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I am currently awaiting insurance approval for the past 3 weeks and I feel like I am on an everlasting "last supper". I usually am on a diet and try to eat kashi Cereal for Breakfast and a lean cuisine for lunch. However, now that I know I am going to have this surgery, I have been eating everything I know I won't be able to post surgery. Like I will stop at mcdonalds for breakfast, have chips with my lunch, and I have been drinking regular soda.

Is this normal? I feel like I am out of control, but that I have a right to be bc any day I will have to start my 2 week pre-op diet.

Any advice?

Thank you!


DFW, Dr. Marsden

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Wow! I just posted about the same problem. I am scheduled for July 26 and I can't stop eating - worse than my usual bad eating habits. I don't have any answers but I know how you feel and hopefully someone will give us some good advice. Good luck.

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Hey there,

The last supper thing is totally normal... but if I could do it all again, I'd have gone easier. I gained 5 "last supper" pounds... you know what - with an exception or two, I can eat everything I ate pre-band.

The extra eating made me feel more down about myself than anything... AND, i still had to lose those 5 pounds! :/

My advice - eat what you want... just don't feel the need to stuff it all in at once. But whatever you do - don't beat yourself up about it. You're going to do great!

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I only had a week between my surgery pre-op diet and when I scheduled....(self-pay of course).....but yes I basically ate all I wanted and more....can't say I regret it but boy was I bloated and ready for the liquid diet! Glad I didn't have longer than that!

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Hi Marty,

The only advise I can give you is you need to stop, You have to lose at least 5% of your weight before your surgery date. Because there is fat around your liver, and it will be harder for the surgery if that fat doesn't come off.

I was on the diet the doctor told me to follow seven days before my surgery, and I did folllow it and lost 11 pounds in seven days and I did Not cheat at all cause I knew surgery would be more complicated if that fat did not come off. So Please Marty do it for yourself. This is the diet, A slim fast optima in the morning, A slim fast optima for lunch, and a green salad for dinner with wishbone spritzer Salad Dressing, anything green on your salad, NO other color. All the Water you can drink all day, and diet drinks like teas and crystal light on the go in your water. It was hard but I did it and I know You can too. Do it for your own safety. If you have to have a soda pop drink a diet one.

Good Luck & God Bless You Josie

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I don't have last supper syndrome,I don't think, but the problem is I am always hungry! That's why I am getting the band, so I can stop eating. I don't want to eat, but when your stomach rumbles all the time, it's hard not to. Last night I woke up at like 3 am starving. I did not get up to eat ( I never did that, after I lay down it's hard to get me up again) but I dreamed of food...

What I have been doing, however, is to cut down some and make some better choices on what I do eat. Like no more sodas at all. I haven't had one in a long time and do not miss it all, Thank God! And I used to wake and starting drinking cokes right away.

Bottom line is, I think we all need this tool to help us change our lives. I really do believe it works. Hang in there!

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I agree last supper syndrome is completely normal. I definitely felt out of control pre-op. I had Mexican and a steak the 2 days before I started my 2 week pre-op diet. I also continued my McDonald's sausage McMuffin every morning for breakfast, right up to the last and even had one on my pre-op. Now that being said - try the best you can not to over indulge. Even with 2 weeks of liquids pre-op my liver was almost too large for the surgeon to get the band on. Thankfully I have an amazing surgeon and he was able to do it, but I got a lot of head shaking afterwords :-). I was hungry ALL the time also, my stomach constantly rumbling. Unfortunately that has pretty much continued with my band, but hopefully it will decrease once I am filled. I am just trying to make good food choices when I am hungry and to stop eating when I am full. I am happy to say I do have a full point, even before my plate is empty - very different than before. I am just learning to listen to it!

My surgeon did have one patient that he couldn't get the band on because of liver size - he closed him up and brought him back in 2 more weeks after a liquid diet. That is when he started making all his patients to the diet.

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I cant tell you how many last suppers I had, each one was really going to be the last, then there was one more that was really gonna be it LOL. Lets put it this way I had fun going through the drive thu's and having treats the only thing that bugs me is that when I met with the surgen I got weighed at 240 and surgery was scheduled for three weeks later. At the hospital I secretly weighed myself and I was 246. So at my post op appointment I was 234 so it looked like I had lost 6 lbs well it was really 12 lbs. I didnt admit that to my Dr though but I knew it. He does not believe in last suppers he believes in eating healthy and cutting down before not going on a marathon to see how much I could hold until the big day LOL Its perfectly normal what you are feeling and truthfully that will be it if you are totally commited when you get banded so dont feel guilty, you will never be able to do that again with your band. It will be a thing of the past. The only thing I regret is that my Dr doesnt belive it is 12 lbs but I do:)

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:)LOL... Sister, I'm in the same boat rowing right along with you.

I'm waiting for approval hoping to have surgery before my 31st bday at the end of August. I feel like I want to get in all the things I love and know I won't be able to have post band.

I am trying to use reason though so I don't gain anyweight. When I crave Mexican, I order the Fajitas, grilled and the veggies steamed. For pizza, I make my own on a whole wheat crust and use the Turkey Pepperoni and pile on all the veggies I have in my fridge.. even fruit too! We put Mango on our pizza the other night and it was actually YUMMY! It sounds nasty, but it was delicious!+

I offer you the only advice I know to give, don't completely deprive yourself, but find a way to make your splurge healthy!

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I have always been on a diet. I just knew Jenny Craig ( w.w., Atkins, etc) would save me from my chubby hell. I've been doing Jenny for three years...off....and on and off...and so on. I've successfully lost 20 pounds each time...then some vacation or stressful life-moment comes along and I'd be gaining it back...and then falling off the wagon completely and giving my frame more pounds to shed before an eventual "Monday" would find me back at the Jenny Craig center weighing in another "record high!"

I had had enough. A friend told me she was banded recently and she told me of her success. I started doing research. I asked my husband to help me research having Insurance pay. We researched for two months and they would not pay. Once we came to the conclusion to self-pay, I made an appointment to get the pre-op appointments over with. Thankfully they were to be done in one day....but that day was two weeks away!

For those two months and two weeks, I had many last suppers. My husband and I love to go out to eat so he was sweetly concerned that I wouldn't be able to ever have such'n'such again. I was anxious about my last supper syndrome ( I even posted here wondering if I was 'normal' too!) and that anxiety seemed to exacerbate it. I was so thankful to get on my pre-op diet. It was like a freedom that my doctor gave me to finally pull in the reins.

To do it all over again? Hell, I'd love to say I would start my diet sooner, or try to 'watch' it until my banding date...but I bet I wouldn't do it... I'm a pro-dieter after this many years and the rules strictly state that in order to have a "monday" in which to start said diet, then there must be a Sunday night of "preparing" with the ceremonial last supper...If said Sunday preparation lapses past 11:59, it is considered Monday. Therefore, we must take all week and prepare better for next Monday when diet officially starts. hehe

Let me tell ya...those two weeks before I started my pre-op diet were a lot of 'lasts.' Beer, Movie popcorn, Beer, soda, Champagne, thai food, Beer, sushi. In those two months and those anxious two weeks, I'm sure I put on 20 pounds. I shed the necessary 10 for the two week pre-op diet ( minimul cheating!) and am coming down now still on the two week post op liquid diet ( btw, not as bad as I thought it would be!).

So, the lesson? I wouldn't have those 20 "extra" pounds to shed if I would have pulled the reigns in on myself. Very logical.

Did I read this from other banders during my research process? yes.

Could I have figured this out on my own? yes.

Did it change anything? evidently not silly pants!

2 week pre-op diet, 2 week post op liquid diet, 2 week mushie diet, 2 week trial banded-but unrestricted diet, 1st fill...end of last diet I will ever be on. The rest is regulated portion sizes and I think it's going to work for me. I'm not bitter for those last suppers, I'm more excited about not thinking food is such a big deal anymore. If anything will do that, it's a pre-op diet followed by a couple of weeks of liquids!

OK, this post was MUCH bigger than I meant it to be. I musta had last 'comment' syndrome! ha! wow...must be late too...it's all these liquids too...making my mind "mushie" ha ha ha....gawd..I need help!

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Hi Martie,

I think everyone has a bit of a last supper. Try to make it less than 3 meals a day. Maybe make it 2 dinners the week before.

I was banded by Dr. Marsden as well. :)

Good luck - you can do it!

Hi Marty,

The only advise I can give you is you need to stop, You have to lose at least 5% of your weight before your surgery date.

Josie - every surgeon is different. not all of them require 5% WL.

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Originally Posted by josieinmurrieta viewpost.gif

Hi Marty,

The only advise I can give you is you need to stop, You have to lose at least 5% of your weight before your surgery date... This is the diet... If you have to have a soda pop drink a diet one.

Good Luck & God Bless You Josie

Josie, I know you are trying to be helpful, but please don't give advice from your doc like it is something everyone (who is not his/her patient) should follow. Not every doc requires you to lose 5% of your weight. Sometimes weight loss requirements are driven by insurance companies, not doctors (my insurance required a loss of 5 % of my EXCESS weight). Percentages of loss also can be quite different if you talk about it in terms of EXCESS weight or TOTAL weight. Every surgeon is different and I reiterate the need for each person here to follow their own surgeon's advice.

Josie, your pre-op diet would have had my surgeon's head spinning. My surgeon required a totally liquid pre-op diet and for different BMI's it was of varying lengths. He also required I order the kit from their supplier (not use Slim Fast-BTW, the Optima isn't as good for you as the Carb Control-the CC has more protein).

I would, however, advise most folks to try to cut out sodas pre-op because very few docs will allow carbonation post-op, and the ones that do, usually have you wait for a while until you are healed.

There is also a lot of controversy around pre-op diets and the efficacy of them on liver shrinkage, but I won't get into that here, it's a discussion for a patient and a doctor to have.

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I did the same thing before my surgery, I kept telling myself I had to eat all my favorite things before the pre-op diet, because I wouldn't be able to eat again. Thats not true, I had my Band placed on 4/23/07. First 4 wks. I ate soft, liquid, puree, then I started introducing my self back to solids, Now I find that I can eat just about anything, with the exception of bread, rice and doughy things, I eat a smaller portion, I chew my food alot more, (because I have gotten food stuck) thats kinda scary. Eventually you will be able to enjoy the foods you love, you'll just enjoy less of them. Don't get me wrong I don't eat junk food daily. I do eat better, I watch whats going in my mouth and I don't deprive my self 24/7. I could never keep up with this, if I did. My weight loss has not been that steady, I lost 14lbs before surgery and 16lbs since the surgery. total of 30lbs. I Have lots to loose, I started out at 341, now 311, I don't know about you, but I can tell when I'm loosing and when I'm not. My first adjustment, I had gained 1lb. so doctor said no more Protein Shakes, 2nd adjustment I remained the same. So Its been awhile since I've taken some weight off. That concerns me. Hopefully with a 3rd adjustment due in July, I will do better. I'm hoping for some loss by my appt. I get to comfortable at times....if you know what I mean. I've started riding my bike after dinner with my girls.

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Hey there,

The last supper thing is totally normal... but if I could do it all again, I'd have gone easier. I gained 5 "last supper" pounds... you know what - with an exception or two, I can eat everything I ate pre-band.

The extra eating made me feel more down about myself than anything... AND, i still had to lose those 5 pounds! :/

My advice - eat what you want... just don't feel the need to stuff it all in at once. But whatever you do - don't beat yourself up about it. You're going to do great!

HI have band date for NOv 1st - really excited but worried about liquid diet two weeks pre op - what did you do ? thanks


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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