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July Chat For NJ

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Hello to everyone!

I just spent several hours just cleaning the dining room...mostly steam cleaning the rug in there. So, that's over...now I'm goofing off with ya'll!

Hope you had a good foot massage, Patty. What movies did you get?

Betty, that bbq chicken sounds pretty tasty! At least it's not raining today!!!!

Glad to hear that the reflux is so much better, Sherry! Rest your back...I bet it is hard to stay in one position, PLUS getting stuck with inky needles! Ya'll are braver than I am, that's for SURE!

Chrispy, hope the new guy is a good guy! Have fun camping with your family!

Mandy, are you getting everything ready for your surgery? It's about two weeks off, isn't it? I remember it is scheduled for the end of the month, if my "rememberer" is correct! How is Abi?

Eileen, how is the weather up there in NJ? Is it rainy or hot? I bet you love your pool; I know I would love to have one, but it's just not in the cards for me at the moment...maybe someday.

Have a great day, everyone....HUGS!


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Hi Ladies,

Good to see your all hanging in there. Weekends go by to quick btw lol.

I really miss Beanie... I looked for her email and couldn't find it ...the one from her new job. I'll have to dig some more on my work computer because I know I have it some where. Hope she's okay.

Pat !!!! where are you ... lurking around trouble maker LOLOL we miss you too darlin. Yeahhhh you to Darcy love.

Well its almost time to get DD in the shower and we need to get our stuff ready for tomorrow (the week). I made some sloppy joes (we call it cowboy chopmeat lol) and some mac salad for the week.

I really need to get my chit together and start drinking more Water and really try to make healthier choices. I'm eating like a swine I sware. Can't get alot in but I'm picking ALLLLL day. I wonder whats it gonna take to wake my arse up again ?? sheeesh.

Anyway.... you all have a grand evening and a wonderful week ahead.



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Cindy, I have 2 weeks exactly. I am starting to get stuff ready. I made a list of stuff to buy that will be easy for DH and my niece to prepare for meals. I'm going to season and freeze a roast and the veggies for the crock. I also picked up some stuff at Sam's like a huge box of Pasta salads, assorted mashed potatos, and some canned chicken breast for chicken salad. My mom has offered for Abi and I to stay with her, and she also offered to come and stay with me. I think I will be ok with DH and my niece (she's 16). I'm working at a tattoo shop all day friday and sat for some extra Disney cash. Then next week I am going to get my house ready to sit uncleaned for several weeks. I am going to Shampoo the carpets, and dust everything. I have the laundry all caught up, but over the course of the next 2 weeks I am sure we will have another mountain. I don't mind DOING laundry, it's putting it away that I hate. :) I am ready for surgery, just not ready to be away from home for 3 or 4 days. I called the hospital and I can bring my laptop and get online while I am there. I don't expect many visitors while I am there. I insisted that Dave continue working, so if I need him while I am home recovering he can take a day or two off. My mom will have Abi, and my friends all work or live a good distance away. I am going to take a few books, that I never have time to read. When I get home I plan to reread the Harry Potter series again. Well I am off to reseed some bare spots in my front yard. I'll check back in later. ~Mandy

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Hi all---

Not much happening here, trying to calm an IRATE husband. He built a trailer to pull behind the bike....it is very cool, small, but allows us to take some camping equipment without upsetting the balance of the bike, they tend to get top heavy anyway, and when you pile things on...it gets worse.

So he bought the base for the trailer, it was originally a small utility trailer. He cut it, and redid it, and had a fiberglass shell set on it, it is very cool. Has LED lights, it is carpeted inside, and it looks good shape and size wise. So the last step is painting it to match the bike. So he goes to the paint shop while I am at the hospital with Kinsey, and they order it in, from teh paint code on the bike. He got it in Friday, and had the trailer all stripped, tires off, and lights off, and poured out his paint, and it is not a dark cherry red....it is purple! We placed a call to the paint shop, and are assured this is normal, when the clear coat goes on, it will match. Well our bike has a 2 tone paint, and we went with the lighter of the 2, and it has a light gold metal flake in the paint. So the paint was to match. Clear coat is on, it is still a giant grape, and has no flake in it at all. He is furious! He is NOT pulling a purple trailer, and I do have to admit it IS ugly!!! It painted up nice, the trailer will look sharp when it is the right color, but it is nowhere near that right now!!! So we have to go to the paint shop at lunch tomorrow, and he hopes to get it repainted, and have time for it to cure before we wanted to use it next weekend!

