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Impatient hombre wanting to borrow some of your wisdom.

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Howdy folks. I hope you are all doing well.

I will officially join your ranks in a few months when I have my bypass.

Until then I'm trying to get ready as much as I can.

I didn't want to intrude into anyone's thread so I figured I'd ask here and hope people joined in.

I've been warned not to stock up too much on powders, bars and such as things may taste different later. I'll just have a variety of stuff here but not big quantities of anything. Some Chike Protein, Oikos Triple Greek Yogurt and Quest bars for starters. We always have chicken breast and tuna on hand. Anything else that you recommend having around those first several weeks?

I'm concerned about comments concerning difficulty drinking the required amounts of Water. I've always just gulped down what I needed.....when convenient. I suppose now I need to get used to having a water bottle close by all day long for sipping.

Kinda freaked about this because I enjoy drinking water and maintaining that good well-hydrated feeling.

I'm planning on taking two weeks off work for the surgery. Interested to hear what your experience was on time off and how you did going back.

I can minimize or maximize the amount of walking I do on the job.

I already keep packs of tuna, powder & shaker bottles, sugar-free drink mix and quest bars in my desk.

I only have a couple meeting-lunches at work each month. I'll deal with those as they arise. No control over the menu. I can always just say I've already eaten and sit there sipping my water.

Clothes? Did you already have clothes ready for the shrinking new you?

I have some smaller sized stuff that will most likely see me through until surgery, but then it's going to be hard to gauge what to do.

What has your level of exercise been post-op compared to the months before?

What's been the biggest surprise to you after having the surgery?

What do you wish you'd done differently in the months leading up to it?

I've got a ton of random questions. Hope you don't mind chiming in.

Thank you !!!

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Some nice questions, hope so,ex answers come in for you so I can avoid asking them myself. I'm nearing 10 days away now when the clock strikes midnight here - I'm finding myself sitting with my thoughts more and more as the date approaches.

I haven't stocked anything, do have a couple containers of Syntrax nectar Protein mix but I've been enjoying that for weeks now.

My big concern is keeping the Jello and Popsicles stocked post op because my 5 and 8 year old will be loving that those items are there too.

Also careful with those bars - lots of sugar in them normally (but if ya found a carb free brand let me know - big reason I love Syntrax is ZERO carbs and sugars)

Talk anytime, I'm running on anxiety fear and nerves so trying to keep busy.

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Here ya go,Jdc,

Best tasting & lowest sugar amount bars I've ever had:


Take a close look at their nutritional labels. Unbelievable.

Great products.

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Those first few days I just ate because I thought I was suppose to. I had low fat yogurt and a cup would last me 3 servings, I couldn't drink milk preop so I just kept unsweetened almond on hand to Water down pudding and yogurt. chicken broth was good but very small amounts like 2oz was more than a meal, Protein shakes were good but even those I watered down with almond milk. I love Quest bars, my favorite is Peanut Butter and jelly. At first you may not be able to eat them. I am 3 months post op and just recently started eating regularly. You'll find people really don't care if you eat or not. At first it was awkward for me, but really people don't care. If they order in sandwiches eat the filling. I just eat what I can when I can.

I was home for a week, second week was rough, but I managed. I was very tired. I'm not sure I would have been able to take a full 2nd week off because I started getting antsy sitting around the house. I was wandering outside walking to the corner and back which is only like 3 lots. The more walking I did and still do the better I feel. When they let you walk, walk.

I was given some clothes, I had a few different sizes and I just bought clothes is smaller than I had for the first time.

I wish I had more time to exercise, but my level of motion has increased so much. I use to not be able to put my socks on with out struggling. Now I can do it standing up. I'm about to join a new gym, I'm hoping to shed more weight through exercise.

I think the biggest surprise is my ever changing body. I have been this size before but I don't remember feeling like I do. I feel amazing.

Good luck to you!! I hope my answers have helped. I wish j would have done this 5 years ago!!

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Thank you, TXMISSY.

I believe that I'll wind up sharing that same regret.....not doing this much sooner.

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Howdy folks. I hope you are all doing well.

I will officially join your ranks in a few months when I have my bypass.

Until then I'm trying to get ready as much as I can.

I didn't want to intrude into anyone's thread so I figured I'd ask here and hope people joined in.

I've been warned not to stock up too much on powders, bars and such as things may taste different later. I'll just have a variety of stuff here but not big quantities of anything. Some Chike Protein, Oikos Triple Greek Yogurt and Quest bars for starters. We always have chicken breast and tuna on hand. Anything else that you recommend having around those first several weeks?

I'm concerned about comments concerning difficulty drinking the required amounts of Water. I've always just gulped down what I needed.....when convenient. I suppose now I need to get used to having a Water bottle close by all day long for sipping.

