometimes can't tell how hot he is because I too am warm just like the house is. Another wish that I had air-conditioning.... any way when we get to my Moms tomorrow we will be on the coast and there everything seems more tropical -- ahhhhh. Today, Lewis and I will be finishing up my suitcase and tiding up the house. My vacation habit is to have the house in order so that when we come home we don't have to clean house - just veg. Hope everyone is having a pleasant summer.

Mandy: I sent you a surprise yesterday, I hope you like it. Wishing you the best with surgery. Hugs.

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Good Afternoon,

House is clean *AHHHHHH* laundry is done *DOUBLE AHHHH* LOL

Good to see you all this lovey day. Nothing much is going on cept work and the usual home stuff. Got a Caribbean theme birthday party coming up in 2 weeks and I need to make some party favors for that. I have some bubbles with fish on them and I'm tying a ribbon with the person's who's birthday it is on it....they look cute. Easy peasy is what I like ;) My boss has me traveling to Maryland in September ICK!!!! I hate traveling but there's nothing I can do about it. At least he is getting me limo service to the train station. I hate the thought of sleeping in a hotel where other people have slept...ewww that just gives me the willies.

Kat *CONGRATULATIONS* :whoo:on your 100 lb victory, how FREAKIN awesome is that. I am soooooo very very happy for you. I am still struggling to get back on track so today I decided to put the breaks on and start logging everything into fitday :D AND I'm gonna get my ass back on the dreadmill. I'm wasting to much time dilly dallying around. YOU GO GIRL... you see this is exactly the motivation I need *hugs*

How is your darling grand baby?

Cindy have fun with your FIL today in Chinatown :hungry: . When do the kids start up school in Texas? Our kids don't start until Sept 6th.

Sherry how are you feeling since your unfill? I think about you every time I take those prilosec pills lol. Glad you had fun at your lady gathering ;)

Mandy glad your enjoying your job.

Patty girl, congrats on your big WL :clap2: have fun at Mom's with the kids. How is Lewis feeling? My DD had a fever in the beginning of the week, lasted 2 days but she's all better now. I went to Ringling Bro. Circus about 2 years ago and really enjoyed it. Did you see the guy with the big hair? LOLOL

Betty Boop.... you still cleaning your yard? Its a very hot sticky muggy day here in NJ. We are on storm watch for the next few days. We had a big one last night that scared the crap out of my dog LOL. Its kinda weird because its sunny one minute and if you see black clouds rolling in ya better make a run for it :)

Well girlies, I'm gonna go get my ass either in the pool or dreadmill, then its food shopping and some cooking for the coming week. I'm thinking of making crab-cakes that I saw barefoot contessa make on her show a few weeks ago mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm.

Have a wonderful Saturday :lol:


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<p>Congratulations Kat! 100 pounds wooohoooo. Man that's just freaking awesome!</p> <p> </p> <p>You had asked how my son is doing and I forgot to answer. He's doing great, he's not so nervous driving now and no pain that he's complaining about. In Sept he can get back to his regular routine. </p> <p> </p> <p>Wow just realized I was in the middle of posting this when I had to go do something. 2 hours later hopefully it will still post lol</p>

Eileen the unfill has definately helped the acid reflux but, I get hungry more often. The problem I'm having is sometimes I can eat so much and other times I take a few bites and I'm pbing or throwing up. It's crazy. I see the doc again in October.

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Thanks so much girls!!! I am feeling quite pleased with myself today. Although, my boots, and yes I did buy them, are going to be a serious disappointment to you. They are not very sexy....and will be less so in a few days I can almost guarantee you. I bought new ropers....simple, everyday, cowboy riding boots!!! Within a few days they will have what ya find around cows and horses on them! They drop it, and I inevitably step in it at some point or another....known down home as "cutting" your foot. yeuch I know, but it is what it is....recycled hay! I am happy with them...boots were much easier to fit, my foot is not as wide now! Plus, I could get them on and off when I was trying them on without issue, and thinking maybe I should dial 911! The ones I ended up with are made of very supple leather, and while the would not make the greatest WORK boot, I mostly wear them to ride, and I couldn't resist!!!

I went and did my blood donation finally today. I went the other day, and they were so doggone slow, I ended up leaving to make dinner out at my inlaws on time, so went and did it today. When I left there, I knew I needed to seriously rehydrate, so went to the Sonic to get some tea---and was not even tempted!