Now don't y'all wish you were in my shoes???? Guess I'll go and humor him, and quit making jokes. I said we needed to get one of those eye decals, and add a horn and HD wings to the sides and we'd have a one eyed, one horned flying purple people eater!!! I was the only one laughing!!!

Ok---I'll check back with ya later!!!


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Oops! Sorry about the Purple People Eater, Kat! But, I'm still laughing....and sorry about that, tooo. Don't tell Rick.... Hope you get that paint matched; the trailer sounds really great!

Mandy, I knew you would be all organized...I'd come visit you if you were just a little closer to Texas! I bet you're going to feel a lot better once you are completely healed...it will take a while, but it will be worth it!

Eileen, I might have Beanie's email, too...I'll look around, too!

Cowboy chopmeat sounds pretty good to me...remember on Roseanne, when she and her sister had a chopmeat sandwich shop??? That's the first thing I thought of when I heard you say that.

I haven't lost a pound in months, myself...but I'm not getting a fill. I still get the "golfball" pretty often, and I think the changes I need to make are in my behavior. So, I'll just have to face my own failings...one of these days! I just don't want to risk losing all the progress I have made.

I don't know if I am thinking rationally or not, but that's how I feel about it right now.

Okay, it's time to go to bed...see ya tomorrow!

Hugs, Cindy

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Kat, if it makes you feel any better I like purple. I also thought that flying purple people eater thing was funny. I had that record as a kid and LOVED it. Abi also loves that song.

Cindy, I would say come on up and visit, but my basement is in total demolision (sp?) mode right now. No carpet, no sink in the potty, and no running Water either. We are redoing, aren't we always doing some sort of construction around here? It's more labor than money, but it's making it more and more like my dream home. I emailed beanie, at her MSN address, that was the last place she e-mailed me from. I'll let you know if I hear back from her. ~Mandy

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Poor Beanie...the flying monkees are on the loose. I emailed her, too! Let's see if we can reach her.

Maybe someday I'll make it up to Chicago, you never know. I still remember when you bought your house, and making it your dream home is all part of the fun!

I just got back home from some volunteer work at the school, then errand-running. Now, it's goof-off time before dinner-making time.

I'll check back later!


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Well we now have one dark cherry red trailer, and it looks sharp!! I am so glad, he was stressing over it! The purple, was just not a pretty purple...kinda magenta, based, it just was not pretty. I too like purple, in fact Rick was giving me grief at the paint store yesterday, because I had on a purple shirt, and purple flip flops!! I didn't think about it, I just got dressed!!!

Anyway, now it matches, he will finish it off tonight, put the lights back etc, and we will be good to go on Friday. Whew!!! He also painted my formerly black helmet! It is an open face, which is nice in the summer, but, not the black! Our other bike is black...but black helmets are easy to come by, the red is not. Not the right red anyway. So now it matches the other open face. He is going to put my microphone in it tonight.

Don't have a clue what I did to my ankle, but it is hurting bad this morning, think I must have slept with it tweaked a bit...everytime I try to stretch it, it hurts like hell!

Mandy, sounds like you have it planned well for your recovery. The only thing I can suggest, is to get some of the dairy items with Probiotics. Bowel inflamation is pretty common, and the cure is to rebalance. I let mine go for too long, and had to have them order in the prescription for the good live culture, and the relief was instant! My Dr. told me to use it anytime my body has been under a strain or after a trauma, and it has worked well.

I made sure I had plenty of books and movies, and soon found myself bored, it was easier than I had anticipated! But it is important to take the recommended 6 weeks or whatever they tell you so that you heal well inside. We will be thinking of you.

Betty--glad you are getting to see family and friends with all your company, but girl we miss you!!!

I emailed Beannie at the address too, I know she said she occasionally got a phantom signal---hope she gets one soon!!!

Been getting to Curves pretty regular, and getting lots of exercise in besides that. Seems like there is always yard work, or kids wanting to go walking or to the park---we stay busy. Today I am taking the girls to get their picture taken. I tried all week to get ahold of my DIL to get the grandson in the picture but she is apparently still mad at me, so...she is ignoring me. I miss my grandson, but am pretty sick of her immaturity, and have decided to let things lie right now. She is going to hit me up to watch him on Thursday---haven't decided what to do. The guys are going to the lake, and she will want to go.

So I got this hateful letter from the hospital Rick goes to in ABQ. telling me they had not received a payment on my long overdue account, and any info gathered would be sent to the collections dept. Please contact them to make arrangements to pay my amunt due of $0.00. Seriously, the balance shown is zero---and I got a collection letter. So I called, she said there must be a mistake in the amount owed....I don't think so! I have paid everything as it comes in, and never received anythign before this. So today I am sending them a check for zero dollars and zero cents....idiots!

