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Disgusted... So I'll just vent!

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So, almost 1 month post op and still feel moments of regret. Regretful of the type of surgery I chose for myself. Every few days I get a flare up of swelling and pain in my port area. Hurts and just reminds me that I have an implanted device! It's just frustrating to deal with. I've been on puréed foods for 3 weeks. Only lost 4 pounds. There's more frustration.

I keep telling myself that I made the decision to have the band instead of the sleeve because of the long term unknowns.... Because I thought it would be better for me when it was time to get pregnant.

I allowed my family to talk me out of the sleeve and get the band. When I said I was having the sleeve, I was getting no support. Once I was influenced by the idea of the band, I began to have a support system. All my life I've done for others. Even the decision I make for myself are for others! So frustrating and depressing. Lying in bed with an ice pack over my belly, tears in my eyes and thankful for this forum to have an outlet.

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I'm so sorry that you are feeling this way. I wish I had something to say that would make you feel better. Just remember, it's early in the game. In reality, if you have problems with your port, talk to your surgeon. Tell him your regrets. If your regrets increase or worsen, set a goal for yourself to make the most of it and your diet changes while saving for a revision. Everything gets cheaper as time passes. If your body is reacting negatively to the port then tell the doctor. I'm sorry you had little support from family. To be honest, I told a lot of people I was having surgery, with the exception of several family members. Our families aren't always our best supporters. Much love and prayers for you!

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I am so sorry you feel that way and it is very disappointing to only see little results. Time will make it better. The positive is def. that you can get pregnant and get the nutrition you will need. Keep your chin up and things I am sure will get better! ????

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Thanks so much lovebugs. it really helps a lot knowing someone is there. I have to just accept the emotional roller coaster this is going to be. ????

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Hey there, how are you doing ? Hopefully better by now ? Your body is still healing from surgery, but I would talk to your Dr. about the port pain. Not sure why you're still sore there but you would probably feel alot better after you talked to him/her. 4 lbs in the first 3 weeks ! ? Great job ! That's about what I lost when I was banded, my Dr. said that was perfectly normal. (1-2 lbs a week, and sometimes you'll stall and not lose for a bit ) Sounds like you're doing great weight loss wise ! So, look on the bright side . You're getting healthier and stronger every day and that's more than you could say 6 weeks ago ! Hope all goes well for you , keep up the good work !!! You got this !!!!

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not many ppl lose a lot of wt. until they start getting fills. I would check with your doctor's office about your diet. you might be able to move to a regular diet by now. you maybe a bit more depressed because of the limited diet. believe me we all go through emotional roller coaster ride during the first months after being banded. it will be okay. but do call your doctor about getting on more of a solid type meals. my incision hurt more where the port is. icing it did help. check and make sure you have no redness, swelling, or warm feeling to the site. is your temperature staying normal? please try and remember that you had anesthesia and that medication could be the cause for your blues. you are healing give yourself a chance. I wish you well.

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Within the first few months after Lap Band Surgery, I was EXTREMLEY unhappy, frustrated, disillusioned and downright ANGRY!...you name it....after all the hype and preparation I was convinced I wasted my time and money, and this was just more weight loss hype.

30 days after surgery after coming off the post op diet, I started to gain weight! My hunger was as strong as ever.....When I expressed my displeasure to the people at the Bariatric surgical center, they started to lecture me and give me handouts about counting calories, weighing portions with a food scale, watching out for carbs, etc, etc....

That's all well and fine...but that is EXACTLY what I did with the countless diet programs I tried in the past, and failed at!

I DIDN'T need surgery to do all that again! I can't tell you how angry I was!!! It was all Hype just like all the promises everyone else claimed....

Fortunately, my Dr. took to the time, sat me down, and using the "Yellow-Green-Red" chart, explained to me the process....showed me what his goal was for me, getting me into the "Green" zone....explained it took time, a series of adjustments. And with each fill minor changes will happen where I will need to adjust to in ways of what and how I eat...

Those so called "Rules" will start to make sense and have practical application, so start learning them now.

My Dr. was aggressive with my fills, maybe because I was an unhappy customer, but the first fill was 4cc's, then 2 more after that 4 weeks apart.

So, 12 weeks after surgery, I had my final fill...and got into the Green Zone...it was not easy, and from what I have read here many people would have backed done sooner being concerned about stuck episodes ( I had numerous every day) saying they were too tight, when in reality, with me, it was not the band too tight, it was me learning to eat a whole new way and give up the old way. Learning to live within the Green Zone was very hard, and took another 6 months...I'm still learning little tricks here and there.