Patty---hope you have a good time at your Moms, the boys will have a blast I bet! At least Lewis got this now, and not while he is on vacation!

Sherry--glad your son is doing well. Kids---do we EVER relax? Mine are far from little anymore, and I still expect to hear from them and worry when I don't!

Eileenie---my granddaughter is wonderful! She is at my all time favorite age for kids. Everyone complains of the terrible 2's....but I love them! The way they try to talk, and do adult things, their personality is showing more and more. Watching her figure out things around her is such fun. She talks a mile a minute---and makes up songs about EVERYTHING! I do mean Everything---yesterday one was about Granny's boobies! She elbowed me getting up or down and I told her to be careful that hurt Granny's boobies....so she made up a song! She is a happy little thing, and is always stopping in the middle of something and saying "I love you Granny"....which of course makes my day! And she knows it, if I have to get onto her she tells me "But I love you!" New Mexico just passed a law that says anyone under 18 has to have a protective helmet on if they are on wheels---be it a skateboard, bike, roller blades...whatever, including a trike! So she has a helmet....but it is of course miles too big. She rides about 6 feet, has to stop push it back up on her head and ride another 6 feet! And everytime she pushes it back she mimics us and says "this is diculous"---I said in front of her that it was ridiculous they require her to have it, and they don't manufacture them that size. Oh well it is good habit for her.

I am so jealous, housework AND laundry done???? I have finished my lunch, and drank most of my tea, so my excuse is gone, I have to get up now and get mine done too.

Rick is working, then we are supposed to meet friends for dinner tonight. At least when I clean the kitchen it will stay that way!!!

I'll catch y'all later!


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Kat, you are a BIG inspiration! ONE HUNDRED POUNDS! That is so so great! I am still wondering if I will ever make it there, but maybe...just maybe...

Congratulations to you, sweet Kat! It's a deserved moment of pride!

Thanks for posting the link about bubble (boba) tea, Mandy. I like it soooo much, it could replace my Starbuck's addiction. The problem is, there is nowhere to get it around here. So, I learned to make it myself; it's okay, but it's better when "they" make it! I found the tapioca at the Asian grocery today, AND the almond milk powder that I like (I like all things flavored almond). DH found his dried squid...oh boy. DD found her Panda Cookies. It was a little adventure, right here in Big D.

Sherry, great to see you! Seems like forever! Glad you are healing a little better...at least it sounds like it.

Mandy, is Tuesday your surgery day? What all last minute plans do you have?

Eileen, enjoy your clean house and laundry...that's such a great feeling! And more power to you with your re-dedication to exercise and recording your food. I need to do that, too! Inspire me some more!

Betty, were you out riding this weekend? I saw a big group riding today, and I wondered if you were one of them.

Hugs to all!


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CONGRATS Kat!!! 100 lbs down is so amazing! What an amazing accomplishment. Way to go!!! :clap2:

Mandy, good luck with your upcoming surgery! I liked the last Harry Potter book, but mostly I think because it wrapped up the series, which I have enjoyed reading so much. I read through the book so fast though, just to finish, so I'll probably re-read when I get the chance.

Not much new here with me, except for the new guy I'm dating. Things are going really well so far, so keep your fingers crossed. I told him about the band last night at dinner and it didn't phase him at all. He was concerned when I told him I had another 50 lbs to lose that I would get too skinny. How funny is that? Me...too skinny...never gonna happen. lol.

Hi to Cindy, Eileen, Betty, Patty, Sherry and everyone else. Hope you're all enjoying your summer. ;)

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Good Morning Ladies,

Sherry I'm so glad your feeling better, and October isn't all that far away but I can certainly understand how you feel. How's Mom?

Kat and her chit kickin boots whooot ;) I'm so glad baby girl is feeling better, and I agree with you, I love the 2's. I've always said I've never seen a terrible 2...its usually when they hit 3 or 4. We have a helmet law here in Jersey as well for kids. They have to wear them up to the age of 14. You will see most adults wearing them here b/c its just a good safety thing. You might want to shop on line for a good helmet for her...they sell kiddie sizes at Amazon.com or they should be in your local toys r us. They have really cute ones that look like motor cycle helmets cept these have Disney princesses on them LOL. My DD has a tricycle and she does not go on it without her's.