Kinda freaked about this because I enjoy drinking water and maintaining that good well-hydrated feeling.

I'm planning on taking two weeks off work for the surgery. Interested to hear what your experience was on time off and how you did going back.

I can minimize or maximize the amount of walking I do on the job.

I already keep packs of tuna, powder & shaker bottles, sugar-free drink mix and Quest bars in my desk.

I only have a couple meeting-lunches at work each month. I'll deal with those as they arise. No control over the menu. I can always just say I've already eaten and sit there sipping my water.

Clothes? Did you already have clothes ready for the shrinking new you?

I have some smaller sized stuff that will most likely see me through until surgery, but then it's going to be hard to gauge what to do.

What has your level of exercise been post-op compared to the months before?

What's been the biggest surprise to you after having the surgery?

What do you wish you'd done differently in the months leading up to it?

I've got a ton of random questions. Hope you don't mind chiming in.

Thank you !!!

I had that experience if not liking a Protein Powder after surgery that I like before. I couldn't even tolerate the smell of it. I like sugar free Jello during the clear liquid stage. And for Soup, I went to au bon pain and they sold be just broth... Much tastier than canned broth. I stored/froze them in small 4oz container and microwaved one when time to eat. The unflavored Protein Powder the hospital gave me was my best friend initially, made it easy to add to stuff. Some folks like crystal light, I never cared for it.

Drinking slow wasn't an issue for me because I feared throwing up. Using the little medicine cups to drink from also forced you to sip. I never got incredibly dehydratedto need iv Fluid, but my pee did look orange some days.

I planned for two weeks off of work, needed 3.

The clothes thing was most surprising to me. First, I realized how tight what I was wearing must have been, so they just started fitting better. I had clothes ranging from 26-20, so no *need* to shop yet, except for under garments. But of course I have shopped:-), but not a lot. I buy something, tag it with the date and weight I was when I bought out and try it on again in 3 weeks, if it's lose it goes back.

Biggest surprise... How much my mindset changed. Last night I went out with the family. They ordered a large pizza with topping and onion rings. I watched them eat, not the least but phased by the fact that I couldn't have any. No longing for it, just feeding that this is how my life is now. Then I wanted ice cream-- but after reading label in the market for 20 minutes... I decided it wasn't worth it and bought sugar free Jello.

I would not change anything I did leading up to surgery.

Exercise... Pre op it was almost nothing... My goal was to make 6,000 steps a day--with no real plan-- that's it. Post-op I'm not doing anything crazy... Couch to 5k, and twice a week circuit training. My steps still don't always make it to 6k, but I'm happy with what I'm doing right now and it seems livable for me.

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Yes, don't stock up too much. I have unused Protein powders and drinks that I probably won't use. My plan does not want us to continue to drink calories (protein drinks/shakes) after week 4. For energy, I was surprised at how tired I was and how little energy I had for the first 3 weeks. Getting the Water in was difficult for the first two weeks for me only because of the learning curve and being afraid to drink too much. Once you figure out how much you can sip at once, it becomes much easier. I have 5 Water bottles that have ounces labeled on the side which is helpful in knowing how much I have to go or have finished so far. As for clothes, I am close to needing smaller sizes. I have already donated or taken to consignment clothes that just don't work anymore. I plan on going to consignment/thrift shops to see if I can find cheap but nice things to get me through. I may buy a few new items for work clothes if I can find them on a super sale somewhere. I will continue taking to consignment, hoping to make a few bucks to put back into the clothing fund.

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@@dhrguru Thank you. You're experience really helps. The fact that you are going from not much exercise on to couch-to-5k post op is hugely inspiring.

Great story about the family pizza night and then going on to read labels and apply discipline. I've been finding myself doing much more of this since my first appointment with my nutritionist. Having the daily calorie budget keeps me focused on how I "spend" it on every meal & snack. Whats' really funny to me....is that after tracking everything consumed on myfitnesspal for the past two weeks.....I looked at the monthly charts. While I've stayed below goal (on average) on calories......the sodium amount is really high. Gotta work on that aspect......especially if I won't be slugging back 30oz cups of ice Water on a whim. :)

I kept most of the clothes that I bought from when I dropped a large chunk of weight on Atkins a few years ago. Gained most of it back now.....but it will be nice to break out those clothes again as I work my way back down to the weight this bypass surgery, eating plan and exercise takes me to. I'd gone from wearing 6X to 3X shirts. It's even started buying some 2X shirts.

My efforts thus far have me back wearing 5X and some 4X now.

@@red37 Thanks

I'm really looking forward to the $$$$$ savings, too.

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I had a hard time the first couple of weeks and I ended up taking 3 weeks off and then only working part time the 4th week.

One of the bigger things for me the first few weeks was my sense of smell was extremely heightened.

