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Was my revision exp normal?

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Hi. I just had a revision from band to bypass this past Wednesday the 17th at a local hospital. My emotions were running high, as my Dad passed on the 10th, but running uber high because I was doing the bypass. I have two artificial knees, so I know a bit about major surgery and recovery.

My experience was THE most painful, dehumanizing, frustrating exp's I've ever, ever had.

I had done massive amounts of research for the RNY, and the revision exp. I saw here how so many of you had positive exp's. as well as the negative. But way more positive. I eventually came to the decision to have this surgery.

My surgeon and the clinic he runs within our hospital is extremely well run, trustworthy and knowledgeable, but the actual hospital area that aids in recovery was PROFOUNDLY inept and rude.

I'm home now, with a drainage bag in my side, doing everything by my surgeons book. My left ribcage feels like it was kicked by a mule and when not on pain meds (which is rare) I find breathing painful. I'm bloated like crazy, and am quite tired. I also have a short window off opportunity come pee time. I just can't hold it in till ready!

Can anyone tell me if this is a 'normal' bad experience? (I left SO much out!) Are these normal feelings? Physically. Remember, it was a revision, who, btw, the surgeon said was an excellent process and completion.

I just need feedback. Please?

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I don't know if that is normal or not honestly, but I just wanted to say I am so sorry you had such a bad experience. I did have some pain on my left side and I didn't have revision, just first time bypass. Hope it gets better for you soon!

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I had a revision as well, but my band was removed in December and my revision in April. Band removal was a breeze. RNY, not so much. I had HORRIBLE referred gas pain to my left shoulder and I also had a lot of belly pain. I don't do pain meds normally (I absolutely hate the way they make me feel) but I definitely did after bypass. It was a much harder surgery than any other I have had (band, hysterectomy, bladder sling, band removal...). I was also so extremely nauseous right after surgery they kept me an extra day. Well, that and I could not keep my oxygen level up. It sucked.

BUT--10 weeks later I feel amazing. Actually, I started to feel a whole lot better about a week post-op. You will start to feel better about surgery very soon. I am so, so sorry about you losing your dad. I have no words to help with that...

I am also sorry to hear that your hospital experience was less than stellar. You have the right to file a complaint if you want to. The hospital I worked for until just recently was really good about listening to patient complaints. It helps identify problem areas and improve on patient experience. It might make you feel better, too.

Do you have any Gas-X strips? They might help with the pain your you are having in your rib cage. I know that my pain meds didn't touch that gas pain.

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@@Sreeves, my surgeons "orders" and any other paper I've had to follow never mentioned gas-x. I bought some chewables before surgery because so many people on here used it or at least suggested it.

But I'm afraid to do anything that my Doc didn't mention. I.e. gas-x. Is it really safe to use?

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It is just simethicone, which is safe. It's the same thing used for colic in babies. It cuts through gas. :) Walking also helps, but I found it difficult when the gas pain was really bad. How are you feeling today? I hope better. That pain is definitely the worst!! :(

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Thanks for asking Sreeves, actually, my gas has changed. TMI alert.

Instead of gas, I'm getting 'rumbling' in my lower abdomen, resulting in a small, but noticeable, loose stool. How could I have stool when all I'm doing is drinking? I drink warm Decaf tea w lemon, beef or chicken broth, skim milk and SF Koolaid. Not in any order. But I'm scared I'll try to pass gas when it's actually something else.

I haven't taken the gas-x yet.

What's worse than the pain, is being scared a possible symptom means this and/or that and you worry, worry , worry. Like I am now. ????

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I had bypass on the 16th. My doctor was great, the techs in the hospital were great but my nurses were crap. This is coming from a nurse. I asked for an early dicharge and left the evening after surgery instead of staying 2 nights. I just couldn't take it anymore. I did encounter some helpful nurses who seemed to know what they were doing, but the nurses that were assigned to me clearly were not familiar with what they were doing. It was frustrating.

I started off with a very bloated belly and the other symptoms you describe. My first night at home was miserable. I am on day 5 now and the bloating/gas is much better but I have a lot of pain in my left side. I mean a lot. I still sleep pretty much sitting up and have needed at least one nap, if not 2 a day. It helps to hold a pillow on my incisions to support them as I change position, I get into bed knee first instead of butt first (if that makes sense) and I always have a bottle of Water with me. I'm sure it will get better, but this is definitely a low point!