Cindy loo, sounds like you had a fun day finding all your goodies :) Hey.... I'm not dedicated...not yet.... I'm just TRYING... talking the talk and walking the walk are two different things, when I start walking I'll let you know ROFLMFAO !!! *giggle*

We went swimming last night, in the dark, with the full moon above, it was soooo coool, but boy am I tired this morning, we swam for at least 3 hours non-stop. The moon was so clear, so bright and so big..awesome!!! I even did a little chunky dunkin Ooooooop! it just amazes me how fat floats ROFL.

Well girlies....now that I left you with that horrible visual...have a good day.


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Hey Crispy girl, I musta been typing while you were posting... nice to see you. Good luck with the new bo ...... and he's right, your beautiful just the way you are :)


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Good Morning Y'all!

Wow, it sure is good to see some of your smiling faces that haven't been here for a while. Puts a big smile on my face!

I have most of my laundry done, DH had to turn off the Water because we have a sprinkler leak he is working on. UGH! I still have to mop the kitchen, fix stuff for lunches and work on dinner. We want to get the car washed, and I need to get in the pool all before it storms.

I am keeping my fingers crossed, so far this weekend, no company! Now if I can just make it through the day!

Eileen - Glad to see you! It sounds like your new job is going really good! I have been doing the workouts in the pool, I seem to stick with them better than anything else. It's supposed to have storms today and tomorrow here, right now it is sunny and hot though.

Cindy - No it wasn't me on the bikes, I still can't put a shoe on my heal so no riding for me. It is much better, but so tender that no shoe will keep it from hurting. I am ready to wear shoes again though! Your tea sound wonderful!

Mandy - Thanks for the link for the tea. You sound pretty busy girl!

Kat - Whooooo Hoooooo! I am so proud of you! I am so close, but I have just gotten too much in the comfort zone and haven't given my best effort. I did much better when I could walk, so that hasn't helped either. I'm glad you bought yourself something, even if it is useful. Now, take a nice bubble bath soak and make DH take you to dinner.

Chrispy - Good luck with the new beau!

Sherry - Your group sounds neat! You gotta say one thing, they must love you at work being able to handle everything the way you do.

Patty - Gosh, I hope your DS feels better before the trip. Have fun and enjoy yourself!

Well, everyone have a great Sunday! Enjoy some of it y'all! I'm gonna try!

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Just a quick check-in...I'm off to DD's swim party for the church camp kick-off! They all meet over at one of the kids' houses, with a way nice pool, since their family is in the pool-building business, and get together for a couple of hours, then have ice cream. It just breaks the ice a little for the camp, which starts on Tuesday. We sit around and chat, and sweat! LOL!

See ya later,


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Hey All...

Boy...I don't think I have ever been this far behind with theh Jersey group! It's been crazy!!!!!! We are in the midst of trying to move and get our big home ready to sell. Between painting and packing and cleaning and trying to figure out how we are going to manage switching from 2300 sf to 900 sf... yikes. As of August 15th the cabin will be our official home... now... the hard part.... telling my daughter when she returns from her vacation with her Dad in California. We just can't afford to have both places with no gaurantees on CHuck's work contract being renewed. SOOOOOO... back to dial-up internet... small spaces... and quite frankly... a lifestyle that I couldn;t love more. :eek:

It sounds like everyone is doing pretty well... congrats on the 100 pound mark Kat! Eileenie... you crack me up... all of that exercise and you will build enough muscle to sink like a rock! Betty... (((hugs))) bet your garden is so pretty now! Mandy... wishing you a speedy recovery! Patty... it's so good to hear the happy lilt in your posts! Sherry... did I miss something about a tattoo????? Chris... good luck with the new fella! Irene... sorry you are having a rough time... I know great things are waiting just around the corner for you... hang in there! (((hugs))) to all that I missed... it's back to the big home tomorrow and more packing...tossing and painting and cleaning... joy...lol.


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Good Morning Y'all!

Darcy - I was thinking about you yesterday! I bet you are one busy gal with all that moving. It's hard to throw away some things, but really, you won't miss them when you get to the new place. When I moved I had to leave/give away/throw away many things that wouln't fit on the truck and I thought I would cry at some of the things, but after leaving them, I wasn't sad at all. I'll be glad when your move is over and you can come back to visit with us everyday. We miss you!

Well, running really late today, so catch the rest of you later!

Have a great one!

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Heeyyyy Darcy!! Glad to hear things are good with you and that things are so exciting for you right now! We've missed your smiling face. :)

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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