Ok, I am off to get myself ready so I can take the girls for their picture. Everyone have a great day!!! I am running so much lately I feel like Cindy!!!!! j/k


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i got this today from Beanie:

No need to send out the monkeys

I am alive - but searching for another job.

My last one was a complete slave shop and I did not have the strenth or

energy to do anything but collapse when I got home. I finally gave


and left.

Now, I am searching for something mindless - for lots less money - to


me over while I go to school.

I will try to check in on the Jersey board soon. I have no signal at

home -

so I am e-mailing you from the Allen Public Library. I only get an


before the next person get's a chance - so I have to go and look on


Give my love to everybody - I have missed you all.



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Good Morning Y'all!

Wow, how nice it is to be able to come and post this morning. My company has left and I have my house back again. I can come in and turn on lights in the morning and have my coffee all by myself again. I love my company, but I have had enough the last few weeks to want some R&R for a few now.

It's been hard working and entertaining at the same time.

I haven't had a chance to read all the post yet, and I won't even try to catch up on all of them. I did get an email from Beanie saying she was fine, so I was glad about that. Thanks Mandy for getting her to respond to us!

I need to get back on the program and get my exercising done. With the pool flooding, then me cutting my heal so bad, I haven't done anything except cook and clean. The pool is back to normal so now I don't have any excuses.

Kat - I don't know the whole story on the trailer, but I think I would like the red much better than the purple. I love purple, but I would pick the red on a trailer. Hope your ankle is better today.

Mandy - I have to go back to read, but I hope your surgery goes well for you.

Cindy - What's up girl? You sound very busy!

Hello to the rest of you I missed, I'll catch back up soon.

Well, going to check out a few things and get dressed for work. Catch you all later!

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I too got the email from Beannie, I am so glad to hear from her! It scares me when someone just disappears like that, I still find myself watching for Donna (DOC). That especially worried with her son in the service. I am just glad Beannie let us know what was going on.

Betty glad to have you back!!!! The paint store messed up, and we ended up with a trailer that did not match the bike, but it now matches wonderfully!!! Going to test it out this weekend. We are going to a small rally over the weekend. Called the Fire & Ice rally in Grants NM. This is the 7th year for it, we have made it 6...but y'all can scan the website, and not see me flashin' nuthin'!!!

Got the girls pictures done yesterday, then brought them home and a friend come over and all the girls played in the pool all afternoon. Hoping the pictures are ok, I wasn't thrilled, but hoping for the best.

Today I will be bucking some bales. We have the back field ready to be put into the barn, before it gets rained on. It threatens rain each evening, but so far only threatened it since we got it baled. The front fields are cut and drying....which is the biggest area, so hoping it dries quickly and can get up tomorrow, so we can go this weekend wthout that hanging over our heads. With these 100+ degree days, it dries quickly! Hoping the conveyor belt makes it, this cut has to go up^ in the barn. We are stacked as high as we can throw it, and are loaded, so nowhere to go but up. If the belt gives out (which is always a possibility on a cheapo operation like this one!!!!) then the real work begins. As it is now each bales gets "handled" at least twice, as it is loaded on the trailer, then again going into the barn. If you have to physically take it up, it is several levels of lifting. Guess either way I will be getting my exercise the next couple of days. Tomorrow afternoon the son wants us to go to the lake with him. He has a new boat. I may beg off if we hay in the morning. I get tired, and the heat only makes it worse!!

Hope everyone has a great day!!!!


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Good morning!

I got the same email from Beanie...so she's out there, but sounds like she's looking for a job and otherwise occupied. At least she is well and knows we are thinking of her. I'm sure that means a lot to her.

Kat, I do not envy you your day. That is grueling labor, and coming from farming "stock", I have some little bit of knowledge of that life. It has great rewards, and great work! Good luck, and take care of yourself in that heat!

Betty, I'm glad you can use your pool again, and the weather is perfect for it. Can you believe we have not had a 100 degree day yet?

Mandy, thanks for getting us started in contacting Beanie. Your wait is getting shorter and shorter, and I know you are glad for that!