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I had bypass on the 16th. My doctor was great, the techs in the hospital were great but my nurses were crap. This is coming from a nurse. I asked for an early dicharge and left the evening after surgery instead of staying 2 nights. I just couldn't take it anymore. I did encounter some helpful nurses who seemed to know what they were doing, but the nurses that were assigned to me clearly were not familiar with what they were doing. It was frustrating.

I started off with a very bloated belly and the other symptoms you describe. My first night at home was miserable. I am on day 5 now and the bloating/gas is much better but I have a lot of pain in my left side. I mean a lot. I still sleep pretty much sitting up and have needed at least one nap, if not 2 a day. It helps to hold a pillow on my incisions to support them as I change position, I get into bed knee first instead of butt first (if that makes sense) and I always have a bottle of Water with me. I'm sure it will get better, but this is definitely a low point!

It sounds like we had similar experiences. And you said you were a nurse, so you would know! I'm very soothed that you responded with your story though, I SO need to know of others" stories. It puts a 'family' spin on the experience. We have the same parents, the RNY. We had to stay in a hospital, we endured the pre-op together, now we're (and I'm talking about all of us) on the lifelong journey. I need bariatric brothers and sisters. We have support groups in the Western New York area that I'm looking into. Plus, I'm lucky enough to have bariatricpal! I hope you feel the unity too!

I don't understand the intensity of the pain on the left side. Mine gets bad and occassionally I'll take a breath and BAM, sharp pain! I also have a drainage bag sewn into my side, that's a whole 'nother demon. I'm sorry you're having troubles getting into bed, I try butt first but still end up stretching uncomfortably. This IS a low point, and some people have lower points than others, but we all hope it gets better. I'm so jealous of the people that seem to float through. Oh well.

rnwrny- please know I'm sending you positive energy, you will come out a winner! Peace...

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My surgery was June 8th. By 8 days out I felt as if I didn't have surgery but those first 5 days were pretty rough. The abdominal pain overall was bad, and it varied from the left to the right side depending on how I was sitting or laying. I didn't come home with the drain but I can say that a lot of my discomfort was relieved after it was removed.

I took Gas-X in the hospital, I chose to sneak it in past the hospital staff although I did ask the nurse if I could take it before I did. She told me NO since they claimed it might make me sick but when they left my room I took one with a few sips of Water and it helped a lot. Now that I'm past the pain, I really do feel like almost all of the pain I experienced post surgery was mostly gas related...VERY PAINFUL gas.

I hope you're feeling better soon.


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I had bypass on the 16th. My doctor was great, the techs in the hospital were great but my nurses were crap. This is coming from a nurse. I asked for an early dicharge and left the evening after surgery instead of staying 2 nights. I just couldn't take it anymore. I did encounter some helpful nurses who seemed to know what they were doing, but the nurses that were assigned to me clearly were not familiar with what they were doing. It was frustrating.

I started off with a very bloated belly and the other symptoms you describe. My first night at home was miserable. I am on day 5 now and the bloating/gas is much better but I have a lot of pain in my left side. I mean a lot. I still sleep pretty much sitting up and have needed at least one nap, if not 2 a day. It helps to hold a pillow on my incisions to support them as I change position, I get into bed knee first instead of butt first (if that makes sense) and I always have a bottle of Water with me. I'm sure it will get better, but this is definitely a low point!

It sounds like we had similar experiences. And you said you were a nurse, so you would know! I'm very soothed that you responded with your story though, I SO need to know of others" stories. It puts a 'family' spin on the experience. We have the same parents, the RNY. We had to stay in a hospital, we endured the pre-op together, now we're (and I'm talking about all of us) on the lifelong journey. I need bariatric brothers and sisters. We have support groups in the Western New York area that I'm looking into. Plus, I'm lucky enough to have bariatricpal! I hope you feel the unity too!