I can now say, THIS is the best thing I could have ever done...once I got through that adjustment phase, both for me and the band, I can say it is a Breeze! EASIEST thing I could do!!

I have lost ALL my excess weight and at a normal weight - body fat %....I have no hunger/cravings (that was my biggest problem) and most times don't even think about food or eating....

I go about my business day to day and don't think about my band that much anymore, and don't worry about loosing weight, or ever gaining it back!

Granted, that early learning phase was absolutely HELL.....but once I got through that, it has been absolutely HEAVEN!

I do not consider it a "Tool", but corrective surgery....change! It was not at first, but now it is the "Magic Bullet", a "Cure all"

It has been over 4-1/2 years, and I have not had a single problem....I did have a stage where I could not keep anything down, but like I said above ...it was a learning phase. Not the band's fault.

The band is adjustable, and everyone feels for themselves where they should be and how it should be...everyone with the Lap band has complete control of their future, success or not.

Many Dr.'s are not doing the Lap band as much as before, because of everything I said above....with other surgeries, there is no adjustments, etc...it just is....now start to learn to live with it!

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Wow. Everyone is just so kind. I appreciate your personal stories! I like what you said, with the band I can control it!

Had a rough night, I do have a doctor appointment today which I am glad about because I have all these quotation. Sometimes I have great days where I am not hungry, and I forget I even have the band.

My husband said I'm not losing weight because I am not walking. It's hard. It's hard to get out of the old habit of being lazy, and unmotivated. I am on depression medication. I've been for a few years so this hits me harder mentally. Friends tell me it's a pity party and I have to just go and do it.

I'm still in awe about the concerned responses. Thank you all again. ???? its the small things in life.

???? Crystal

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Hey there, hope you're doing better today ! Im glad you have a Dr.s appt today, tell him/her everything you told us so he can help you. I will say getting banded was the smartest and best thing I could of done for myself. But you definetly have to go through stages (foodwise) to be sucessful, but remember those stages are TEMPORARY ! NOT forever ! And yes , you must walk ! I have dealt with depression too, its.not. fun., and no its not a "pity party" , but walking did help me both mentally and with weight loss. With following the food rules ( not. hard, to.do.) and walking and swimming, (easy!) the weight started coming right off ! You.can. do. this ! Come back here for more support if needed, have a good day !!

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If you are having trouble motivating when it comes to exercise, try taking classes. They helped me tremendously because I enjoyed the social aspect of getting to meet the others in the class and it helped to make me feel an obligation to get to those classes. Especially when I started to make friends and they would ask if I was OK if I didn't get to a class. Guilt is a powerful motivator..lol. I take Water exercise classes by the way. Great way to move around with minimal discomfort as the Water keeps you buoyant.

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@@CeeTee13 your going to find lots of caring people here who are going through or have been through many of the trials and tribulations you are finding yourself going through. This is a great place to come for support and to just share your concerns and vent your feelings.

That said, I'm glad you went to see the Dr. how are you doing today? Did the Dr. share any insights with you?

The band was a good choice if your thinking about planing a family in the near future, I can tell you a very close friend of mine has had 2 gorgeous little ones since she's been banded :)

Any type of WLS is a bit of an emotional roller coaster as we are changing everything about ourselves, the beauty of the band I think is that as you work toward getting fills and finding that sweet spot/green zone you have the time to master all the little nuances of eating and making choices of what to eat.

The early stages of being banded can be challenging but this is the time to study and learn all those subtle changes that are required as you start getting fills. Practice eating in portion size, chew chew chewing before swallowing. Getting in that Water and not drinking with eating. Noticing where your hunger comes from..is it head hunger, boredom or is it real hunger and a need for fuel?

Starting up an exercise program, slow and steady. Just getting out to walk for a bit is a great way to start.

As for the port area...yeah mine took forever to heal and not be sensitive. I'm short and short waist-ed so I have hardly any torso to begin with, and the port just sits right where all my pants sit, the side of my desk at work hits and even my seat belt in the car! So it took me a good while before that area was feeling normal again and even today every now and again I bump that sucker or turn the wrong way and it always lets me know hey I'm here!!! BUT I look at is as a reminder of what I am doing for myself and a wake up call to take it a little slower and treat myself a little kinder in my race through the day.

Keep in touch with us and let us know what the Dr. had to say...and how your doing!

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Crystal - you wrote:

'My husband said I'm not losing weight because I am not walking. It's hard. It's hard to get out of the old habit of being lazy, and unmotivated. I am on depression medication. I've been for a few years so this hits me harder mentally. Friends tell me it's a pity party and I have to just go and do it'.