Well, girls, yesterday was a difficult day for us here. Years ago, when my aunt passed away, we took her Airedale to take care of her. We promised her we would. She did not have children, and my uncle had passed away several years before. As you can probably guess, yesterday we had to follow through with the most difficult decision there is in loving a pet, and took dear Annie to our vet to have her put to sleep. She was almost 12 years old, and had heart problems and severe hip dysplasia, which we were treating. However, she became incontinent, and the vet explained that it was a pain response, and the loss of bowel control indicated nerve damage. It was time. I told Annie she was good girl and we loved her, and to go find Patty (my aunt). I know they are together now, and while we miss her, she is happy to be with her true mistress. We know we did the right thing, but we miss Annie's grumping around, and our other two dogs are looking for her. I think they kinda know, though. It made for a sad day, but a pet's love is worth it, I think.

Today my sister is coming over for "tea" made by my DD. This ought to be fun, and we could use a little distraction. She is making little finger sandwiches, and having salad and brownies. She made the brownies yesterday. That girl loves to cook, and it's fun to teach her!

I guess that is all for now...everyone stay cool, and drink plenty of water!



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Kat, sounds like hard work. But there is fun ahead this weekend. Be careful don't get too overheated, and stay hydrated.

Cindy, sorry about Annie, this is always hard. I know we still greive losing our Hobbes kitty last Oct. Abi was just talking about him yesterday. She has a black stuffed kitty and it's name is Hobbes, she sleeps with him every night. It gets easier but you never forget. (((hugs))) The tea sounds like fun, and just was the dr ordered to keep Haven's mind off things.

Betty, we have a pool in our association, right at the end of our block, that we never use. Maybe we will go down there one day. Abi doesn't know how to swim, and the bigger kids play a bit too rough for my comfort. I didn't know you hurt your foot, is everything ok?

I emailed beanie and she sent me the response that I posted above. I miss her, but it sounds like she has her plate full with looking for a job and school. I'm sure she will be back as soon as she can.

Today I am getting Abi's school/winter clothes on hangers so I don't have to after surgery. My DH is lowering the rod in her closet and we are installing shelves in the top half so we can put her shoes and stuff away. She will have a shelf for her school stuff, and the very top shelf will be for her comforter and extra blankets.


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Mandy, Abi's closet sounds great! You really are thinking ahead, and I know you have to!

Yes, we had a nice "tea", and everything was delicious! All things considered, it has been a very nice day.

Hope the same is true for all!



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Well I had very little to do today when it come right down to it, it was one of the smaller fields, and my son, bless his heart got most of it done last night when he got off of work---I knew he was my very favorite son for a reason!!!!

I managed to get laundry done today even!!!

I hate the thought of putting winter clothes out already!!! Of course I have another minimally 8 weeks of heat---we broke 100 again today. We put shelves in the girls closets not long ago. We did the 2 rods, and shelves top to bottom on the other side. This allows my DD to hang some of the clothes she would prefer not to be worn daily on the top! My soon to be granddaughter who is 6, would wear fancy dresses every day if allowed! And although it was over 100, she would show up in Christmas velvet!!! I bought both girls weekly organizers for Christmas, they are canvas shelves that hang from the rod, and have the days of the week wrote on them. And a bottom area for shoes. When Amanda does laundry she "dresses" them for the week ahead. She puts an outfit, undies, hair ties, socks....whatever they need for that day, in the shleves, and if they get dressed themselves, then they always match, and if they dilly dally, she can toss it in a bag, and knows when they get here they will have all they need to get dressed. She said it saves her sanity in the mornings!

I need something done to MY closets. I got one of those "learn about me" kind of emails, and it ask what was on the floor of your closet---I could have filled a page...depending on which closet!!

Ok we are going for a ride......be back later!

Yep Betty we know nothing about your foot....do tell!

Cindy I am sooooo sorry about Annie....right or wrong, it still hurts. I find myself still looking through the flowers for Bailey! He used to lay in my daylillies, in the cool, and it hid him. So when I watered I was careful not to startle him, or drench him....and I still look out of habit. Will say a prayer for comfort for your family, and I know she is with her Mama again, glad that gives you comfort too! I was thinking my Grandpa was taking care of Bailey now!

Rick had to climb in our ditch night before last and rescue a dog. A yellow Lab, got in the ditch---and was headed for a culvert and freaked out. She got loose from someone, was wearing a harness, and leash. She had her front feet all tied up in the leash, and her hind quarters mired in the mud. She growled, but it was in fear, he took a chance, and she was sooooo happy to get out of the water---we have no idea how long she had been there, she was cold, and the Water was up to her neck! We told animal control not to put her down if she wasn't claimed we would take her. No word yet.

Ok our riding buddies are here---bbl


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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