I don't understand the intensity of the pain on the left side. Mine gets bad and occassionally I'll take a breath and BAM, sharp pain! I also have a drainage bag sewn into my side, that's a whole 'nother demon. I'm sorry you're having troubles getting into bed, I try butt first but still end up stretching uncomfortably. This IS a low point, and some people have lower points than others, but we all hope it gets better. I'm so jealous of the people that seem to float through. Oh well.

rnwrny- please know I'm sending you positive energy, you will come out a winner! Peace...

My dr said the left side would hurt more because that's the side the put the stapler through. Yuck, fun visual. Keep taking slow deep breaths as you can, the pain will decrease and it helps prevent complications.

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I know what you mean about the worrying. If you feel that it is more pain than you should be having, I would contact your surgeon and ask him what he thinks you should do. I was given a huge binder full of pretty much everything I could expect from this surgery (as well as what to do and how to eat in each phase) and I kept it next to me on the couch for 6 weeks. I read through it regularly to make sure I was on track. My surgeon told me to expect a lot of pain but I blew him off. I don't usually have a lot of pain from surgery and I HATE pain meds, so I was caught off guard and questioned everything. I am glad your gas pain is changing. I had loose stools for about a minute and then....nothing. For many, many days. I got so constipated from those drugs it was crazy. I actually (TMI alert!) developed a fissure. Now THAT was excruciating!!! Miralax has been my constant companion since then, and even now I still get bound up. Hopefully your symptoms will clear up in a day or so and you won't end up going to the extreme opposite end of the spectrum like I did. Just remember to drink pretty much every time you are not "eating." I know it is all liquid at this point, but Water will help stave off Constipation after the loose stools end. I really do hope you start feeling better soon. You have been through a lot! Welcome to the other side, though. Soon this will all be behind you and you will be able to get on with getting healthy! :)

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Just to relieve any concerns about Gas X...it isn't really a drug in the true sense of the word, as its action is mechanical, not chemical (I.e. Doesn't need to be absorbed through the blood stream to work) Simethicone works by coalescing the gas bubbles, breaking them up, so they can dissipate. It is very safe. Obviously we should all be following our doctors orders so if someone's been told not to take it, there may be a reason! But I'm sure going to have some with me!

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I'm so sorry your hospital experience was not what you were expecting. I had a band to bypass revision on the 19th and I feel like we're going through a lot of the same stuff. Surgery took longer than normal because my band had become "part of me" and my doc had to really work to get the port out. That is where I have my drain. I'm most sore on my left side (that's where I was told the doc does most of his work. Other than that pain, the gas pain has been the worst. My back is killing me and it's so hard to get comfortable. I desperately want to lay on my side!

I am finding that every day I am feeling better though. All this pain is temporary and we'll get through it!

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@sarabeth82It dos seem like we have similar expereiences. Perhaps the "dual" surgery (taking band out and doing RNY) could be more painful than the average bears. But like you said, the pain is only temporary. I feel beter each day, though the icky stuff in the drainage bag doesn't seem to change color or much on the amount. That's kinda frustrating.

I'm going to my Fathers memorial tomorrow (today) and I'm nervous about people hugging me. I sit a lot due to mobility issues and use a rollator, so I could make sure my body language doesn't ask for hugs. But I also don't want to be rude. I'll figure it out. ;)

The pain and gross uncomfortableness will subside one day, I know it will for you too. ;) Then we'll have new eggs to fry....ha ha! :lol:

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Hi! I had band to RNY in March. I think what your feeling is pretty normal. This is a REALLY tough surgery. I have had many and this was the hardest recovery by far. Maybe with the exception of having my tonsils out in my 30's! That was a bad ride too! I know how craptastic you feel now but, I promise it's worth it! Having had such a downer of an experience with the band, its great to have this and actually see results! I would say the first three months are the worst. You'll feel much better in a few weeks but, month three seems to be the turn back to normal for most. I know it was for me. Also, yes, your GASTRO habits will be out of wack for a bit! The loose stools are super common. They really messed around with our intestines so, they need time to reset, but they do. Now, I eat and drink pretty much like a normal person. I don't have to overthink every food move anymore you know? you remember how it was getting used to the band, this is sort of the same but, no constant food being stuck or always regurgitating. It will feel more normal soon, I pinky swear! lol You just have to hang tough for a bit, it will calm way down very soon. I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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