I was also pretty dehydrated for the first month or so. Still have to keep an eye out for it because it can be hard sometimes because you can't just gulp down a bottle of Water anymore.

I'm having a tough time clothes wise. I don't want to purchase anything new yet but I'm now at the point that my jeans and shorts will barely stay up even with a belt. So I'm going to have to do it.

My surgery was April 29th and I've lost 60+ pounds so far. And I've down 3 or 4 pant sizes.

Hah I probably shouldn't have replied this late because I'm just rambling on and probably not too helpful.

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My job does not have a light duty option, so my doctor didn't release me back to work for 6 weeks. I was okay when I got back, but it did take awhile to get back into the routines at work. I had lost about 30lbs by the time I went back so I had to buy new pants. I still wear the same tops though, because I'm cheap and don't want to buy new clothes till me weight loss stablizes. I love Water so not being able to gulp it down did take some getting use to. I haven't had a protien shake in months, because sipping protien shakes takes forever and they get gross after awhile...that and my stomach doen't like cold liquids too much anymore. I still can eat popsickles and ice cream (low carb, sugar-free of course) though go figure. I did have a problem staying hydrated at first, but it's gotten better with time. I also bought a few shirts and jeans at the local thrift store while I'm losing weight so quickly. I'm not spend a lot of money on clothes that won't fit next month weither I can afford it or not, but that's just me. There are these broths that are protien infused called protiwise that are pretty good. When you start eating solids remeber to eat slow and chew your food until it's the consistancy of baby food. The amount of food I can eat still surprises me. 2 or 3 bites and I'm full and if I eat that 4th bite I lose it all so I just stop. I don't have a problem eating at work or infront of people. Most people don't pay attention to what you eat cause they are busy eating their food. Just becareful, people may not notice you picking at your food to get to the meat, but they do notice when you bolt out of your seat and jet to the bathroom to throw up cause you ate too fast or too much. I know everyone is kind of all about the weight loss because I mean really that's why we're here, but don't weigh yourself everyday. Try maybe every two weeks or once a week at most...and try and weigh yourself on the same day of the week at the same time of day. Your weight fluctuates throughout the day so maintaning the same day of the week and time of day will give you the most accurate record of weight loss. Another surprising thing for me was still being tired all the time. Exercize helps, but give your body time to adjust to the new way it has to burn fuel. Be patient with yourself and be open an honest with your doctors. If your having a problem they need to know about it otherwise they can't help you. This has not been any easy fix for me but it has fixed a number of health problems I was having. It was by far the best decision I've ever made. I'm glad I had my bypass, and for the first time in a long time I can finally enjoy my life without so much pain and discomfort. I hope all goes well with your surgery. If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask.

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Howdy folks. I hope you are all doing well.

I will officially join your ranks in a few months when I have my bypass.

Until then I'm trying to get ready as much as I can.

I didn't want to intrude into anyone's thread so I figured I'd ask here and hope people joined in.

I've been warned not to stock up too much on powders, bars and such as things may taste different later. I'll just have a variety of stuff here but not big quantities of anything. Some Chike Protein, Oikos Triple Greek Yogurt and Quest bars for starters. We always have chicken breast and tuna on hand. Anything else that you recommend having around those first several weeks?

I'm concerned about comments concerning difficulty drinking the required amounts of Water. I've always just gulped down what I needed.....when convenient. I suppose now I need to get used to having a water bottle close by all day long for sipping.

Kinda freaked about this because I enjoy drinking Water and maintaining that good well-hydrated feeling.

I'm planning on taking two weeks off work for the surgery. Interested to hear what your experience was on time off and how you did going back.

I can minimize or maximize the amount of walking I do on the job.

I already keep packs of tuna, powder & shaker bottles, sugar-free drink mix and Quest bars in my desk.

I only have a couple meeting-lunches at work each month. I'll deal with those as they arise. No control over the menu. I can always just say I've already eaten and sit there sipping my water.

Clothes? Did you already have clothes ready for the shrinking new you?

I have some smaller sized stuff that will most likely see me through until surgery, but then it's going to be hard to gauge what to do.

What has your level of exercise been post-op compared to the months before?

What's been the biggest surprise to you after having the surgery?

What do you wish you'd done differently in the months leading up to it?

I've got a ton of random questions. Hope you don't mind chiming in.

Thank you !!!

I had that experience if not liking a Protein Powder after surgery that I like before. I couldn't even tolerate the smell of it. I like sugar free Jello during the clear liquid stage. And for Soup, I went to au bon pain and they sold be just broth... Much tastier than canned broth. I stored/froze them in small 4oz container and microwaved one when time to eat. The unflavored Protein Powder the hospital gave me was my best friend initially, made it easy to add to stuff. Some folks like crystal light, I never cared for it.

Drinking slow wasn't an issue for me because I feared throwing up. Using the little medicine cups to drink from also forced you to sip. I never got incredibly dehydratedto need iv Fluid, but my pee did look orange some days.

I planned for two weeks off of work, needed 3.

The clothes thing was most surprising to me. First, I realized how tight what I was wearing must have been, so they just started fitting better. I had clothes ranging from 26-20, so no *need* to shop yet, except for under garments. But of course I have shopped:-), but not a lot. I buy something, tag it with the date and weight I was when I bought out and try it on again in 3 weeks, if it's lose it goes back.

Biggest surprise... How much my mindset changed. Last night I went out with the family. They ordered a large pizza with topping and onion rings. I watched them eat, not the least but phased by the fact that I couldn't have any. No longing for it, just feeding that this is how my life is now. Then I wanted ice cream-- but after reading label in the market for 20 minutes... I decided it wasn't worth it and bought sugar free Jello.

I would not change anything I did leading up to surgery.

Exercise... Pre op it was almost nothing... My goal was to make 6,000 steps a day--with no real plan-- that's it. Post-op I'm not doing anything crazy... Couch to 5k, and twice a week circuit training. My steps still don't always make it to 6k, but I'm happy with what I'm doing right now and it seems livable for me.

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Hey, I am just under 2 weeks post op. My experience has been very smooth. I thought Id give your questions a whirl..\

Recommended food/shakes/supplies for first few weeks?

Powedered Peanut Butter has been my savior. PBFit is the most widely recognized brand, BUT the Vitamin store I went to had other brands. My go to Protein shake has been 100% Soy Protein Unflavored (VitaminShoppe brand) 1 tbs protein powder, 1/2 unsweetened cocoa powder, 2 packets of stevia, 8oz Water.

I originally bought nectar whey Protein powders. I began having severe dry mouth, thirst, mucus, etc. from the whey. I stopped and switched over to soy and the problem cleared up.

As far as food- refried Beans, hummus, eggs/cottage cheese, mashed potatoes.... these became my staples and favorites. My post-op plan for these two weeks was 6 teaspoons of pureed food per meal. The aforementioned were more substantial than cream Soup or pudding. You will get creative though, you'll find what works for you by blending things together that you never thought you would.

Get a nutribullet or something in the same vain. It helps with shakes and pureeing your own food. I use mine like... 5 times a day.

Water? Water was tough. I went from chugging my glasses of water to learning how to sip. Always have a water bottle and listen to your body.

Time off? I was up and walking the moment I got to my hospital room. It would have been sooner if the nurses in recovery would have let me. It was hard. There was some pain... mostly related to a drainage tube... but as soon as that was out... my pain was at a 2 or 3. The time is really to adjust to a new schedule of eating and drinking and Vitamins...I constantly feel like I am putting something in my mouth...it is hard to plan around...also to recover from anesthesia. Take a week for sure. Two if you can... but know that the two weeks won't be physical recovery, rather mentally resetting

Clothes? Did you already have clothes ready for the shrinking new you? I haven't boughten any new clothes. I have a couple pairs of pants that I grew out of... I plan on kind of just looking like a bum and buying cheap and stretchy as I go.

What has your level of exercise been post-op compared to the months before? Prior to surgery, I joined a gym for a couple months. I was never a gym person, but have always been athletic despite my size. I fell in love with the gym. Right now, I am walking about 2-3 miles a day and have been since day 3 home from the hospital (depending on the heat). I don't know that that is normal or recommended. I am itching to start actually exercising. I wanna jog or lift, but I know I have to be patient and it is killing me.

What's been the biggest surprise to you after having the surgery? How smooth and easy the recovery has been. I don't know that that is normal.... but I went into the surgery with the attitude that I wanted to do the work. I wanted to walk as soon as possible. I wanted to drive as soon as possible. I wanted to return to my hobbies as soon as possible. I think those goals along with a strong awareness of my body have served me well these first few weeks.

What do you wish you'd done differently in the months leading up to it? I think I wish I would have confronted my issues with food more. I didn't realize my connection to food was emotionally charged until I was faced with the reality of the surgery happening. Right now it isn't a problem, but I haven't been tested yet. I think that will be the hardest part of this process for me in general.

Good luck. You will do great!

Thank you !!!

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@@SlimTiff ,

Thank you so much for your insight. You have a great attitude towards this and will clearly get excellent results. It's evident.

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I agree with not buying too much before surgery. I tried a bunch of Protein shakes before and most of them I could not get down after.

It's kind of the same with clothes. I thought I'd go through sizes a lot faster than I did. You really don't know how stuff is going to fit your body afterwards, although I suspect this will be a lot easier for guys. I thought I'd have so many more choices I would be easy when I was a normal size, it's not.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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