Oh girl I hear you! You feel stuck in your old habits of laziness (me, too!) and feeling depressed (me, too!)

I was the SAME AS YOU in terms of not losing much weight and not walking in the early weeks/months. Let me tell you - it gets BETTER. :-)

I am now 7 months banded, down almost 50 pounds and I have started walking and moving just ONE month ago because my knees FINALLY don't scream anymore, my lower back FINALLY doesn't ache constantly, I no longer have the nasty sensation of rolls of fat touching each other (eeew, I know!) on my back... and because of my overall diminished size, I have more energy, and actually feel MOTIVATED to move my body for the first time in a decade.

As the weather warmed up I started off with short walks in the neighbourhood. That's the way to get started. Do a 1km walk - take it slow... enjoy the scenery. Then build from there. You will feel happier with yourself as you lay down at night, knowing you did something active, however small.

Just a week ago I re-discovered our treadmill, which has, up to now, made me feel resentful and guilty every time I look at the thing. Completely out of the blue with no one else home, I found myself putting runners on and getting my iPod ready... then I walked at a relatively brisk pace - 4.2 kms (!) OKAY WHAT THE HELL was that?! I was SO PROUD of myself! I even posted a nasty, sweaty picture of myself on Facebook!

Yesterday it was 6.4 kms. Today.... who knows? I feel motivated and energized at the idea of walking and working up a good sweat. This is BRAND NEW for me.

All I know is this - as you eat less, the weight will start solidly coming off and you will want to move more. It's true what they say about exercise - its a mood booster. Yesterday I felt like I could conquer the PLANET after an hour and 6.4kms later! I flew through the rest of my day and was bouncy and cheerful.

Who knew?

I was banded in December 2014 and it's only been the last month I have felt like moving and walking. I have been gentle and forgiving with myself and realize that these past months have been a time of adjustment and change. Exercising needed to wait until mu body was ready. That's just me, Maybe it's you, too!

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Wow. Everyone is just so kind. I appreciate your personal stories! I like what you said, with the band I can control it!

Had a rough night, I do have a doctor appointment today which I am glad about because I have all these quotation. Sometimes I have great days where I am not hungry, and I forget I even have the band.

My husband said I'm not losing weight because I am not walking. It's hard. It's hard to get out of the old habit of being lazy, and unmotivated. I am on depression medication. I've been for a few years so this hits me harder mentally. Friends tell me it's a pity party and I have to just go and do it.

I'm still in awe about the concerned responses. Thank you all again. its the small things in life.


Crystal.... you can do it. Baby steps... baby steps. I started off walking down to the stop sign. then to the next... then i joined the Y and started doing Zumba... (now that was funny). But i stuck with it... and so can you. when the lbs come off more and more you will be encouraged to do more and more.... I will be the first to say i didn't have a supportive husband and still don't. He rathers me fat, this way i have not self confidence and he feels safer. the skinnier i got, the more confidence ... the less control he had the more he hated the weight loss.

but you can..... it's not Will Power.... It's Want Power...... I want to be healthy, i want to be more active, i want more confidence, i want to be able to cross my legs, i want to wear cute clothes.... i want to feel pretty and sexy...

Like i told someone earlier..... Get you some dry erase markers and write inspiring messages to your self on your bathroom mirror....

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I am so sorry you feel this way. No turning back now - make this work for you honey! You got this! You can do it!

If you decide down the road you want the sleeve, there's no stopping you - but I'm betting you're gonna rock that band!!!

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B-52’s post was just what I needed/wanted to hear, but I still have many questions and am unsure whether the band isn’t working or whether it is just part of the learning curve. I was banded June 16th and had my first fill 3 cc, about a week ago. I have been losing weight, but only because of strict dieting, something I know only lasts a limited amount of time. I may not be hungry a lot, but I am often looking for food and shoveling anything I can tolerate rapidly into my mouth. Can the band actually lessen this behavior, lessen the cravings and desires for food that are not strictly related to physical hunger?

Also, I don’t know if the restriction is working. I don’t know what being “full” is supposed to feel like. When I eat too fast I get terrible pain. Sometimes I don’t think I ate too fast but I get the pain anyway. Does the pain mean I ate past that full feeling. What is that full feeling.

I’m concerned because I can get pain after just a few bites. But if that means the restriction is adequate then it means the band won’t help at all with the cravings.

I am totally confused. Grateful for any help.

Thanks, CSG

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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