angbutler0712 30 Posted July 9, 2015 Well, I've made it one week post op. It's been a very LONG week. My nut and dr initially told me that some people experience dumping with the sleeve and some do not. Last night I desided to mix it up and add a teaspoon of Peanut Butter to my chocolate peanut butter Protein Shake. OMG! After a few sips.. I wanted to die! The first wave was slight nausea, second wave I was in the bathroom doing all I could to hold back vomiting but had excessive pbs (im so nervous vomiting will ruin my brand new stomach)and the third wave, I was in bed curled up around my pillow with ungodly stomach cramps. I dont think I'll be having peanut butter again anytime soon. Anyone else out there with the sleeve experience dumping? After this episode im really nervous about progressing onto mushies in a week. Do any of you have a cutoff on how much sugar you allow your self per serving? Example, yogurt. I will be buying sugar free as much as possible, but still looking for some info on dumping with the sleeve. Thank you!!! Angela Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
imsoglad56 402 Posted July 9, 2015 I do experience dumping occasionally with the sleeve. I don't know exactly what the line is for me, as it's only happened a few times, though. For yogurt, I eat Dannon Light and Fit Greek yogurt. Some of the flavors are awesome and it's omly 7 grams of sugar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AvaFern 3,516 Posted July 9, 2015 I was one of the lucky people who ended up with a very temperamental sleeve. I used to have the reaction you described when I had sugar (Peanut Butter and chocolate were a no-go), but now I've learned that I can have a bite or two and I'm ok. I am also almost 2 years out. My stomach likes to barf, so anything with oil, milk, fats, eggs, or sometimes sugar, gets puked right back up instantly. I try to see it as a positive thing since I know that if I eat badly, I'm going to get sick. It's an excellent way to keep your diet in check if anything that tastes good makes you sick. It seems more likely though that your sleeve is just sensitive this early in the game. It is very possible that once your stomach is readjusted to food, you won't continue to have this problem. The first few weeks after surgery almost all food made me feel nauseous, but not barfy. I would lay in bed, my skin would get really hot and red, and my heart would beat fast. This stopped happening after a few months and now that part of the response to bad food only happens if for some reason I eat way to much sugar. A few bites of sugar and I just get hot, I don't get the need to lay down until I'm not dying kind of sick any more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites